Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: https://pnojoumal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-03/ Дата публикации: 30.06.2022 УДК 159.9.07
О. С. Рыжова, В. С. Рыжова
Взаимосвязь профессионального и личностного самоопределения обучающихся старших классов
Введение. Многие международные организации все больше поднимают вопрос о разработке государственных программ профессиональной ориентации. Проводится интенсивное изучение рынка труда, его изменения и эволюции потребностей в профессиональных навыках. Важным аспектом стала возможность выбора профессии в соответствии со способностями, интересами не только каждого, но и с учетом потребностей общества. Теперь не обязательно следовать принципам доходности или престижности профессии. Появилась возможность выбрать себе работу по душе. Наиболее значимой группой населения в этом сфере являются школьники, которые только начинают свой карьерный путь. Поэтому возникает закономерный вопрос об особенностях профессионального и личностного самосознания обучающихся
Целью исследования стало изучение взаимосвязи развития профессионального и личностного самосознания учащихся.
Материалы и методы. Выборка исследования состоит из 60 обучающихся общеобразовательной школы МАОУ «Школа 96 Эврика-Развитие», средний возраст которых 17 лет. Применялись методы опроса (анкетирование) и психологического тестирования. Для изучения процессов личностного развития была использована методика исследования самоотношения С.Р. Пантилеева, и для определения уровня профессионального самоопределения учащихся выбрана методика изучения статусов профессиональной идентичности А.А. Азбель - А.Г. Грецова. Поученные результаты были обработаны методами математической статистики с помощью пакета компьютерных программ RStudio и STATISTICA 13.3 с использованием корреляционного анализа Спирмена и расчета критерия Фридмана.
Результаты. Были обнаружены значимые корреляции между шкалами навязанной профессиональной идентичности с замкнутостью (r = 0.37; p < 0.05), неопределенной профессиональной идентичности и внутренней конфликтности (r = 0.39; p < 0.05), мораторий и самообвинение (r = -0.44; p < 0.05), сформированной профессиональной идентичности и саморуководством (r = 0.3; p < 0.05). Полученные данные говорят о том, что практически 40% респондентов находятся в состоянии кризиса выбора профессии, и всего 20% обучающихся готовы совершить осознанный и самостоятельный выбор дальнейшего профессионального развития.
Заключение. Обучающиеся старших классов находятся в сложном периоде, когда уверенность в своих силах, вера в преодолимость препятствий сталкивается с внутренними переживаниями за свои качества и поступки. Исследование показало, что школьникам для самоопределения необходимо видеть собственные пробелы и недостатки, но при этом считать себя основным источником развития своей личности, регулятором достижений и успехов, не перекладывая ответственности на окружающих.
Ключевые слова: профессиональное самоопределение, психологические особенности, подростки, кризис выбора профессии, рынок труда
Ссылка для цитирования:
Рыжова О. С., Рыжова В. С. Взаимосвязь профессионального и личностного самоопределения обучающихся старших классов // Перспективы науки и образования. 2022. № 3 (57). С. 456-469. doi: 10.32744^.2022.3.26
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-03/ Accepted: 5 January 2021 Published: 30 June 2022
O. S. Ryzhova, V. S. Ryzhova
Relationship between personal and professional self-determination among high school students
Introduction. Many international organizations are increasingly raising the issue of developing state vocational guidance programs. An intensive study of the labor market, its changes and the evolution of skills needs is being carried out. An important aspect was the possibility of choosing a profession in accordance with the abilities and interests of not only everyone, but also taking into account the needs of society. Now it is not necessary to follow the principles of profitability or prestige of the profession. Now you can choose a business to your liking. The most significant group of the population in this area are schoolchildren who are just starting their career path. It became possible to choose a job due to one's liking. So, a natural question arises about the features of students' professional and personal self-awareness.
The research aims to study the relationship between students' professional self-determination and personal self-awareness.
Materials and methods. The sample consisted of 60 students from the secondary school "Eureka-Development №96" and the Specialized educational and scientific center of the Southern Federal District, whose average age was 17 years. The respondents completed socio-demographic survey as well as psychological assessment of personal and professional identity. To assess personal self-awareness, the authors used Pantileeva's self-attitude test, and to indicate the level of professional self-determination, we used A.A. Azbel - A.G. Gretsovas' questionnaire of students' self-determination. For data analysis, we used Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation and the Friedman test, processed in the software of RStudio and STATISTICA 13.3.
Results. There was significant correlation between such variables as status of imposedon professional identity and openness (r = 0.37; p < 0.05), uncertain professional identity and internal conflict (r = 0.39; p < 0.05), moratorium and self-blame (r = -0.44; p < 0.05), also between formed status of professional identity and self-guidance (r = 0.3; p < 0.05). Results show that almost 40% of respondents are in a state of crisis in choosing a profession. At the same time only 20 % of students are ready to make a conscious and independent choice in their further professional development.
Conclusion. High school students are in a difficult period when self-confidence, faith in the surmountability of obstacles collides with inner experiences for their qualities and actions. The study showed that for self-determination, schoolchildren need to see their gaps and shortcomings, but at the same time consider themselves the main source of personal development, a regulator of achievements and success and accept responsibility for their professional choices.
Keywords: professional self-determination, psychological characteristics, adolescents, career choice crisis, labor market
For Reference:
Ryzhova, O. S., & Ryzhova, V. S. (2022). Relationship between personal and professional self-determination among high school students. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 57 (3), 456-469. doi: 10.32744/pse.2022.3.26
oday the question of professional orientation, professional and personal self-determination of youth is especially relevant. Many international organizations, including the European Training Foundation (ETF), are working intensively on the future of the labor market and trying to detect the evolution of skills needs. [13, p. 6].
According to the Recommendation Concerning Vocational Guidance And Vocational Training In The Development Of Human Resources, 1975 (No. 150) of The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation it was emphasized the relevance of the adoption and development in the participating countries of public policy and national vocational guidance programs. Their most important goals are determined by the adoption of such measures as ensuring a free choice of profession, type of activity in accordance with the abilities, interests of everyone, taking into account the needs of society; promoting creativity and initiative to improve labor efficiency and get satisfaction from the activity; protecting workers from unemployment and loss of income. The systems of diverse vocational guidance available to all strata of society has a special place in the policies and programs of career guidance conducted at the national level [6].
Therefore, professional competence has become a determining factor both in personal well-being and in the development of our society. In this regard, the professional orientation of the graduating school students is of relevance. Schools carry out industrial excursions and career guidance programs for students. These measures are undertaken to make professional orientation easier for students, especially at a young age. Due to the lack of life experience, it is very difficult for children to choose a profession. It is also important to consider that a beautiful and bright advertisement of a particular profession can lead to a sad and routine reality, which repels any desire to plunge deeper into it. In the world of developing relationships and technologies, the process of professional development has become so broad and flexible that modern schoolchildren do not know how to choose their future path [24]. They get lost between the traditional path imposed by the school or parents and new opportunities.
Information technologies gradually grew from the simple means of media into a major professionalization institution. And this created a whole system of new knowledge and professions [23]. The sector of individual entrepreneurship or free work (freelancing) is actively developing. Since 2018, the sector has even been supported by legislation. According to the Federal Law (11.27.2018, No 422-FL), citizens who receive income through the provision of private professional services can officially formalize their activities thanks to the new tax regime [9].
That caused an increase in interest among psychologists' and educators' to study the internal personality characteristics of adolescents. Therefore, the development of the high school students' professional identity is an important part of the students' future profession choice. In this regard, new approaches to organizing vocational guidance are needed. The personality-oriented paradigm of education development changes the content of vocational guidance work with high school students in educational institutions.
The previous articles study the problems of professional orientation formation among schoolchildren and the conditions to prepare them for the conscious profession choice. The
problem of our research is to identify the relationship between the development of the high school students' professional identity and their personal self-awareness.
The dialectical approach made it possible to consider the issue of the systemic organization of vocational guidance. The competence-based approach is considered as a new level of development of professional and social mobility. The letter approach is based on the idea that a person is making oneself. A student's personal interest, his or her self-actualization, and conscious position of the process are considered as the main sign of the high school student's progress in self-development.
The works of many authors from Russian universities were devoted to the problem of professional identity. Psychologists from St Petersburg University considered this issue from the point of view of the adolescents' psychological well-being [11]. Scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University studied socio-cognitive and creative factors [5]. Colleagues from Chita paid special attention to the development of state programs directed to the formation of adolescents' willingness to choose a future profession [23].
Summarizing the "professional identity" definitions of various authors, we can define it as a complex process, which includes a system of ideas about oneself, one's position in the profession, acceptance of its goals, functions, roles and methods of implementation. Moreover, the concept includes attitude towards professional identity as a personally significant, which can give a student a feeling of self-value and forms the readiness to master a professional activity, to improve it. Also, the professional identity comprises a student's identification with a group of professionals, if it is based on self-knowledge, student's acquaintance with the world of professions, comprehension of professional skills and comparison among their personal characteristics (life goals, plans for self-realization, abilities, etc.) and requirements of the professional activity. Lastly, professional identity includes internal and external conditions and factors that influence the choice of a profession. For example, such external factors as the immediate environment of a person and the circumstances of his life play an important role in student's choice of a profession. Internal factors include optimism for the future, anxiety, self-esteem, etc.
Literature review
When the question of career choice ceased to look like a simple need for financial security, it became possible to choose a job according to preferences and desires. In this vein lies the study's relevance to identifying the relationship between students' self-awareness and professional identity.
In modern electronic and online libraries there are many works devoted to the study of self-awareness and awareness of the inner self. Not only the structure, but also the definition of the concept itself is the subject of numerous discussions among educators and psychologists, and so far, no compromise has been found. However, most scientists have identified two main ways of building the structure of self-awareness: componential and layered. The first option generalizes and uses the elements represented by products or processes of self-awareness. In the layered structure, the authors include tracing the development of this phenomenon in ontogeny, presenting self-consciousness in the form of a several levels (layers) hierarchy. Some other structures consist of a component and layer composition at the same time. Moreover, the genesis of this phenomenon is also reflected.
We consider the point of view of L.S. Vygotsky as one of the most valuable. In his works, the structure of self-awareness includes the following components: 1) a person accumulates knowledge about himself, 2) a person expands and deepens the knowledge gained, 3) realizes himself as a single whole, 4) further development of his individuality takes place, 5) the formation and development of moral self-assessment criteria, 6) the development of individual characteristics of self-awareness [28].
There are also five-component concepts. From the point of view of V.S. Mukhina's self-awareness includes: 1) self-identification of a name with a bodily essence, 2) striving for social recognition, 3) gender identification, 4) perception of time from the point of psychology, 5) social sphere of personality [19]. At the same time, three-component structures are gaining more and more popularity among Russian researchers. For example, A.K. Bolotova [4] highlights self-image, self-esteem and self-attitude. E.V. Kucherova considers cognitive-self, existential-self and regulatory-self, while O.V. Selezneva [24] emphasizes the cognitive component, emotional-based and value-based component, and regulatory component. E.T. Sokolova [15] indicates the following components: the cognitive, affective, and behavioral.
Nonetheless, despite the wide variety of ideas about the structure of self-awareness, in all models, three main areas can be distinguished: cognitive (responsible for reflection, including the cognitive and rational spheres), emotional (affective, evaluative-volitional) and regulatory-behavioral.
It should be noted that along with self-awareness, scientists also consider the influence of self-attitude and self-esteem. Some researchers believe that self-attitude can be regulated by psychological defences, where self-awareness uses special methods of thoughts and feelings transformation to maintain the values of the self, to control behavior and to establish its direction [21].
I.S. Kohn notes in his works that the more complex and diverse a person's activities, the more differentiated and more delicate his self-awareness becomes, the more difficult it is to maintain internal stability and coherence of the self. The human psyche has for these tasks a large set of self-support tools, which were called "defence mechanisms" S. Freud [16].
Consequently, one of the most important mechanisms of the human psyche can be called self-esteem. Scientists define self-esteem as a conscious assessment of one's qualities and properties when comparing oneself with an internal standard or other people. Self-attitude performs a protective function for the integrity and integration of the self. Private self-assessments play a self-regulating role. Thus, the subsystem of individual self-assessments characterizes the regulatory properties of self-attitude [21].
A similar picture of ambiguity can be seen in a more detailed study of professional identity development. In numerous works, researchers considered personal and professional identity I.N. Galasyuk [10]; E.E. Trandina [27]; V.M. Prosekova [22], studied the connections of professional identity and personal identity with other personality traits by A.A. Nikiforova and N.V. Tsikhonchik [16]; D.A. Isaeva [12]; E.A. Zotkina [30]. Also the features of professional identity among representatives of certain professions was revealed by E.P. Ermolaeva [8] and A.A. Yashina [29]. Last but not least mentioned research of identity statuses in professional self-determination by Yu. Yu. Alexandrova. et al [1].
Based on the analysis of scientific works, we can distinguish three main theories of professional development:
1. Differential diagnostic theory developed by F. Parsons, G. Münsterberg, T. Bogen. The main idea of the theory is that the problem of professional choice is solved by the "meeting"
of the personality structure and professional requirements.
2. Psychoanalytic theory by W. Mosei, E. Bordin, E. Rowe is based on the idea that the central role in career choice and professional life, in general, belongs to various types of needs. The needs vary from vital instincts to complex psychodynamic mechanisms and structural instances
3. J. Holland's typological theory is reduced to the analysis of the relationship between personality and ecology. According to the author, the process of professional development is limited to the definition of the type of personality orientation and the search for a professional sphere corresponding to one's type, the choice of one of the four qualification levels of this professional sphere, which is determined by the development of intelligence and self-esteem. J. Holland defined realistic, intellectual, social, conventional, entrepreneurial types of orientation and orientation towards art.
Among Russian scientists, the most relevant models of professional development as a factor in the formation of personality were considered. One of these can be called the concept of professional development by L. Mitina, which includes three stages:
1. Self-determination (as a characteristic of a person's ability to qualitatively compare himself with others, to realize the need for his changes and transformations).
2. Self-expression (as the ability to correlate one's behavior and motivation).
3. Self-realization (as the formation of life philosophy of oneself as a professional, awareness of the meaning of life) [18, c. 121].
In the study of professional development, L. Mitina determined the relationship between professional and personal development, which are based on the principle of self-development, which determines the ability of a person to turn his life activity into an object of practical transformation, leading to creative self-realization.
There is also a theory that the type of school influences the formation of the professional identity of high school students. In such a situation, students enrolled in the "school-university" system have more favorable conditions for its development [3].
The results of empirical studies indicate that in adolescence (senior school age) and early adulthood (student age), the development of personal identity outstrips and affects the development of professional identity. A sensitive period in the formation of the achieved personal identity is the age of 19-20, but it can also be formed in adolescence [11]. Until the 11th grade, the majority of high school students have their professional identity in the status of a moratorium, then it decreases, and the achieved professional identity grows [3]. To sum up, we would like to say that the analysis of scientific sources on the research problem allows us to conclude that the problem of the formation of professional identity in adolescence is not studied enough.
The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between professional self-determination and the personal self-awareness of seniors.
The research hypothesis states that the personal self-awareness is related to the students' professional self-determination.
Materials and methods
The sample consists of 10-grade and 11-grade male and female students (aged 16-17 y.o.) from general education school "School 96 Eureka-Development" Rostov-on-Don and the Specialized educational and scientific center of the Southern Federal District. The total
number of respondents was 60 people. The research was carried out anonymously with the use of distance technologies, namely the Google Forms platform. Participation was voluntary. The students were asked to answer the survey, which included general and socio-demographic questions, as well as undergo psychological testing.
To study the characteristics of personal development, the authors used S.R. Panteleev's self-attitude test, and to indicate the level of professional self-awareness, we used A.A. Azbel - A.G. Gretsovas' questionnaire of students' self-determination. For data analysis, we used Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation and the Friedman test, processed in the software of RStudio and STATISTICA 13.3.
S.R. Panteleev's test is aimed at studying the emotional-based and value-based component of students' self-awareness. It is a multidimensional questionnaire created by S.R. Pantileev in 1989. The author considers the way of organizing self-attitude as a psychological system, which is not additive but is built according to the principle of a dynamic hierarchy. This principle is that any modalities of emotional connection can act in the property of the nuclear structure of the system, and occupy a major position in the hierarchy of other aspects of self-attitude establishing the content and explicitness of self-attitude. S.R. Panteleev identified three factors in the structure of self-attitude:
1. Self-esteem and its scales - self-instruction, self-confidence, reflected self-attitude, social desirability of the self.
2. Autosympathy - self-attachment, self-worth, self-acceptance;
3. Self-abasement - internal conflict and self-blame [21].
A.A. Azbel - A.G. Gretsova test presents a questionnaire containing 20 questions, separated into four scales: uncertain status of professional identity, imposed on professional identity, moratorium (crisis of choice), formed professional identity. Each answer option is estimated at 1 or 2 points on one of the scales per the given "key", after which the points are summed up. The higher the sum of points scored for each of the statuses, the more the judgments about it are applicable to the respondent. The questionnaire allows you to determine at which stage a person is in professional self-determination:
• Uncertain status of professional identity: the choice of life path has not been made, there are no clear ideas about the career, but the person does not even set himself such a task.
• Imposedon professional identity: a person has formed ideas about his professional future, but they are imposed from the outside (for example, by parents) and are not the result of an independent choice;
• Moratorium (crisis of choice): a person realizes the problem of choosing a profession and is in the process of solving it, but the most suitable option has not yet been determined.
• Formed professional identity: professional plans are defined, which was the result of a meaningful independent decision.
After psychological testing, the following results were obtained. The statuses of professional identity of A.A. Azbel - A.G. Gretsov were distributed in the following way: 20.9% of respondents belong to an uncertain status, 17% - to Imposedon status, 33.9% - a moratorium, and 28.2% a formed identity.
Having subjected the obtained results to statistical processing using the Friedman test, we found that the severity of different statuses of professional identity in the sample of high school students significantly differed (Table 1). So, in decreasing order, the options for the status of professional identity can be arranged in the following sequence: moratorium, formed, indefinite, imposed.
Table 1
The severity of the status of professional identity in the sample (the results of the analysis by the Friedman test)
The statuses of professional identity Middle rank
Uncertain status 2,09
Imposedon status 1,70
Moratorium 3,39
Formed status 2,82
Test Statistics
N 60
Chi-Square 42,256
df 3
Asymp. Sig. 0,0001
The analysis of the data obtained allowed us to reveal the following: among students of the 10th grade - 57.5% of the respondents have a weakly expressed status of an indefinite state of professional identity; 62.5% of people were forced to choose a profession by their parents or friends; 40% of students are experiencing a career choice crisis; only 20% of students have a high level of professional identity formation, the remaining 12.5% of schoolchildren are above the average level. These high school students are ready to make an informed choice of further professional development, they are confident in their choice. They have a system of knowledge about themselves and about their professional values, goals and life convictions. 5% of children have an average level; in 40%; below average and 22.5% low level of professional identity.
We found that different aspects of self-attitude are expressed to varying degrees, with differences at a statistically significant level (Table 1). The most pronounced indicators are on such scales as Overconfidence, Self-blame, and Openness. Least expressed indicators of Conflict and Self-worth.
Table 2
The severity of self-attitude indicators in the sample (the results of analysis by the Friedman criterion, diagnostic data in the stans)
The self-attitude indicators Middle rank
Openness 5,10
Overconfidence 6,19
Self-guidance 4,81
Mirror Self 4,71
Self-worth 4,54
Self-acceptance 4,84
Self-attachment 4,66
Internal Conflict 4,62
Self-blame 5,52
Test Statistics
N 60
Chi-Square 14,946
df 8
Asymp. Sig. 0,060
According to Friedman's test, by the results of Panteleev's methodology, we can distinguish statistically significant differences among the answers of schoolchildren from the Specialized educational and scientific center of the Southern Federal District and the secondary school "Eureka-Development №96" on the scales of Mirror Self, self-acceptance, and self-worth. This indicates a greater awareness of the respondents, which could be influenced by the specialized training of the educational center. In turn, ordinary school students have the strongest indicators on the scales of self-guidance, self-attachment and overconfidence. This, in turn, indicates the presence of strong volitional qualities of children in order to stand out from the general mass of school students.
To study the relationship between the psychological characteristics of the respondents, a correlation analysis was carried out, the results of which are presented in Table 3.
Table 3
Results of correlation analysis
Uncertain status Imposedon status Moratorium Formed status
Openness Correlation Coefficient ,224 ,370* -,242 -,238
Sig. (2-tailed) ,164 ,019 ,132 ,140
N 60 60 60 60
Overconfidence Correlation Coefficient -,056 ,140 -,318* ,250
Sig. (2-tailed) ,733 ,390 ,045 ,120
N 60 60 60 60
Self-guidance Correlation Coefficient -,204 -,022 -,245 ,313*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,206 ,894 ,127 ,049
N 60 60 60 60
Mirror Self Correlation Coefficient ,076 ,358* -,265 -,086
Sig. (2-tailed) ,642 ,023 ,099 ,596
N 60 60 60 60
Self-worth Correlation Coefficient ,179 ,193 -,397* ,108
Sig. (2-tailed) ,270 ,234 ,011 ,506
N 60 60 60 60
Self-acceptance Correlation Coefficient ,042 ,405** -,197 -,059
Sig. (2-tailed) ,795 ,010 ,224 ,719
N 60 60 60 60
Self-attachment Correlation Coefficient ,043 ,343* -,264 -,138
Sig. (2-tailed) ,794 ,030 ,099 ,395
N 60 60 60 60
Internal Conflict Correlation Coefficient ,387* ,184 -,528** ,011
Sig. (2-tailed) ,014 ,255 ,000 ,948
N 60 60 60 60
Self-blame Correlation Coefficient ,281 ,310 -439** -,007
Sig. (2-tailed) ,079 ,052 ,005 ,964
N 60 60 60 60
According to the results of the correlation analysis, the strongest positive relationship was found between the imposed status of professional identity and self-acceptance (r = 0.4; p < 0.05). Also, the same status statistically reliably correlates with openness (r = 0.37; p < 0.05), with Mirror Self scale (r = 0.358; p < 0.05) and Self-attachment (r = 0.343; p < 0.05). This indicates possible pressure from others in the matter of choosing a profession. A situation arises when a teenager is ready to give up his personal ideas and ambitions and do as parents or teachers say in order to get rid of edification.
The strongest statistically significant negative correlation is shown between moratorium and Internal Conflict (r = -0.528; p < 0.05). In general, it should be noted that the moratorium has a negative relationship with all scales of the methodology, however, significant for us are correlations with self-confidence, self-worth, and also quite strong with Self-blame (r = -0.439; p <0.05).
The formed professional identity status reliably correlates only with Self-guidance (r = 0.313; p < 0.05), which confirms our assumption about the importance of the internal organization of a person for determining the profession. It is worth to note that the uncertain status has a positive relationship with Internal Conflict (r = 0.387; p <0.05), which reliably proves that the lack of internal agreement with oneself and any preferences in the areas of development or occupation leads to a lack of unambiguity in choosing your further path.
Empirical data are consistent with the works of I.G. Andreeva which also describe the research of features adolescents' self-awareness [2]. The results showed that in our sample there is a general tendency in such traits of self-attitude as self-confidence and competence, orientation towards the success of all undertakings, belief in overcoming obstacles (Self-confidence scale) according to S.R. Panteleev's test. At the same time, students experience negative emotions about some of their actions and qualities, which indicates their ability to take responsibility for their lives and achievements (the Self-blame scale). Adolescents are prone to pronounced motivation of social approval, lack of reflection skills and superficial self-knowledge (the Openness scale), tend to be selective about themselves - to highly appreciate some of their qualities and underestimate others, are sensitive to the opinions of others and are vulnerable (the Self-worth scale), which is confirmed by other studies [14]. At the same time, they may be inclined to deny their problems, and the overall assessment of themselves is situational. The emergence of new obstacles, unexpected difficulties can contribute to an increase in the underestimation of their own successes (scale Internal conflict).
Correlation analysis showed interesting results. Uncertain professional identity is the higher, the greater the internal conflict in self-attitude. Schoolchildren who have not formed professional goals plans, have not built options for their professional
development, are distinguished by self-reflection, self-doubt, inconsistency between the real self and the ideal self. They show the conflict between the level of aspirations and actual achievements.
The imposed professional identity is the higher, the more closeness, Mirror Self scale, self-acceptance and self-attachment dominate in self-attitude. The subjects who do not independently choose their professional path are distinguished by insufficiently developed reflection, the expectation of a positive attitude, acceptance and sympathy for oneself from other people, unconditional acceptance of oneself and agreement with oneself, unwillingness to change, despite the general positive attitude towards oneself.
The moratorium is the more pronounced, the lower self-confidence, self-worth, inner conflict and self-blame. People in crisis of choosing a career, looking for alternative options for further professional development and meaningful decisions about their future, tend to be dissatisfied with themselves and their capabilities [17]. They are in doubt about the value of their own personality, but at the same time they are in denial of problems and internal contradictions. Such people are inclined to defend their self from accusations and to ascribe responsibility for their own failures to external circumstances. At the same time, our data are consistent with the opinion of the authors that in the sample imposed identity was the least expressed. That is, on average, the respondents did not incline to build professional plans based on the opinions of authorities, as noted by the M.O. Dorzhieva E.I. Strekalovskaya [7].
The level of the formed professional definition is the higher, the more self-guidance is expressed. People who are ready to make a conscious and independent choice of further professional development or have already made it tend to consider themselves the main source of their personality development, a regulator of achievements and success. They are able to predict their actions and the consequences of emerging contacts with others, to resist external influences.
Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn: high school students are mainly in a state of crisis of professional choice, but they strive to get out of this crisis through an analysis of various alternatives to the professional path and a conscious choice of the most suitable options. Adolescence is already considered one of the most difficult periods of personality formation, which is further complicated by the problem of professional choice, which, despite the conditions of the modern labor market and the weakness of social institutions (family, school, etc.), on the contrary, should help a person find himself in society [1].
Therefore, schoolchildren strive to know themselves through the world of professions, they try on the roles of specialists in various fields, strive to learn as much as possible about different specialties and ways of obtaining them. Many of the high school students have already gone through the "crisis of choice", they are trying to independently form a system of knowledge about themselves, about professional values and life beliefs. They know what they want to achieve and they are ready to make or have already made a conscious professional choice in which they are confident. At the same time, the least represented is a dependent and imposed professional choice at the insistence or advice of authorities: parents or friends.
In the sample, there is also a general tendency in such traits of self-attitude as self-confidence, strength and competence, orientation towards the success of all undertakings, belief in overcoming obstacles. At the same time, there is discontent and the experience of negative emotions about some of their actions and qualities, which indicates the ability of the subjects to take responsibility for their lives and achievements. It is equally important to take into account the fact that schoolchildren are prone to pronounced motivation of social approval, to lack of reflection skills and superficial self-knowledge, they are inclined to be selective about themselves - to highly appreciate some of their qualities and underestimate others, are sensitive to the opinions of others and are vulnerable. However, they may be inclined to deny their problems, and the general assessment of themselves is situational -in the usual and predictable conditions, there is a positive background of attitude towards themselves, recognition of their merits and a high assessment of their achievements. Unexpected difficulties, additional obstacles that arise can contribute to an increase in the underestimation of their own successes, which is confirmed by the results on the Internal Conflictness scale.
At the end of the study, practical recommendations were formulated on the organization of psychological support for the professional self-determination of senior pupils. Thus, the provision of vocational guidance to students in the process of choosing a training profile and a field of future professional activity will become the goal of support in the field of professional self-determination of the individual.
Successful implementation of this goal largely depends on the quality of work in three areas:
• diagnostic direction (observation, analysis of documents and results of activities, analysis of practical actions, questionnaires, interviews, testing, the method of professional tests)
• consulting direction (individual and group professional consulting)
• educational direction - conversations, lectures, watching videos; professional diagnostics, professional advice for students; professional advice for parents (teachers, psychologists, professional consultants); visiting "trade fairs"; acquaintance with the "educational map" of a city or region; design of stands "Your professional future". It is desirable for students to visit exhibitions of creative works, brainstorming, special courses on choosing a training profile, conversation, interviews, games with vocational guidance content, psychotechnical games and exercises, classes on the formation of self-presentation skills, thematic drawings by profession, classes, excursions, master classes and more activities. Prospects for further research include the development of individual trajectories of vocational guidance and vocational choice; technologies of pre-professional counseling in the context of digital education with the use of distance technologies; as well as effective forms of interaction with the parents of students.
The research was financially supported by Southern Federal University, 2021, 07/2020-02-AP.
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Информация об авторах Рыжова Ольга Семеновна
(Россия, Ростов-на-Дону) Доцент кафедры образования и педагогических наук Академия психологии и педагогики Южный федеральный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5734-0618
Рыжова Виктория Сергеевна
(Россия, Ростов-на-Дону) Младший научный сотрудник Академия психологии и педагогики Южный федеральный университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6095-0599
Information about the authors
Olga S. Ryzhova
(Russia, Rostov-on-Don) Assistant Professor at the Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Academy of Psychology of Educational Sciences Southern Federal University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5734-0618
Victoria S. Ryzhova
(Russia, Rostov-on-Don) Junior Researcher Academy of Psychology and Educational Sciences Southern Federal University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6095-0599