Section 7. Pedagogy
Section 7. Pedagogy
Badashkeev Mihail Valerevich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Educational psychologist of Tarasa school E-mail: [email protected] Badashkeeva Marina Aleksandrovna, methodologist of Bokhansky teacher training college E-mail: badashkeewa
Psychology and pedagogical escort of rural school students at the stage of the professional choice
Abstract: In this work the problem of psychology and pedagogical escort of rural school students in professional orientation work and in development of personal and professional self-determination, and also feature of system of maintenance in the conditions of rural school is considered. Various points of view in the theory and practice of modern researchers are analyzed. Keywords: maintenance, development, system of maintenance, rural school students.
At the present stage of development of the state by the defining factors of its sustained economic growth high technologies and the knowledge-intensive production which innovation depends on quality of scientific and intellectual potential of society, level of professional competence of experts, their creativity and development of research skills act. In this regard formation of professional competence has paramount value, as one of the main ways of the decision of which personal professional self-determination of future experts during school training acts. It is confirmed by the directions of educational policy reflected in the new Education law, the Federal target program of development of education for the period till 2020, a national educational initiative "Our new school".
In the Russian Federation the school psychological service exists nearly two decades. The board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation summed up on March 29, 1995 some results of activity of psychological services in education. The board noted that development of practical psychology promoted a humaniza-tion of all system and led to creation of psychological service in an education system. The humanistic aspect of appearance of psychologists at school is expressed in gradual transition from "pedagogics of knowledge, skills" to development pedagogics:
- orientation of school personnel to each child separately, but not on group of pupils in general;
- understanding by teachers of need of emergence at schools of psychologists, development of the developing, correctional programs for the children promoting optimum development of their mental potential.
Process of the professional choice — long process, completeness it can be stated only when at the person the positive attitude towards itself as to the subject of professional activity is created. Therefore choice of profession is only an indicator that process of the professional choice passes into a new phase of the development.
According to E. A. Klimov [2, 132-134], there are 8 corners of a situation of choice of profession. The senior takes into account data not only on features of various professions, but also the mass of other information.
1) Position of the senior family members. Of course, care of seniors of future profession of the child is clear; they bear responsibility for how there is his life. Very often parents give to the child liberty of choice, demanding thereby from him independence, responsibility, an initiative. Sometimes, that parents do not agree with the choice of the child, suggesting to revise the plans and to make other choice, considering that it still small. Often interfere with a right choice of a profession installations of parents who aspire that children compensated their shortcomings of the future, of that activity in which they could not prove completely.
2) Position of companions, girlfriends (peers). The friendly relations of seniors are already very strong and influence them on choice of profession is not excluded as the attention of the professional future of peers also increases. The position of microgroup can become decisive in professional self-determination.
3) Position of teachers, school teachers, class teacher. Each teacher, watching behavior of the pupil only in educational activity, all the time "gets a thought for a facade of external manifestations of the person, makes some kind of diagnoses concerning interests, tendencies, thoughts, character, abilities, readiness of the pupil". The teacher knows a set of that information which is unknown even to the pupil.
4) Personal professional plans. In behavior and human life of idea of the near and long-term future play very important role.
5) Abilities. Abilities, talents ofthe pupil ofthe senior classes need to be considered not only in study, but also to all other types of socially valuable activity. 6) Level of claims on public recognition. Realness of claims of the senior — the first step ofvocational training.
7) Knowledge — important, undistorted information — an important factor of choice of profession.
8) Tendencies are shown and formed in activity. Consciously joining in different types of activity, the person can change the hobbies, so and the directions. It is important for the senior as preprofes-sional hobbies — a way to the future [2, 134-139].
For a right choice of a profession control of this process which is exercised of the teacher is necessary. In narrower plan in relation
Joint analysis of Unified State Exam results and academic performance of technical university students by methods.
to a problem of choice of profession studying the teacher it is extremely important to know the objective and subjective factors making the content of management. Treat objective factors: system of objectively operating regularities, living conditions of the subject, Wednesday, education, an economic environment and others. Treat subjective factors: possibilities of the subject, tendency, interests, abilities, intentions, motives, character, temperament, inclinations and other parties of the personality. That management of choice of profession was really effective, it is extremely important to understand in effect the composed parties of a subject of management stated above two. Management of choice of profession is impossible without knowledge of the personality, its structure.
Search of new solutions of the problem of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of self-determination of the studying youth in the conditions ofvocational guidance of training assumes:
- strengthening of integration of content of education with nonlearning practice of social and professional self-determination of school students;
- orientation to consolidation of resources and efforts of schools with other educational institutions (interschool educational plants, schools, colleges, lyceums, higher education institutions);
- ensuring profile training of school students on the basis of variability, taking into account the individual educational trajectories chosen by them corresponding to interests, tendencies, abilities of pupils and inquiries of labor market;
- ensuring the obligatory preprofile training of pupils including mastering school students idea of an image of the "I" about the world of professions, about labor market; acquisition of practical experience for the reasonable choice of a profile of training;
- rendering the psychology and pedagogical help to the teacher in reorientation of his activity of the creator, mentor to the activity directed to empathy; providing school student with support in the choice of a profile of training and further professional activity.
In the conditions of educational institution an effective type of the help to seniors in the professional choice are psychological and pedagogical support which are defined in world and domestic science and practice as the most effective. Fundamental in questions of the theory and practice of professional self-determination
of seniors in the context of vital self-determination V. I. Zhuravlev [1], V. A. Polyakov [3], N. S. Pryazhnikov [4] works, etc. are defined.
The rural school needs to provide the conditions stimulating human height therefore he could take the responsibility for the professional choice. Inner world at youthful age is autonomous and independent. It complicates process of psychology and pedagogical maintenance, children of this age do not wish to accept the help from the persuasive adult. Much more effective remedy for the solution of many psychological problems of rural school students are special methods of group work when the help proceeds not from the adult, and from children whose opinion for them is more significant. As an optimum method psychological trainings on development of consciousness of seniors, and also psychology and pedagogical and role-playing games in our opinion can serve. Also to a solution of the problem of choice of profession and a further educational route the course personally — professional self-determination, developed for pupils of 9-10 classes can promote. This course is complex according to contents as consists of two programs: 1) "Self-knowledge psychology" for the 10th classes; 2) "I and my professional choice" for the 9th classes. The course is offered to pupils for choice to create individual educational inquiry at the teenager, to develop ability to analyze and understand external circumstances.
Thus, psychology and pedagogical maintenance at rural school gains new quality. It is not only the most important component of education, but also its priority purpose. Also still serious easing of attention to questions personally — professional self-determination of pupils in all types of educational institutions, weak communication between an education system and labor market takes place. All this demonstrates that only the coordinated and purposeful work of pedagogical staff of Tarasinsky school positively affects the general improvement of quality of psychological and practical training of school students for conscious choice of profession.
Thus, the system of psychology and pedagogical maintenance at a stage of the professional choice has to be directed to activiza-tion of internal psychological resources of the personality, joining in professional activity, the person could fully realize himself in the chosen profession.
1. Zhuravlev V. M. Questions of vital self-determination of graduates of high school / V. M. Zhuravlev. - Rostov N / Д: Publishing house of the - Rostov university, - 1972. - 200 p.
2. Klimov E. A. Way to profession / E. A. Klimov. - L.: LIE publishing house, - 1974. - 190 p.
3. Poles ofV. A., Chistyakova S. N. Professional self-determination / V. A. Poyakov S. N. Chistyakov // Russian pedagogical encyclopedia: in 2 t; гл.ред. V. V. Davydov. - M.: Nauch.Izd-vo "The big Russian encyclopedia", - 1999. - 2 t. - P. 212-213.
4. Pryazhnikov N. S., Pryazhnikova E.Yu. Psychology of work and human dignity: the education guidance for student. высш. уч. institutions/N. S. Pryazhnikov E.Yu. Pryazhnikova. - M.: Prod. Akademiya center, - 2001. - 480 p.
Melkumyan Anaid, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas PhD in Physics and Mathematics, the Department of Physics E-mail: [email protected]
Joint analysis of Unified State Exam results and academic performance of technical university students by methods of nonparametric statistics
Abstract: The results of statistical data processing of the Unified State Exam (USE) scores, outcomes of university entrance control of school knowledge and academic performance of the first- and second-year students are analyzed in the article.