Научная статья на тему 'The practical psychologist as educational result'

The practical psychologist as educational result Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pachalian Viktor E.

Presentation the magazines version performance at XV All-Russia scientifically-practical conference Pedagogics of development is presented: educational results, their measurements and an estimation (Krasnoyarsk, on April, 21-23st. 2008). The basic problems of preparation of practical psychologists as a whole and in particular conformity existing in the maximum vocational training Russia of conditions of preparation of practical psychologists to requirements of the customer to the expert and requirements of the market of professional services are considered. This article described the experience of the differentiated approach to a professional selection and a professional training of practical psychologists in MIOO.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The practical psychologist as educational result»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2008 1) 561-571

УДК 378.1

The Practical Psychologist as Educational Result

Viktor E. Pachalian*

Moscow Institute of Open Education 7а Prechistensky lane, Moscow, 119034 Russia 1

Received 27.11.2008, received in revised form 17.12.2008, accepted 24.12.2008

Presentation the magazines version performance at XVAll-Russia scientifically-practical conference "Pedagogics of development is presented: educational results, their measurements and an estimation" (Krasnoyarsk, on April, 21-23st. 2008). The basic problems of preparation of practical psychologists as a whole and in particular - conformity existing in the maximum vocational training Russia of conditions of preparation of practical psychologists to requirements of the customer to the expert and requirements of the market of professional services are considered. This article described the experience of the differentiated approach to a professional selection and a professional training of practical psychologists in MIOO.

Keywords: educational result, the maximum vocational training, the practical psychologist, conditions of training.

Before starting the basic maintenance, I'll make small preface where I'll try to have mentioned the name of this clause.


1. The speciality «The Practical Psychologist» only exists within the limits of system of supplementary higher professional education. It means, that people who wants to acquire this profession already have higher professional education on other specialities and, in the majority, wish to receive one more -«additional» to the basic education (in our case, more often - pedagogical). This fact leaves an essential imprint at all educational process and its results.

2. It is difficult to challenge the fact that some psychological specialities existing on

today in system of the basic higher professional education concern to that we connect with concept «practical psychology». In particular, initially reflected as practical:

• A speciality 050706 - Pedagogics and psychology, qualification - «teacher-psychologist»;

• A speciality 030302 - Clinical psychology, qualification - «the clinical psychologist» and some more specialities.

However, if to generalize that last years was spoken at different conferences and was published in leading professional magazines it is possible to tell, that our plan was not absolutely succeed. People who interested in details I send to following publications (Kovaleva; New challenges for education system).

I notice, that the first signals about problems in realizations of planned things has been

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

submitted by E.A. Klimov (then he was the dean of faculty of psychology of the Moscow State University) in 1992, and in 2006 V.A. Ivannikov (the professor of faculty of psychology of the Moscow State University, one of participants of the project of creation of psychological service information) has written practically about the same problems. We shall pay attention, that V.A. Ivannikov warns us of the following things:

« ... attempts to create an original program on preparation of psychologists-experts cannot be welcomed now. Results of such preparation (partially it already takes place somewhere) will lead to the same situation which has developed at the Soviet higher departmental school: it was trained a lot of handicraftsmen who can neither create, nor to master new things though they are people owning concrete technologies and many knowing in narrow area. Imitation is a deadlock way to development of psychology - both scientific and practical». (Pp. 49-50)

The analysis made within the limits of Innovative educational program MGPPU (Rubtsov V.V., Zabrodin J.M., Margolis A.A., 2007), has shown, that the basic problem points are:

• the traditional academic character of the grounding not compatible to the practice-focused principle of training, a low level of student's own work, congestion audience loading, discrepancy of educational process to parameters of the Bologna agreement;

• absence of some the specializations focused on those new areas of professional work of the psychologist in which such inquiry has developed (legal and juvenile psychology, clinical psychology of early age, perinatal psychology, etc.);

• essential decrease in a level of the fundamental preparation, connected with absence of investments into creation of modern scientific and hardware base that leads to «washing

away» of natural-science components from system of psychological formation;

• decrease in a role of modern information and mathematical methods in the psychology, leading increase in break between a level of accumulation, processing and interpretation of data, their low reliability;

• a low saturation of educational process by results of modern (including foreign researches) by virtue of weak language preparation of students, absence of access for the international databases on psychology;

• absence of flexible system of the admission to professional work on the basis of independent professional examination, internship, postdegree education, supervisee.

What and how does provide educational result?

First we shall take advantage of the citation from the report of the World bank of world development for 2007:

Improvements in system of preschool education of Turkey have led to higher examination estimations of pupils, increase in number of graduates of high schools, decrease in a level of youth criminality. Feedback from an average and higher education in a private sector, especially in the countries which have practically reached a level of a general elementary education has raised.

Whether it is possible to consider as educational result «high examination estimations of pupils», «increase in number of graduates of high schools», «decrease in a level of youth criminality», etc.?

Is «erudition» the result as the internal resource of the person allowing it to establish adequate attitude with the world and other people and to correspond requirements, shown the status by a society to available at the person at the moment?

In particular, about it writes I.A. Zimnjaja:

«It's the person himself who has trained in certain educational system. It is his own experience as set of the generated intellectual, personal, behavioural qualities, knowledge and skills which allows it to operate adequately in any situation» (Zimnjaja I.A. Pedagogical psychology. - Rostov-on-Don: the Phoenix, 1997).

In a context of a discussed theme it is possible to tell, that educational result in preparation of practical psychologists is the person, who ready to render professional psychological services to adequately requirements shown by the customer.

Trying to find the formalized acknowledgement of it, we shall address to the normative-legal party of a question. If to start with the text of «The Law on Education» it turns out that the basic criterion of achievement of result of education is «achievement and acknowledgement by the pupil of the certain educational qualification»:

«Education inthatLawisunderstoodaspurposeful process of education and training in interests of the person, a society, the state, accompanied by ascertaining of achievement by the citizen (trained) the educational levels established by

the state (educational qualifications)».


«Reception by the citizen (trained) formations is understood as achievement and acknowledgement of the certain educational qualification by it which makes sure the corresponding document».

There is still a concept of the purpose, as desirable result. In «the Law» these purposes are marked as follows:

«Clause 14. The general requirements to the

content of education.

1. The content of education is one of the factors of economic and social progress of a society and should be focused on:

• Guarantee of self-determination of the person, creation of conditions for its self-realization;

• Development of a society;

• Strengthening and perfection of a lawful state.

2. The content of education should provide:

• Level of the general and professional culture of a society which is adequate to the world level;

• Formation picture of the world according to a modern level of knowledge and a level of educational program (step of training);

• Integration of the person into national and world culture;

• Formation of the person and the citizen integrated in modern it a society and aimed at perfection of this society;

• Reproduction and development of personnel potential of a society.

3. Professional education of any level should guarantee that student can obtain the profession and corresponding qualification.

4. The content of education should promote mutual understanding and cooperation between people, people irrespective of a racial, national, ethnic, religious and social accessory, to consider a variety of world outlook approaches, to promote realization of the right of opinions trained on a free choice and belief».

As we see, here it is specified much different purposes on which education should be focused.

The analysis of a literature available on today and the professional periodical press allows to speak that, as well as in many other things cases, there is no uniform approach to definition of the content of the given concept. Some of experts consider that these results include:

• «Subject» (knowledge, skills and habits; the experience of creative activity, etc.);

• «Metasubject» (activity ways, mastered on the basis of one or several subjects, applied both

within the limits of educational activity, and in real vital situations);

• And «personal» (system values orientations, interests, motivation tolerance) components (Kovaleva G.S.).

Others include here:

• A state of health;

• The academic successes;

• Satisfaction of subjects of educational process;

• Individual progress in development of universal abilities;

• An age (psychological) maturity (Batshev V.V.).

The third speak that is the integrated characteristic including:

• Subject and over subject knowledge and skill of the competent-focused character (i.e. the actions focused on the ways);

• Key competence;

• The social experience got during receiving of education).

There are some more approaches to definition of educational results, but I think, that resulted it is enough to judge the general picture.

So, at a level of legal regulations complexity of objective and expedient definition of educational results as a whole is already incorporated. Especially it is complex, when it is a question of vocational training and such uneasy trade as «the practical psychologist».

In a context of the allocated theme pertinently at once to tell that the state as the customer of results of education on this speciality, has defined only criteria of a level and the content of development of educational programs which are presented in educational standards.

In particular, on a speciality 031000 Pedagogics and psychology (qualification the teacher-psychologist) they look as follows:

«1.3. The qualifying characteristic of the graduate

The graduate who has received qualification of the teacher-psychologist, should carry out

the professional work directed on psychological maintenance of educational process, personal and social development of the pupils; to promote socialization, formation of the general culture of the person, the realized choice and the subsequent development of professional educational programs; to promote harmonization of social sphere of educational establishment, to carry out measures on formation of psychological culture of trained, pedagogical workers and parents; to use various receptions, methods and means of training; to observe the rights and freedom of the pupils stipulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Convention on the rights of the child, regularly to raise the professional qualification, to participate in activity of methodical associations and in other forms of methodical work, to carry out communication with parents (persons, their replacing) to carry out a rule and norms of a labour safety, the safety precautions and fire-prevention protection to provide protection of a life and health of pupils in educational process.

1.3.3. Kinds of professional work

The graduate who has received qualification of the teacher-psychologist, is prepared for performance of the basic kinds of professional work of the teacher-psychologist, the decision typical professional problems in educational establishments.


7.1. Requirements to professional readiness of the expert

The graduate should know:

- The constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, including the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", decisions of the Government of the Russian

Federation and organs of education system; the Convention on the rights of the child;

- Bases of the general and special theoretical disciplines in the volume necessary for the decision of typical problems of professional work;

- The basic directions and prospects of development of education and a pedagogical science; school programs and textbooks; means of teaching and their didactic opportunities;

- Requirements to equipment and the equipment of educational cabinets and subsidiary premises; sanitary rules and norms, safety precautions regulations and fire-prevention protection;

- A state language of the Russian Federation - Russian; freely to know language on which teaching is conducted.

The graduate should be able to solve typical problems of professional work, its corresponding qualifications, specified in 1.2. the present State educational standard.

Typical aims of professional activity.

Typical problems by kinds of professional activity of the teacher-psychologist are:

1) in the field of developing activity:

- Diagnostics of a level of mental development of children;

- Development of developing programs of psychological support of children in educational process;

- Development of correctives-developing programs for children with difficulties in training;

Psychological support of creatively presented pupils;

- Carrying out of developing employment for different categories of children in view of specific features;

- Psychological support of teachers in educational process;

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2) in the field of teaching and educational activity:

- Psychology-pedagogical maintenance of educational process;

- The organization the subject-subject of interaction of participants of educational process;

- Use of the modern scientifically proved and most adequate receptions, methods and means of teaching and education in view of specific features;

- Education of pupils as formation at them spiritual, moral values and patriotic belief on the basis of an individual approach;

3) in the field of socially-pedagogical activity:

- Designing and carrying out of work on social preventive maintenance during teaching and education;

- The organization of interaction of parents of pupils and teachers as participants of educational process;

- Carrying out professional orientation works;

- Rendering assistance in the decision of problems of socialization of pupils;

- Individual consultation of participants of educational process;

4) in the field of scientifically-methodical activity:

- Performance of scientifically-methodical work, participation in work of scientifically-methodical associations;

- The analysis of own activity with the purpose of its perfection and increase of the qualification;

5) in the field of cultural-educational activity:

- Formation of the general culture of pupils;

- The organization of cultural space of educational establishment;

6) inthe field of organizational-administrative activity:

- The rational organization of educational process with the purpose of strengthening and preservation of health of schoolboys;

- Management of pedagogical collective with a view of maintenance of realization of educational programs;

- The organization of the control over results of training and education;

- Conducting the school documentation».

Other party of a question - quality of results

of formation. I have not found any document in which criteria of quality of all possible results of professional education would be given. In documents of last years speech mainly goes about conditions of achievement of quality of education (in most cases - about norms and money). Therefore we can judge quality (if to lean only on normative documents) only by results of development of educational programs.

Here are the following turns out: if the person has mastered these programs and has stood the qualifying tests directed on check of a level of development of educational programs it can render professional psychological services to the customer. And the graduate, and I (as carrying out professional education) can show to the customer the document certifying result of education and quality of development of educational programs (the differentiated estimation). But, as shows an expert, the customer can receive functional, real, actually practical suitability of result of education only after certain time when the expert will start to work and there will be concrete results of its work.

In system of official bodies this moment is found out only during the process of attestation.

If we shall lean on present legislative base it turns out, that, organizing and financing this system, especially at a level higher professional education, using money of tax bearers, the state directly does not adjust the attitude between a labour market and preparation of experts. It does not give concrete «state order» for those or other specialities, directly does not adjust system of requirements to the quality of education (and

not just to quality of mastering of educational programs)?

The state simply creates conditions for existence and developments of the system. Presence in the market of higher education so many establishments of the higher professional education is not a policy of the state, and the answer to inquiry of the market.

It is possible to tell, that the situation looks


«Wish to be the practical psychologist -always there will be people who for the certain compensation will provide to you conditions for reception of the corresponding diploma. Whether they will give you a trade demanded on a labour market and preparation of such level that you were capable to a competition does not stipulate anywhere».

Therefore also it turns out, that who wants to become a practical psychologist, who is the most interested in the results of education. He is the consumer of education and its result. It means, that in any sense he is the customer of these services? He also makes demands to educational results?!

Complexity in definition of the customer of educational result is defined by that the result cannot carry direct purpose.

For example, listeners of system of the higher professional education are not so much motivated with direct expectations of the result (to work as the practical psychologist), listeners much more motivated with its mediated (additional) quality: the additional diploma, an additional speciality, readiness to apply professional psychological knowledge does, in particular, the teacher in small settlement, more competitive in conditions of struggle for a workplace.

So, now customers of the higher professional education are a labour market and the student (or its parents). They make demands to educational result and estimate it.

Experience of world practice enables to estimate the developed situation. Here are some examples.

Alison Wolf, the professor of the London University, in the book "Does Education Matter?" (Alison Wolf. Does Education Matter? Myths about Education and Economic Growth) writes that if thoughtlessly to be engaged in increase of erudition communication of erudition with economic growth can be weakened. Other danger, emphasizes this author, consists that excessive concern in economic growth narrows and deforms representation of a society that is erudition actually. In the Great Britain quantitative growth of experts (their reception and release) has led to deterioration of university formation. It is one of losses. Besides attraction of weight of teachers in the higher school badly affects high school, the best teachers whence start to leave. But worst of all, probably, that leading universities start to feel shortage of resources. As a result they cannot any more as well as earlier, to prepare for the most brilliant students to whom the leading parts on forward flank of a science and techniques are intended.

Magazine «Expert» from 9/3/2007

Discrepancy of to what learn, to that socially-practical situations demand, can be characterized as global crisis of sphere of higher education: the education system prepares for people for «leaving» economy.

This crisis is developed on a background of several universal tendencies. First, mass character of formation grows, and it gives the basis to speak about transition to general higher education in economically developed countries. Number of students in our country the highest in the world: in 2005 on everyone of 10 thousand inhabitants of Russia was 495 students, in the USA - 445, in Germany - 240, in the Great Britain - 276, in Japan - 233. Thus the education system works on the pattern accepted decades ago: the maintenance

of training courses is made with the simplified copies of frequently out-of-date economic, social, natural-science or technical concepts. And as to the Russian students all of them connect training in high school with real competitiveness on a labour market less. Presence of higher education for many people is a sign of social normal.

Let's return once again to a question on quality of educational result.

It is important to note also, that the discussed problem has two indissolubly interconnected basic components: professionally substantial and professionally ethical. Indissolubility of these parties is well visible in those situations when the information, published high school before the next set of students about opportunities of a place of preparation, to put it mildly, does not reflect a real state of affairs. Not skilled and naive person hardly can find out it at once, before receipt. It's not terrible: advertising always embellishes. Other thing is terrible: discrepancy not only is not found out, and is perceived and estimated as conformity as the professional standard on the basis of which not only own activity is under construction, but also other experts are estimated.

As a result we have the following:

1) if discrepancy will not be revealed, we will receive «not absolutely professionals» or «nonprofessionals», whose actions essentially influence on image (and, accordingly, the public status) of profession and a corresponding estimation of educational results;

2) if discrepancy all the same will be revealed during training owing to this or that activity of those who finds out it (more often it is students or their parents, members of family), in public consciousness occurs «escalating» negative estimations of system of the higher professional education on that speciality». In such situations, as a rule, further search guilty. In this place it would be possible to present in advance the long list and to build it in the certain

hierarchical sequence, but we shall be limited to that is ascertained are there will be everyone who participated in it and was silent.

Naturally, we cannot bypass a question that bases of this or that quality of professional education are pawned (by default) in system of the general education. There various systems of an estimation of development of educational programs and establishments of criteria of readiness of the person to an output during an independent life and continuations of education on the average or the top echelon are developed.

At forum in The Institute of Pedagogics and psychology of development (Krasnoyarsk) I have met discussion of that is designated as «the certain deficiencies at students of different rates». One of participants of discussion writes:

« ... the part of deficiencies lasts from lacks of the general education. . when I wonder: «Why they should be able yet? «. I answer to myself: «they should bear It from school». Well, for example, as to read, write, speak, act, listen and hear, to analyze, give reason, work in group, etc».

Wide experience on preparation of practical psychologists of formation there suffices allows me to speak that is much more than «deficiencies», than you expect. Especially it surprises at work with the people already having higher education and come to receive additional. Here difficulty what «to supplement «there is nothing or it is impossible, since there it is a lot of «failures».

Having wide experience of participation in qualifying tests at faculties of psychology of different high schools of our country suffices, I can tell, that in most cases the qualitative educational result in preparation of the practical psychologist is expressed basically in such characteristic as «wide and deep professional erudition». On occasion here it is possible to add and «free possession of traditional means of rendering of psychological services».

But here for the customer always there is «a latent defect». This is a person of the one who will render these services. In this case (when we speak about preparation of practical psychologists) it is the same important substantial component, as well as all set forth above. It cannot «be put outside the brackets», «to tear off from the whole». But about it we can read through only in works of skilled experts and outstanding experts in the given area. The person in this speciality is both a condition and the result of the professional focused on practice psychological education.

Therefore in the most developed (from the point of view of the saved up experience of preparation of «practical psychologists») countries usually use the certain criteria during selection of students on this speciality. This criteria provide probability of qualitative educational result are used. For example, such as «a psychological maturity». Last is guaranteed by entering «age requirement».

In particular, to competition suppose only the people who have reached age of 25 years. Simultaneously such requirements are entered into procedure of selection to the person which are connected with its intellectual resources, by emotional stability and opportunities of self-control. Competition which is spent by means of application of active methods of practical psychology, allows to choose at whom these characteristics are expressed enough. The humanistic orientation of all procedures is provided with preventive measures at a primary meeting before procedure actually selection and granting of opportunities for those who has not was tested, to borrow in development of qualities necessary for the future speciality, in specially organized groups «personal growth».

I think, that educational result at training people focused on practice to psychological specialities, directly depends on presence of following opportunities:

1) the differentiated approach to professional selection and focused on practice the potential experts, constructed not only on criteria of erudition, but also personal opportunities of everyone trained;

2) creations of special conditions of the teaching which qualitatively differs from conditions of traditional academic teaching not so much by educational program, but by personnel resources and base for high-grade practical lessons.

On the basis of high school in which I work, we while can provide in a small degree only that, as to the first item. In particular, everyone wishing to be trained on a speciality «practical psychology», receives primary consultation in which it gets acquainted with those criteria on which we shall select applicants for teaching. Since this moment criteria of «a psychological maturity» start to work. It is important to note, that our high school is in structure of department of education of Moscow and the basic customer of educational result here is known in advance. But it does not mean, that we accept documents only from those who comes to us from bodies and establishments of education of Moscow. Simply for those who does not work in an education system of Moscow do not receive from it budgetary financing of teaching and should either pay independently the education fee (the customer is the student), or search for the customer who will pay the education fee.

If the entrant is ready to go next step after primary consultation, he comes on interview. The applicant receives the tasks, conditionally divided into three blocks - motives, intellectual resources and representations about the future profession. Firstly everyone tries to cope with tasks independently, then he comes to the expert who gets acquainted with the received results and puts some questions, allowing to clear up logic and result of process of performance of

tasks. Thus the expert marks an originality of behavioral reactions of the applicant and an emotional background accompanying them in the special report. The result of this test is expressed in the report by means of an integrated quantity indicator.

Here it is important to note, that 2 year training is initially possible, first of all, for at whom enough intellectual resources since it is very intensive rate (3 times a week after work for 6 hours). Therefore the important element of shown tasks, intellectual problems which decision allows to judge a level of development at the applicant of the basic cogitative operations and properties are. At once I shall tell, that if during this procedure the applicant showed a unbalance, inflexibility, inability to cope with own conditions results of the decision of intellectual problems become not a determinative at decision-making on its transfer.

It is natural, that educational result by preparation of practical psychologists, it is pawned in the maintenance and educational programs. In particular, initially programs of all base special subjects are developed on the basis of representations and specificity of the purposes, problems and methods of practical psychology. The course «Introduction into profession» sets the tone, where the content and orientation of all subsequent subjects is formed actually.

The biggest obstacle in a way of achievement of optimum educational result is an absence of special conditions of the training qualitatively differing conditions of traditional academic training not so much by educational program, how many personnel resources and base for carrying out of high-grade practical employment.

For example: at our faculty (unique in Moscow, giving additional higher education on a speciality «practical psychology») only one educational audience in which we train not only students, but also since 2007 are compelled to spend improvement of professional skill. Thus the

given premise does not meet the requirements, shown for educational audiences in general and is not adapted absolutely not for carrying out OF PRACTICAL employment.

Our students are compelled to pass practice in a place of work since we do not have specialized educational center on the basis of which each student could develop under direction of a skilled expert necessary for a trade personal qualities, skills and skill.

So, who and how defines actual consumer qualities of educational result by preparation of practical psychologists?

1. The state through laws on formation which, first of all, provide legal conditions of reception of formation and the requirement to its maintenance, expressed in State education standards.

2. Establishments of education and its experts who realize requirements to programs, to their maintenance and procedures of an establishment the qualifications expressed in laws and State education standards.

3. The future expert (or the persons taking for it the responsibility), choosing a place of training and defining the purpose of such preparation (the student; its parents; all those who directs on training, etc.).

4. The customer on behalf of those structures which include such posts in the list of staff and open corresponding vacancies.

As a whole, on my impressions and reasonings, the situation corresponds to the well-known statement of ours classics: «people in trouble are left to themselves».

Arguing further, I understand, that if this result will not suit a market (customer) developing in Russia, the market will have a necessity of creation of the special structures providing the necessary educational result. It can be both intrafirm training and training abroad, etc.

Complexity and ambiguity of the decision of the given question is also that if the Russian market could form itself today the order for the practical psychologist there would be no problems. We would go on a way of strict performance of this order. Under my data till now management of the Russian establishments and the enterprises poorly represents specificity of practical psychology and professional work of its experts and as consequence, in most cases cannot formulate it the requirements adequate to their real professional opportunities. It is well visible to that occurs to practical psychology in an education system.

In the conclusion I can tell, that I still keep the certain optimism in occasion of educational results in preparation of practical psychologists: and I and my colleagues are ready to be responsible for that result which we can show to the customer. Another matter, that for the present not all customers are ready to such results. Difficulties with professional realization enough competent graduates are sometimes connected with it: from them expect and demand not that they can do qualitatively, and that is necessary at present to the customer.

Therefore at the moment our major professional problem is overcoming break between the requirements shown to professional work of the psychologist in various spheres of social practice, and the system which has developed in Russia of psychological education. For this purpose, in our opinion, by efforts and customers and executors the complete system of the criteria precisely designating integrated characteristics of educational results should be developed and accepted. It should be reflected not only in requirements to educational programs and necessary conditions of their realization, but also in requirements to personal to characteristics of the people, gathering to realize the potential in practical psychology.

This text is magazine version of performance atXV All-Russia scientifically-practical conference "Pedagogics of development: educational results, their measurements and an estimation " (Krasnoyarsk, on April, 21-23rd. 2008)


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S. Kovaleva, Condition of the Russian education, Materials to performance at the All-Russia scientifically-practical conference of «the Problem of perfection of the content of the general secondary education», http://www.centeroko.ru/public.htm

New challenges for education system (from the report of the World bank on world development for 2007), www.vo.hse.ru/attachment.aspx

V.E. Pakhalian, Supplement higher professional education in a context of the concept of transitions (on an example of preparation and retraining of practical psychologists), Pedagogics of development: instituionals transitions in sphere of education (Krasnoyarsk, 2008), 58-67.

Wolf A. Does education matter?: myths about education and economic growth (London: Penguin Books, 2002).

J. Zabrodin, V.E. Pakhalian, The main problem of practical psychology in modern Russia, Materials of IV All-Russia congress of the Russian psychological society, On September, 19-21th, Vol. 2 (Rostov-on-Don, 2007), 18-19.

I.A. Zimnjaja, Pedagogical psychology (Rostov-on-Don, 1997).

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