DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-1-133-137
Psychological-pedagogical mastery is the basis of professional activity
success of a coach
Tamara V. Mikhaylova*, Mariya S. Leonteva
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism
Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-3568-779X, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0002-9402-4251, [email protected]
Abstract: As the practice shows the level of sportsmanship of a coach in the past can't guarantee the effectiveness of a coaching activity in the future. His sports experience can have a positive influence only at the initial stages of labor activity. Further we very often see reproductive coaching process organization. Modern coach must have great amount of competencies in different spheres: technical-tactical training, functional, psychological training, medical-biological and moral-volitional aspects, ethical behavior of a coach and an athlete. The research works show that social-psychological aspects take the first place, when all the rest aspects become more or less equivalent under the influence of a physical load. The mentor should predict and project both the system of training and the system of his athletes' performances during the competitions. Materials. The main factors of a coach's psychological-pedagogical activity determination. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, survey, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. We defined the factors of psychological-pedagogical activity of a coach. We analyzed the significance of psychological-pedagogical knowledge among students (the future coaches) and the present young coaches (90 respondents). Almost all respondents consider psychological component of a coach's activity important for any profession. It is the feature of competence and increases the level of responsibility. The respondents underline that psychological-pedagogical knowledge level increases the level of social responsibility of a coach. Keywords: sport, professional activity, coach, physical load, psychological training, creative potential, competitive activity.
For citation: Tamara V. Mikhaylova*, Mariya S. Leonteva. Psychological-pedagogical mastery is the basis of professional activity success of a coach. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): . DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-1-133-137.
Introduction a coach is characterized by specific moral relations
Object - psychological-pedagogical with a student, team, collective, opponents,
knowledge of a coach as the basis of professional coaches, administration, judges, audience, the
activity success. representatives of mass media and etc.. Nowadays
Subject - factors, influencing psychological- when technology is especially developed urgent
pedagogical knowledge and skills of a coach. becomes the question of additional means use for
Hypothesis - it is supposed that psychological the working capacity level increase. That is why
resistance to different outer and inner distorting sports ethics, based on the set of moral norms and
factors provides higher result achievement in sport views, should define the main rules of an athlete's
and harmonious adaptation in society after sports and a coach's behavior. Moral upbringing is based
career end. The aim is to define the main factors of on consciousness, activity, duty and responsibility
psychological-pedagogical activity of a coach. in terms of oneself, a coach and society. Social role
Psychological-pedagogical knowledge of sport nowadays forms the opinion of society, has
conditions the essence of a coach training and his a great moral meaning. The behavior and actions of
"opinion" of an athlete's development, whom he idols become the example and form moral ideals.
trains for the set aims realization. A coach, who We can speak about intellectual components
has knowledge in different spheres of a person's development, connected with motor activity ofyouth,
psychology, can "control" the behavior and their social functions broadening and aesthetic
influence the activity of his student. The activity of ideals - physical improvement. Unfortunately,
the influence on an athlete's moral-ethical image is beyond the boundaries of the training process. Though it is obvious, that physical culture classes improve psycho-physical qualities and mental abilities. Controlling the training process a coach solves different objectives and influences different organs and systems of an athlete's organism with the help of physical exercises, taking into account his age related and physiological characteristics
The founder of scientific pedagogics in Russia K.D. Ushinski said that each teacher is a psychologist first of all. Coaches are involved into the upbringing process. They define athletes' psychic characteristics and peculiarities, which in the future condition norms of behavior and moral principles mastering, adopted in the society. A coach, analyzing individual features of these qualities and peculiarities, provides correct psychological attitude creation to outer factors, which influence personality formation. Apart from moral, motor and intellectual model coaches create the model of an athlete's personality in general. High level of psychological training and moral upbringing can provide easier adaptation in social environment after sports career end. Self-control in difficult situations of competitive activity, steadiness of behavior is the model, which a coach compares individual qualities of his students with, when he is searching for the ways of their improvement. Life position, its demonstrations are conditioned by many criteria, such as sports motivation, social opinion and interests, civic point of view, self-criticism, adherence to principles, discipline, psychological compatibility and empathy. In order to create an optimal psychological approach to an athlete it is necessary to have the ability to diagnose mentioned above characteristics.
Psychological-pedagogical problems
solution during the work of a coach determines sportsmanship improvement and an athlete's personality change, his attitude to environment. A coach solves functional objectives, connected with choosing instruments of psychological-pedagogical influence on an athlete's consciousness. They at the level of higher sportsmanship are the main factors of success at the competitions. Thus, we can say that an athlete's personality is formed through social-psychological interaction with a coach.
The main thing in this pedagogical process is readiness of a coach to sacrifice success, if it can do any harm to athletes' health or psychological state. Unfortunately, sport of high achievements has its own laws and they are projected on young and younger athletes.
Such an approach levels the significance of morality, sports ethics and is based on the future material benefits getting. Commercial success takes the first place. A traditional sports psychology is based on moral improvement of a personality. Where the effectiveness of coach-student system is conditioned by the attitude of an athlete to his coach. A coach should not only listen, but also hear his athlete, as the whole activity is based on psychological phenomenon - mutual understanding. It is possible to have personal relations on the basis of sympathy or antipathy, general interest, hobby and etc.. Relations appear spontaneously and can change during mutual activity. Conflicts can appear and have negative influence on the whole training process. Knowing sports psychology helps a coach to control conflicts, reveal their reasons (load, training means, methods of influence, psychological component and others). Mastery of a coach is conditioned by his ability to control conflict situation and sometimes deliberately provoke it in order to
Table 1
Analysis of psychological-pedagogical knowledge significance among students (the future coaches) and the existing young coaches (90 respondents)
Students Existing coaches
Sex 40% male 60% female 35% male 65% female
Age under 20 35% 21-25 years-old 50% from 26 years-old 15% 21-25 years-old 45% from 26 years-old 55%
Course 1-2 course 30% 3-4 course 70%
Table 2
Sports rank or the category of a respondent
Content Students Existing coaches
Rank or category Master of sport (MS) 55% Candidate Master of Sports (CMS), the 1st category 45% MS45% CMS, the 1st category 50% lower than the 1st category 5%
Almost all respondents consider psychological aspect of a coach's activity important for any profession. It is the feature of competence and increases the level of responsibility.
Table 3
Studying "Sports psychology" discipline
Content Students Existing coaches
Studying at the University 60% yes 40% no 35% yes 65% no
The respondents mention that psychological-pedagogical knowledge increases the level of social responsibility of a coach.
A.S. Makarenko wrote that a person formation as a personality is characterized by higher spheres of his psyche development. They are the following: thinking, will and feelings. Professional creative potential of a coach is developed during the whole labor activity, taking into account the mistakes and positive experience. A coach, who has creative thinking, understands and can predict the consequences of the fulfilled work and is ready to be responsible for it. Such kind of awareness means professional values and aims existence. A coach plays one of the main roles in the training process. Using psychological-pedagogical knowledge and transferring it to his athletes, a coach forms an athletes' personality. As coach-student system is considered a single entity an athlete should also possess high social responsibility.
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Submitted: 28.02.2022
Author's information:
Tamara V. Mikhaylova - Doctor ofPedagogics, Professor, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, 105122, Russia, Moscow,, Sirenevy blvd, House 4, e-mail: tomrikos8@mail. ru
Mariya S. Leonteva - Doctor of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, 105122, Russia, Moscow, Sirenevy blvd, House 4, e-mail: [email protected]