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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nazarov Azamat Sottarovich, Khudaibergenova Zilola

This article reveals the psychological features of managerial decision-making, as well as psychological recommendations for improving the efficiency of the managerial decision-making process based on the results of ongoing experimental work.

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Nazarov Azamat Sottarovich, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Khudaibergenova Zilola, Bartyn University, Bartyn, Turkey

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This article reveals the psychological features of managerial decision-making, as well as psychological recommendations for improving the efficiency of the managerial decision-making process based on the results of ongoing experimental work.

Key words: personality, personnel, manager, individual personality traits, decision making, managerial decisions, conscious choice, determinism, indeterminism.


Назаров Азамат Соттарович, Международная исламская академия Узбекистана, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Худайбергенова Зилола, Бартынский университет, Бартин, Турция

Аннатоция. В данной статье раскрываются психологические особенности принятия управленческих решений, а также психологические рекомендации по повышению эффективности процесса принятия управленческих решений по результатам проводимой экспериментальной работы.

Ключевые слова: личность, персонал, руководитель, индивидуальные свойства личности, принятие решений, управленческие решения, осознанный выбор, детерминизм, индетерминизм.



In the structure of managerial activity of the head, several important elements can be distinguished - the functions of goal-setting, forecasting, planning, organization, motivation, control.

All of them are important in their own way for the success of an entrepreneur, however, many management specialists believe that the most significant element among these aspects of the work of a leader is the function of making managerial decisions.

When developing a management decision, a complete structure of activity is revealed, including the level of psychophysiological functions, the level of action, the level of the actual special activity.

The leader can delegate most of the other functions to his subordinates, but if he delegates the decision-making function, he immediately loses the reins of government and the ability to control the situation, automatically ceasing to be a leader. If we talk about definitions, then the decision is the choice of one of a number of alternatives in the process of achieving the goals.

Some entrepreneurs can quickly and clearly make the right decisions, while other novice leaders periodically experience difficulties in critical difficult situations. This is due not only to the presence or absence of some knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to the personal characteristics of leaders. The following psychological factors are believed to be particularly influential in decision making:

1. Features of thinking (creativity, logic, speed of thinking, spatial thinking,


2. Motivation (the degree of interest in making certain decisions);

3. Personal characteristics (anxiety, self-esteem, etc.);

4. Business qualities (responsibility, perseverance, independence, sociability,


5. Values and attitudes underlying priorities and predisposition to specific actions.

6. The ethical principles that the leader adheres to (fairness, honesty, attention to people, etc.).

Businessmen often have to make decisions under the pressure of time, when there is no opportunity to study the situation for a long time and painstakingly and carefully evaluate probable situations. All of these factors encourage leaders to act on intuition.

Of particular interest are the psychological difficulties that hinder the identification of problems at the stage of developing a managerial decision. Many leaders are not even aware of their existence, since their source is subconscious.

A number of phenomena can be attributed to the psychological barriers that lie in the way of developing a managerial decision.

As noted by V.A. Smirnov, almost every managerial decision reflects the individuality of its initiator and the system of his values. The role of the human factor is manifested in two aspects: the influence of personal characteristics on the process of developing a managerial decision and personal assessments of an already existing solution.


Personal characteristics include: will, suggestibility, emotionality, temperament, professionalism, experience, responsibility, thinking parameters, and so on.

Each person is characterized by the following basic parameters of thinking: depth, breadth, speed and flexibility, which have their own characteristics. Depth characterizes the analytical nature of a person's thinking, his search for cause-and-effect relationships within the analyzed situation. At the same time, a person can abstract from the surrounding elements. Breadth reflects the synthetic nature of thinking, in which a person is able to assess the role of the analyzed situation in the overall scenario of activity. Speed is determined by the time it takes to complete a task relative to the average level adopted in a given company. An employee can quickly understand a situation or develop an effective solution faster than others. Flexibility provides a timely and reasonable transition to new methods of development and implementation of a management decision.

According to V.A. Smirnov, such managerial qualities as practicality, optimism and pessimism have a great influence on the development of a managerial decision.

The practicality of a manager or a specialist is associated with extensive work experience and the development of stereotypical approaches to the development of managerial decisions.

Optimism should be supported by high professionalism in management activities and technological capabilities of the company.

Optimistic leaders are good for the company. They increase the risks of implementing a management decision, both positively and negatively. They selflessly take on risky but useful work for the company and often bring seemingly hopeless projects to a positive result.

The manager's pessimism is based on an underestimated estimate of the capabilities of the staff, including his own, the company itself and the clients cooperating with it. The head believes that the underestimated option will be implemented, which will bring the company a stable, but small income. This approach can be effective in traditional, little-changing industries. For the head of the company, pessimists are also needed for making informed decisions and balanced approaches to management decisions.

Considering the phenomena of the influence of the personal qualities of a leader on the process of developing a managerial decision, one should take into account the varying degree of stability of individual personal qualities.

Among the set of psychological qualities there are unchangeable, weakly changeable and strongly changeable.

The unchangeable ones include: temperament, genetically predetermined reactions and the type of higher nervous activity; to weakly changeable -suggestibility, the level of emotionality, the nature of attention, the propensity to take risks and the parameters of thinking; to strongly changeable - will, responsibility, sociability.

There is a model of a successful leader that provides the maximum opportunity for the successful development and implementation of managerial decisions.


This set includes: sociability, determination, professionalism, openness, curiosity, result orientation, self-confidence and so on.

There is a theory that suggests the influence of temperament on the characteristics of the development of managerial decisions (table 1).

Table 1

A type temperament Features of the approach to managerial decision

Choleric They prefer speed, efficiency and individualism in the development of management decisions. Often it is these qualities that are more important than the long-term study of the solution. However, choleric people do not always have time to carefully assess the situation and form a true problem. Their decisions are sometimes spontaneous. The decisions made by the choleric are characterized by a high level of

Sanguine They have a more calm type of mental activity. They, like choleric people, are quick and efficient in developing a management decision, but they prefer collective discussion of key problems or key elements of decisions they have already made to individualism. Sanguine people work well both with specialists and with decision support information systems.

Phlegmatic They prefer to spend more time on developing a management decision than on its implementation. For them, an excess of information, opinions and advice on the tasks to be solved is important. Their decisions are characterized by a high level of security and deliberation. When implementing their decisions, phlegmatic people are decisive and persistent. They trust specialists more than information systems.

Melancholic They approach the development of management decisions very responsibly. They try to take into account all possible negative consequences of the implementation of decisions. Often, minor problems (little things) are elevated by them to the rank of primary ones. Melancholics need a lot of time, a large amount of information, advisers and various statements. The decision made by the melancholic is distinguished by detailed elaboration and the reality of implementation. Melancholic people make effective decisions in the field of strategic planning, design, etc. Work in stressful sit-



Decision making is an integral part of any managerial function. The need to make a decision permeates everything that a manager does, setting goals and achieving them. Therefore, understanding the nature of decision-making is extremely important for any leader who wants to excel in the art of management.


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