Umarov Bakhriddin Mengboevich, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Nazarov Azamat Sottarovich, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The managerial decision depends on many factors: on the state of affairs in the controlled area, on the state of the labor collective, on staffing, etc. In addition, management makes special demands on the personal qualities of a leader, on his mental abilities, on his ability to predict and analyze emerging managerial situations.
Key words: personality, staff, manager, individual personality traits, making decisions, conscious choice, determinism, indeterminism.
Умаров Бахриддин Менгбоевич, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет имени Низами, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Назаров Азамат Соттарович, Международная исламская академия Узбекистана, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация. Управленческие решения руководителя зависят от многих факторов: состояния текущих дел в сфере его деятельности, численности персонала и т.д. Кроме того, руководитель предъявляет требования к личным качествам сотрудника, его компетенциям, способности прогнозировать и решать возникающие ситуации в ходе работы подчиненного.
Ключевые слова: личность, персонал, руководитель, индивидуальные черты личности, принятие решений, сознательный выбор, детерминизм, индетерминизм.
Management decision is the main activity of a manager. It creates the direction, form and content of the work of a collective of subordinates. The smallest gaps in management decisions can result in losses both for the employees of the workforce and, ultimately, for society.
Competent professional management reacts in the form of managerial decisions, primarily to the emergence of a new one, to special situations in the economic, political, socio-psychological spheres. The need for a managerial decision arises where a contradictory situation develops.
The very process of making a managerial decision is difficult to study. This is due to the fact that the course of the decision-making phases is, for the most part, hidden from direct observation. It is very difficult to create an experimental situation in which it is possible to trace the birth of a decision, since the real conditions in which a managerial decision is made are of great importance. Most managers, carrying out this type of activity, rather intuitively take into account many factors affecting the management situation, and, as a rule, cannot say how they do it.
Another important aspect of making a managerial decision is the receipt and use of information in communication situations.
The professional life of any leader, any manager takes place in conditions of intense communication. As a rule, experienced leaders are true masters of communication, knowing and using the mechanisms of productive relationships and interactions.
For a leader, as a rule, social order is valuable, including in his own team. Therefore, most managers respect and take into account in their work role expectations, status positions, various social norms and rules of work and behavior among people. Maintaining authority is also an important feature of leaders. Probably for this reason, managers really do not like to be tested by psychologists, fearing that the information will go outside the office.
Since obtaining information about the course of management processes, and making management decisions, in particular, is very difficult, we considered it possible, when setting up our experiment, to focus on the self-reports of managers and subordinates, believing it is possible to identify significant differences in subjective indicators and use their interpretation for assumptions and objective statements.
Each person during his life makes a large number of decisions that affect, first of all, himself and the few people associated with him.
However, in organizations, the decision-making process plays a more significant role than in the private life of the individual. The stakes are much higher here. The decisions made in the organization, firstly, affect the lives of not only the employees of the organization, but also many other people. If an organization is powerful enough, its decisions can change not only the environment in which the organization operates, but even the course of human history. Secondly, the decisions made in organizations are characterized by significant complexity, since it is necessary to take into account a huge number of various factors: the future state of the market, the competitiveness of products or services, the volume of capital investments, etc.
In addition, the efficiency of enterprises' activities depends on the quality of management decisions. This determines the importance of mastering by each responsible employee of the management apparatus, and even more so by managers, theoretical knowledge and skills in the development of management decisions. A defining place in the composition of the reasons for ineffective decisions is taken by ignorance or non-compliance with the technology of their development and organization of implementation.
The organizational aspect is manifested in the organization, both in the development and implementation of management decisions. At the same time, a number of its functions are implemented, namely, guiding, coordinating and motivating.
The guiding function of decisions is manifested in the fact that they are made on the basis of a long-term development strategy of the enterprise, are concretized in a variety of tasks. At the same time, decisions are the guiding basis for the implementation of general management functions - planning, organization, control, motivation, which are implemented through decisions.
The coordinating role of decisions is reflected in the need to coordinate the actions of the executors for the implementation of decisions within the approved time frame and of appropriate quality.
The motivating function of decisions is realized through a system of organizational measures (orders, decrees, orders), economic incentives (bonuses, allowances), social assessments (moral and political factors of labor activity: self-affirmation of the individual, creative self-realization).
The effectiveness of each management decision largely depends on the performance and ratio of these functions, both during its preparation and at the stage of implementation.
Taking all this into account, the management decision becomes a real instrument for achieving the set goals.
Having given an order to implement the decision, the manager then focuses on feedback - incoming information about the progress of the decision. But that doesn't solve the whole problem.
First, because the direct participant in the events evaluates them with elements of subjectivity. We assess ourselves most often not by the actual results of work, but by the effort that was required for this. For a leader, an objective assessment of the actual state of affairs is important.
Secondly, the leader is interested not so much in the objective information of individual sections as in comparative data on the degree of implementation of his decisions in different teams (divisions).
Thirdly, executive and control activities are fundamentally different in terms of their goals, methods of action, motives, results and conditions and require different professional training and experience.
Fourthly, the head at different times requires different information, for this, subordinates must ensure the continuous and timely presentation of various
information, which separates them from their direct responsibility for implementing decisions.
Fifth, the leader needs personal impressions, a live connection with the performer, in addition to information, no matter how objective it is.
The question arises, what gives control to subordinates? It is designed to inform performers about the progress of work, its compliance with the plans of the head. The performer is interested in that his efforts were noticed by others and appreciated. Recognition serves as an additional incentive for further efforts in the work, especially of respected people, recognized authorities. The very fact of control (in a delicate form) serves as an argument that increases the prestige of the task performed by the performer, adds self-esteem and confidence in one's own affairs.
Compliance with certain conditions of a psychological nature increases the effectiveness of control. Namely: when a person works enthusiastically, selflessly and faithfully, you should not distract him, since internally he will accept control as a hindrance. Control should be exercised in a situation when the employee is in doubt, or when a certain stage of work has been completed and he is ready to share the results himself.
Questions, often supervised, reflect a particular meaning in the minds of the performers. What falls out of the controllers' attention goes into the shadows of the performer as well. Therefore, control should be carried out systematically. Everything should be checked, although not equally deeply.
Rational organization of the implementation of managerial decisions and systematic monitoring of compliance with the norms and conditions for high-quality implementation is a real prerequisite for ensuring their effectiveness.
Designing and implementing solutions that deliver consistently high performance is a challenge for experienced executives too. For various reasons, the effect may not be as expected. However, there should be a constant striving to maximize the effect, since insufficient efficiency qualifies as a "marriage" in the work of a manager.
Organization and control of the implementation of managerial decisions, and control over their quality (and, accordingly, their effectiveness) can be called one of the most important prerequisites for ensuring the competitiveness of products and firms in the market, the formation of rational organizational structures, the implementation of the correct personnel policy and work, regulation of social and psychological relations at the enterprise, creating a positive image, etc.
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