10. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5567844/ (дата обращения: 16.02.2022).
'Fayziev Yahshi Ziyevich - Assistant Professor, INTERFACULTY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS; 2Bozorova Safia Safar kizi - Student, FACULTY OF PHYSICAL CULTURE; 3Ziyeev Dilshod Yahshi ugli - Student, DIRECTION: GENERAL PREVENTION,
Abstract: many sports have been developing rapidly in Uzbekistan in recent years. Each sport is unique, has a physical character that requires special attention and requires psychological preparation.
Keywords: sport, physical development, athletes, psychological preparation.
'Файзиев Яхши Зиёевич - доцент, межфакультетская кафедра физкультуры и спорта; 2Бозорова Сафия Сафар кизи - студент, факультет физической культуры, Бухарский государственный университет; 3Зиёев Дилшод Яхши угли - студент, направление: общая профилактика, Бухарский медицинский институт, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в последние годы в Узбекистане стремительно развиваются многие виды спорта. Каждый вид спорта уникален, отличается физическим характером, который требует особого внимания и требует психологической подготовки. Ключевые слова: спорт, физическое развитие, атлеты, психологическая подготовка.
After gaining the independence our republic has participated in a number of championships and international olympic games. Therefore, in recent years, many sports have been rapidly developing in our country. Every sport is unique and differs in the nature of the physical features, which requires special attention and requires psychological preparation, and also has tactically defined rules. Our sports are divided into the following five groups depending on the physical activity of the athletes. It is considered appropriate to highlight: The first group of sports includes boxing, all kinds of wrestling, gymnastics, light and weightlifting, swimming, sports, fencing and so on.
As it is obvious, athletes in any sport win competitions with all their physical and mental abilities and in any difficult situation they force themselves to recover. However, every sport
has various criteria to win a competition and they differ. This is a theoretical knowledge of norms and criteria while sport in practice will bring the athlete a real victory. Certainly, based on goals, points, distance, time, weight an athlete uses his strength, willpower and physical qualities trying to win.
These sports are also dangerous for the athlete not to be lost, to make an independent decision, to feel free to use the techniques correctly, to percept external wind resistance, to speed without physical and mental fear gaining skillful management, and these all require some physical activities.
Sports belonging to the third group (shooting from bows and pistols) is the excitement of athletes also varies significantly involving proper aiming, negative emotions (in some cases) such as anxiety, worry, panic special attention.
Shooting is a good study for a sportsman if he uses certain technical aspects of using weapons during the competition even when the number of points is changed at the expense of the opponent, they do not leave and should develop such positive qualities as the desire to win implementing techniques successfully.
The fourth group includes aircraft models, car models, and such vehicles; sports that associated with design abilities. These sports require the athlete to develop his talent and creativity. Athlete's creative imagination is reinvented; he should be able to imagine new airplane models and car models to focuse on the development of steering them.
The fifth group of sports includes chess and other types of board games. It's a sport that requiers the ability of thinking and sportsmen are involved in different stages of sports that acquire a clear purpose, voluntary nature. Skilled chess player understands his opponent in very difficult situations, he can understand his solutions, decisions better and faster. What needs to be considered in the mind of an athlete that there should be thoughtful moves, imaginary problems and their solutions. A player anticipates the opponent's thoughts during the game, his panic, and creates difficult situations for his opponent, and plays changing his own tactics.
One of the oldest sports today: running, jumping and similar types. There are more and more other sports on earth, such as throwing and wrestling, water polo, trampoline, art and gymnastics, ice dancing, skydiving, underwater sports and many others such as swimming.
A number of new sports based on throwing and wrestling have been organized. Also, these types are developing gradually. Our national wrestling, is one of the world's sports, always finds its rightful place. Using the national wrestling sport countries held world championships many times. In recent years the interest for uzbek wrestling has been growing that it appeared several times in the world champions involving famous sportsmen. It requires to develope further methods by training our wrestlers in physical, mental, tactical and technical manners using selected science-based methods.
The relevance of studying the problem of the development of the emotional and volitional potential of sportsmen who participate in the international competitions, is due to the strict requirements not only to physical but also to the psychological characteristics of sportsmen. The achieving a high sport result depends to a large extent on the mobilization of all the inner abilities of a sportsman in a responsible situation of a sporting competitions. The level of emotional and volitional potential serves as an indicator for sporting selection and psychological training of sportsmen. The purpose of the study is to discover the significance and the diagnostic methods of the emotional and volitional potential of a sportsman.
The theoretical research methods were used: analysis of monographic literature, systematization of scientific sources, comparison and synthesis of data, categorization. The study showed that the emotional and volitional potential is characterized by obvious and concealed mobilization reserves of a person's ability to overcome the emerging obstacles to achieving the goal in different conditions of sporting activities. The following are the external conditions of a sportsman which reveal his/her emotional and volitional potential:
inclusion in extreme activities; self-education of volitional qualities; the influence of the coach, who creates the conditions for the sportsman to reveal his/her latent opportunities.
An athlete puts all his energy to his favourite sport so as to achieve success, demonstrates his skills and abilities thoroughly. Wrestlers achieve high results by their individual characteristics and general level of training; financially accessibility, quality of nutrition and physical development also play important role; improving a sportsman's performance depends on factors such as his mental and spiritual education.
In many situations young athletes are in low development of strength qualities when performing a particular exercise having self-doubt, fear of injury, embarrassment, generally, negative feelings about training that may lead to a decrease in interest. Therefore, the emotional development and improvement of them should be maing taken into consideration, cared about. While purposely organized trainings and exercises form positive volitional qualities in athletes that are highly essential in such state.
Sportsmen are encouraged to perform physical exercises to increase their endurance. They do it skillfully, do some exercises to the maximum level and achieve clear results in a short period of time; even if they are in challenging conditions, sportsmen are high on the basis of performing exercises with high technical and tactical skills when they are self confident and emotionally supported. Achieving results, succeeding (in a high jump sports, running from the opposite side, jumping in a particular distance) are the most crucial, they feel more at ease with facing conditions.
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CULTURE AT SCHOOLS Turaev M^.1, Boltayeva B.J.2, Rаzokova S.J.3 Email: [email protected]
'Turaev Mahmud Mukamedovich - Assistant Professor, DEPARTMENT OF THEORY AND METHODS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE; 2Boltayeva Barchina Jamil kizi - Student; 3Razokova Sevarabonu Jamshid kizi - Student, FACULTY OF PHYSICAL CULTURE, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN