Psychological aspects of modeling the professional and personal development of a teacher in the system of advanced training
Tatyana V. Stashkova
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
E-mail: [email protected]
The introduction substantiates the relevance of the study of the determination of the success of modeling the professional and personal development of a teacher in the professional development system. The results of the analysis of psychological factors that ensure productive personal growth and professional development of a teacher are presented. The vectors of the teacher's activity aimed at positive transformation, self-development, and overcoming risks are described. the introduction gives a meaningful characteristic of the functions of teachers ' ideas about the ways of self-development, the ability to preadapt as a factor of increasing professional success in conditions of uncertainty. The novelty of the research is to identify and describe the psychological features of modeling the professional and personal development of a teacher in the system of professional development in the conditions of modern risks. The article presents a comparative analysis of various models of professional and personal development of a teacher and their effectiveness in practice. Methods of data collection: questionnaires and testing. The Results section shows the role of self-assessment of competence and individual risks in modeling professional growth and achieving success in designing a constructive individual trajectory of advancement in the profession. This module contains an analysis of achievement motivation and subjective control, teachers ' ideas about the factors of productive development in the conditions of modern risks. In the Discussion section, the interpretation of the results of an empirical study of the psychological aspects of modeling the professional and personal development of a teacher in the system of advanced training in the conditions of modern transformations is presented. The data of an empirical study show the importance of teachers ' ideas about the factors of successful professional growth and the construction of an individual development trajectory. For the first time, the role of reflection of individual professional risks in determining the productive transformative activity of teachers in the process of continuous professional development is shown. In Conclusion, the connection between the degree of reflection of their resources and
risks and the success of professional and personal growth of teachers is emphasized. It is concluded that nowadays the level of understanding of professional and personal difficulties contributes to the formation of an adequate, constructive model of teacher development. The model of the program of psychological support of professional and personal development in the system of advanced training is given.
subject, teacher, risks, success, ideas, psychological competence, professional growth, personal growth
For citation
Stashkova, T. V. (2021). Psychological aspects of modeling the professional and personal development of a teacher in the system of advanced training. Innovative Science: psychology, pedagogy, defectology, 4(3), 55-64. doi: https://doi. org/10.23947/2658-7165-2021-4-3-55-64
Психологические аспекты моделирования профессионально-личностного развития педагога в системе повышения квалификации
Татьяна В. Сташкова
Донской государственный технический университет, Ростов-на-Дону,
Российская Федерация
E-mail: [email protected]
Во Введении дано обоснование актуальности исследования детерминации успешности моделирования профессионально-личностного развития педагога в системе повышения квалификации. Представлены результаты теоретического анализа психологических факторов, обеспечивающих продуктивный личностный рост и профессиональное развитие педагога в процессе непрерывного повышения квалификации. Описаны основные векторы активности педагога, направленной на позитивное преобразование, саморазвитие и преодоление рисков. Дана содержательная характеристика функций представлений педагогов о способах саморазвития, формирования способности к преадаптации как фактора повешения профессиональной успешности в условиях неопределённости. Новизна исследования заключается в выявлении и описании психологических особенностей моделирования профессионально-личностного развития педагога в системе повышения квалификации в условиях современных рисков. В содержании статьи включён
сопоставительный анализ различных моделей профессионально-личностного развития педагога и их эффективности на практике. В разделе Результаты показана роль самооценки компетентности и индивидуальных рисков в моделировании профессионального роста и достижения успеха в проектировании конструктивной индивидуальной траектории продвижения в педагогической деятельности. В данном модуле содержится анализ мотивации достижения и субъективного контроля, представлений педагогов о факторах продуктивного развития в условиях современных рисков. В Обсуждении результатов представлено описание и интерпретация результатов эмпирического исследования психологических аспектов моделирования профессионально-личностного развития педагога в системе повышения квалификации в условиях современных трансформаций. Данные эмпирического исследования показывают значение представлений педагогов о факторах успешного профессионального роста и построении индивидуальной траектории развития. Впервые показана роль рефлексии индивидуальных профессиональных рисков в определении продуктивной преобразующей активности педагогов в процессе непрерывного повышения квалификации. В Заключении подчеркивается наличие связи степени рефлексии своих ресурсов и рисков и успешности профессионально-личностного роста педагогов. Делается вывод о том, что уровень осмысления профессионально-личностных затруднений в современной ситуации способствует формированию адекватной, конструктивной модели развития педагога. Приведена модель программы психологического обеспечения повышения уровня профессионально-личностного развития в системе повышения квалификации.
Ключевые слова
субъект, педагог, риски, успешность, представления, субъективные детерминанты, психологическая компетентность, профессионально-личностный рост
Для цитирования
Сташкова Т. В. Психологические аспекты моделирования профессионально-личностного развития педагога в системе повышения квалификации // Инновационная наука: психология, педагогика, дефектология. 2021. Т. 4, № 3. С. 55-64. doi:
Modern changes in the concept of building the educational space of Russian society have actualized the problem of modernization and reform of the teacher's professional development system, the development of his ability to preadapt, acquire future competencies. The professional-pedagogical activity requires constant self-improvement, the development of the ability to holistically perceive situations of
interaction with students, create a facilitating environment, effectively use developing technologies, reflect, and design (Asmolov, Shechter & Chernorizov, 2017; Degterev & Larionova, 2017; Li & Yu, 2019; Huang & Gui, 2014).
In the context of a large-scale reform of the education system, modeling the professional development of the future teacher's personality becomes significant and necessary not only in connection with the tasks of improving professional competence but also with the creation of psychological conditions for the development, self-actualization, and self-realization of the teacher's personality (Batarshev, 2014; Hovhannisyan, Hakobyan & Erovenko, 2016).
A complex of problems related to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection has been added to the constantly changing conditions in the modern education system. This required a mobile reorientation, a manifestation of psychological readiness to implement professional tasks of a new format.
The introduction of distance learning in a short time imposes special requirements on cognitive and information competence, the ability to show creativity, and innovative thinking in the development of digital educational technologies (Unger & Meiran, 2020; Risan, 2020; Shcherbakova, Misirov, Guseva, Alexandrova & Shostak, 2020).
The professional development system is an important cluster of continuing professional education of a teacher, providing the growth of competence and professionalism, the discovery of new professional meanings, and the ability to preadapt. The study of psychological conditions for modeling the professional development of a teacher's personality in the modern system of professional development allows us to build effective models of professional and personal growth, including not only the growth of professional competence but also the improvement of social intelligence (Abakumova & Kagermazova, 2008; Asmolov, 2015; Aldrup, Carstensen, Koller & Klusmann, 2020; Klusmann, Aldrup, Schmidt & Ludtke, 2020).
Currently, the topic of continuous professional and personal growth of a teacher is one of the central ones in the national project "Education", which focuses on the formation of the personality of the modern teacher. The federal project contains a target setting for involving teachers in various forms of support and mentoring with a focus on continuous development. The mentoring program is a universal model for building a scheme of facilitating relations within an educational organization, promotes intensive personal development, transfer of experience, formation of necessary pedagogical skills, communication style, and values. Mentoring technology is based on the principles of trust, dialogue, constructive partnership, mutual enrichment, and the transmission of subjective experience.
Today, the system of advanced training is faced with the task of creating conditions for the development of an adaptive, practice-oriented, and flexible technology of
personalized scientific and methodological support for the development of a teacher. The main emphasis is placed on updating the motivation of competence, increasing the motivation for success, and creating conditions for gaining experience of real success in the professional community (Mitina, 2014; Nikonenko, 2018).
In the context of the modern system of professional development, several facilitative effects occur:
- accumulation, translation, and generation of constructive experience in professional communities of different levels;
- increasing the subject's involvement in project activities and increasing innovation activity;
- improving the level of autopsychological and professional competence;
- the development of a worldview, the expansion of consciousness, professional meanings, pedagogical centers, value orientations, and the necessary competencies of the future.
Questionnaire "Professional development of a teacher" (E. V. Yezhak), questionnaire "Self-assessment of psychological competence" (T. N. Shcherbakova), Motives for choosing a teacher's activity (E. P. Ilyin), Achievement motivation test (M. Sh. Magomed-Eminov). Based on IPK and PPRO, 625 teachers are annually retrained on the problem of modeling professional and personal growth. This group made up a sample of respondents.
During the survey of students of the TBU RO RIPK and PPRO based courses, it was found that teachers are aware of the need for professional development, reflect on their personal and professional qualities that need development, and also identify a range of issues that need to be addressed in the process of postgraduate professional education. At the same time, diagnostics of motivation for professional development showed that teachers have external motives for professional development - 31 % and informational (to get new, useful information for practice) - 33 %, the motive of professional and personal growth is expressed in 36 % (Fig. 1). The results obtained reflect the general trend and indicate the need to increase the installation and motivational module of the teacher's professional development model in the PC system.
In the list of motives determining the achievement of a higher level of professionalism, respondents designate such as: "the demand for time" (37.5 %), "the desire for self-realization" (31.3 %); "the desire to be successful" (40.2 %); "the need to implement new technologies" (44.3 %); "to be authoritative" (27.4 %); "the desire to get more opportunities" (22.5%); "the desire to develop" (24.3%) (Fig. 2).
El External motives
□ Informational motives
E3 Motives for professional and personal growth
Fig. 1. Results of diagnostics of motives of professional development
144,3% I
Fig. 2. Motives for determining the achievement of a higher level of professionalism
The intensity of achievement motivation is of great importance for building a productive individual trajectory of professional and personal growth. According to the results of the study, only 47.3 % of teachers have a high level of motivation to achieve success, against the background of the fact that 52.7% demonstrate the presence of motivation to avoid failures (Fig. 3).
H Higli level of achievement motivation □ The presence of motivation to avoid failures
Fig. 3. The severity of achievement motivation
As can be assumed, this is due to the great tension and dynamism of the current situation of the implementation of activities, which increases anxiety and the desire to act cautiously.
According to the self-assessment data, the following positions are detected in the teachers ' ideas about the content of professional deficiencies: modeling of classes in remote form; establishing productive cooperation; developing educational motivation; ways of developing critical thinking; ways of self-control and self-regulation of professional behavior; high level of anxiety, insufficient knowledge of digital technologies.
Assessing their own psychological competence, teachers state different levels of its formation: 51 % - indicate the presence of an average, 23 % - high, and 26 % -consider it low. Thus, it is possible to identify certain target groups for improving psychological competence (Fig. 4).
B High level of self-esteem □ Average level of self-esteem
0 Low level of self-esteem Fig. 4. Teachers ' self-assessment of psychological competence
Also, the diagnostic results allowed us to conclude that there are several difficulties for teachers in implementing competent professional behavior in real practice.
Teachers focused on achieving a higher level of professionalism and personal development are more inclined to find a way to constructively overcome their own deficits, show a desire to learn new things, an adequate choice of means for solving professional problems, they are interested in innovative technologies, the possibility of promotion in the professional space.
It can be noted that the study participants are focused on further cooperation and are ready to take part in competitive and methodological events held in the educational space of the region.
As questions on which I would like to continue my training in the future, the teachers who attended the courses were identified:
- techniques for motivating educational activities of students of different age groups.
- criteria for evaluating the educational environment, which allows you to maximally
facilitate the disclosure of the internal potential of each student, orients him to
productive cognitive and social activities.
The personalized system of professional development is considered today as the most appropriate form of expanding the scope of professional opportunities of teachers, due to the reflection of deficits and the determination of growth points with the subsequent self-realization of the teacher's personality, which corresponds to the designated trends of modern education.
The system of professional development is aimed not only at improving the performance of professional functions by a teacher, but also at developing his creative interests and meeting professional needs. The teacher of the future is focused on continuous development and successful social and professional activity (Shcherbakova et al, 2020).
Personalized models of professional and personal development of a teacher contribute to finding the top of himself, the formation of new meanings of the teaching profession, the optimal use of resources, and self-realization.
Psychological research proves the importance of professional self-education and self-education of teachers in the development of a constructive individual system of self-regulation of pedagogical activity and behavior, the development of professional identification, personalization, improvement of personal self-awareness, and effective use of individual resources.
In the context of increasing innovations, the development of various models of professional development of the teacher's personality solves the problem of designing a subjective trajectory of advancement along the professional path. The analysis of research in this direction shows that the common feature of most models available
in modern science is the use of a modeling algorithm based on the psychological diagnosis of deficits and resources, identifying growth points, and using the capabilities of facilitation technologies.
The reflection of the risks and resources of pedagogical work as an integral and developing psychological reality opens up a new perspective for modeling the professional development of a teacher in the conditions of modern risks. In modeling the professional development of a teacher, the following psychological grounds are distinguished: the orientation of the individual, the level of competence, readiness for transformation, the nature of motivation, the level of subjective control.
The dynamics of a teacher's professional life require psychological support that ensures the harmonization of professional and personal growth. During the implementation of the professional development model, the teacher's ability to go beyond the continuous flow of everyday practice and reflect on his activity as an acting subject is formed. It is important to fix the conditions for the productive impact of a personalized professional development system on professional growth in unstable, constantly changing conditions. The model of formation of a professionally successful personality of a teacher of the future includes a set of modules: professional attitudes, values, and meanings; motivation of competence and motivation of growth; self-assessment and reflection of individual deficits and determination of growth points; technology development; design of an individual trajectory and forecast; support for further progress in real pedagogical practice. Thus, we can say that the use of pedagogical modeling in the formation of a culture of continuous development of the personality of a teacher of the future in a personalized model of professional development is one of the current trends of the integral system of transformations in education.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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