R. Bolat, Zh. Sh. Shoshay, N. K. Anafina
Production - economic source of wealth of Kazakhstan
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar.
Material received on 15.12.14.
В статье представлены сведения о перспективе развития промышленности, в частности, производства металлов и сплавов на предприятиях Павлодарского региона.
The article presents the prospects of industrial development, in particular, production of metals and alloys at the enterprises of Pavlodar region.
UDC 669.715:621.74
P. O. Bykov, Zh. B. Yelyubayev, B. T. Mukhamdyarov
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar
In this article, the authors reviewed the literature in order to learn the prospects of development ofproduction of aluminum.
Keywords: aluminum, production, casting, autoindustry.
Prospects for the development of production of aluminum castings in Kazakhstan in the first place can be attributed to the successful development of the Customs Union between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus and the further establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union.
As you know, in neighboring Russia there is successfully developed the automotive industry. Russia has already sold more foreign car brands than, for example, the former leader of sales - AvtoVAZ. Moreover, in this case, in Russia this year, the most actively creating new assembly plant of many foreign car brands that positioned them as domestic automakers such as BMW plant in Kaliningrad.
In the first phase of the new assembly plants in Russia, in contracts with foreign car companies prescribes that at least 50 % of automotive parts to be produced in Russia. At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that in fact - will be up to 70 %, because it is more profitable due to the increase of import duties on foreign parts. According to Putin, already the world's largest 15 companies have announced intentions to assemble cars in Russia. At the same time, in his opinion, as the production and assembly of the parts must be carried out at Russian enterprises. This opinion was expressed by answering questions of Russian citizens live in late 2006. These 15 new plants (and possibly more) and existing Russian car and form the backbone of the new Russian automobile industry, which is the technical and technological equipment until the foundry has changed little since the days of the Soviet Union Minavtoselhozmash. New domestic «auto industry» is actively built on the principles of global competitiveness,
providing many new jobs and contributing to the improvement of Russia's GDP. The growth of «automobile» would fit and faster growth of production of automotive castings - what's all very interested assembly automakers.
Production of automotive castings to become the most profitable and relevant business foundries in the coming years. However, adequate activity modernization foundries specifically in the field of first-class automotive castings are not observed. Most of the plants are in the waiting position, as in the old days of the beginning of «perestroika», many waiting for something and thought that do not need to be proactive and even more engaged in creative activity, suggesting that the period of change for a short while, but it was all civilized development of alternatives the economy is not. So today's strategic direction in updating domestic «auto industry» here to stay. Confirmation of this experience most of the «automotive» countries. Demand for automotive castings «avalanche» will melt not only for assembly plants located in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as on a global scale. According to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 2030 is expected to uneven growth in demand for passenger cars from the 2004 level, which is expressing individual countries as follows: in the EU and the United States - from 5 to 10 %; in Eastern Europe - from 100 to 140 %; of Mexico - from 180 to 200 %; India and China - 10 to 20 times; in other developing countries - about 200 %.
If the US share of «Diesel» does not exceed 3 % of the produced cars in the EU, this share has increased in recent time more than three times, with the ever-growing trend, for example, in 2004 only 40 %. Americans are happy to take on «cutting-edge» Japanese cars. For example, according to the statistics of the concern «Toyota», in 2005 in the United States have been sold more than 100,000 models «Toyota Prius» equipped with «hybrid» gasoline-electric motor (the world leader in prestigious international classification of «Engine of2005» in the category of «the most economic engine»). All automobile concerns in one form or another cooperate in the field of automotive internal combustion engine to «flex-fuel». Currently, all modern engines without conversion can work on the «vegetable» oil and biodiesel (diesel fuel with a high proportion of vegetable oils (15 %). There was the world premiere of «hydrogen» car engine BMW. All automobile concerns the United States are actively working on adapting their engines to the use of highly concentrated bioethanol.
The diagram (Figure 1.1) depicts the proportion that is occupied by the most significant producing countries of the main casting, from the viewpoint of automotive alloys, namely alloys of aluminum and magnesium on the one hand, and alloys and ductile gray cast iron with the other hand. The diagram shows the results of globalization and trends shift mass production of castings, especially for the automotive industry, «cheaper» countries, mainly in China, Mexico, Brazil, India, Turkey and Eastern Europe. With the help of the diagram, you can find out what made a giant step in its development, some countries, such as China and Mexico. Foundry industry in these countries has significantly increased the production of castings, particularly aluminum, ahead of traditionally strong «casting» of the nation, as the United Kingdom and France. Powerful engine in this direction is the automotive industry.
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Figure 1 - Diagram of world production of castings of aluminum-magnesium, gray and ductile iron in 2004 by country
If you currently share of aluminum castings in a car in 2006 was about 80 kg, the experts predict the automotive industry in 2008 - is expected to increase this share up to 120 kg. Economic calculations of the German Society of Manufacturers of Aluminum Industry show that the use of aluminum parts with a total weight of 120 kg fully pays for the cost of their production only because of the reduction of fuel consumption and environmental improvements after only 5000 km. run. The contribution to the creation of competitive casters cars is provisioning mass production of castings such as «cylinder head» and the «engine block» of the aluminum alloy or made of special cast iron with minimum weight, with a minimum wall thickness and with optimal distribution of mechanical properties over the cross section of the casting.
Advances casters in addressing these issues are significant. For example, by improving the design and weight reduction are produced in large amounts and highly cost of aluminum engine blocks. If before the start of the 90s of the last century «diesel» engines were different injection pressure in the combustion chamber is not more than 130 atm. and had a max. power 30 kW/L, and «gasoline» engine reaches cardinality indicators to about 60 kW/ l, commercially available today «diesel» injection pressure to 180 atm., at combustion temperatures of at least 400 °C and with a specific power up 67 kW/l, with a significantly lower fuel cost (Figure 1.2)
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Figure 1.2 - Diagram of the historical development of increasing specific power diesel engines from 1992 to 2004
According to forecasts of the German auto makers till 2010 it will be possible to produce in lots diesel engines with a specific power of 70 kW/l, and by 2020 this index will make already 100 kW/l with a pressure of injection up to 220 atm. And all this will occur only on the basis of improving of construction and the correct selection of constructive cast alloys. AlSi9Cu3 alpax was classical material for production of units of turbodiesels in the 90th years.
This cast alloy was for designers an optimum combination technological and the fizikomekhanicheskikh of characteristics (flowability of the eutectic melt, the minimum tendency to porosity, high heat conduction, good corrosion resistance, an excellent ratio between tensile strength and the relative lengthening in case of the minimum specific weight).
But because of high pressure of the injection exceeding 180 atm., «CRT» which is applied in case of the last technology of turbodiesels, structure of the above alpax in units of the engine it isn't capable to withstand loading, especially in a zone of support of an elbowed shaft. Similar problems exist and in petrol engines.
But because of high pressure of the injection exceeding 180 atm., «CRT» which is applied in case of the last technology of turbodiesels, structure of the above alpax in units of the engine it isn't capable to withstand loading, especially in a zone of support of an elbowed shaft. Similar problems exist and in petrol engines.
Feeble place of units from aluminum alloys - a surface of contact with pistons of cylinders. It is well-known that because of bad friction with piston material aluminum alloys in a zone of contact shall have suitable structure. For the solution of this problem the European foundry concerns, such as, «Hydro Aluminium», develop the new multicomponent aluminum alloys different: the increased wear resistance at a temperature from 150 to 250 °C; the increased tensile strength; the increased fatigue resistance; compact metal structure with uniform high heat conduction; the increased hardness in a zone of the cylinder sleeve which gives the chance to subject its working
surface to repeated machining in case of repair of the unit; the increased corrosion resistance against all possible cooling liquids of a water shirt of the unit.
To receive alpax with similar properties which besides shall have satisfactory prime cost and good foundry properties, difficult business. But the German founders read that they coped with the task not bad: alloyed alpax with necessary characteristics, namely the eutectic AlSi7CuNiMgFe is created. On tensile strength a new alloy is ahead of the main competitor - hypereutectic AlSi9Cu3 by 40 %, and on fatigue resistance by 5 times. Increase of the above properties in a working zone of the cylinder sleeve in the 90 th years was solved and by use of sleeves from high-strength cast iron in the «aluminium» unit. This technology has the following shortcomings: cast iron and aluminum have absolutely different coefficients of the heat sink that in the considerable way worsens uniformity of cooling of the unit and its longevity, the total weight of the aluminum unit considerably increases in case of use of pig-iron sleeves, especially in case of V-shaped execution of the unit when the number of sleeves dvukhkratno increases twice. Aluminum engines of 21 centuries will be executed not only without pig-iron sleeves, but also without sleeves generally.
Now the Porsche concern still uses sleeves, but they from alpax are executed by method of powder metallurgy. The raised content of silicon increases hardness and fatigue resistance of the sleeve. Only as a result of it engine capacity increases to about 5 %, in comparison with «pig-iron» sleeves. Additional plus: sleeves from alpax give the chance to reduce wall thickness between cylinders from 8-10 mm to 4,5 mm therefore the engine becomes easier and compact.
In the near future aluminum units will be executed without pig-iron sleeves. Metal «monostructure» of the unit - alpax. The working surface of the sleeve is exposed to surface melting under the influence of the laser. This method is known under a name «tribosit» (Tribosil). Along with local melting under the influence of a laser beam silicon powder (with particle size distribution from 0,045 to 0,070 mm) which at a microscopic depth is at once dissolved in the melted aluminum moves. It is resulted by formation of a hypereutectic phase with much higher hardness, than hardness of the main alloy. Depth of a microalloyed layer reaches in case of this method to 0,8 mm, and smoothness of a surface after laser melting quite good and is in tolerable limits for trouble-free subsequent machining in the conditions of mass production of units. Because of the increased hardness of a processed surface of the sleeve all problems with machining which long time justified application of already low technology with a prostanovka of pig-iron sleeves are prevented.
Thus, it is possible to conclude that the output not only the aluminum, but also hardware from it grows in a pattern. The special place in increase in output is led out to aluminum castings for different needs, in particular automotive industry, etc.
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Material received on 15.12.14.
П. О. Быков, Ж. Б. Елюбаев, Б. T. Мухамедьяров Алюминийден к^йма енд1ртнщ дамуынын болаша^ы
С. Торайгыров атындаFы Павлодар мемлекетлк университет^ Павлодар к.
Материал 15.12.14 редакцияFа TYCTi.
П. О. Быков, Ж. Б. Елюбаев, Б. T. Мухамедьяров Перспективы развития производства отливок из алюминия
Павлодарский государственный университет имени С. Торайгырова, г. Павлодар. Материал поступил в редакцию 15.12.14.
В этой статье авторы провели обзор литературы с целью узнать перспективы развития производства из алюминия.
Осы мацалада авторлар вндiрiстiц дамуыныц болашагы алюминийден екешн билу мацсатымен эдебиетке шолу жасады.