из заданий разработать и предложить городскому комитету природопользования систему мер по охране птиц - способствует формированию у детей ценностного отношения и ориентирует их на практическое применение знаний. Исследовательские задания третьего типа предполагают проведение школьниками биологических экспериментов в природе, на школьном участке, в кабинете, дома. Так, на весенней экскурсии по изучению сезонных изменений растений выполняется задание: «Влияние леса на окружающую среду школы (или поселка)». Они убеждаются, что лес необходимо беречь, потому что он смягчает климат около села и делает нашу жизнь более комфортной. - Полезным и интересным для учащихся является задание, предлагаемое на экскурсии «Естественные и искусственные экосистемы»: «Создайте в большой пробирке или банке модель экосистемы из водного растения элодеи и моллюска прудовика. Опишите условия, при которых модель будет функционировать».
Учебно-исследовательские задания четвертого типа -биологические и экологические исследования, в которых предполагается выбирать наилучшее из нескольких решений проблемы. Например, учащимся предлагается тема исследования по экологии животных в урбанизированной
среде. Можно предложить школьникам разработать проект ландшафтного дизайна приусадебного участка. Учебные научные исследования - задачи пятого типа. Их отличает самостоятельность исследования проблем, имеющих научное теоретическое или прикладное значение и актуальную для региона тематику. Такого типа задания широко практикуют на экскурсиях, на курсах по выбору, в классах профильного обучения биологии. Все это примеры творческой деятельности учеников. В результате у детей появляются субъективно, а порой и объективно новые знания, имеющие личностную и социальную ценность [4].
Список литературы:
1. Верзилин Н.М. «Проблемы методики преподавания биологии» - М.: Педагогика, 1974.
2. Комиссаров Б.Д. «Методологические проблемы школьного биологического образования» - М.: 1991.
3. Розенштейн A.M. «Использование средств обучения на уроках биологии» - М.: 1989.
4. Селевко Г. К. «Современные образовательные технологии» - М.: Академия, 2000.
Salmanova Olga
Senior lecturer of foreign languages department, Samara State Aerospace University (National Research Intfitute), Russia ABSTRACT
This article provides information on experience of teaching English fludents specializing in aircraft designing. Main types of exercises training different skills are described in the article. The author emphasizes significance of teaching specific language, as it is an obligatory requirement for future engineers.
Keywords: skill, specific language, authentic specific text, vocabulary, spoken language, motivation.
In recent times of development of science and technology, foreign language skills are obligatory for any specialifl.According to State Educational Standard, graduates are to be able to develop cross-cultural and manufacturing communications, take part in international scientific conferences, successfully research other specialifls experience in specific areas of science and engineering, and be in contact with other specialifls. Studying at the university is to provide main skills in communication activity and to teach fludents methods of self-fludying of foreign languages when graduating from the University.
Modern requirements imposed on professional training of a graduate of a technical University are exceptionally high but reasonable.
There are some issues connected with teaching of foreign languages in the technical university, namely National Research Inflitute SSAU (Samara State Aerospace University). One of them is the fact that lecturers of foreign languages department teaching fludents of different specializations are to have a lot of knowledge in a wide range of sciences.
Another issue is the fact that entrance examination in English is not required in SSAU. As a result, some firfl year fludents have very low level of English proficiency and a fludent group includes fludents having different level of educational background.
Foreign languages department of SSAU is very experienced in working with fludents fludying technical sciences. Our task is to train qualified specialifls able to:
• read and translate authentic specific texts without a dictionary;
• extract information from the text to use it in practice;
• make abflracts and summaries of texts read in English;
• translate specific texts from English into Russian using a dictionary;
• underfland spoken language in English;
• take part in conversations, discussions concerning their specializations [2, p. 32].
This means that the fludent is to acquire specific language that is to fludy features of learned prose language: vocabulary, word formation, grammar of specific technical area.
It seems to us that it is possible to teach fludents this specific English for a limited training period combining conventional and innovative methods focusing on communicative tasks when teaching and organizing tutorial materials and textbooks. .
To implement this, foreign languages department of SSAU developed the textbook according to the requirements of fleering document for the firfl year fludents specializing in aircraft design in English. This course is profession-oriented and communicative.
Within a framework of this course, fludents ate trained specific language. Firfl, it means that they collect at the basis of general
English vocabulary and grammar a lot of specific terminology. Next, they mafler grammar features that characterize academic language. Moreover, fludent's attention is focused on features of specialization they fludy. Then, it is necessary to train fludents to principle of flructuring of academic speaking. Special attention is given to the tasks dealing with underflanding of text titles, selection of key words and recognition of definitions. Students are to acquire skills of working with information sources - to determine main idea of the text, logical flructure of academic speech, to get various information and to activate these skills in spoken practice.
This course includes authentic texts according to professional subject matter. Each text focuses on one of professionally significant topic.
Firfl (preparatory) units meet fludents with the hiflory of aviation development and the mofl famous people in aircraft and spacecraft designing. They are also met with the fundamental principles of specialization. Basic vocabulary is formed at this flage. The following units deal with the main airplane components, their design features and functions. Each unit is provided with pictures and schemes.
Texts on each topic are accompanied by pre-text and pofl-text exercises. Their purpose is to develop translating skills, to activate information search skills required when working with information sources and to improve speaking skills on professional topics.
All the tasks are divided into the following sections:
- Preparing to Read.
- Reading.
- Comprehension Check.
- Vocabulary Focus.
- Focus on Writing.
- Speaking.
Section Preparing to Read focuses fludents' attention on a topic of the unit involving them in prediction process, encouraging them to remark on the topic using background knowledge
Tasks of Reading section facilitate preparing of fludents to reading, underflanding and translating of authentic texts on aircraft designing. Accumulated vocabulary allows them to improve skills of different kinds of reading including skim reading that is the mofl common when working with information sources.
Comprehension Check. Exercises of this section promote them more thorough underflanding of texts and direct fludents to formulation of meaningful flatements in oral or written form (from prepared to unprepared saying).
Encouraged spoken language is provided with queflions to the texts that concern text content and a number of various pofl-text exercises.
Section Vocabulary Focus provides materials for active and passive acquirement of specific vocabulary. There are a lot of lexico-grammatical exercises (word formation, grammar flructures typical for technical language, search of synonyms, opposites, terminological counterparts, etc.) These various training exercises have the purpose to train language material. As
a result, fludents are to operate fluently phonetic and vocabulary material. Multiple task-oriented repetition of foreign words and word combinations focused on engineering English can be found in these exercises.
Focus on Writing. Developing exercises for this section the author takes into consideration language skills that will be required in fludents' future professional life and those that are required mofl of all [1,p.4]. Such motivation makes fludent's work more effective.
This section provides tasks on written translation of authentic texts. Some units have tasks to write a role letter to develop writing skills. This kind of exercises can be suggefled for self-guided work and the following checking them in class.
Speaking. This section includes some exercises developing reproductive skills. Purpose of the exercises from the section is to Simulate creative activity of fludents, engaging them is using acquired knowledge in speaking activity. These exercises include role and business plays. Role or business plays like no others encourage fludents in fludying activity. They facilitate maflering knowledge and skills and promote their actualization. Training exercise-plays help reinforce, control and correct knowledge, skills and abilities. They create training and educational apparency when fludying material. Internet websites are recommended to use when preparing for a lesson and as an additional source of information. Periodical publications, promotion leaflets, articles from newspapers and magazines, samples of technical documentations in English can also be used. Extensive use of role and business plays along with using fludy aids provides optimization of teaching and learning process.
Each section includes exercises for home task that make provision for refreshing and reinforcing of learned materials at the lessons. Among these tasks, provision is made for creative tasks on preparing materials for presentations on a given topic and prepared plays for the next lesson.
English-Russian dictionary of aviation terms is given in the textbook. This dictionary is to help fludents work with special literature dealing with aircraft designing and manufacturing.
In conclusion, it can be said that in spite of insufficient number of classes for the foreign language it is possible to reach required professional level of graduates of SSAU. Clear drilling of materials at the lessons, combination of conventional and innovative methods of teaching, concerted efforts of teaching flaff result in this purpose.
Mentioned textbook was tefled at Space Engineering Inflitute of National Research Inflitute Samara State Aerospace University named by S.P. Korolyov.
2. Khalilova L.A, Kovshova L.S.,Kalyamova L.A., Shavrina M.E. Foreign language: academic programme.M.: RSUH, 1998. - 74p.