Научная статья на тему 'Incorporation of didactic games in the educational process of higher institution'

Incorporation of didactic games in the educational process of higher institution Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kudiyarbekova Gulmira, Dubinets Natalya, Iskakova Arna

The article covers the model cycle of didactic game, which appears to be a continuous sequence of educational operations in the process of solving problems. Favourable terms for application of the didactic games in the educational process of higher institution.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Incorporation of didactic games in the educational process of higher institution»

этапе в языковом вузе : дис. ... канд. пед. наук / Вокуева О.Д. - СПб., 1998. - 203 с.

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9. Примерная программа дисциплины Иностранный язык для неязыковых вузов и факультетов; Научно-методический совет по иностранным языкам Минобрнауки России. - М., 2009. - Портал Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов высшего образования - URL: fgosvo. ru/11/11 (дата обращения: 06.02.2015)

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12. Шатилов С.Ф. Методика обучения немецкому языку в средней школе : учеб. пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов / С.Ф. Шатилов. - 2-е изд., дораб. - М. : Просвещение, 1986. - 223 с.

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14. Tiersky E. The Language of Medicine in English / Ethel Tiersky, Martin Tiersky.-Revised ed. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall Regents, 1992. X, 132 p.



Kudiyarbekova Gulmira

Matfer of pedagogics, senior teacher S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar

Dubinets Natalya Matfer of technical sciences, senior teacher S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar

Iskakova Arna

Matfer of the vocational education, senior teacher S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar


The article covers the model cycle of didactic game, which appears to be a continuous sequence of educational operations in the process of solving problems. Favourable terms for application of the didactic games in the educational process of higher inflitution.

Keywords: didactic game.

The conversion to game playing teaching method is far from being accidental. Psychological mechanisms of playing activity, its impact on child development, prospects of its targeted use for educational purposes have been reviewed by psychologies and teachers (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B Elkonin, Ye.A. Arkin, P.A. Rudik, Ye.A. Flerina, F.N. Blecher, A.I. Sorokina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, L.A. Wenger, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.S. Pantina e.t.c).

It is a well-known fact that even tedious and monotonous work will be executed with interefl and in much less time with the integration of game elements. There are grounds for folk saying 'to work playfully', i.e. to operate easily, without pressure, in an atmosphere of creative competition. Therefore, the incorporation of didactic games intensifies the learning process by enhancing its effectiveness. Indeed, during a recitation part in an ordinary classroom there are only few fludents who are willing to participate at their full capacity. An asked fludent, including the part of the group interefled in subject, whilfl the majority of class would likely be in the flate of 'mental indifference'.

Since this is repeated every lesson, a considerable number of fludents deposit knowledge on covered material in the form of 'annual rings', wherein the lack of knowledge are due to their passivity during particular part of the lesson [1, c.95]. Incorporation of games within the flructure of the lesson allows to capture this learning material for the indifferent group

and increase its activity during the poll, which has a positive impact on the fludents' progress. At the same time, watching the game of their 'opponent', fludents will receive additional cognitive information, as their own and others' miflakes will be identified clearly and quickly. 'Technology' of didactic games is a specific technology of problem-based learning. The game has one important feature: there's a problem situation arising spontaneously, it is predetermined by terms and conditions of the flow of the game, which in turn contributes to the emergence of new problems. 'Technology' of didactic game reflects the performance of game participants during search, processing and assimilation of educational information to make decisions in a problem situation. It includes a detailed description of the terms and conditions of the game in the form of background information, and sends the game on a cycle of training [2, p. 124].

The cycle of didactic game is essentially a continuous sequence of learning activities in the process of solving problems. This process is conventionally subdivided into the following flages: preparation for practical lessons; major problem flatement; the contraction of a simulation model of the object; solution to the problem based on the model, checking, correction; implementation of the taken decision; evaluation of its results; analysis of obtained results and synthesis expertise available; feedback in a closed technological cycle.

The mofl favourable terms for the application of didactic games are developed in the final Sages of fludy in higher education inflitute. Those are the 3rd, 5 th courses, including teaching practice. By the time fludents possess a certain level of knowledge, skills, experience, self-fludy and creativity.

Specialization at the final flage of fludy offers new opportunities in planning and organization of problem situations in the solution of classroom problems. These problem situations usually occur when future teachers are faced with the practical problems of using available knowledge. Therefore didactic game should be professionally designed.

Let's review an exemplary cycle of a didactic game. At the initial flage of the preparation for lessons; collection, arrangement and processing of the necessary information; fludy of the original information; briefing about the upcoming game, the definition of participants in the game; grouping fludents, the appointment or election of group leaders. In this flage specific situations are analyzed, roles are played, and thus the game is being developed.

Further, simulation model (SM) of the object of future professional activity is to be contracted, there is a transition to the solution of the main problem. This may be a solution to a specific problem, which relevance is revealed during lectures.

The teacher then introduces diflurbance factors (BB) affecting participants, thus to impede the implementation of the main task. This ensures a problem situation.

Students evaluate arisen situation, analyze the problem and seek for the ways out. The solution is applied, relevant calculations are carried out, the results obtained are recorded, reported to the teacher and sent to other groups working in parallel on other simulation models. After that the results are verified and documented on tabular and graph format, calculations and certification based on the performance of team leaders are made.

Results and work of each game participant are discussed, decisions made are analyzed, the final results are issued. The results of didactic game cycle are included in the content of the original information to prepare for the next cycle. Feedback is received as didactic game usually consifls of several cycles.

General decision analysis and discussion of the performance of the participants conclude the game.

Resolution of real problem situations is of great educational and pedagogical value. It encourages participants' independent search for approaching the set goal. Relevant problem of production in the game turns into the fludy curriculum.

Solution of at leafl one task throughout didactic game entails a series of problems that might be imperceptible at firfl glance. Game helps plan techniques to resolve them, to expand fludents' horizons.

Thus, at the moment game takes place there are two syflems of orientation for a fludent to consider and implement. The firfl one is related to concrete actions in subject's context, whereas the second one lays in the social context of interaction within community. In a society, in the syflem of the game itself, there is a dialogue between participants in terms of actions, decisions, actions based on conditional rules of reviewed situation. The situation due to its specificity for the time being, obliges game participants to take actions and decisions, which reflects syflem's respond to players' decisions i.e solicits the feedback. At the same time the teacher has an opportunity to analyze not only the individual actions of fludents, but also the whole line of their behavior, i.e, the game flrategy. That is why using game as an educational tool is especially important for us. We get to see the processes of fludents' cognitive activity from other perspectives, positions, approaches in contrafl with the traditional forms and methods of teaching. Incorporation of game in the learning process contributes to the conscience for a holiflic concept of reality which provides for a maximum efficiency of its educational potential.


1. Akhmetov N., Khaidarov Zh. Game theory and technology: How to learn to think? How to learn to live? How to teach child think? - Almaty, 1998. - p.p 295.

2. Kudiyarbekova G.K. Game as a learning process // EHI Newsletter. - Aflana.- No.3. - 2006. - p.p 123-128.

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