Таблица 1
_Сравнительный анализ программных продуктов для построения маршрутов доставки_
Критерий сравне-ния\Программный продукт Значимость критерия «Муравьиная логистика» «Умная логистика» «TopLogistic» «Логистика. Управление перевозками»
Функциональ-ные воз- 4 4 5 4 5
Цена 2,5 2 2 3 4
Удобство интерфейса 2 4 5 4 5
Наличие мобильной вер- 1 5 5 5 5
Возможность интеграции (в частности 1С) 1,5 3 0 3 5
Итоговая оценка 38,5 40 41 52,5
Все вышеперечисленные программные продукты имеют достаточный функционал для решения выбранной задачи, однако их покупка влечет за собой большую переплату за функциональные возможности системы, которыми нет необходимости пользоваться. Кроме того, сохраняя авторское право, любой купленный программный продукт поставляется без исходных кодов программных модулей, и каждая дополнительная настройка или изменение каких-либо условий работы связаны с дополнительной оплатой. Также пользователь не имеет возможности получить достоверную и полную информацию о методе, использующемся в программе, и это не позволяет ему оценить оптимальность найденного решения, а следовательно и эффективность использования того или иного программного продукта.
Список литературы
1. Макаров Е.И., Елисеева Ю.В. Логистические бизнес-процессы промышленного кластера: методология и инструментарий оптимизации . Воронеж, 2015, 177 С. URL
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24837851 (дата обращения 20.09.2021).
2. Быстров О.Ф, Бугай К.Н. Многокритериальные методы принятия решений в задачах транспортной логистики // Научный вестник МГТУ ГА. 2014. №202. URL:
https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/mnogokriterialnye-metody-prinyatiya-resheniy-v-zadachah-transportnoy-logistiki (дата обращения: 29.09.2021).
3. Системы управления производством и производственными операциями и современные вызовы ,URL: https://habr.com/ru/company/toshiba-rus/blog/438262/, (дата обращения 15.09.2021).
USC 677. 054
Erkinov T.M., Siddiqov P.S., Yusupova N.B.
The article cconsiders questions of the fabrication and analysis physic-mechanical characteristic of the new structures fabrics and recommendations use them for bed linen, quilts also fabrics of the special purpose.
Keywords: Central Asia, sole enterprise, light industry, linear density, textile base
In the last two or three years, the weaving industry, which is a branch of the textile industry, has also been developing rapidly. Weaving enterprises are equipped with modern electrically controlled looms. This year, the Urgut textile enterprise which is the only enterprise in Central Asia equipped with Chinese hydraulic knitting looms [1] in Urgut district, was launched in August-September 2020 in collaboration with researchers from the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry.
At present, the company produces blankets, quilts and shirts.It's used fiber yarns with a texture of 8.3 tex and weft 22.2 tex polyester in the textile body.Research is also underway to determine the properties of 27 textile yarns made of rogoz fiber using back yarns. Physical and mechanical features of raw and dyed finished fabrics with new fiber content produced on hydraulic looms were tested in the laboratory of TTESI "CENTEXUZ" on the basis of international standards (GOST-292998-2005) [2]. The test results are given in the table below.
«Ç©yL©(MUM~jaUTM&L» #28(111), 2®M / TECHNICAL SCIENCE_4_7_
_Physical and mechanical features of raw ^ and finished fabrics with new composition_
№ Indicators Units The raw texture is white Dyed finished fabric
1. Density of fiber surface r/M2 82,0 87,7
2. Air permeability CM3/ CM2, ceK. 48,36 23,34
3. Friction resistance 3200 4500
Break resistance
4. Body of yarn H 310,3 505,33
Weft Yarn 74,67 204,67
Stretching at break
5. Body of thread % 16,00 20,33
Weft Yarn 12,67 11,33
6. Body of thread 1 AM. 286 300
Weft yarn 220 240
The density of the tan yarns of the raw fabric given in the table is 286 ip / dm for body yarns and 220 ip / dm for weft yarns. and the density of the body yarns of the dyed finished fabric is 320 yarns / dm., and the density of the weft yarns is 240 yarns / dm. is formed. This means that the density of the body and weft yarns increases after the raw fabric is dyed. The analysis of the given table shows that the surface density of the raw fabric in the undyed white dye woven on the hydraulic weaving machine increases by 6.95% after the dyeing. As the density of the dyed yarns decreases by 2.1 times the air permeability of the fabric, it can be assessed as an increase in the ability of heat, moisture not to let the fabric out from the inside and not to let it in from the outside.
That is, it allows the fiber to be used as a special fiber as well. It can be seen from the table that the
abrasion resistance of raw fabric and dyed finished fabric is 1.4 times higher than that of dyed fabric. This means that the service life of this fabric will be longer after it has been painted.
Now we see that one of the main indicators of this fabric is the rip resistance of raw fabric and dyed finished fabric, where the finished fabric is 1.6 times higher on the body yarns and 2.7 times higher on the weft yarns than the raw fabric. The elongation at the rip of the yarn in the fabric is slightly reduced by 27% on the weft yarn.
In this study, the properties of polyester yarns with 8.3 tex used as weft yarn and 22.2 tex used as weft yarn were tested. The graph of the test results is shown in Figures 1 and 2.
1- Picture. Graph of strength and elongation of single-strand yarn to pre-weaving break.
The graph of tensile strength and elongation of a single 8.3-textile yarn is shown in Figure 1, 276 -280 sN. under the influence of the force in them the thread is ripped. The current elongation is on average 21%.
The graph of tensile strength and elongation of a single 22.2 text weft rope is shown in Figure 2, 585 sN. The thread ripped under the force of The current elongation is on average 25%. The tensile strength of
the weft yarn is explained by the fact that its linear density is two and a half times higher than that of the tan yarn.
The ripped elongation of the weft thread is also higher than that of the body thread but does not differ much. Hence, the increase in the linear densities of polyester yarns does not appear to have a proportional effect on their elongation.
1- Figure 2. Graph offirm for the rip and elongation of a single weft yarn to pre-weaving.
Scientific work is underway to ensure that the woven fabric meets the state standard and the level of consumption. There are also issues of weaving using natural fiber mix yarns as weft yarns.
1. RIFA - RFJW-10 The passport of the Chinese hydraulic knitting loom 5-9 pgs.
2. Interstate Standard 29298-2005. Moscow, Standardinform 2006.