Section 3. Management
fabrics, silk fabrics, sewing and knitted products, providing for the creation of mobile industries with mandatory-formation in the composition of structures responsible for design, marketing, quick changeover of production taking into account the fashion and demand; the implementation of a permanent technical and technological
re-equipment of existing and creation of new hightech industries; creation of conditions for increasing the level of processing of cotton fiber; increasing the export potential of the industry, creation of new work opportunities, improve the system of training and retraining; restoration of production of textile engineering.
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2. Yusupov S., Umarov G. Priority directions of development oflight industry of Uzbekistan.//Etisalat VA-educa-tion. - Tashkent, 2011. - № 1. - Р. 62-64.
3. Yusupov S. Methodological issues of strategy for development of textile enterprises.//Etisalat VA-education. -Tashkent, 2011. - No. 3. - Р. 77-81.
4. Yusupov S. Main ways of creating favourable conditions for the development of the textile industry.//Interna-tional scientific-practical conference. - Tashkent, TITLI, 2007. - Р. 161-165.
5. Yusupov S., Yusupov D. Problems in the development of the textile industry and their influence on the consumer market.//Proceedings of international scientific-practical conference. - Tashkent, TITLI, 2007. - Р. 185-189.
6. Reports GAK “Uzbek light industry" for 2011-2014.
Yusupov Ulugbek, senior researcher of the Department "Management” of Tashkent State economic University" E-mail: [email protected]
Industry characteristics management of innovative processes at the enterprises of light industry
Abstract: this article considers the issues of innovative development and management of innovative processes in the knitting industry of Uzbekistan. Analyzed the main directions of innovative processes and provides recommendations for their management.
Keywords: innovation, knitwear industry, knitting machine, range, raw materials, quality, surface density fabric, bulk density fabric, the weave, the cost.
Introduction: Light industry ofUzbekistan has a long tradition in the processing ofcotton fiber. Through Uzbekistan Great silk road, and goods by Uzbek craftsmen, especially fabrics were known in many countries of the world. Today, given the increasing global market demand for products made ofnatural fibers, light industry ofUzbekistan has unlimited possibilities in winning a leading position in the global market not only as a supplier ofcotton fiber, but also as an exporter of textile products, especially ready jerseys.
Analysis: In addressing the needs of the population for consumer goods occupy a significant place in the knitting industry enterprises. Prospects of development of knitwear production in comparison with other industries is characterized by the following features:
- a wide range of knitted products, but also the substitutability of their, products made of fabric (for
example, stockings, gloves, sports apparel and others). Currently in our country is produced jerseys over 1500 assortments;
- opportunities meet the needs of the population elasticity, breathability, and others;
- ample opportunities during the knitting of knitting, to give the product a desired appearance and necessary properties;
- the possibility of using different textile raw materials: cotton, wool, staple fibers, natural and synthetic fibers, and chemical fibers;
- high level of technological development, compared with other branches of the textile industry;
- the highest level of technical and economic indicators of knitting production, in comparison with the weaving process [2].
Industry characteristics management of innovative processes at the enterprises of light industry
From the same volume of fibers can produce 20 % more knitted products than weaving. In addition, the technological process of knitted fabrics, shorter and cheaper than weaving. If the process of weaving is carried out in 7 stages, the process of production of knitted products is carried out in 4 stages. Performance tricot machines 10-20 times more than the looms. However, the organization and management of knitted production has its own characteristics and difficulties. At each stage in the production ofknitted use different production equipment, and every production process has its own characteristics.
The manufacturing process of knitted fabrics can be divided into the following 4 main stages: preparation of fibers for knitting; processing the fibers on the knitting machines to produce knitted fabrics or knitted goods; dyeing, finishing; garment manufacturing.
Increasing demand for jerseys requires further increase production, to expand and improve the range and more efficient use of raw materials. Rational use of raw materials is one of the decisive factors in reducing the cost of production, increase its production, improve the economic performance of the enterprises.
In the innovative development ofknitwear production, it is necessary to take into account industry characteristics ofknitted products enterprises. One of the features ofknitwear production is consumption. In the cost ofproduction, the share of raw materials is 70-85 %. Therefore, in the development of the knitting industry, it is expedient to introduce innovations that reduce the cost of production, through reduced costs for raw materials. This contributes to increasing the competitiveness of products and is one of the main areas providing a set of priority tasks for the textile enterprises to reduce production costs by 10-15 %.
Management of innovation processes, taking into account industry characteristics in enterprises knitted-garment sector, efficient use of raw materials without attracting additional capacity, increasing production, improving quality and productivity [3].
Therefore, the introduction at the enterprises of the knitting industry new technology, new types of paintings, also lightweight knitted fabrics, helps to lower costs of raw materials per unit of output and are the factors to ensure economic and financial stability.
In order to solve these problems jointly by the employees of the enterprises of the knitting industry and scientists of our Republic works on creating new assortments of knitted products, reducing raw material costs. Conducted research on new technological processes, to increase productivity, to increase production of the highest quality, maximum savings of raw materials,
reduce production costs and to identify new ways of achieving them, as well as increasing the efficiency of innovation processes.
Lightweight fabric can be obtained by combining incomplete two-tone jacquard with elements of other weaves, for example, weft. This high volume yarn is laid on every fourth needle, creating the effect of a loose structure. The specified weave ensures the reduction of the material by 35 % [4].
Eye weave used when knitting lightweight cloths on machines equipped with mechanisms for individual needle selection. Eye weave in pure form is seldom used. Typically, they are produced in combination with jacquard loops or press the outline. Thus at the expense of the dissolution of the loops is achieved by reducing the surface density of the fabric by 10-15 %.
The decrease of the surface density is provided by introducing into the structure of knitted openwork holes, resulting from the transfer ofloops from one needle to the other. Knitting openwork coupons, in addition to improving the appearance of products due to the possibility ofob-taining a wide variety of patterns, provides a weight reduction of products by 12.5 % compared with broad rib socks.
Combining different weaves allows you to develop lightweight fabric: alternating series oftwo or more adjacent weaves, relative to the offset hinge series weave (receiving knitwear shear) production of interweaving with the same number of loops, drafts or broaches in some series main and derivative weaves. ObtainingJersey these methods allows to reduce the consumption up to 15 %, while maintaining a form of resistance.
There are ample opportunities to reduce the surface density of the paintings in the application of combined partial weaves. These paintings are developed from viscose yarn with a linear density of 22.2 Tex and polyester yarns with a linear density of 11 dtex, have a surface density equal to 115 g/m2. Since knitwear is a three-dimensional structure characterized by a length, a width and a thickness, located in space, and airiness ofthis structure should not be determined by a two-dimensional criterion (surface density), and three-dimensional (volumetric density).
Since knitwear is a three-dimensional structure characterized by a length, a width and a thickness, located in space, and airiness of this structure should not be determined by a two-dimensional criterion (surface density), and three-dimensional (volumetric density).
The indicator “volume density" reflects the rarity of the Jersey in space. Bulk density of the Jersey shows the content of the textile yarn in a unit volume. When using bulk density as a criterion of light-patterns knitwear the
Section 3. Management
concept of “Lite” is expanding. In the category of fabrics with reduced consumption of materials included cloth with a loose structure having a substantial thickness compared to the baseline. Cloths reduced material called canvas, bulk density lower than the base associated with the optimal module identical loops of yarn [4].
Currently many domestic and foreign scientists are working on creating paintings of new structures that contribute to the reduction of material costs. As noted Babinec S. V., Kirin M. A., Kotikova E. I., at the present stage of acceleration of knitting production, work on the creation of knitted fabrics, which achieved a reduction in costs for raw materials, are carried out in 3 directions:
- production of double-sided lightweight linen on double Jersey knitting machines;
- unilateral production of lightweight cloths on knitting machines;
- unilateral production of lightweight cloths on knitting machines [4].
To reduce the consumption of raw materials per unit of product, an efficient way is the manufacture of semiregular and regular way.
It is necessary to distinguish the concept of absolute and relative volumetric facilitate web structure. Absolute volumetric relief is the difference of the bulk density of the base fabric and experienced. Relative relief is the ratio of absolute relief to the bulk density of the base fabric, expressed as a percentage. It should be noted that in each structure knitwear has reserves of reduced material, based on an optimal choice of parameters of the structure, depending on the length of the thread in the loop.
Identified process parameters and the physic-mechanical properties of new knitted fabrics produced on the basis of two broad rib socks weave, revealed the dependence of the thickness and bulk density of knitwear on the number of eraser in rapport weave [6].
One of the aspects inherent in the sectoral features of innovative development of the knitting industry is the compliance of knitted products fashion trends, the needs of the people, national traditions, and their seasonality. Therefore, the creation of new species and range of its products are the priority directions of development of the knitting industry. The development of a new high quality range of knitted fabrics, the development of methods for analysis and design of knitted fabrics, improving the accuracy and performance technology, as well as the formation of new structural-colour design of products, development of new methods of forming a structural colour (patterned) effects, the expansion of the range ofjerseys and improving the efficiency of existing technology knitwear production are the main directions of innovative development of the industry.
Conclusion: the Introduction of innovation in enterprises knitting industry contributes to the improvement of quality of products, improving product competitiveness and the competitiveness of enterprises overall. Currently, the main challenges facing companies are knitted, producing high-quality and competitive products that best meet the need ofthe population for consumer goods. The implementation of innovation, innovative investments, to reduce the cost and improve the quality ofmanufactured products are the main factors in the implementation of the priority tasks assigned to the enterprises in knitting industry.
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