Научная статья на тему 'Priority areas in rehabilitation work of physical training instructors'

Priority areas in rehabilitation work of physical training instructors Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical training instructors / physical education / health lifestyle / rehabilitation / students. / учитель / культура здоровья / физическая культура / оздоровление / школьники.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Musharina Yu., Gutareva N., Martishina M.

The aim of this researcjh was to study theoretical background of activities and forms of activities provided by physical training instructors for students’ rehabilitation. Having analysed relevant literature, questionnaires, observations we have found out the form and direction of the teacher of physical training work, his interaction with the parents, teachers of secondary schools, health care specialists. This review article describes the role and place of instructors of physical training in the system of students’ rehabilitation, key characteristics of the discipline "Physical training" designed to develop positive attitude to the health and to promoter of healthy lifestyles.

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Тема исследования усовершенствование здоровья школьников. Цель изучить теоретические аспекты деятельности и формы работы учителя физкультуры с целью оздоровления детей и подростков. Анализ научной литературы, анкетирования, наблюдения дали возможность определить форму и направление работы учителя физкультуры, его взаимодействия с родителями, учителями общеобразовательных учебных заведений, специалистов по охране здоровья. Определена роль и место учителя физкультуры в системе оздоровления школьников как личности, которая профессионально подготовлена к преподаванию учебной дисциплины «Физическая культура», призвана формировать культуру здоровья учеников, которая является основным носителем ценностей физической культуры, активным пропагандистом здорового образа жизни.

Текст научной работы на тему «Priority areas in rehabilitation work of physical training instructors»

BICHHK BffH3y «yKpaÏHCbKa. MeàuHHa cmoM.amon.ozwH.a aKaàeMia»

UDC 615.825:706.011.1

MusharinaYu., Gutareva N., Martishina M.


Donbass State Pedagogical University, Slavyansk

The aim of this researcjh was to study theoretical background of activities and forms of activities provided by physical training instructors for students' rehabilitation. Having analysed relevant literature, questionnaires, observations we have found out the form and direction of the teacher of physical training work, his interaction with the parents, teachers of secondary schools, health care specialists. This review article describes the role and place of instructors of physical training in the system of students' rehabilitation, key characteristics of the discipline "Physical training" designed to develop positive attitude to the health and to promoter of healthy lifestyles.

Keywords: physical training instructors, physical education, health lifestyle, rehabilitation, students.


The critical level of health and physical condition of students due to the reduction of motor activity with increasing static and emotional stress of the learning process, introduction of computer technology in everyday life, adverse environmental conditions, increasing antisocial manifestations among children and adolescents set the primary tasks for the state authorities, educational authorities aimed to strength students' health and to promote healthy lifestyle.

The students' health depends not only on the social and economic, environmental factors, but also on a number of educational factors, including such as:

- early start of preschool systematic training;

- discrepancy between lcurricula and methodology of training, age characteristics of students, sanitary requirements for organizing and conducting physical training classes;

- lack of qualified instructors in children' educational settings;

- mass illiteracy of parents in matters of formation, preservation and strengthening of health of a child;

- gaps in the existing system of physical education and school services partial destruction of drug control.

It should be noted that one of the priorities in reforming the education system should be maintainance and strengthening the health of children, students, formation the concepts of healthy lifestyle. the teachers of physical culture Physical training instructors are key figures responsible for solving this problem, and therefore the key task in is the development of their professionalism as a strategy to achieve the goal in the rehabilitation of the young generation.

The relevance of the research is determined by the necessity to grow up healthy generation, understanding of the role and capabilities of teacher of physical culture in the organization and provision of schoolchildren rehabilitation, neccesity of readiness formation of future physical training teachers for rehabilitation of students.

Research was performed under the direction of the Research Department of Biomedical

foundations of life safety and civil protection "Biomedical rehabilitation in valeology (methods, factors, effects on, physical and mental performance)."

Necessity and ways of creating the students healthy lifestyle and the concept of health by means of physical education was discussed in scientific work of V.I.Babycha, N.Y. Krutohorskoyi, K.O. Ohloblin, S.O. Omelchenko, A.V.Populyah, D.M. Solopchuk V.I. Baydak, A.T. Deminsko, building motivation and interest in physical training of students are represented in the works of G. Bezverkhnii, I.V. Horodynskoyi, K.K. Zhukotynskoho, L.P. Ivanchenko, V.M. Lysiak and others.

However, the analysis of the scientific literature on the subject help to discover that the problem is a teache's role in physical training and rehabilitation of pupils has not been the subject of special study.

The purpose of this work consisted in theoretical justification of the directions, activities and forms a teacher of physical training can suggest for students' rehabilitation.

While researching the aspects of training of future teachers of physical culture for sports and recreation activities, L.I. Ivanova proved that many teachers of educational institutions, do not posess the necessary level of knowledge required to understand the essence of pathological processes in a human body during various diseases, and reviel professionally unjustified passivity and inertia in this important work and with extreme caution in dealing with students classified to special medical group. This situation affects the level of health weakened of pupils significantly.

The above mentioned statement shows that the process of training the future teachers of physical education to healthy way in terms of educational institution and organization of training qualified specialists requires changes. The system of training of teaching staff in institutions of postgraduate education is improving too slowly or virtually absent. The work is in progress, but there is also lacks of consistency and commitment [2].

N.Y Krutohirska notes that the modern school requires a teacher with creative scientific and pedagogical thinking, with high professional

AKTya&BHi npoSAeMH cynacHoi MeAHUHHH

mobility, able to work not only in gym class but also outside school - at sporting and rehabilitative events, who is ready for independent innovation search. Whatever the innovation, reform or modernization are conducted in the field of education, they all agree on a teacher, because there is no miraculous systems. There is a teacher, who knows the progressive system and is a creative, socially active personality, able to think creatively, act professionally, create social value. School is a living cell of the social organism, and the teacher - its core. Of course, to perform this important educative mission "future physical training teacher has to be highly educated, fully developed, healthy person who strictly adheres to and implements a healthy lifestyle, and their professional knowledge and skills transfers to a youth in a professional manner" [3, p. 154].

According to V. Babich, a teacher of physical culture is the most active person, responsible not only for the lessons, but also for physical education of pupils in general, including all kinds of forms and methods used in this work, so his training are particularly sensitive [1], and therefore the responsibility has to be increased.

The problem of training the future teachers of physical education for forming a high level of health culture is raised in the work of K.O. Ohloblin [4]. The scientist believes that "a teacher of Physical Education is the main actor in heal improving continual education, where he is not only on service as the physical education teacher, but also acts as the ideologue of a healthy way of living of children and adolescents" [4, p.16].

Based on the analysis of scientific pedagogical literature [1-4] and regulations [5], we consider a teacher of physical culture regarded to be a personality, who is well trained on the subject "physical culture", and is aimed to create a culture of health of studentsm is the primary carrier of values of physical training, active promoter and personalized image of a healthy lifestyle and effective implementation of students rehabilitation.

The purpose of theprofessional activity of physical training teachers, in our opinion, is to develop personal physical cukture of students by means of physical education, which is part of the cultural identity.

It is clear that the teacher, as a representative of society always influenced the course of the historical process of the society. The teacher takes an active part in forming the society and therefore should feel more responsibility for present and future generations of mankind.

It is well known that a significant obstacle in physical education is a discrepancy between the teacher' claiming and his personal life and beliefs. The personality of the teacher-mentor should be a role model because he teaches not only using the various methods or techniques, but also the with personal influence that meets these requirements in a difficult time of life A teacher that meets all these

requirements can help a student to understand his mistakes, objectively assess his situation, and together identify ways of further development.

The personality of the teacher plays the leading role in developing students' attitudes towards healthy lifestyle, the appropriate forms and methods of physical activity can improve and develop their motivational sphere. The conviction of the teacher of physical training in the necessity and appropriateness of health of students should be manifested in his practice, but the ability to implement it properly conditioned by the available knowledge, specialized training and experience of training and fitness activities using both traditional and non-traditional forms and recovery methods

We can conclude that today there is the problem that aperes in front of a teachers of physical education in secondary schools - to make physical education process of continuous improvement. That teacher has not to be entitled only to limit their activities to episodic measures for physical education or only occasionally engage in the process of others.

The agenda for the physical training teachers nowadays includes the issues of physical education in schools as a system of compulsory learning the basics of a culture of health, sanitation and hygiene education. In this regard, the teacher must solve a series of problems: how to organize lessons and weakened as having deviation from the normal health of children; how to make lessons attractive to encourage cultivation of students in recreational activities; how to coordinate and ensure the interests of parents and pupils for physical education; forms of extracurricular activities and that, on the one hand, could be a continuation of the lesson, on the other hand - the preparation for it; how to create the proper resources to ensure the effectiveness of physical education and health of children; how to involve the entire physical education teaching staff, health specialists; how to reorganize their own pedagogical work based on valeological valuaes etc.

These problems can be effectively addressed only when all the mentioned link seamlessly complement each other, creating a permanent system factors and of targeting school children.

The work of a teachers of physical culture while training lessons of physical education and healthy lifestile is to integrate normal lessons and those which are carried in special medical groups, teaching and medical surveillance of students during class, tasks for independent exercises, rehabilitation techniques etc. pedagogical control during the moving interruption; maintaining an active healthy lifestyle by example, participation in valeological, preventive measures

A separate direction of the teacher of physical training aims to work with parents, whom he engages to joint activities with children, participating in parent meetings, carrying out educational, advocacy and consulting work on the selection, use

TOM 16, BunycK 3 (55)


В1СНИК ВДНЗУ «Укрсанська. медична стоматологгчна академЫ»

and supervision of children during recreational abilities. Some teachers can also coach sports

activities at home. teams. Physical training teachers must be able to

With teachers of educational institution a observe all their students and maintain discipline

teacher of Physical Education conducts advisory within the class. In addition to students, they

measures to promote healthy lifestyle among interact with parents, other teachers and school

schoolchildren, organizing physical pause during administrators. lessons in the classroom, using methods of Literature rehabilitation, involving teaching staff into health

.. 1. Babich V.I. Professional training of future teachers of physical supporting process. education for creating a culture of health of students, thesis / V.I.


We may consider the most important aspects in

Babich. - Lugansk, 2006. - 20 p. Ivanov L.I. Training the future teachers of physical culture to sports and recreation activities with students of secondary schools, thesis / L.I. Ivanov. - Kyiv, 2007. - 19 p.

the professional activity of physical training 3. Krutohorska N.Y. Preparation of future teachers of physical training tonnhorc am tho fnllniA/inn- nhwcinnl traininn to educational work in schools with a healthy lifestyle, humanization

teachers are Ihe ГО1Ю\Л/тд. physical Iraining of the educational process / N.Y. Krutohorska. - Slavyansk, 2010. -

teachers organize games and challenges that р. 86-89.

promote physical activity among children and young 4 °hloblyn KA. opere^^^a Strategy Separata ped^^ov

. , -' . , Physical culture based on continuously health-making education.

adult to develop motor skills and physical Dissertation / K.A. Ohloblyn. - St. Petersburg, 2008. - 443 р.

development and to develop proper exercise and 5. The system of sports and recreation and sports activities preschool,

eating habits among o|der rhildren Physiral general, v°cational and extracurricular educational institutions.

eating habits amoilg oldel childlen. rnysical Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 486 [Effective as of

training teachers must adjust their curricula to adapt 2003-07-21] The official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

to children with disabilities or different physical - Mode Of access: http.//zakon1rada.gov.ua/cgi-bin/laws/main.cgi.



Ключевые слова: учитель, культура здоровья, физическая культура, оздоровление, школьники.

Тема исследования - усовершенствование здоровья школьников. Цель - изучить теоретические аспекты деятельности и формы работы учителя физкультуры с целью оздоровления детей и подростков. Анализ научной литературы, анкетирования, наблюдения дали возможность определить форму и направление работы учителя физкультуры, его взаимодействия с родителями, учителями общеобразовательных учебных заведений, специалистов по охране здоровья. Определена роль и место учителя физкультуры в системе оздоровления школьников как личности, которая профессионально подготовлена к преподаванию учебной дисциплины «Физическая культура», призвана формировать культуру здоровья учеников, которая является основным носителем ценностей физической культуры, активным пропагандистом здорового образа жизни.



Ключовi слова: вчитель, культура здоров'я, фiзична культура, оздоровления, школярк

Тема дослщження - удосконалення здоров'я школяр1в. Мета - вивчити теоретичш аспекти д1яльно-ст i форми роботи учителя ф1зкультури щодо оздоровлення д1тей i п1дл1тк1в. Анал1з науковоТ л1терату-ри, анкетування, спостереження дали можпивють визначити форму i напрям роботи учителя фiзкуль-тури, його взаемоди з батьками, учителями загальноосв^шх навчальних закладiв, фахiвцiв з охорони здоров'я. Визначено роль i мюце вчителя фiзичноТ культури в системi оздоровлення школярiв як осо-бистосп, що професшно подготовлена до викладання навчальноТ дисциплши <^зична культура», покликана формувати культуру здоров'я учшв, е основним ноаем цЫностей фiзичноТ культури, активним пропагандистом здорового способу життя.


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