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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Fedotova Nina Leonidovna, Stampoulidi Zinaida Anatolyevna

This article is devoted to one of the problems of formation of the linguistic and professional competence of Greek students who learn Russian in a non - linguistic environment. The linguistic and professional competence of guides - interpreters includes the knowledge about the phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems of the language studied; knowledge of foreign language professional terminology; a set of knowledge that provides communicative interaction in the professional activities of a guide - interpreter; knowledge of the historical and cultural characteristics of the country of the language studied. The components of linguistic and professional competence of guides - interpreters are three sub - competencies: linguistic, speech and cultural, each of which involves the acquisition of knowledge necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities, as well as the formation of appropriate skills that ensure the development of special professionally relevant qualities of personality of guides - interpreters. Linguistic and professional competence of guides - interpreters allows them to efficiently establish communicative contacts with representatives of other cultural models. When creating culture - oriented Russian textbook for Greek students the authors have to make the teaching model correspond to the national educational tradition; to take into consideration specific features of Greek national communicative behavior; to develop communicative skills in order to solve extralinguistic tasks in professional activities. The focus of the manual on the development of linguistic and professional competence of future guides - interpreters, its multifunctionality has determined the structural organization of the training material: each lesson includes interconnected blocks aimed at developing speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. The results of the methods - oriented experiment showed the ethno cultural and communicative orientation of the textbook on Russian to Greek students is provided by textual material of a cognitive nature. The texts are examples of genres characteristic of the professional discourse of guides - interpreters and illustrate communicatively significant situations of professional communication with the inclusion of ethno - cultural characteristics of native speakers of the language studied. The textbook for Greek students should contain tasks aimed at mastering of the ways of presenting the facts of Greek culture, as well as using speech strategies and tactics when communicating with Russian - speaking tourists in problematic situations.

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УДК 378.016:811.161.1. DOI 10.26170/FK20-03-I8. ББК Ш141.12-9-99. ГРНТИ 14.35.09. Код ВАК 13.00.02


Nina L. Fedotova

Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia) ORCID ID: https://0rcid.0rg/0000-0002-2881-7202

Zinaida A. Stampoulidi

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athens, Greece) ORCID ID: https://0rcid.0rg/0000-0001-7515-6841

Ab stract. This article is devoted to one of the problems of formation of the linguistic and professional competence of Greek students who learn Russian in a non-linguistic environment.

The linguistic and professional competence of guides-interpreters includes the knowledge about the phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems of the language studied; knowledge of foreign language professional terminology; a set of knowledge that provides communicative interaction in the professional activities of a guide-interpreter; knowledge of the historical and cultural characteristics of the country of the language studied.

The components of linguistic and professional competence of guides-interpreters are three sub-competencies: linguistic, speech and cultural, each of which involves the acquisition of knowledge necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities, as well as the formation of appropriate skills that ensure the development of special professionally relevant qualities of personality of guides-interpreters.

Linguistic and professional competence of guides-interpreters allows them to efficiently establish communicative contacts with representatives of other cultural models.

When creating culture-oriented Russian textbook for Greek students the authors have to make the teaching model correspond to the national educational tradition; to take into consideration specific features of Greek national communicative behavior; to develop communicative skills in order to solve extra-linguistic tasks in professional activities. The focus of the manual on the development of linguistic and professional competence of future guides-interpreters, its multifunctionality has determined the structural organization of the training material: each lesson includes interconnected blocks aimed at developing speaking, writing, reading and listening skills.

The results of the methods-oriented experiment showed the ethno cultural and communicative orientation of the textbook on Russian to Greek students is provided by textual material of a cognitive nature. The texts are examples of genres characteristic of the professional discourse of guides-interpreters and illustrate communicatively significant situations of professional communication with the inclusion of ethno-cultural characteristics of native speakers of the language studied. The textbook for Greek students should contain tasks aimed at mastering of the ways of presenting the facts of Greek culture, as well as using speech strategies and tactics when communicating with Russian-speaking tourists in problematic situations.

© Н. Л. Федотова, З. А. Стамбулиди, 2020


Keywords: linguistic and professional competence; guides-interpreters; Russian as a foreign language (RFL); culture-oriented textbook; Greek students.


Федотова Н. Л.

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (Санкт-Петербург, Россия) ORCID Ш: https://0rcid.0rg/0000-0002-288l-7202

Стамбулиди З. А.

Национальный университет им. Каподистрии (Афины, Греция) ORCID Ш: https://0rcid.0rg/0000-0001-7515-6841

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается одна из проблем формирования лингво-профессио-нальной компетенции греческих студентов, изучающих русский язык в неязыковой среде.

В лингво-профессиональную компетенцию гида-переводчика входят знания о фонетической, лексической и грамматической системах изучаемого языка; знание иноязычной профессиональной терминологии; знания, обеспечивающие коммуникативное взаимодействие в профессиональной деятельности гида-переводчика; знание историко-культурных особенностей страны изучаемого языка.

Компонентами лингво-профессиональной компетенции гидов-переводчиков являются три субкомпетенции: языковая, речевая и культурологическая, каждая из которых предполагает приобретение знаний, необходимых для эффективного осуществления профессиональной деятельности, а также формирование соответствующих навыков и умений, обеспечивающих развитие специальных профессионально-релевантных качеств в структуре личности будущего гида-переводчика. Лингво-профессиональная компетенция позволяет гидам-переводчикам эффективно устанавливать коммуникативные контакты с представителями других культурных моделей.

При создании национально-ориентированного учебного пособия по русскому языку для греческих учащихся авторы должны исходить из того, что необходимо привести модель обучения в соответствие с национальной образовательной традицией; учитывать особенности греческого национального коммуникативного поведения; развивать коммуникативные умения для решения экстралингвистических задач в профессиональной сфере деятельности.

Нацеленность пособия на развитие лингво-профессиональной компетенции будущих гидов-переводчиков, его многофункциональность обусловливают особенности структурной организации учебного материала: каждый урок включает взаимосвязанные содержательные блоки, направленные на развитие умений в говорении, письменной речи, чтении и аудировании.

Результаты проведенного нами методического эксперимента показали, что этнокультурная и коммуникативная направленность учебного пособия по русскому языку для греческих студентов обеспечивается текстовым материалом познавательного характера. Тексты являются примерами жанров, характерных для профессионального дискурса гидов-переводчиков, и иллюстрируют коммуникативно значимые ситуации профессионального общения с включением этнокультурных характеристик носителей изучаемого языка.

Учебное пособие для греческих студентов должно содержать упражнения и задания, направленные на овладение способами представления фактов культуры Греции и использование речевых стратегий и тактик при общении с русскоязычными туристами в проблемных ситуациях.

Ключе вые слова: лингво-профессиональная компетенция; профессиональная подготовка; практические навыки; гиды-переводчики; русский язык как иностранный (РКИ); национально-ориентированное пособие; греческие учащиеся.

Для цитирования: Федотова, Н. Л. Принципы разработки национально-ориентированного пособия по русскому языку для греческих гидов-переводчиков / Н. Л. Федотова, З. А. Стамбулиди. - Текст : непосредственный // Филологический класс. - 2020. - Т. 25, № 3. - С. 207-218. - DOI: 10.2б170/И<20-03-18.

For citation: Fedotova, N. L., Stampoulidi, Z. A. (2020). Principles of Design of a Culture-Oriented Russian Language Textbook for Greek Guide-Interpreters. In Philological Class. Vol. 25. No. 3, pp. 207-218. DOI: 10.26170/FK20-03-I8.

Introduction. It is well known that the didactic materials used in teaching a foreign language are significant. According to E. I. Passov, textbooks are "one of the forms of organization and embodiment of teaching means" [Passov 2009: 32]. There is reason to expand the definition proposed by researcher: we should also consider the teaching means as a form of organization of the process of teaching a foreign language.

Textbooks used in foreign language teaching are primarily designed to facilitate language learning, but they cannot simply do that since language teaching is inseparable from its cultural context. This statement is especially relevant when we speak about the teaching of Russian as a foreign language in Greek educational establishments. An analysis of existing textbooks reflects that the educational materials were developed in "pre-communicative" periods. They were aimed at formation of language skills, system of language knowledges, but not at formation and development of communicative skills, system of practical abilities of usage of Russian as an instrument of realization of academic, social and professional communication.

As Cunningsworth states, "A study of language solely as an abstract system would not equip learners to use it in the real world" [Cunningsworth 1995: 86]. For that reason, RFL teaching materials should prepare the learners to real communication with speakers of the target language.

Modern scientists highlight three general goals of foreign language learning [Cortazzi, Jin 1999: 197; Skopinskaya 2003: 39; Krupchenko 2006: 158]:

- development of communicative competence in those situations that students may encounter in concrete conditions;

- development of insight into the foreign culture and positive attitudes towards foreigners;

- development of an awareness of the target language as means of communication.

These goals should be integrated. Achievement of these goals is the general practice for RFL education in all levels and all educational establishments. At the same time, speaking about system of professional education, we must accent attention on development of the ability to communicate in a professional sphere, establish professional communicative interactions. In oth-

er words, speaking about goals of RFL in professional education we must define that one of the dominant purposes of education is the development of linguistic and professional competence. We agree with M. Aguilar who said that "<...> in our connected and globalized world, multilingual and intercultural skills are increasingly necessary among professionals, who need to be competent in communicating with culturally diverse people" [Aguilar 2018: 26].

Literature review. Taking into account approaches to understanding of communicative competences and their structures represented in the studies of D. Hymes (1972), R. Bell (1976), E. N. Solovova (2002), A. V. Litvinov (2004), Y.-A. Lee (2006), A. I. Gorbunov (2014) in the structure of linguistic and professional competence we may define the following components:

1) linguistic sub-competence - a complex of linguistic (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, etc.) knowledge and skills;

2) speech sub-competence - a complex of knowledge that provides communicative interaction in the professional activities of an interpreter guides;

3) cultural sub-competence - knowledge and understanding of historical and cultural context of communicative interactions of speakers in the target language.

In our opinion, linguistic and professional competence of interpreter guides in foreign language may be defined as a personal knowledge and understanding of the essence of communication in a professional sphere, abilities to establish interpersonal communication with Russian tourists in the process of their professional activity. High level of development of linguistic and professional competence allows an interpreter guide to effectively realize his or her professional activity, communicate with representatives of Russian cultural model, overcome the communicative barriers and arising of intercultural conflicts. Thus, in national-oriented and professional oriented training, the development of linguistic and professional competence must be defined as one of the dominant goals of RFL learning.

At the same time, the achievement of this goal faces serious difficulties due to the lack of modern educational literature, didactic materials that meet modern requirements for preparation of skilled specialists in the touristic sphere.

The practice of teaching RFL in Greece clearly demonstrates that the textbooks and other didactic materials:

- do not take into account the true interests of students;

- do not provide for the formation of regional and sociocultural competencies: "the cultural and regional content in these textbooks is poorly presented or even absent" [Resai 2016: 287];

- do not correspond to the social order of Greek society;

- do not meet the task of strengthening of intercultural relations, since they do not allow Greek students to develop communicative competence, communicative skills in order to solve practical, extra-linguistic tasks in academic and professional activities.

We should note that due to the lack of modern educational literature, there are, unfortunately, quasi-stereotypes of Russia. Even significant social, economic and political transformations in Russia at the end of the XXth and the beginning of the XXIth centuries did not change the country's image in the foreign media, which still portray Russia as a country of "caviar, triples, samovars and golden domes" [Panova, Kharitonova 20x6].

Greek teachers ofRFL use didactic materials reflecting specifics of Russian culture. However, the national culture of students is absent in the textbooks. The didactic materials do not allow to develop intercultural competence, skills in the establishing of communicative interaction between representatives of different linguo-cultures based on an understanding of native and foreign cultures. As a result of the one-sided presentation of cultural information focused on representing the image of Russia in the textbook, students find themselves in a situation of impossibility to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday practice. In Seyed's opinion, it is needed "to teach students to talk about their home country and culture in comparison with Russia and Russian culture" [Seyed 2008: 96].

Russian cultural model, the comparison of interacting cultures, the development of a nationally-oriented textbook on RFL for the Greeks is complicated by the fact that today there aren't almost studies, in which there is a comparison of the Russian language and Russian culture with the Greek language and culture [Kalita 20x6: 54]. The assimilation of knowledge about Russian culture and comparison with the native culture

of foreign students positively affect the success of the learning process of RFL. The ability to use the acquired knowledge to solve communication problems in professional activities is a nuclear component of the content of teaching Greek students Russian.

Textbooks and workbooks on Russian as a foreign language should contain materials that help develop the learners' communicative competence on the basis of knowledge of their national and Russian cultures, their understanding of the specific patterns of interaction between the two and a tolerant attitude towards the differences between them. For this reason, in recent years there has been a growing need for re-thinking the theoretical principles behind the culture-oriented textbook on Russian as a foreign language designed for developing linguistic and professional competence.

The paper aims to identify the principles of designing a culture-oriented textbook on the Russian language for training what we call interpreter guides, meaning guides who have mastered a foreign language and can carry out interpreting from and into this language, at Greek universities. Accomplishing this task involves providing a methodological basis for the selection of authentic materials necessary for the development of professional competencies of Greek learners and selecting the most effective forms and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Research methods. The main methods used in this study include observation, description, induction and comparison; the sampling and structural-functional method, the methods of contextual, culturological and linguosemiotic analysis, which combine the synchronic and systemic-functional approaches to selecting teaching materials.

Results and Discussion. A culture-oriented Russian language textbook "I'm Your Guide!" has been designed, which is aimed at developing the linguistic and professional competence of future interpreter guides studying at Greek universities. Following E. Nevmerzhitskaya, the ethno-cultur-al approach has been chosen as the framework within which the contents of the textbook are organized. In accordance with this approach, the learning process is seen as "the entry of the learner together with the teacher into the context of the culture of the country of study expressed by

various language items" [Nevmerzhitskaya 2011: 186]. The implementation of the ethno-cultur-al approach in the textbook ensures that the future interpreter guides develop the competence to achieve their communicative goals in the language studied and to use the acquired knowledge and skills in their future career.

A. Leung and C. Chiu point out that, "Through participating in culture and engaging in communication with other cultural members, people grasp the shared reality in their culture and use it as behavioral guides both when they communicate with people in their culture and when they interact with people from a different culture" [Leung, Chiu 2010: 242].

Besides, designing a culture-oriented textbook should take into account the principles of such approaches as

- communicative approach (the textbook places strong emphasis on practice);

- axiological approach (the philosophy behind the textbook is that the learner's identity is seen as the key value in education);

- learner-centeredness (the learning materials maintain and develop the learners' personal identity and individual qualities);

- culture-centeredness (the texts allow individuals to make the learning meaningful in terms of their future career in the context of a foreign culture);

- creativity (the activities release the individual's creative potential);

- synergy (self-directed learning encourages students to solve their professional problems in an ever changing society).

In designing a textbook as material support for the process of learning it is necessary to meet general requirements that serve to enhance the quality and effectiveness of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language [Nevmerzhitskaya 2011: 187-188]:

- an orientation towards achieving the ultimate goal of teaching - the development of professional foreign-language competence, which is ensured by the inclusion of the ethno-cultural component as the sum total of various language skills in intercultural professional communication;

- a particular sequence and coherence of problem-solving activities and tasks serving to optimize the process of teaching communication in a foreign language.

The learning process using the culture-orient -ed textbook is based on the following principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language:

1. Learner-centeredness teaching. This principle is based on the position of A. N. Leont'ev that in the process of personality development, "alloys" of innate and acquired reactions arise, the objective content of needs changes and the dominants of behavior are formed [Leont'ev 2005: 76]. To develop the skills, mostly creative and interactive forms of teaching are used aimed at learner-learner and teacher-learner interaction. "The interactional practices constituting teacher-student interaction and language learning are interdependent in that the substance of learners' language knowledge is inextricably tied to their extended involvement in the regularly occurring interactional practices constituting their specific contexts of learning" [Hall 2010: 215].

2. Communicative language teaching. The textbook allows organizing the learning process as a communicative activity, which is performed owing to the development of an integrating linguistic and professional competence rather than isolated skills in the Russian language.

Work on the linguistic aspects of oral and written speech is aimed at developing the ability to carry out oral and written communication to express one's own opinion, emotions and feelings.

3. Orientation towards acquiring linguistic and professional competence. Coherent cognitive, communicative, socio-cultural and professional individual development of the foreign learner occurs. The activities allow the learners to compare the new knowledge they acquire with their own knowledge of their national culture and draw conclusions as to the universal or specific nature of the cultural phenomena of Russia and Greece.

Students master two subject modules - general linguistic and specialized. Therefore, the Russian language textbook for future interpreter guides should include:

1) concepts of the specialized subject area;

2) grammatical structures used in professional communication;

3) norms and rules of behavior in typical communicative situations involving a guide and foreign tourists;

4) main genres of tourism discourse: informative (introduction, instructing), epideictic (greeting, apologizing, expressing gratitude),

persuasive (discussion), call-to-action phrases (invitation, request);

5) minimum content knowledge in highly specialized subjects (History of Ancient Russia, Introduction to Old Church Slavonic Literature, Aspects of Balkan Historiography);

6) texts showing the cultural ties between the learners' home country and the country of study.

A variety of tasks aimed at developing dialog-ical and monologic speech skills allows the formation of linguistic and professional competence of interpreter guides, which includes "conscious orientation of students to the position of other people as partners in communication and joint activities, the ability to listen and conduct dialogue in accordance with the goals and the tasks of communication, to participate in a collective discussion of problems and decision-making <...>" [Asmolov et al. 2010: 6].

4. Orientation towards the development of independence and responsible attitude to learning. The application of this principle implies:

- the development of study skills (working with dictionaries, online search on Russian-language sites, etc.);

- the use of creative activities that allow learners to display independence and creativity (project work, creation of promotional poly-code texts, etc.);

- the use of group work, owing to which learners develop a sense of responsibility for the outcome of group activity (projects, development of professional sites, booklets, etc.);

- acquiring various kinds of oral and written communication skills (conducting a tour, communication via email, etc.).

5. Comparison of the cultures involved. Incorporating this principle should contribute to the breaking of stereotypes that stand in the way of the positive perception of Russia and the Russians and to the development of a conceptual framework for intercultural communication in a foreign language in typical situations of professional communication.

The textbook "I'm your guide" (level Bi) is based on the methodological model we developed that has the following features:

- orientation of the subject matter towards preparing future interpreter guides for multi-functional professional communication;

- authenticity, which manifests itself both in the selection of the teaching material and the sequence of learning activities;

- coherent development of all the four skills, in situations that are relevant to interpreter guides;

- strong emphasis on activities simulating real situations of professional communication;

- developing a positive attitude to intercultural professional activity;

- a feeling of cultural "exoticism";

- using different information channels;

- stimulating self-directed learning aimed at the search for additional country-specific and culture-specific information;

- developing the skills of interpreting and systematizing the professional information obtained.

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The orientation of the textbook "I'm your Guide" towards developing the linguistic and professional competence of future interpreter guides and its versatility dictate the way the teaching material is organized [Stamboleva, Fe-dotova 2020]. The structural components of the textbook differ in their functional role. The main, supplementary and reference components comprise textual and extratextual subcomponents [Volchkova 2007: 7].

I. Main component.

The textual sub-components include:

1. Textual.

a) Activities for developing reading skills, aimed at developing the skills of extracting information of different kind and volume:

- extracting maximum information (detailed reading);

- understanding the gist (skimming);

- extracting specific information (scanning).

For the development of listening skills, stepwise work with audio texts (video sequences) is proposed:

1) performing pre-text listening tasks;

2) perceiving and understanding a coherent audio text.

The development of pronunciation and lexical-grammatical skills is a teaching goal in its own right, but is not an end in itself. In view of the known instances of Russian-Greek phonetic interference, various activities have been developed aimed at correcting the learners' pronunciation skills. Besides, the material contained in

the tasks allows the teacher to develop reading skills.

In order to statistically validate the selection of the lexical material, an analysis was performed of the typical lexical errors that Greek learners make when using the Russian language [Fedotova, Stam-boleva 2018]. Such an approach makes it possible to prevent possible errors or "reduce their number to a socially acceptable level" [Kochetova 2005: 5-6]. In teaching new lexical items, particular attention is given to activities developing the skill of contextual and lexical inferencing. Teachers must begin with "meanings - concepts - that are important for learners to appropriate rather than forms or structures" [Van Compernolle 2013: 358].

The grammar activities have a communicative character. The teaching of grammar follows the pattern: exposure to an example * reproduction * formulating a rule * understanding the rule and grammatical feature * understanding the texts containing the grammatical feature * production of own oral and written utterances using the grammatical feature. It means that the process of teaching Russian grammar is built on this principle: funds are offered - the task is set.

The activities that simulate participation in real-life situations of professional communication are preceded by tasks aimed at mastering the techniques that help solve specific problems in oral and written communication in Russian. It should be noted that the exercises and tasks use authentic material since it reflects the features of the work of Greek interpreter guides with Rus-

sian-speaking tourists, which allows students to prepare for professional activities.

Authentic materials in a foreign language allow one to:

1) increase the amount of ethno-cultural knowledge;

2) develop one's mind, imagination and memory;

3) develop the skills of analysing and identifying the common and distinctive features of the two cultures studied;

4) develop study skills: the skill of exploring independently the culture of the country of study using dictionaries of language and culture, encyclopedias, reference books, mass media and internet resources;

5) develop empathy, tolerance and respect for the values of another nation and the cultural heritage of both one's own and the foreign country.

b) Culture-oriented texts ensuring the ethno-cultural and communicative character of the textbook. The texts provide examples of genres that are typical of the interpreter guide's professional discourse and illustrate communicatively relevant situations of professional communication, focusing on the distinctive ethno-cultural features of the users of the language studied.

As is known, there is now a rapid development of culinary tourism, which affords the opportunity to learn about and understand other nations through their culinary traditions. Unit 7 "Yummy!" [M-m-m... Vkusno!], for example, contains a text about traditional Greek cuisine.

1. Первое правило - идите туда, где много местных. Вам нужна таверна, где много греческих семей, а рядом может быть совсем пустая таверна. Многие туристы идут и садятся туда, где больше свободных мест. Это ошибка! Больше местных - вкуснее еда. Это закон. В тавернах столы накрывают одноразовыми скатертями, поэтому можно есть совсем неаккуратно, можно брать мясо руками - никто ничего вам не скажет и косо не посмотрит. В Греции много морепродуктов, очень вкусные осьминоги и кальмары на гриле. Во многих местах очень вкусные мясные блюда, опять же - на гриле. Гриль всегда натуральный, никакого газа, только угли. Сидение в таверне для греков - это не просто еда, а общение. Начинается оно обычно поздно: около 9-10 часов вечера, а заканчивается за полночь.

After reading the text students speak about their favourite national dishes (the ingredients, recipes). Then the students are asked to find information on the Internet about the specific features of Russian cuisine (website https:// studyinrussia.ru/life-in-russia/life-conditions/ russian-food/). Based on the comparison of the information obtained, the students are asked to make a list of Greek dishes that Russian tourists could like and justify their choice.

Features of Greek communicative behavior are reflected in the use of figurative, expressive and emotional means of language, including non-native language. In other words, the Greeks often use metaphors, allegories, exclamations, etc. Perhaps they are too emotional, which can cause bewilderment, for example, in representatives of eastern cultures who are not characterized by loud speech and expressiveness. At the same time, modern Greeks are not differed

by laconicism, extreme accuracy which, however, should not be perceived as insufficiently deep understanding of the world. Compared to Russians, the Greeks have a more pronounced "complementarity". With the help of compliments a polite attitude to the interlocutor is emphasized which ensures the success of communicative interaction [Stamboleva 2018].

The textbook comprises different types of texts (polylogues, examples of oral folklore, travel advertisements, blogs and texts from encyclopaedic dictionaries, etc.). The selection of the texts was made on the basis of recommendations from professional interpreter guides, as well as distinctive age and cognitive-psychological characteristics of Greeks students, their motives and needs. For example, Read the text "Treatment in Loutra Kassandra (Halkidiki, Greece)" (http://fellowtraveler. ru/ozdorovlenie/i444-lechenie-v-grecii). What do you think who needs medical tourism? (Lesson 13).

Первый пункт нашего путешествия - термальные источники местечка Лутра (полуостров Кассандра Хал-кидики), другое название здешних целебных вод - Агиа Параскева. Городок Лутра находится на полуострове Халкидики, на самом юге Греческой Македонии, на «пальце» Кассандра, между посёлками Агиа Параскеви и Скиони. Инфраструктура спа-курорта достаточно комфортабельна, воды богаты сероводородом и помогают избавиться от множества заболеваний: опорно-двигательного аппарата, суставов, дерматологических болезней, гинекологических заболеваний и др.

A separate section of the textbook contains micro-dialogues related to the situations of the interpreter guide's professional communication and conversation formulas, which helps extend not only the linguistic knowledge but also the socio-linguistic scope of the learner. Among the necessary activities are, for example, those that aim to acquaint the learner with cultural facts, modern cultural practices and patterns of behavior of Russian tourists in problem situations: Write the promotional text "Rhodes Tour"; make the project "Greek souvenirs"; role-play "We are late for the Airport", etc.

For self-directed learning, added complexity tasks are used that involve searching for extra country-specific and culture-specific information, working with Internet sites, etc.

2. Extratextual components:

a) visual images (photos, pictures, advertisements);

b) tables and booklets help optimize work on the grammatical features of the Russian language.

Using them, learners can analyse the characteristics of one or another grammatical feature and independently formulate the rule, as a result of which the knowledge of grammar is systematized and synthesized;

c) Internet resources: puteshestvie.net; ilo-vegreece.ru; GuruTurizma.ru, etc.;

d) video and audio materials, for example, from the TV programme "Heads or Tails" (Greece - Restart; Athens - season 2, part 9; Heavenly Corfu, etc.), help broaden the knowledge of the country, develop the inter-cultural dialogue, form a world picture that matches the modern level of knowledge and level of education, ensure the individual learner's integration into the systems of national and world cultures. There are the following tasks in this block:

1) Write out unfamiliar words. Find their translation in the dictionary. Pay attention to colloquial words.

2) Where is the narrator located? Describe these places.

3) What do you know about these places?

4) Compose a narrative about... Start this way:

We came here to see (to sit, to walk, to buy, to listen...)...

I would like you to see (to listen, to walk, to find out,

to look...) ...

5) Tell tourists how long the whole tour will last, what places and in what sequence you will visit, how much time tourists will have to buy souvenirs.

6) Prepare a tour advertisement for your page on the Internet;

e) presentations: "Walking tour to the reserve Agios Spyridon", "Entertainments in Corfu", "Water sports in Dassia", etc.;

f) role-plays: "Meeting the group at the airport", "Shopping for souvenirs", etc.

The concluding section comprises test tasks for final assessment (multiple-choice test).

II. Supplementary component.

Since learning Russian as a foreign language can take place both in class and out of class, the textbook contains exercises, creative activities and supplementary texts for reading. The textbook makes it possible to control the students' independent learning aimed at extending their knowledge and consolidating their skills, which enables foreign language activity in the field of intercultural professional communication. For example, Read the text"Climate of Greece". Prepare a presentation and present it in class.

III. Reference component.

This component includes glossaries, a grammar reference and navigation tools.

A glossary, which is to be found at the end of each unit, can be used by learners not only in class, but also out of class, in doing their homework.

The grammar reference to the grammatical topics discussed in the book is presented in the form of summarizing tables.

The navigation tools include a preface; a table of contents to help learners navigate the book; keys to the tasks, which allow learners to check whether the tasks have been successfully completed; colour and text highlighting of every unit.

It is important to note that the overall structure of the book and the inclusion of various kinds of textual and extratextual components allow the teacher to vary the process of education, organize the students' in-class and out-of-class work with regard to particular conditions (learn-

ing environment, learners' age, the teacher's personality, number of class hours, etc.).

The topics that form the content of the textbook are characterized by a marked professional and cultural orientation, which has been achieved by selecting typical situations that interpreter guides are faced with in their professional work. Consequently, in learning conditions, the content will allow future interpreter guides to deal with situations that they could encounter as they communicate with Russian-speaking tourists. It should be noted one more time that all the materials of the textbook (both textual and extra-textual) are authentic. They illustrate situations of professional communication that have been identified in private conversations with Greek interpreter guides working with Russian-speaking tourists.

The textbook assumes that the users have a freedom of choice in the selection of techniques for organizing work with the teaching material, which ensures variability in the learning process. The textbook uses only those materials that take into consideration the learners' language level and help develop the linguistic and professional competence of future interpreter guides.

Conclusion and Implications. The modern approach to teaching Russian as a foreign language is based on established tradition; however, the development of political and economic life, the profound changes taking place in society make educationalists and practicing teachers seriously consider looking for the most effective learning techniques and methods.

In the case of teaching Greek students of interpreting, the situation is complicated by the lack of learning materials fitting the recent advances in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, modern socio-cultural and economic conditions and the needs of the learners themselves.

The teaching resources must above all take account of the distinctive national psychology of future interpreter guides and prepare them for a professional career. Under present conditions, a relevant problem is providing a valid methodological basis for the principles of designing a new type of textbook aimed at the language training of highly qualified interpreter guides capable of engaging in an intercultural dialogue with the native speakers of the language studied.

In our view, the foreign-language linguistic and professional competence of future interpreter guides includes, besides the axiological, creative and cognitive-emotive components, a reflexive component understood as mastery of the skill of critical analysis of one's achievements and failings; the skill of self-checking when conducting professional activity; the desire for a sustained improvement of the professional standard through a foreign language; awareness of the prospects of professional growth.

The most important principles in the development of textbooks for foreign interpreter guides learning Russian in a non-linguistic environment are orientation towards mastering linguistic and professional competence and the principle of comparing the cultures involved.

By organizing the process of learning Greek students to Russian, based on a culture-oriented textbook, the teacher:

- offers active forms of teaching that help enhance the effectiveness of knowledge and skill acquisition;

- uses authentic materials, which provide examples of real language behavior of speakers of Russian;

- accustoms learners to various kinds of out-of-class work relevant to their future career;

- combines different approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language.

In working with the textbook "I'm Your Guide!" Greek students:

- establish relationships between the language and the culture behind the language studied;

- independently identify and analyze similarities and differences between the interacting cultural models;

- use the Russian language as a means of communication in curricular and extracurricular situations.


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Данные об авторах

Федотова Нина Леонидовна - доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры русского языка как иностранного и методики его преподавания, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (Санкт-Петербург, Россия).

Адрес: 199034, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., 7/9.

E-mail: [email protected].

Стамбулиди Зинаида Анатольевна - преподаватель русского как иностранного, отделение иностранных языков, Национальный университет им. Капо-дистрии (Афины, Греция).

Адрес: 16121, Greece, Athens, Hippocrates str., 7.

E-mail: [email protected].

Author's information

Fedotova Nina Leonidovna - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Methods of Its Teaching, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia).

Stampoulidi Zinaida Anatolyevna - Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language, Department of Foreign Languages, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athens, Greece).

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