2. А.Д.Альтщуль, Животовский С.Л., Иванов Л.П. Гидравлика и аэродинамика., М-1987.
3. Л. А. Цыбин, И. Ф. Шанаев. Гидравлика и насос., М-1986.
4. Примеры расчётов по гидравлика.Учебное пособие для вузов.А.Д.Альтщуль, В.И.Калиcун ред. А.Д. Альтщуль-М 1976.
5. Константинов Ю.М., Гидравлика. 1988
© Араздурдыев Н., Мередов П., Мырадов Г., Мамедов Дж., 2024
УДК 63
Арбатова А.,
Кадыров Н., Студент.
Аллакулыева С., Студентка.
Байрамова С., Студентка.
Туркменский сельскохозяйственный институт.
Дашогуз, Туркменистан.
Подбор отдельных видов и сортов плодовых деревьев и плодовых растений. На основе исследований, проведенных НИИСХ и осмотра сортов, рекомендуется отобрать и посадить лучшие сорта и семена наиболее ценных плодовых деревьев с учетом условий каждой губернии.
Ключевые слова: деревья, виды, фермеры, сорта, фрукты. Annotation
Selection of individual types and varieties of fruit trees and fruit plants. On the basis of research carried out by the Agricultural Research Institute and the inspection of varieties, it is recommended to select and plant the best varieties and seeds of the most valuable fruit trees according to the conditions of each province.
Key words: trees, types, farmers, varieties, fruit.
Selection of individual types and varieties of fruit trees and fruit plants. On the basis of research carried out by the Agricultural Research Institute and the inspection of varieties, it is recommended to select and plant the best varieties and seeds of the most valuable fruit trees according to the conditions of each province. The fruit nurseries of Turkmenistan, based on these recommendations, only multiply varieties and seeds that have been put into production in sufficient quantity, and supply them to farmers' associations and other institutions. The composition of varieties and seeds depends on the natural conditions of the place of cultivation, their value to the household, (is it transported to a distant place or is it used locally, is it processed?), specialization, state plan, demand, etc. depends on things.
The selection of seeds, varieties and their relationship to each other depends on the internal plans of each
farm, its master model and revised model. The characteristics of each farm are taken into account and depend on its economy, the size of fruit plants and its connections with other industries, the number of workers and other material resources, irrigation possibilities, natural conditions, fruit use, and specialization.
The number of varieties ripening at the same time should not exceed 34. But they must be a cross-pollinating variety and one of those varieties must be the main one. Among the horticultural fruits, peaches, peaches, plums, and blackberries are planted not only for pollination, but also for self-pollination and longevity. Choosing a variety, the main purpose of planting fruit trees depends on the following characteristics:
It depends on quick ripening of fruit orchards, high and constant yield, stability to natural conditions, large and strong growth of the fruit, flowering time according to industrial technology, pollination, possibility of mechanization, yielding on one-year branches and harvesting with mechanisms.
The importance of fruit depends on its quality. It depends on the thickness of the fruit skin, long-term stability, ripening period and use, shelf life, taste, and various uses, etc. It depends. In fruit growing, high-yielding varieties should be planted in order to provide the population with fresh fruit products throughout the year and fully meet the requirements of the processing industry. For good growth and high yield, varieties and seeds should be adapted to the soil and planted in large areas in one place. Planting them in this way works well for mechanization, water harvesting, cultivar maintenance, insect control, and many other tasks.
Depending on the origin of each fruit tree species, there are local, imported and adapted varieties. There are 3050 varieties of each type of fruit trees, which are distinguished by the high quality of their fruits, resistance to diseases and pests. If production varieties do not meet market demand in terms of technological performance, they are replaced by new varieties. Varieties are competitively tested for yield, environmental stability and quality indicators.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Кушнарев М.А. Сорта яблони для садов Алтайского края /И.П.Калинина, М.А. Кушнарев, М.С. Владимирова // Аграрная наука сельскому хозяйству. - Барнаул, 2008.
2. Зайцев Г.С.Классификация рода Gossypium L. Труды Туркес-танской селекционной станции. Вып. 12. М. Л.: Изд. АО "Промиздат", 1928.
3. Кушнарев М.А. Роль опылителя в формировании урожая яблони /В.Ф. Северин, М.А. Кушнарев // Вестник АГАУ. - Барнаул, 2009.
4. Кудрявец Р.П. Обрезка плодовых деревьев и ягодных кустар-ников. Москва, Агропромиздат, 1991.
© Арбатова А., Кадыров Н., Аллакулыева С., Байрамова С., 2024
УДК 63
Атаева А., преподаватель. Досчанова Ф., студентка. Атаджанов Г., студент. Аннамырадов А., студент. Туркменский сельскохозяйственный институт.
Дашогуз, Туркменистан.
Совокупность условий почвообразования — это совокупность условий окружающей среды при