Научная статья на тему 'Plow for smooth plowing with combined working bodies'

Plow for smooth plowing with combined working bodies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Еrgashev Ismoil Toshkentovich, Мirzaxodjaev Sherzodxuja Shoxruxovich, Хоliyarov Yormamat Berdiqulovich, Qurbanov Sherzod Baxtiyorovich

There given the organization and principle of the functioning of the combined frontal plough with passive and active working parts, realizing smooth ploughing up by the reverse of layers within own furrow on 180 ° in this article

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Текст научной работы на тему «Plow for smooth plowing with combined working bodies»

Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, professor, Head of the Department of scientific-applied researches and Innovation, Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: [email protected]

ЕrgAshev Ismoil Toshkentovich, professor, Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Samarkand

Мirzaxodjaev Sherzodxuja Shoxruxovich, Senior lecturer, Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Samarkand

Хоliyarov Yormamat Berdiqulovich, сandidate, of technical sciences, Senior Researcher, Soil Processing Department, Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (SRIMEA), Tashkent

Qurbanov Sherzod Baxtiyorovich, Ph D., researcher, Department of agricultural mechanization, ^rshi Engineering-Economics Institute, ^rshi


Abstract: There given the organization and principle of the functioning of the combined frontal plough with passive and active working parts, realizing smooth ploughing up by the reverse of layers within own furrow on 180 ° in this article.

Keywords: front plough, smooth tillage, the passive working parts, the active working parts, energy saturated wheeled tractor, efficiency of using power.

Introduction. When testing the front plows with Objects and methods of research. The object of

passive working bodies carrying out a smooth, barefire research is a plow for smooth plowing with combined

plowing in the farms of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the working organs. The methods of system analysis and the

problem of effective utilization of the power of energy- rules of agricultural mechanics were used in the research.

saturated wheeled tractors [1, 35-37; 2, 24; 3, 6-8]. It Studies were conducted in the Kashkadarya region

was found that the traction force developed by the trac- of Uzbekistan. Type of soil - light gray, medium loamy.

tors was not sufficient for all the soil-climatic conditions Background - field from the winter wheat. The average

to operate at the required speeds because of their insuf- slope of the terrain 10. The relief is flat. Humidity and

ficient coupling weight. The problem is complicated by hardness of the soil horizontally 0 ... 10, 10 ... 20, 20

the fact that, due to the symmetrical location of the plow ... 30 cm was 8.75, respectively; 11.9; 15.5% and 3.43;

relative to the longitudinal axis of the tractor, its width of 4.75; 5.4 MPa. The quantity of stubble residues is 0.895

grip must be greater than the width of the tractor. kg/m2, the stubble height is 9.1 cm.

As the working speeds of the front plow with the Results of the research. To solve these problems, a passive working bodies increase, its traction resistance front plow for smooth, unarmed plowing with active and increases, which leads to the need to work on lower gears passive working bodies has been developed (Fig. 1), in with incomplete engine loading and increased slippage which the active working elements along with the tech-ofpropellers. At low speeds, the technological process of nological functions will perform the functions of the proturnover of beds is disrupted and the quality of plowing pulsors and thus allow to unload the narrow link in the is sharply reduced [4, 86-88]. power transmission chain through the propulsor tractor,


as well as contribute to increasing the productivity and economy of the unit [5; 6, 28-29; 7, 10].

The technological process of the plow is carried out as follows: the knives of the active working organ 1 (Fig. 1) crush the plant remains and mix them with the upper layer of soil, going behind the active working organ plow bodies 2 with the plows 4 turn the beds into their furrow, laying the crushed vegetable Remnants to the bottom of the furrow. Roller 3 produces crushing of lumps and leveling of the soil surface.

When using this tool for plowing fields from perennial grasses with a powerful root system, the surface of

the wrapped formation is cut into bands with partial crumbling, as a result of which its elastic properties decrease and there is no reverse unwinding. When using active working organs in fields with a large amount of vegetation, cutting of plant residues and mulching them into the soil occurs, as a result of which the probability of plow plowing is reduced. When processing soils with insufficient moisture and high density of the knife of the active working organ, loosening the upper compacted and over-dried soil layer, improve the quality of crumbling.

Figure 1. Scheme of plow for smooth plowing with passive and active working bodies

Rotating in the same direction as the tractor's propellers, the active working elements create a pushing force that compensates for the part of the traction resistance of the plow. Decrease in tractive resistance of the plow is also due to the fact that the plow bodies process the soil, the upper layer of which is broken up by active working bodies. With this arrangement of working bodies, a field of compressive stresses created by the body is superimposed on the stress field from the milling cutter, which is directed in the opposite direction. When a combination of stresses of different signs increases the degree of crumbling of the soil and reduces energy consumption [8, 61-70].

As a result of the studies, the following parameters and operating conditions of the active working element are justified: the drum diameter is 600 mm, the blade angle is 30 the knife thickness is 10 mm, the knife sharpening angle is 20 °, the number of blades on the disc is 4, the kinematic parameter (the ratio of the circumferential speed of the knife to the translational speed of the plow) 1 = 2.1, transverse distance between knives 26 cm, longitudinal distance between the active working element and the body l = 30 mm.

Based on the studies carried out, an experimental plow sample was prepared for smooth plowing with

combined working organs. The plow tests showed that it reliably fulfills the given technological process, its performance indicators fully comply with the agrotechnical requirements.

Analysis of the obtained data shows that the installation of an active working element on the front plow contributes to an increase in soil crumbling by 18,3%, closing of plant residues by 9.1%, a decrease in the height of the ridges by 1.6 cm. The use of active tools has little effect on the stability of the course plow.

When installing active working tools, the drag of the front plow is reduced by 15.6%, and the coefficient of variation of the pull resistance is 1.42 times. Due to the reduction of the traction resistance, the tractor's skidding decreased and the working speed increased from 2,06 to 2.29 m/s. The increase in speed allowed to increase productivity by 11.3%. At the same time, the specific fuel consumption is reduced by 12.54%.

Conclusion. The carried out tests of the experimental sample of the front plow showed that the installation of active working elements on the plow contributes to the increase of soil crumbling, embedding plant residues and increasing the productivity of the unit.


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