Научная статья на тему 'Energy-resource-saving technologies and machine for preparing soil for sowing'

Energy-resource-saving technologies and machine for preparing soil for sowing Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Toshtemirov Sanjar Jumaniyazovich, Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Batirov Zafar Lutfullayevich, Chuyanov Dustmurod Shodmonovich, Ergashov G'Ayrat Khudoyorovich

Technologies of processing and preparation of soil for sowing of agricultural crops, carried out by a multifunctional machine, are presented.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Energy-resource-saving technologies and machine for preparing soil for sowing»

Toshtemirov Sanjar Jumaniyazovich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, associate professor, (Republic of Uzbekistan) Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, professor, Head of the Department of scientific-applied researches and Innovation (Republic of Uzbekistan), E-mail: [email protected] Batirov Zafar Lutfullayevich, Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, candidate, of technical sciences, Vice-rector Republic of Uzbekistan Chuyanov Dustmurod Shodmonovich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, candidate, of technical sciences, associate -professor,

Republic of Uzbekistan Ergashov G'ayrat Khudoyorovich, assistant, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, (Republic of Uzbekistan) Badalov Sunnat Mamadiyevich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, assistant, (Republic of Uzbekistan)


Abstract: Technologies of processing and preparation of soil for sowing of agricultural crops, carried out by a multifunctional machine, are presented.

Keywords: technology, soil cultivation, frontal plow, multifunction machine, productivity, smooth plowing.

Introduction. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, various sets of equipment are used to process and prepare soil for sowing agricultural crops, which leads to a significant expansion of the fleet of agricultural machines in farms and machine-tractor parks. At the same time, the utilization rate of existing tillers is low, which significantly affects the cost of agricultural products. One of the main reasons for the low coefficient of using tillage machines are methods of processing and preparing the soil for sowing. Currently, the preparation of soil for sowing and sowing of crops is carried out by traditional technologies, i.e. Single-operation machines for several

passes. Traditional technologies are agronomically and economically unjustified, as labor productivity decreases, labor and funds are expended, soil is compacted, soil preparation time is tightened, soil is intensively dried, which leads to a decrease in crop yields. One of the ways to solve this problem is the use of multifunction machines.

Objects and methods of research. The object of research is the technology of preparing soil for sowing crops and a multifunctional machine. The methods of system analysis and the rules of agricultural mechanics were used in the research.


Results of the research. The Karshi engineering economics institute has developed a multifunctional machine based on a combined front plow. It is known that front plows are different from traditional plows of small, independent of the width of capture length, a symmetric compact balanced design and low material capacity [1, 6-8; 2, 28-29; 3, 35-37].

A feature of the multifunctional machine is the installation on the load-bearing system of the machine of replaceable working elements that ensure the processes of both basic and surface tillage, and the preparation of soil for sowing different crops using new technologies.

Multifunctional machine provides the following technologies:

- smooth, beardless plowing with a turnover of layers at 180 ° within its own furrow. To implement this technology, the machine is equipped with front -mounted right - and left - handed plow cases 1 and 2 and chucks 3, which turn the seams within its own furrow by 1800, and also with a support loosening roller 4 (fig. 1a) [1, 6-8; 2, 28-29];

- non-waste processing with strip subsoiling loosening of soil exposed to wind and water erosion. At the same time, the unit is equipped with non - discarded right- and left - shifting bodies 5 and 6, deep loosers 7 and leveling - packing unit 4 (fig. 1 b) [4, 86-88];

Figure 1. Scheme of

- preparation of soil for sowing of vegetables and other crops. To implement this technology, the machine is equipped with symmetrically located right - and left -shifting bodies 1 and 2, short runners 3, rippers for small machining, installed on the sides of housings 1 and 2, with crusher 4 (fig. 1c) and a device for applying fertilizers. Rippers 5 and 6 can be made in the form of bezot-valnyh cases [5, 27; 6, 12; 7, 125-126; 8, 234-236];

multifunction machine

- preparation of soil for sowing cotton on the ridges with simultaneous application of fertilizers. To implement this technology, the machine (Fig. 1 d) is equipped with the right - and left - shifting bodies 1 and 2, with dump plows of the 9 type "paraplau" and a device for applying fertilizers. At the same time the formation of new ridges is performed instead of existing ridges [9, 11].

In 2014-2017 years in Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan, economic tests of a multifunctional machine with interchangeable working bodies were carried out. The machine showed a high-quality and reliable work in the dumping of soil from under the wheat, the preparation of soil from under cotton to the ridge planting with

simultaneous local fertilization, dump and soilless tillage of slopes and preparation of soil for sowing melons.

Conclusion. The tests showed that the use of a multifunctional machine can reduce labor costs by 25 ... 28%, fuel - 21 ... 25% and operating costs - 30 ... 35% compared to existing machines.


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