Научная статья на тему 'Phytohelmintological research in grain in Southern regions of Uzbekistan'

Phytohelmintological research in grain in Southern regions of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Khurramov Alisher Shukurovich, Nazaralieva Makhfuza Pardayevna, Bobokeldiyeva Lobar Abdusamatovna

The article analyzes faunal complex nematodes wheat collected in 16 districts and 48 farms in Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions of Uzbekistan. During the study period on wheat agrocenoses 158 species of phytonematodes belonging to 3 subclasses, 8 orders and 25 families were found.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Phytohelmintological research in grain in Southern regions of Uzbekistan»

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-11.12-5-8

Khurramov Alisher Shukurovich, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology chair E-mail: [email protected] Nazaralieva Makhfuza Pardayevna, Termez State University, a student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences

Bobokeldiyeva Lobar Abdusamatovna, Termez State University teacher of biology chair

Phytohelmintological research in grain in southern regions of Uzbekistan

Abstract: The article analyzes faunal complex nematodes wheat collected in 16 districts and 48 farms in Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions of Uzbekistan. During the study period on wheat agrocenoses 158 species of phytonematodes belonging to 3 subclasses, 8 orders and 25 families were found.

Keywords: fauna, phytonematodes, wheat, eud<

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, wheat is one of the main agricultural crop. Analyzing the main phytohelmin-thological studies conducted around the globe shows that wheat fields differ quite a big variety of faunal assemblages of plant nematodes. Having analyzed literary sources should be noted that the nematode fauna of wheat and its rhizosphere soil contains more than 600 species. Analyzing the nature of nematodological studies on wheat fields it should be noted that the bulk of the work is devoted to the study of parasitic nematode species. Integrated studies covering the full range of nematode species on wheat, conducted mainly in the CIS countries and Eastern Europe. Studies in other parts of the world, where mainly studied parasitic species, which have a practical orientation [1, 225-234].

Despite the large number of works on wheat nema-todes abroad, until present time comprehensive studies have not been conducted in the territory of Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan the first time we carried out a comprehensive study in this area.

Wheat cultivation in large areas of the Republic and not a study faunal assemblage ofplant nematodes were the basis for phytohelminthological research on this culture.

Material and Methods of research

Faunistic research was conducted by a conventional route method [2, 3-11]. The material phytohelmintholog-ical research were samples of wheat plants and rhizosphere soil collected in 16 districts and 48 farms in Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions. In each region in order to collect the material were chosen three farms. Field studies were carried out in the period from 2012 to 2015.

In the route faunal studies all 864 soil and 3438 plant samples were collected. To isolate nematodes from soil and plant organs we used a modified Infundibular method of Berman. Soil samples for the presence of cyst form nematodes we usually analyzed according to the method of Dekker [3, 221-237].

For fixing the nematode 6.4% formalin, and glycerol formulations were prepared according to the procedure of Seinchorst [4, 57-69].

In determining the species of plant nematodes accessories were used works of domestic and foreign authors, as well as phytonematodes atlas, compiled by the Institute ofParasi-tology, Republican Academy of Sciences, as well as we used morphometric parameters obtained by the standard formula de Mann according to Micoletzky modification [5, 16-38].

The degree of dominance of nematodes in plant and soil samples was determined by the percentage of

dnants, dominants, subdominant, subrecedents.

specimens of individual species among all detected. At the same time the dominant species or eudominants are up more than 10% of the number of detected, dominants — 5,1-10%, subdominants — 2,1 5%, less than 2.1% subrecedent individuals [2, 3-11].

Results of the research

In the study period, on wheat and its rhizosphere soil we found 158 species of plant-parasitic nematodes belonging to 3 subclasses, 8 orders and 25 families.

In our material Adenophorea subclass represented by 3 orders: Enoplida, Mononchida, Dorylaimida. Enoplida order contains only one family with two rarely occurring species: Trishistoma monohystera, Tobrilus kirjanova. In the order ofMononchida there are two families contained one type of each. Dorylaimida order represented 6 families: Dorylaimidae, Qudsianematidae, Discolaimidae, Apor-celaimidae, Xiphinematidae, Leptonchidae, among which the most diverse in species composition is Qudsianema-tidae (4 species), Aporcelaimidae (4), Dorylaimidae (4). The rest of the families contain 1-2 species.

Chromadoria subclass presented 2 orders: Monhys-terida, Plectida. Monhysterida order represented by one family Monhysteridae, and the other order family Plecti-dae. Monhysteridae family includes freshwater species: Monhystera simplex, Geomonhystera villosa. The family Plectidae is represented by four rarely occurring species.

Rhabditia subclass includes Rhabditida, Aphelenchi-da, Tylenchida orders. Rhabditida order includes 3 families: Cephalobidae, Panagrolaimidae, Rhabditidae. Among the above families of the greatest species diversity observed in the family Cephalobidae (28 species), the family Panagrolaimidae contains 14, Rhabditidae — 10 species.

Aphelenchida order represented by 4 families: Aphelenchidae, Paraphelenchidae, Aphelen-choididae, Seinuridae and 40 species, 33 of which belong to the family Aphelenchoididae, 5 — to Aphelen-chidae, one by one — Paraphelenchidae and Seinuridae.

Tylenchida order includes 40 species belonging to 7 families: Tylenchidae (10 species), Dolichodoridae (4), Psilenchidae (2), Hoplolaimidae (3), Pratylenchi-dae (4), Neotylenchidae (5), Anguinae (12).

On a variety of species and number of individuals among the orders allocated Rhabditida, containing more than 32% of all detected species and 61% of individuals of phytonematodes. Aphelenchida and Tylenchida orders comprise 25.3% of the species, 22.6% and 14.3% of individuals nematodes. All other orders in the fauna of wheat presented rarely occurring and few species.

In the root soil of wheat dominated types (in descending order): Panagrolaimus rigidus (popular type), P. subelongatus, Chiloplacus sclerovaginatus, Aphelenchoides parietinus, A.composticola, Rhabditis brevispina, Ditylenchus dipsaci, Acrobeloides nanus, Abuetshlii, Cepholobuspersegnis, Pratylenchus pratensis, Bitylenchus dubius, Tylenchorhynchus brassicae, (total 13 species). The roots of wheat dominant species are absent; to a frequently met species belong: Aph-elenchus avenae, A. parietinus, P. rigidus, D. dipsaci, Chiloplacus propinquus, Rh. brevispina, A. composticola, A. nanus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, P. subelongatus (total 10 species).

The species composition of plant nematodes, and soil rhizosphere of wheat is significantly different from each other both in terms of species composition and on the number of individuals. In wheat rhizosphere soil it was recorded 15035 nematode species belonging to the 149 species. Of which often met A. avenae, A. parietinus, Ch.propinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, P.rigidus, P. subelongatus.

The main faunal complex nematodes rhizosphere soils constitute P. rigidus, A. avenae, Ch. propinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, A.parietinus, P.subelongatus, Rh. brevispina, D. dipsaci, A. nanus, A. buetschlii, A. labiatus, C. persegnis, P. pratensis, B. dubius, T. brassicae, Eudorylaimus centrocercus, A. composticola, Helicotylenchus dihystera etc. (all 30 species). The first 4 species belong to the mass species, among which the largest biomass form P. rigidus individuals that make up a third of the species found in the soil.

For the root of soil fauna is abundant species of the families Panagrolaimimidae, Cephalobidae and Aph-elenchidae, in particular species P. rigidus, Ch. propinquus. Relatively often met A. avenae, Ch. sclerovaginatus, P. subelongatus and A. parietinus. By frequently encountered species belong to the types of families Rhabditidae (Rh. Brevispina), Anguinidae (D. dipsaci), Cephalobidae (A. nanus, A. buetschlii, C. persegnis), Dolichodoridae (T. brassicae, B. dubius), Pratylenchidae (P. pratensis), Aphelenchoididae (A. composticola). Less frequent met types Tylenchorhynchus tener (Dolichodoridae family), A. labitus (Cephalobidae family), Panagrolaimus fuchsi (Panagrolaimidae family), Helicotylenchus dihystera, (Hoplolaimidae family), E. centrocercus (Qudsianema-tidae family), Eucephalobus oxyuroides, E. mucronatus (Cephalobidae family), Filenchus filiformis, Lelenchus discrepans (Tylenchidae family), Helicotylenchuspseudo-robustus (Hoplolaimidae family), Pratylenchus neglectus, P. penetrans, Pratylenchoides crenicauda (Pratylenchidae family), Ditylenchus triformis (Anguinidae family). From the above mentioned phytonematodes the first group of 6 species belong to the mass species and is the main background fauna nematodes rhizosphere soil of wheat.

Among them, the highest frequency of occurrence of stands P. rigidus. The second group of phytonematodes of 9 species are dominants, the third group of phytonematodes 14 species — to subdominants, to recedents are 30 species; in particular, Mesodorylaimus bastiani, Eudorylaimus paraobtusicaudatus, Monhystera simplex, Acrobeloides emarqinatus, Chiloplacus lentus, Panagrolaimus longicaudatus, P. multidentatus, Xylorhabditis operosa, Pelodera strongiloides, Aphelenchus cylindricaudatus, Ty-lenchus davainei, Psilenchus hilarulus and others.

The root system of wheat was found 7103 species nematodes, relating to 113 species. The root system of massive species are also absent. Often found A. avenae, A. parietinus, B. dubius, P. pratensis, A. composticola, Heli-cotylenchus dihystera, Ditylenchus triformis, Acrobeloides buetschlii, A. nanus, Ch. propinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, P. subelongatus, Rh. brevispina, Panagrolaimus multidentatus, P. mycophilus, C. persegnis, Filenchus valkanovi and others. The species composition is dominated Aphelenchoididae family (28 species), Cephalobidae (22 species) and Panagrolaimidae (13 species).

In the wheat stalks have been identified 27 species in the amount of1157 individuals. Mass types in the stems of wheat are also absent. Constantly we met in stems P. rigidus, A. avenae. The faunal complex of the stem can include other 10 species: P. subelongatus, A. parietinus, Panagrolaimus mycophilus, P. multidentatus, Ch. propinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, C. persegnis, Eucephalobus oxyroides, D. dipsaci, A.composticola. All other species are rare and not included to faunal complex.

On the leaves of 21 species were discovered 1491 individual nematodes. Here as well as in roots and stems, abundant species are absent. To constantly meet species on the leaves are A. avenae, P. rigidus, P. multidentatus. To the faunal complex nematodes leaves you can include other 10 species: C. persegnis, E. oxyroides, Ch. propinquus, Ch.sclerovaginatus, P.anagrolaimus mycophilus, P. subelongatus, A. parietinus, A. composticola, Filenchus val-kanovi, D. dipsaci. The remaining 8 species are rare and are not included in the complex.

Thus, as a result of studies on the wheat we registered 13 species of phytonematodes belonging to the orders Dorylaimida and Tylenchida, families Xiphinemidae (1), Dolicholoridae (4), Hoplolaimidae (3), Pratylenchidae (4), Anguinidae (1). Nematodes of this group registered in the plant tissues. Phytoparasites are species of Xiphinema, Tylenchorhynchus, Bitylenchus, Merlini-us, Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus, Pratylenchoides, Dit-ylenchus genera. From the plant-parasitic nematodes in wheat and its rhizosphere were revealed the following

species: Xiphinema. index, Tylenchorhynchus brassicae, T. tener, Bitylenchus dubius, Merlinius bogdanovi-katjkovi, Helicotylenchus dihystera, H. erythrinae, H. pseudorobustus, Pratylenchus pratensis, P. neglectus, P. penetrans, Pratylen-choides crenicauda, and Ditylenchus dipsaci.

Discussion of research results

158 species are given in our material on fauna of wheat phytonematodes and its root soil. Discovered species belong to 3 classes, 8 orders ofphytonematodes and 25 families. In the roots and rhizosphere soil of wheat the largest variety of different members of the family Aph-elenchoididae (33 species), Cephalobidae (28 species). As the number of individuals in the root soil is dominated by 15 species, mass species is P. rigidus. In the roots of the dominant species are absent, dominated by 10 spe-

cies. In the stems and leaves ofphytonematodes relatively few in number.

According to the frequency of occurrence of these species can be distributed among the following groups: eudominants (6 species), dominants (9 species), subdominants (14 species), recedents (30 species) and sub-recedents (99 species).

It should be noted that the above mentioned parasitic nematodes were few and serious threat to wheat is not. However, to identify the wheat fields of the complex is very pathogenic parasitic nematode species — Pratylenchoides crenicauda, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Tylenchorhynchus brassicae, Ditylenchus dipsaci and with a sufficiently high density of their populations, it is of particular concern, as the widespread danger of disease.


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