Научная статья на тему 'Comparative analysis of fauna of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals of the Surkhandarya valley of Uzbekistan'

Comparative analysis of fauna of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals of the Surkhandarya valley of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Khurramov Alisher Shukurovich, Kurbanova Nafosat Sattarovna

In article the complex of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals is analyzed. As a result of research it is revealed on wheat of158 types, on wild-growing plants of 58 type of the phytonematodes relating to 3 subclasses, 8 groups both 28 families and 63 genera.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Comparative analysis of fauna of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals of the Surkhandarya valley of Uzbekistan»

Section 3. Biology Секция 3. Биология

Khurramov Alisher Shukurovich, Termez State University, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology E-mail: Khurramov 10@ e-mail.ru Kurbanova Nafosat Sattarovna, Termez State University, Postgraduate, Chair of Zoology

Comparative analysis of fauna of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals of the Surkhandarya valley of Uzbekistan

Abstract: In article the complex of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals is analyzed. As a result of research it is revealed on wheat of158 types, on wildgrowing plants of 58 type of the phytonematodes relating to 3 subclasses, 8 groups both 28 families and 63 genera.

Keywords: fauna, phytonematodes, wheat, wild-growing plants, eudominant, dominants, subdominants, retsedent.

Data on fauna of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing plants in Uzbekistan are very small. Besides, studying of phytonematodes of wild flora represents a great interest for establishment of plants owners and biotypes. This question causes still interest that many polyphagous parasitic nematodes can easily pass from cultural plants to wild-growing and on the contrary. In this sense of a plant of wild flora can provide preservation of a parasite in the nature. As show researches, wild-growing plants can have quite various fauna [1,189-198].

Proceeding from it, the purpose of our phytohelmintheous research was to study fauna of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals in various soil and climatic zones of the Surkhandarya valley.

Material and research methods

For clarification of the phytohelmintheous status of research were carried out in 2010-2012 in 42 farms, 14 regions of a valley.

We have studied wheat phytonematodes, from the wild-growing — a meadow grass bulbous, oats hairy, barley bulbous and a wild rye. Specified types of wild flora, except for a meadow grass, on agrocenosis do not meet and grow on virgin sites. In total 980 tests of the soil, root system and elevated bodies of plants ofwheat and wildgrowing cereal cultures are collected and analysed. Selection of soil tests is made to route methods. In each farm 5 samples from each type of plants with the radical soil have been taken. Allocation of nematodes from the radical soil and vegetative bodies it is made by Berman’s technique. Volume of test of the soil for the analysis made 10cm3. Specific structure of nematodes studied under microscope MBR-3 with use of optical filters and the phase and contrast device. For definition of types used the morphometric indicators received on the standard formula of de Mann in updating on Micoletzky [2, 650].

At definition of specific accessory of phytonematodes works of domestic and foreign authors, and also the atlas of phytonematodes made at Institute of parasitology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been used.

Extent of domination of phytonematodes in vegetative and soil tests determined by a percentage condition of individuals of separate types to number of all found.

Results of research

As a result of large-scale faunistic researches of the main grain farms of the Sur-khandarya valley in plants of wheat and its radical soil 158 types of the phytonematodes relating to 3 subclasses, 8 groups, 25 families and 59 childbirth are revealed.

The specific structure of phytonematodes of plants and the radical soil considerably differs from each other both on specific structure, and on number of individuals. In the radical soil of wheat 15035 individuals of the nematodes relating to 149 types have been registered.

The main faunistic complex of phytonematodes of the radical soil P rigidus make, Aphelenchus avenae, Chiloplacus propinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, Aphelenchoides pari-etinus, A. composticola, Panagrolaimus subelongatus, Rhabditis brevispina, Ditylenchus dipsaci, Acrobeloides nanus, A. buetschlii, A. labiatus, Cephalobuspersegnis, Pratylenchus pratensis, Bitylenchus dubius, Tylenchorhynchus brassicae, Eudorylaimus centrocercus, Helicotylenchus dihystera, etc. (only 30 types). The first 4 look belongs to mass types among which the greatest biomass is formed by individuals of P rigidus, components the third part of the found individuals in the soil.

For fauna of the radical soil it is characteristic types of P. rigidus, Ch. propinquus. Types of A. avenae, often met. Ch. sclerovaginatus, P. subelongatus and A. parietinus, Rhabditis brevispina, Ditylenchus dipsaci, A. nanus, A. buetschlii, C.persegnis, T.brassicae,

B.dubius, P.pratensis, A.composticola. Types of Tylenchorhynchus tener, Acrobeloides labi-tus, Panagrolaimus fuchsi, H.dihystera, E. centrocercus, Eucephalobus oxyuroides, less often meet. E. mucronatus, Filenchus filiformis, Lelenchus discrepans, Helicotylenchuspseudoro-

bustus, Pratylenchus neglectus, P. penetrans, Pratylenchoides crenicauda, Ditylenchus trifor-mis. From above listed phytonematodes the first group of 6 types treat mass types and makes the main background of fauna of phytonematodes of the radical soil of wheat.

In root system of wheat 7103 individuals of the nematodes relating to 113 types are revealed. A.avenae, A.parietinus, A. composticola, B. dubius, P.pratensis, H.dihystera, D.triformis,

A. buetschlii, often meet. A. nanus, Ch.propinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, P subelongatus, P mul-tidentatus, P mycophilus, Rh. brevispina, C. persegnis, Filenchus valkanovi and others.

In stalks of wheat 27 types in number of 1157 individuals have been revealed. Constantly met in stalks of P rigidus, A. avenae. All other types are rare and in faunal complex do not enter.

In leaves 21 look 1491 individuals of nematodes is found. Here too as in roots and in stalks A belong to constantly met types in leaves. avenae, P rigidus, P multiden-tatus. It is possible to include 10 more types in a faunal complex of phytonematodes of leaves: C. persegnis, E. oxyroides, Ch. propinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, P mycophilus, P subelongatus, A.parietinus, A. composticola, F. valkanovi, D. dipsaci. Other 8 types are rare and in a complex do not join.

Among the registered phytonematodes in plants ofwheat and its radical soil an eudominant is — P.rigidus, to dominants — P. subelongatus, C. persegnis, Ch.pro-pinquus, Ch. sclerovaginatus, A. buetschlii, A. avenae, A. parietinus, A. composti-cola, T. brassicae,

B. dubius, D. dipsaci, P pratensis, to subdominants — D. triformis, A. labiatus, E. cen-trocercus, F. filiformis, F. valkanovi, H. dihystera, A. limberi, Eucephalobus striatus, to retsedent — belong types as Aphelenchoides obtusus, A. clarolineatus, A. blastophthorus, Chiloplacus minimus, Ch. demani, Tylenchus davainei, Plectusparietinus, Mesodorylaimus parasubulatus, Aporcelaimus superbus, Neotylenchus concobrinus., etc.

In collected vegetative and soil samples ofwild-growing plants 58 types in number of 1647 individuals relating to two subclasses, 6 groups, 20 families and 29 childbirth are revealed.

In a rizosfer of wild-growing plants B.dubius, in roots, stalks and P rigidus leaves dominated. In the radical soil P. rigidus, Ch.propinquus, E.centrocercus often met. In root system of plants Ch. propinquus, A.parietinus, more or less constantly meet. C. persegnis.

As a part of fauna of phytonematodes of the surveyed wild-growing and weed plants eudominant are absent, dominants are almost same types, in particular: P.rigidus, B.dubius, Ch.propinquus, C.persegnis, A.parietinus.

Distinction in fauna of phytonematodes of wild-growing vegetation is shown as a part of subdominant and retsedent.

On barley bulbous subdominants is Chiloplacus minimus, Ch. sclerovagi-natus, Aphelenchoides obtusus, to retsedent — belong types as Plectus parietinus, Rhabdolai-mus terrestris, E. striatus, A.labiatus, Coarctadera cylindrica, A.avenae, A. composticola, T.davainei, F.filiformis, Malenchus machadoi, T. brassicae.

On a wild rye to subdominants are-E.centrocercus, P. parietinus, Ch.sclero-vagina-tus, Aglenchus agricola, T.brassicae, T.tener, P.pratensis, P.neglectus, D.dipsaci, to retsed-ent — Anatonchus tridentatus, Mesodorylaimus bastiani, Apor-celaimellus obtusicauda-tus, A.krygeri, Rh.terrestris, A.nanus, A.emarginatus, Chiloplacus minimus, Ch. demani,

A.composticola, D. triformis, D. tulaganovi, Filenchus infirmus, Psilenchus helarulus, Para-tylenchus amblycephalus, Hexatylus viviparus.

On oats hairy subdominants are — E.centrocercus, A.superbus, P.parietinus, Ch.sclerovaginatus, A.avenae, to рецедентам — Mononchus truncatus, Mylon-chulus sigmaturus, M. parasubulatus, Labronema eudorylaimoides, A. krygeri, E. striatus, A. la-biatus, A. composticola.

On a meadow grass bulbous subdominants — A.superbus, A.blastophthorus, P.pratensis, D.triformis, to рецедентам — M.parasubulatus, P.parietinus, A.buets-chlii, Ch.clerovaginatus, A.avenae, A.composticola, A.clarolineatus, A. limberi, T.davainei,

F.filiformis, F.valkanovi, Lelenchus discrepans, N.consobrinus, N. inter-medius, Ditylenchus myceliophagus.

Paired comparison of specific structure has shown that between faunistic complexes of phytonematodes above the specified wild-growing and weed plants weak communication develops or it in general is absent. Thus weak communi-cation develops between faunistic complexes of the plants growing in similar ecological conditions, for example, on the virgin soil or in agrocenosis whereas between the same complexes of the plants growing in different conditions of the environment (for example, in agrocenosis and on a virgin soil) faunistic communications are absent (tab.1).

As it is known compared communities are considered similar at factor 0,77 and above. Considering it, it is possible to speak about existence of close connection between communities of phytonematodes agrocenosis wheat and a weed of a meadow grass bulbous. Communications between communities of phytonematodes of wheat and barley bulbous, and also wheat and oats hairy are less expressed. There are no communications between communities of phytonematodes, wheat and a wild-growing rye.

Discussion of research results

In roots and the radical soil ofwheat, 158 types of phytonematodes are revealed. The greatest variety representatives of families Panagrolaimidae, Aphelenchoididae, Cephalobidae differ. On number of individuals in the radical soil 15 types dominate; a mass look is P. rigidus. In roots mass types are absent, 10 types dominate. In stalks and leaves of a phytonematode are rather small.

The fauna of wild-growing cereals is presented by 58 types among which eudominant is absent, in a rizosfer and roots subdominants are types of Cephalobidae and Rhabditidae families.

Table 1. - Factors of similarity and extent of communication of specific structure communities of phytonematodes of wheat and wild-growing cereals

№ The compared communities Quantity of types Factor of similarity Degree communi- cations

in every community the general for compared communities

1 Agrocenosis of wheat 31 23 0,81 Close

Meadow grass bulbous 26

2 Agrocenosis of wheat 31 13 0,53 Weak

Oats hairy 18

3 Agrocenosis of wheat 31 18 0,69 Weak

Barley bulbous 21

4 Agrocenosis of wheat 31 15 0,47 N/A

Wild rye 32

5 Meadow grass bulbous 26 11 0,50 Weak

Oats hairy 18

6 Meadow grass bulbous 26 13 0,55 Weak

Barley bulbous 21

7 Meadow grass bulbous 26 12 0,41 N/A

Wild rye 32

8 Oats hairy 18 10 0,51 Weak

Barley bulbous 21

9 Oats hairy 18 9 0,36 N/A

Wild rye 32

10 Barley bulbous 21 12 0,45 N/A

Wild rye 32

Paired comparison of specific structure of phytonematodes, wild-growing plants and wheat, has shown lack of similarity between fauna of the plants growing in various soil conditions, and on the contrary, existence of a stable relation between the plants growing in similar conditions. Existence of a certain similarity in specific structure of phytonematodes between compared cenosis is the direct proof about interpenetration of types of phytonematodes at formation of their faunistic complexes.

We have all bases to approve that phytoparasites can pass to cultural plants from wild cereals. Our data also confirm that wild cereals are резерватами nematodes, and can serves as the centre of preservation of a nematodny invasion for cultural plants in Uzbekistan.

Considering influence of wild cereals as sources, including especially pathogenic types, on cultural plants, it is necessary to conduct systematic fight against wild cereals which can be been considered and as fight with phytohelminths.


1. Tulaganov A. T. About nematodes of wild and weed plants a phytohelminthology Kara-Kalpaki/Questions. - M: publishing house of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1961.

2. Micoletzky G. Die freilebenden Erd-Nematoden, mit besonderer Berucksichti-gung der Steiermark un der Bukowina, Zugleich mit einer Revision Samtlicher nicht mariner, freilebender Nematoden in Farm von esenus - Beschreibungen und Bestimmungs - Schlusseln/Arch. Naturgesch., V. 87, 1922.

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