LONGEVITY Djalilova Z.O.1, Davlatov S.S.2
1Djalilova Zarnigor Obidovna - Assistant, DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES;
Abstract: an analysis of the data of modern scientific literature on the problem of maintaining health, increasing the life expectancy of a person by forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle by increasing the volume of physical activity was carried out. The actual social task of modern society is the improvement of the population, the strengthening ofpreventive measures to prevent diseases, exacerbation ofpathologies and weakening of the body. At the same time, most of the factors that determine the state of health of a modern person relate to lifestyle.
Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, life expectancy, exercise.
Introduction. Health is one of the most important values of human society. Today, the health of the nation is an indicator of the state's civilization, and the state of health of the population, in turn, as an indicator of social development, is a reflection of the socio-economic development of the country [6, 5]. Modern reality, characterized by a reduction in life expectancy, mortality at working age, high rates of morbidity and mortality in children, naturally actualizes the problem of changes in the very system of social values. The value of health in this case should be considered by the state as a key one, since the health of the nation as a whole depends on the health of each of its citizens and is a condition not only for the development and growth, but also for the survival of society [18, 5].
At present, science has accumulated a fairly large number of observations and experimental data, which testify to the inextricable link between human health and his character and lifestyle. According to M. Argyle [1], the level of health and general satisfaction with life is closely related to such factors as: a) the presence of a large number of social ties and friendly contacts; b) a strong family and the presence of children in it; c) interesting work that brings moral satisfaction; d) active outdoor exercise, which reduces anxiety and depression, blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease, and normalizes body weight; e) a special personality warehouse, which is characterized by a person's high conviction of his importance and necessity to society, an internal locus of control, the perception of life's difficulties and problems as a source for personal growth; f) faith in higher ideals and religiosity, making people adherents of a moderate lifestyle without bad habits and contributing to a peaceful perception of life.
Modern definitions of the concept of "death" are based on the irreversible cessation of vital functions and integrated functions of tissues and organs. The generally accepted indicator of human death is brain death, i.e. its irreversible damage, which is clinically manifested by a lack of response to stimulation, the absence of spontaneous breathing and heart contractions and an isoelectric ("zero") electroencephalogram for at least 30 minutes in the absence of drug (toxic) effects on the central nervous system or hypothermia [11].
Death cannot be avoided. However, within the limits of congenital characteristics, to a certain extent, it is possible to delay the onset of death by leading a healthy lifestyle [15]. The work is carried out according to the Consolidated Plan of research work in the field of physical culture and sports for 2011-2015. 3.7 "Improvement of biomechanical technologies in physical education and rehabilitation, taking into account the individual characteristics of human physical skills", state registration number 0111U001734.
Purpose, objectives of the work, material and methods. The purpose of the work is to analyze the data of modern scientific literature on the problem of maintaining health, increasing human life expectancy by forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle by increasing the volume of physical activity.
Research results. A person's longevity largely depends on the nature of a person's involvement in social interaction. It is known that one of the main hypotheses regarding the social factors of longevity is the gerontophilic hypothesis - the assumption that longevity is associated with the high social position of older people in the family and society, traditionally assigning them the role of a unifying, integrative factor, social and natural factors. It was discovered to man already at the first stages of his socio-cultural development [15]. In young people, the damage caused to their DNA by free radicals is eliminated by special enzymes - antioxidants, which eventually cease to cope with the accumulated damage. Therefore, everything we can do to reduce the number of free radicals produced in our body or entering the body with air or food, and everything we can do to increase the performance of our body's natural "repair" system, should theoretically slow down the aging process. We can improve the performance of our body's "repair" system by changing our lifestyle. Physical
activity allows you to resist the action of free radicals, stimulating the production of more natural antioxidants by the body [3, 19].
The stress-reducing effects of physical activity as well as meditation can reduce the adverse effects of free radicals. Scientists have found that psychological stress has a negative effect on DNA [3]. Caloric restriction, so-called controlled malnutrition, can also slow down the negative effects of free radicals. Reducing caloric intake to 60% of normal increases the lifespan of experimental animals by almost a factor of two. Living in conditions of low ambient temperature can also contribute to an increase in life expectancy, most likely due to a slowdown in the intensity with which free radicals introduce interference or errors into the cell information system [3, 19].
The actual social task of modern society is the improvement of the population, the strengthening of preventive measures to prevent diseases, exacerbation of pathologies and weakening of the body. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that most of the factors that determine the state of health of a modern person relate to lifestyle [9]. Sociological and psychological methods of research make it possible to obtain data on the needs and interests of people, to reveal the cause-and-effect relationships of the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports. Specialists [6, 20, 14] determined the main factors preventing a modern person from practicing physical culture: lack of free time; lack of conditions for classes; personal passivity and disorganization; fatigue after work; busyness with household chores; lack of interest in physical education and sports.
Subjective assessment of the daily physical mode of the interviewed people: 50% believe that they move enough, but at the same time they themselves call their physical mode moderately active; 30% believe that they do not move enough, and at the same time they themselves call their physical mode moderately active; 10% believe that they move enough and call their physical mode active; 10% believe that they move a lot and call their Physical mode very active. Objective assessment of the daily Physical mode of the studied subjects: 70% -a group of medium and low physical activity (sedentary work, regularly use public transport and elevators); 30% lead an active ("but not very active", as they themselves claimed), rather mobile lifestyle [20].
Distribution of the reasons that led to the decision to engage in physical culture according to the level of significance: to correct the figure and lose weight - 80%; strengthen health and increase vitality - 60%; take cellulite prevention - 60%; increase flexibility, mobility and improve plasticity - 50%; expand the circle of contacts - 30%; lead a healthy lifestyle and increase physical activity - 20%; expand the functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems - 20% [12, 20]. According to E.N. Weiner [7], a modern person knows quite a lot about health, as well as about what needs to be done to maintain and achieve it. However, in order for this knowledge accumulated by mankind to begin to give results, it is necessary to take into account and eliminate a number of negative circumstances that prevent their real implementation.
The author points to some of them:
1. There is no coherent and continuous system of health education in the country;
2. The formation of a person's knowledge about health does not guarantee that he will, following them, lead a healthy lifestyle. For this, it is necessary to create a stable motivation for health in a person;
3. Sanitary and educational work carried out today by the mass media under the direct control of the Ministry of Health focuses the population mainly on the treatment, and not on the prevention of diseases. At the same time, risk factors and, most importantly, ways to overcome them are not disclosed, the functional capabilities of the body in counteracting adverse influences and in eliminating the initial signs of the disease that have already begun are not shown.
The cultural heritage of mankind has accumulated a lot of useful information about the Physical activity of previous generations; it also has invaluable experience in the development of both mass sports and elite sports [10]. In the 90s of the 20th century, in the context of the development of international scientific integration, research received a new direction. In Europe, the scientific program "Compass" was developed and tested to study the forms of sports participation. It used the classification of forms of sports activity depending on three criteria: quantitative (number of training sessions during the year), qualitative (participation in sports competitions) and institutional (membership in sports organizations, clubs) (Compass. 1999, Sport Participation in Europe).
Based on this methodology, a national survey was conducted in Ukraine in 2003 [13]. Monitoring data indicate that the population of Ukraine lags behind the criteria for sports activity from all countries participating in the Compass program, especially from the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland). In the United States, for example, the leading organization that studies the level of physical activity of the population is the Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Support (a state budget organization). Since 1984, the State Department of Health and Social Protection, as part of the work of this center, has conducted a survey in the United States on the problem of the state of health and lifestyle of the population of all states (telephone interview method), which includes indicators on physical activity. The tool for conducting these studies is the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Questionnaire, which in 2007 included 342 questions (in 1984 - 98 questions) [23].
In 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 this questionnaire contained an extended block of questions on physical activity. An analysis of the results of these surveys for 2007 showed that the proportion of physically active
American respondents was 49%, of which 21% had moderate exercise, and 28% had intensive exercise (sociological monitoring, 2008). The level of physical activity of this group of respondents corresponds to the level of physical activity recommended for a modern person (taking into account age, gender and health status). Comparison of the results over the years shows a slight but positive trend in the growth of Physical activity of the recommended intensity. The group of people with an insufficient level of physical activity is 38-39% and respondents with a sedentary lifestyle - 14-16% (sociological monitoring, 2008).
The most significant study of the Physical activity of the population of European countries is a survey conducted in 15 countries of the European Union in 2002 by the European Opinion Research Group. In the study, an international questionnaire on Physical activity was used, which made it possible to measure the frequency, duration, and intensity of physical activity [24]. Among the surveyed Europeans, 43% demonstrated involvement in intensive forms of physical activity, 59% - in its moderate form, 82% did a walk for at least 10 minutes during the last week [25].
There is a positive relationship in the structure of interaction "man - environment", which is often not taken into account when considering the current situation in the physical culture of society. Public institutions and production do not remain indifferent to hyperkinesias, to the lack of Physical activity of people. The science of sports, active recreation, and rational modes of people's Physical activity are developing like an avalanche [2].
In different countries, special scientific institutions are being created that are constantly working in the field of searching for new forms of physical activity, the problems of its optimization, the involvement of technical means, computer technology, information systems to ensure effective physical activity of people. An important role in the formation of motivation for systematic physical exercises is played by the mass media, the possibilities of which have increased immeasurably in the era of the scientific and technological revolution.
In his publications, V.N. Platonov [18], points to the fact that quite a lot of attention is paid to the problems of health-improving physical culture abroad. Since the 1970s, mortality due to diseases of the circulatory system has decreased in a number of leading world powers: in Japan - by 40%, in Australia - by 32%, in the USA and Canada - by 28%, in France - by 22%. This, according to the author, is partly due to the fact that nationwide programs are regularly developed abroad to combat overweight, high blood pressure, smoking and alcoholism. An example of a national program developed with the participation of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) is the US Population Health 2000 program, which is implemented by the US Department of State Health Service. Numerous recommendations have been developed on Physical regimens for people not associated with sports, rational nutrition and diets. High physical activity is able to provide a person with a harmonious relationship with the environment. The teachings of M.R. Mogendovich [16] on Physical-visceral reflexes showed the relationship between the activity of the Physical apparatus, skeletal muscles and autonomic organs. As a result of insufficient Physical activity in the human body, the neuroreflex connections laid down by nature and fixed in the process of hard physical labor are disrupted, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of degenerative diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.). The existing link between physical activity and good health suggests that a sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of poor health for most people. Only the introduction of regular physical activity into the lifestyle of a person who lived without this activity provides a significant increase in overall health.
In the last two decades, in many economically developed countries, Physical activity has gained recognition both among the population and among relevant public and medical organizations. The data accumulated over the past 50 years confirm the important role of regular exercise in improving the quality of life and maintaining health, preventing many heart diseases and rehabilitating after illness [4, 20, 14].
Physical activity ensures the physical, mental and psychological well-being of a person has a beneficial effect on his health in general. The healing value of Physical activity is significant at all stages of a person's life. Numerous studies have shown that as a result of recreational activities, the immune function of the body increases, the active state, physical and mental performance are prolonged. The healing effect of physical exercises is based on the close relationship of working muscles with the nervous system, metabolism, and the functioning of internal organs. With regular and systematic exercise, through Physical-visceral reflexes, the regulation of all systems and organs of the human body is optimized. The metabolism, delivery and use of oxygen by organs and tissues improves, the content of cholesterol and atherogenic lipids that cause the development of atherosclerosis decreases, decay products are more efficiently removed from the body, economization of the respiratory, cardiovascular, energy, heat exchange and other functions is observed. Psychological unloading and charging, which are provided by health-improving physical exercises, are very significant [9].
It should be noted that when organizing recreational activities aimed at the formation and strengthening of human health, the age aspect is extremely important. The features of each age period that require consideration in these matters include: the nature of metabolism; the predominant type of autonomic nervous regulation; the speed of inclusion in the load and recovery after it; features of the functioning of the immune system; mental status; dominant needs and interests [7].
Physical activity has a significant beneficial effect on most chronic diseases. This effect is not limited to preventing or limiting the progression of the disease, it also includes improving physical fitness, increasing muscle strength and improving quality of life. In early historical publications, philosophers and physicians tried to establish a link between regular exercise and health. They believed that regular physical activity was an important part of a healthy life. Hippocrates 400 years before the birth of Christ in his work "Diet" wrote that food alone is not enough to maintain the health of a man (woman); he/she must exercise. Although eating and exercising are completely dissimilar in their functional significance, they work together to promote health. It is also necessary to take into account the intensity of classes, both domestic and specially organized, to know which of them improve the harmony of the body and which do not, but in addition to this, one should take into account the ratio of the amount of exercise and the amount of food consumed; take into account the constitution of a person and his age ... "[22].
S.N. Blair et al. [21] determined the levels of physical fitness of 13 thousand men and women, and then they observed them for 8 years. The scientists found that members of the least physically fit group of men and women were twice as likely to die from all forms of cancer as those of the physically fit group. Since a higher level of physical fitness is partly due to an increased level of physical activity, then, apparently, we can conclude that a high level of physical activity has a positive effect.
The results of studies have confirmed that Physical activity improves mental activity by increasing the blood supply to the brain, and strengthens nerve connections. As the level of physical activity increases, and as the function of the cardiovascular system improves, changes occur in the brain that corresponds to changes occurring in the rest of the body. Thus, in particular, the number of blood vessels "serving" the brain and their sizes increase [17].
Based on a number of studies on the effects of exercise on people with depression, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Exercise is a more effective antidepressant than relaxation and other similar methods;
2. Physical exercise is as effective a means of reducing depression as psychotherapy;
3. Physical exercises of an anaerobic nature (for example, strength training, sprinting) are the same strong antidepressant as aerobic exercises (walking, jogging) [17].
Research N.F. Gordon [8] found a positive effect of Physical activity on people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) - a set of symptoms and phenomena, among which stable unexplained fatigue lasting more than 30 days prevails. Most patients with CFS mistakenly believe that the main thing in their treatment is rest, not exercise. Many doctors believe that the most effective treatment for patients with CFS is the so-called total rest therapy, i.e. rest during the entire treatment period. It is well known that CFS is not a fatal disease and does not lead to death. Physical exercise can be seen as a kind of "cure" for CFS. Since exercise causes fatigue, this statement may seem paradoxical. However, such fatigue, especially after doing moderate-intensity exercise, is temporary, and very soon the person feels fresh and alert. If he regularly performs physical exercises, then the level of his vitality increases, and the degree of fatigue decreases [8].
Exercise has both long-term and short-term effects. So, in addition to reducing blood pressure at rest as a result of physical exercise for a long time, there is a certain additional decrease in blood pressure after each exercise. Sometimes even one activity can have a noticeable positive psychological impact. So, many people experience a change in mood after Physical activity. The situation with the number of people suffering from non-communicable diseases that has developed in Ukraine in recent years makes it a problem of paramount importance. The state of health of Ukrainian citizens already poses a real threat to national security, and if measures are not taken to change the situation, it can become a heavy burden for the country [18].
In the last decade, there has been a dangerous downward trend in the population of Ukraine. The population of Ukraine in January 2010 decreased by 23, 127 people and as of February 1, 2010, it amounted to 45 million 939,820 people. This is stated in the message of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. According to the forecast of the United Nations (UN), if the dynamics of population decline continues until 2030, the number of Ukrainians will decrease to 39 million. According to the data given in the UN demographic report, Ukraine has the lowest natural population growth in the world [26].
Conclusions. Modern physical education, constantly enriching the arsenal of its means and methods with the results of scientific research, various elements of physical activity from the cultures of different peoples and intensively developing sports, has become an integral element of the lifestyle that significantly affects the education, upbringing and health of a person, his position in society, life positions, working capacity, sociability, rest, entertainment, stress relief and prevention of stress, increase in life expectancy.
Development and implementation of the ideology and policy of preserving the health of the population as the main component of national wealth, overcoming the demographic crisis by improving the quality of life, health and longevity of people should be the basis for the activities of all state authorities as a key strategy for solving the problems of national development and security of Ukraine, and further effective socio-economic development of the country.
In this regard, in further research, it seems relevant and necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the
problem of maintaining human health, reducing the risk of premature death by forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle by increasing the volume of Physical activity and its other components.
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