Научная статья на тему 'Modern human, problems of development, education and socialization in the society'

Modern human, problems of development, education and socialization in the society Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Popovich A., Kolomiychuk T., Marschev K.

Relevance: the article analyzes the specifics of the formation of the student's thinking about a healthy lifestyle as a subject of educational and professional activity. Objective: to study the impact of physical activity on professional success. Materials and methods: the study used psychodiagnostic methods aimed at identifying the features of understanding by students of the importance of physical training and the impact of physical activity on career growth. Correlation analysis was used for statistical processing of the results. Results: as a result of the experimental study of students' thinking features, the factors influencing the formation of their attitude to physical culture classes were revealed. Physical activity is currently the most important tool that contributes to the formation of health-saving thinking. Physical activity is a link between health promotion and career consciousness. Scientific novelty: the Decrease in the level of health is associated with many factors, but a significant role in the deterioration of health is given to the reduction of physical activity of man. Violation of motor balance leads to irreversible negative consequences for the entire body. To establish the relationship between the physical development of the child and his intellectual abilities on the example of one University identified problems in the field of physical education, which are typical for the student environment, and identified ways to improve work with students, which will lead to the improvement of citizens. The practical significance of the study is the effective use of modern methods, forms and means in the teaching of physical culture at the University.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modern human, problems of development, education and socialization in the society»




Popovich A.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Kolomiychuk T.

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin,

Ekaterinburg, Russia Marschev K.

Ural state forest engineering University Ekaterinburg, Russia


Relevance: the article analyzes the specifics of the formation of the student's thinking about a healthy lifestyle as a subject of educational and professional activity.

Objective: to study the impact of physical activity on professional success.

Materials and methods: the study used psychodiagnostic methods aimed at identifying the features of understanding by students of the importance of physical training and the impact of physical activity on career growth. Correlation analysis was used for statistical processing of the results.

Results: as a result of the experimental study of students ' thinking features, the factors influencing the formation of their attitude to physical culture classes were revealed. Physical activity is currently the most important tool that contributes to the formation of health-saving thinking. Physical activity is a link between health promotion and career consciousness.

Scientific novelty: the Decrease in the level of health is associated with many factors, but a significant role in the deterioration of health is given to the reduction of physical activity of man. Violation of motor balance leads to irreversible negative consequences for the entire body. To establish the relationship between the physical development of the child and his intellectual abilities on the example of one University identified problems in the field of physical education, which are typical for the student environment, and identified ways to improve work with students, which will lead to the improvement of citizens.

The practical significance of the study is the effective use of modern methods, forms and means in the teaching of physical culture at the University.

Keywords: physical culture, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, career consciousness, student sport, health


1. Introduction

A healthy lifestyle for a modern person is the main guideline and motivation in the process of life activity, a priority goal and attitude to life aimed to protect health, long-term life, successful professional activity and high quality of life of a person. The concept of "population's quality of life" informs about the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual, social needs of a person. Social structures of highly developed countries conduct active educational, educational work among their citizens, aimed at the formation of a "physiological need" for systematic exercises.

The evolution of society, especially in the last two centuries, was accompanied by both great discoveries and various kinds of cataclysms. The developments of the economy, industry, which create material and technical benefits for humans, also have a different technological side. As a rule, it is the main cause of environmental pollutions. This leads to disruption of the ecosystem, which affects human health. According to statistics from World Health Organization, the main cause of human disease is adverse environmental conditions (85%). Health is indicated as the main measure of the quality of human life, and the habitat could affect both positive and negative effects on it, putting the human adaptive and immune systems under additional stress.

The human body reacts to any changes in the external environment, and the reaction will be individual, dependent on the following factors: sex, age, health, physical preparation, professional activity [1].

In this publication, we want to outline the problems facing parents, educators, and the public, who are responsible for the formation of the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Are heredity, upbringing, society or public educational establishments the dominant structures in the process of upbringing the younger generation? The changing social processes taking place in modern society, especially on the territory of the countries of the former republics of the union state should be considered. We will not address problems of sports of highest achievements, specific features, orienting children to the sphere of professional sports. The authors had sought to address problems in the pedagogical process, aimed at the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of a healthy person.

2. Literature review

Modern pedagogy and education embodied the scientifically based theories of S. Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, K. D. Ushinsky, A. S. Makarenko about heredity, the role of the family in the development of the individual. Based on the scientific data of numerous studies, teachers concluded that a person is subject to

three factors in the development process: heredity, education, environment [2]. Heredity is a combination of the natural properties of the organism, which are transmitted from generation to generation, i.e. the reproductive function of a person to recreate themselves. In other words, heredity preserves human nature, its similarity, as a unique population in the biological world. At birth an individual inherits the nature and instincts, digestive, visual, biochemical, physical qualities.

Genetics is embedded in the molecular structures of DNA. Along with the above-mentioned properties, a person is characterized by typical diseases and pathologies. To conduct an effective educational process, the teacher must have deep professional knowledge, including the following information: the inheritance of intellectual, special and moral qualities.

Factors affecting a person:

• genetic - 15-20%;

• environment - 20-25%;

• medical care - 10-15%;

• conditions and lifestyle - 50%.

The values of individual health indicators depend on gender, age, individual-typological adaptive ability of a person. The environment that surrounds a person has a great influence on him [3]. "An organism without an external environment that supports its existence is impossible" (I.M. Sechenov).

Labor activity of a human, a part of the biosphere, affects the environment through the following channels:

• through the atmosphere (gas),

• through the hydrosphere (pollution by chemical waste),

• through the lithosphere (use of minerals).

The interaction of a human and the environment is

multilateral and interdependent, therefore the state of man cannot be assessed in isolation from the surrounding flora and fauna.

"Healthy lifestyle" is a way of life, corresponding to genetically determined typological characteristics of a person, specific living conditions, aimed at the formation, preservation and health promotion, the fulfillment of its socio-biological functions. A healthy lifestyle, as a system, is made up of three main cultures: nutrition, movement, emotions [4].

Socialization and the development of a child as an individual depend on family education. This is the process of influencing children by parents and other family members to achieve the desired results from family education. There are the following types of family education of the individual: civil, secular, marginal, elite. It is advisable to add to this list of scientific, religious, integral, class and party education.

The personality type of a child is shaped by the style of educational activity [5]:

• authoritarian;

• liberal;

• humanistic;

• democratic;

• pragmatic.

The presence of education in the family is determined by its focus in the educational process:

• mental;

• moral;

• physical;

• harmonious.

Parents differently build their behavior in the process of raising children, which is classified as follows [6]:

• strict;

• compromise;

• autonomous;

• promotional;

• situational;

• dependent.

Child is a reflection of the family. Referring to the parenting, P.F. Lesgaft highlighted the conditions for the formation of a full-fledged child's personality only in an atmosphere of love and mutual respect, without it child's ambition and immorality are formed on the basis of compensatory love for the child, especially from the mother. At the same time, according to the great scientist and teacher, a large role was assigned to the harmonious development and upbringing of a person by means of physical culture [7].

Growing a healthy person is a great value and depends on a number of objective and subjective factors. The unavoidable fact of ill health of modern children and teenagers is associated with a lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. The rhythm of the 21st century, its intensity leaves no time for the physical education of children. But at the same time, the lack of awareness of the parents themselves remains a problem. Welfare, enforcement of daily schedule, the nutrition of the child does not mean the presence of physical education. It is necessary to take a comprehensive approach, in addition to the factors described above to master technologies that save health, knowledge about the optimal combination of motor activity and rest of children, and the patterns of development of human adaptation abilities, considering age periodization. The words of A. S. Makarenko remain relevant for parents and teachers: "High requirements for yourself, on every action, respect for your family, parental control over every action is the primary and basic step in upbringing." That is, the physical fitness activity is an essential element of physical education of a person, but parents should act as an example and role model [8].

The family contributes to the formation of a child's lifestyle, skills and abilities, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, the systematic use of tempering procedures.

One of the problems of raising a healthy lifestyle is raising the cultural level of parents. Parents are responsible for legal and moral raising a child in a family, which is supported by the laws of any state, such as, for example, article 63 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the duties of parents.

The great teachers of the XIX-XX centuries K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, P. F. Lesgaft, V. P. Vakhterev, P. F. Kapterev stressed the importance of the coordination and interaction of family and school education. Laying the foundations of upbringing in the family, parents rely on their life experience without having

pedagogical knowledge, which makes it impossible to consciously influence on children with the goal of the necessary correction of behavior.

The pedagogue P.F. Kapterev noted that the basis for the interaction between the family and the school is the development of the hereditary abilities and capabilities of the child, including physical, creative, labor.

Representatives of pedology P. P. Blonsky, L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin considered it necessary to preserve unity, continuity of upbringing and education in the family and school in accordance with the theory of the development of the individual based on biological and social unity. The Soviet school of pedagogy and its representatives A. V. Lunacharsky, N. K. Krupskaya, A. S. Makarenko set the main task of studying the microenvironment around the child and providing counseling assistance to the family [9]. Nevertheless, the Soviet school behaved authoritarianly with respect to the family, paying mainly attention to the military-patriotic education of children, teenagers and young people, and it lasted until the 90s. The ideas of N. K. Krupskaya on the high socialization of children and their realization were reflected negatively at the genetic level of generations, finding its expression in the separation of children of pre-school and primary school age from the family structure and traditions.

3. Materials and methods

To increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents, it is necessary to meet the following targets:

• achieve parents understanding of the purpose of raising children;

• take into account the individual characteristics and uniqueness of the child;

• find agreement between the capabilities of the children and the requirements of the parents;

• learn how to make decisions in a specific pedagogical situation with a view to developing a child;

• to diversify the applied methods and ways of education.

The developed patterns of behavior are inculcated to the child by the parents on the basis of ethical norms and cultural traditions. Self-awareness of children arises after comparing their own actions with patterns of behavior known to them, as a rule, established by parents. Individual experience and physical environment, as well as culture, nature, climate, have a great influence on a person [10].

One of the fundamental tasks of bringing-up in the family is the daily routine, a regimen that is important for children of any age. The family organizes the optimal home mode - motor activity that contributes to the physical development of the child, sleep, healthy diet, personal hygiene. Home mode should be based on the daily routine of both preschool and school institutions. According to N. M. Amosov, the following conditions are necessary for health [11]:

• physical activity;

• healthy diet;

• adaptation of the organism to the environment;

• harmonious combination of work and rest.

The family forms a healthy lifestyle for children

and inculcates the following knowledge and skills:

• knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of room, clothing, shoes, etc.

• the need to strictly observe the regime of the


• the ability to analyze everyday situations, predict the consequences and find a way out of them;

• the ability to interact with the environment, compliance with the rules of a safe stay in society and life.

Parents need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of raising a healthy lifestyle:

• positive dynamics of the physical development of your child;

• decline in the incidence;

• the formation of the child's skills to build relationships with peers, parents and other people;

• reducing anxiety and aggressiveness.

It is clear that a positive result can be achieved only with close cooperation between the family and the educational institution. Since the needs for a healthy lifestyle are formed only with an unequivocal attitude to it from parents and teachers. Only if this condition is observed, the child will take a careful attitude to his or her health as an absolute truth, the only correct way of life [12].

We see how a person, being engaged in physical culture, changes himself or herself and makes changes in the world around him or her. It is sensible to consider how society affects the physical development of human. If we imagine that in the primitive communal system the physical development of a person was extremely necessary for survival in the environment, we will treat with understanding the simple postulate on the conformity of the all-round development of human with their time and era. That is, the level of development of physical culture met the requirements of a particular socio-economic formation - primitive community, slave, feudal, capitalist [1].

The material side of the life of society determines the emergence of physical culture, as part of human culture. The conditions of human life were such that he or she was in an atmosphere of confrontation of strength, speed, agility with the world and nature around him or her. But not only physical culture was in demand, as it is difficult to separate the concepts of "physical culture" from culture in general. Humanitarians understand the term "culture" as a bridge between the human-"bio-structure" and the environment. The concept of "culture" includes philosophy, ideology, morality, art, and many other humanitarian disciplines. Culture reflects the most complex processes of the material and religious life of society. It is not given to human by nature, being the result of social and individual creativity of people. The basis of the content of the cultural process consists of developing physical and intellectual abilities of a person means and methods [6].

The role of the importance of practicing mass physical culture to health maintenance and the extension of human life cannot be overestimated. The only way to survive today is to neutralize or minimize the impact of adverse environmental factors:

• hypodynamy;

• excessive high-calorie nutrition;

• nerve strain.

Humankind successfully fights these problems by developing and implementing national health programs. Countries such as Japan, Canada, USA, Australia, were able to reduce by 30-40% the number of cardiovascular diseases of their citizens. The society, in turn, makes a wide range of requirements for its members:

• strengthening and development of the body;

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• counteraction to the involution process;

• educational;

• communicative;

• the need for active rest;

• releasing the potential of physical, motor and volitional capabilities of a person [13].

Society is associated with physical education of a person and influences this process directly or indirectly, activating and regulating activities in the field of physical culture, education, tourism. Modern teachers, intellectuals in many countries are seeking to put forward the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle as a national idea, which should be the main goal of the domestic social policy and the property of the state. The mental and physical health of the nation is the basis of the national security of the country. At the same time, it is necessary to overcome the stereotype of the "consumer" psychology of our health and start taking care of it. Creating a national system of a "Healthy lifestyle" with its ideology, legal framework and other instruments of government regulation is extremely necessary.

For many countries, the problem of the health of a nation is indeed a question of the national security of the state. For example, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which for a long time has been a testing ground for nuclear weapons, more than a quarter of the territory is unsuitable for human life. Due to military and industrial waste, desertification and salinization of half of the rangeland, 75% of irrigated land has been lost. Life expectancy has decreased by 15-20 years compared with developed countries. In January 2007, the Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted, which regulates at the legislative level that the improvement of the environmental condition of the country will directly affect the health of citizens [14]. In the message, which was adopted in 2014, to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way - 2050: The common goal, common interests, common future" along with the main task - to enter the number of 30 developed countries of the world - also notes the approval of a healthy lifestyle, the development of medicine which will increase the life expectancy of the population.

The state plays a great role in managing the development of physical culture and its influence on the education of its citizens. That is, the state is the main customer, "who" is needed by the country today. The relevant ministries of education, social policy, sports, through their structures, regulate the main activities in the field of physical culture:

• almost 100% coverage of children, teenagers, youth in the discipline "physical culture";

• organization of sports events, competitions, participation in improving the stress resistance of young people;

• development of adaptability of an organism through motor activity;

• information about the means, methods, principles of a healthy lifestyle.

The educational system of the state is a powerful system of socialization of young people, forming the intellect, cultural and spiritual state of society. Through the standardization of training programs, the national policy of the state is built, leading to an assessment of the quality of life of its citizens. Educational, training, professional institutions in the modern world have become centers for the transfer of accumulated knowledge, teaching methods from generation to generation. But the main "accumulator" and conductor of the educational process is the teacher, the main professional competence of which, the criterion of the effectiveness of his or her level, is the quality of the lesson conducted by him or her. At the same time, it is necessary to systematically monitor the educational process, program and methodological material in order to timely make adjustments to the classes, "responding" to the "requests and requirements" of modern youth in this discipline.

4. Research results

The example of a study conducted by RUDN University in 2016, in which the author of the publication participated, reveals many problems in vocational and general education and the role assigned to state institutions in shaping the healthy lifestyle of young people. Respondents included about 60 thousand students from various Russian universities.

Based on these data, 80% of students are not distributed by sports and are belonged to general physical preparedness groups (GPP). This is inconsistent with the requirements of the Federal educational standard. 55.6% of students give a positive assessment to the course. Explanation of the proposed educational material is obtained by 73% of the students, 22.9% of them using modern computer and media technologies, 24% using textbooks and teaching materials. 54.8% of students attending physical education lectures.

In 86% of the respondents, additional classes in dancing, hiking, and training on simulators are of heightened interest. Medical-practical classes, providing information about the health, are interested in 72%, the diagnosis of the functional state - in 48% of students. The need to improve the quality of physical education classes, as well as the criteria for assessing the work of a teacher will be the following factors:

• availability and quality of the developed documentation when planning;

• planning and control of classes;

• rational distribution of occupations ("motor" and "general" density);

• compliance with safety rules and hygiene requirements;

• accounting of individual, age and sex characteristics;

• creative use of health-saving technologies;

• control of knowledge and skills;

• use of modern equipment.

A high school teacher completes the formation of a student-conscious attitude toward a healthy lifestyle using means and methods of physical culture:

• improves the knowledge, skills and abilities of basic bodily exercises;

• maximizes motor experience;

• masters the methods of psycho-training while creating a positive emotional background during the sessions.

According to the results of this study, factors that adversely affect the processes of formation of a healthy lifestyle of young people were identified.

The following reasons hinder physical improvement:

• inadequate levels of information of young people in the field of fundamental knowledge of anatomy, physiology, morphology, as well as theory and methods of physical education;

• negative experience of physical culture at school or in another educational institution;

• conditions for self-study are not comfortable enough;

• systematic violations and ignorance of the basics of a healthy lifestyle (mode of work and rest, nutrition, sleep);

• lack of psychological support for self-study with family;

• temporary disease and ill health;

• lack of special equipment, necessary for systematic physical training.

The solution of the above problems - hanging the level of knowledge in the field of health-saving technologies, the formation of internal psychological confidence in the vital need to strengthen their own health as the basis of happiness, career success, longevity - all this is the attributes of modern man and his life.

Physical human development is a natural change in the anatomical, physiological and biological structures in the process of an individual's life.

Indicators of human physical development:

• the functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body;

• physique indicators;

• level of state of physical qualities;

• functional physiological changes;

• age period of development.

Factors affecting a person's physical development:

• endogenous, these include genetic features that are the carrier of hereditary diseases and pathologies that affect the process of growth and development of the personality;

• exogenous (climatic indicators, natural, water resources, ecology, region of residence);

• social (nutrition, education, status of the child in the family, medical care).

Physical education at the university is of paramount importance for the study and development of the rational and effective use by a person of his motor abilities and capabilities. Directly the object and factor of

control is the motor activity, movement training, education of physical qualities, and its interconnection. Physical education is aimed at morphological and functional improvement of the body, strengthening the health of the body, performing the following functions:

• developing;

• educational;

• health and hygiene;

• general cultural.

5. Deliberation and conclusion

Using the example of the Russian Federation, we can consider the mechanisms of state domestic policy aimed at preserving and improving the health status of its citizens.

The current Concept for the development of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020 provides for a reduction in mortality among the labor force of the country and stabilization of the demographic situation by increasing the level of development of physical culture. Attracting children to systematic physical exercise will improve socio-economic indicators in the country soon. Otherwise, the trend of reduced life expectancy will continue, which will also be accompanied by large financial and economic losses of the state due to the increase in diseases [16]. Virtually all aspects of human life are determined by the level of health.

The state has an impact on physical culture and sports activities in two main areas:

• the creation and development of a regulatory framework;

• the financing and the investment in this area.

The activity of any state in this area is based on the

international regulatory framework. The main documents in the field of sports are the International Charter of Physical Education and Sport in 1978, adopted in Paris, as well as the European Sports Charter (1992).

Charters are based on philanthropic and humanistic principles:

• accessibility for the population of mass physical exercise and sports;

• state regulation of the development of the network of sports facilities.

In many countries, the internal policy of the state in the field of sports is implemented through the legislative framework:

• The Law of the French Republic "On the organization and enhancement of the role of physical and sports activity in society" in France;

• Sports Law and Sports Charter in Finland;

• «The Australian Sports Commission Act» in Australia;

• The Amateur Sports Act in the United States;

• The Law «On Physical Education and Sport».

The above-mentioned countries represent different continents, but they are united by common requirements for the following points:

• in defining the goals and objectives of physical culture and sports;

• reveal the structure and functions of the system of physical culture and sports in the country.

At the same time there are differences in the organization of state structures of physical culture.

The current classification of the four main models of development and financing of mass sports in European countries has some differences:

• 1 model, which is represented by such countries as Austria, Belgium, Denmark and others, has a high level of public participation in sports activities, about 20%. Public and private financing provides the occupation of the population, minimizing the costs of the family budget.

• 2 model: in such countries as Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta and others, a state bears low expenses, mainly, provision is made at the expense of clubs and the family budget.

• 3 model is represented by Bulgaria, Bosnia, Montenegro - the financing of the physical culture sector is carried out through Gaming and Betting Acts.

• 4 model - countries that only restore previously destroyed structures and sources of financing. These are Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Slovakia. The level of participation of the population is 5-12%.

According to Council of Europe, governments allocate funds for the development of sports from the budget of their countries - for example, 2% in Germany, Great Britain 5%, Sweden 8%, Portugal 46%, Hungary 65%. At the same time, other expenses in this area are supplemented from the local and regional budgets.

The European Sports Charter was adopted in 1992 by representatives from thirteen European countries. Dominant in this law were the rights of citizens about the availability of physical education for everyone, obtaining knowledge, protecting and developing the moral and ethical aspects of sports. There is also a special respect for the environment, both in the building of sports facilities and in the conduct of sporting events.

Another important document is the European Manifesto "Young People and Sport", adopted in May 1995.

The main goal of this Manifesto is to educate young people about a healthy lifestyle and to solve the following tasks:

• development of physical, mental and social qualities;

• teaching ethical values of justice;

• mutual respect;

• tolerance;

• promotion of healthy lifestyles [13].

The Manifesto says that the family and the school play a unique role in promoting a healthy lifestyle. As we see from the Manifesto, the main directions of physical culture activities are humanization and humanitari-zation of both the process itself and the relationship between pedagogues and students. The student is at the epicenter of the organization of the process and activities, the personality of the person and his/her self-realization, the manifestation of his/her abilities. The formation and realization of personal capacity as an individual is possible only in the conditions of the development of a coordinated unity of his/her intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and physical sides. The hu-manization of the educational processes maximally

contributes to the development of individual abilities of a person based on a healthy lifestyle.

Analyzing the achievements and problems of modern civilization, the authors of the article note the increasing role in the life of a person of a healthy lifestyle. In the 21st century, humankind has achieved great evolutionary progress in almost all areas of life. The development of a person as an identity occurs bases on his socio-biological abilities and needs, among which the main ones are the motivation for self-realization and self-actualization. But to achieve goals in a competitive environment is impossible without mastering the basic skills of a healthy lifestyle. Despite the many contradictions taking place in the world today, two main problems can be distinguished - the preservation of human health and the environment. A man as a biological structure cannot exist in a vacuum, and humankind can solve environmental problems only by combining efforts and commitments for this. Scientists predict increasing life expectancy of a person to 120 years, and this is real. But should be considered that along with the development of health-saving technologies, the environment is deteriorating at a faster pace. This is especially observed in the last decade in the field of tourism industry, the growth rate of which is 2.8% annually.

In the process of raising a healthy lifestyle, the main role is played by the family. The first example of a healthy lifestyle is taught to their children by their parents. Educational institutions systematize the acquired skills in the field of health preservation and raise the level of consciousness in the need to preserve and promote health, as the basis of person's successful professional career, longevity. Creating the conditions for the organization of the correct daily regime of the child, the combination of activities, rest, sleep, mealtimes is the direct responsibility of the parents. At educational institutions, children will receive the necessary knowledge about the means and methods of physical culture, about harmonious physical development based on his individual abilities. At the university, the educational process should be based on the humanization of the choice of sports, the maximum realization of personal motivations to consciously develop physical qualities and abilities, to achieve his/her life goals based on a healthy lifestyle [16].

The state at the legislative frameworks creates conditions for systematic classes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle of its citizens, in so doing, improves the material and technical base of sports halls and stadiums. Various social groups and segments of the population have free access to sports facilities, in accordance with the signed international documents and charters. A modern person living healthy, fulfilling live is a harmoniously developed personality capable of a successful career, longevity and the creation of a basis for a happy future of next generations.


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Симакова Е. Ф.

Академия управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, соискатель



Simakova E.

Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, applicant, Minsk


Автором предлагается в современных условиях рассматривать семью как сложную трехмерную систему, представленную коммуникациями по поводу реализации репродуктивных установок родителей, коммуникациями внутри домохозяйства по поводу экономического благосостояния, коммуникациями психологической самореализации личностей (членов семьи). Такое понимание семьи, по мнению автора, позволит учитывать актуальную ситуацию семейной системы, выраженность (сформированность, функциональность) отдельных коммуникаций внутри нее, и комплексно подходить к установлению взаимодействия с ней.


The author proposes in modern conditions to consider the family as a complex three-dimensional system, represented by communications about the implementation of reproductive attitudes of parents, communications within the household about economic well-being, communications of psychological self-realization of individuals (family members). Such an understanding of the family, according to the author, will allow taking into account the current situation of the family system, the severity (formation, functionality) of individual communications within it, and a comprehensive approach to establishing interaction with it.

Ключевые слова: семья, семейная система, коммуникации, репродуктивные установки, домохозяйство, психологическое благополучие.

Keywords: family, family system, communication, reproductive attitudes, home improvement, psychological well-being.


В современных условиях понимание семьи как активного субъекта общества состоит из ее определения с точки зрения психологии, экономики, демографии и социологии. Наиболее общие закономерности функционирования семейной системы представляет ее изучение с точки зрения междисциплинарного подхода.

Проведя междисциплинарный анализ функционирования современной семьи, в том числе с точки зрения ее как домохозяйства, рассмотрим системные свойства семейной системы, изобразим

графически семейную систему в сложной системе современного общества.

Для нас существенно важны те качества и механизмы семейной системы, которые являются определяющими в социологии управления.

Исходя из понимания, что в семье - как любой социальной системе (власти или системе права, экономике, образование и др.) - базой являются коммуникации, и образование семейной системы отдельными акторами осуществляется в рамках коммуникации и только при условии коммуника-

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