Condensed Matter and Interphases. 2021;23(4): 594-599
ISSN 1606-867Х (Print) ISSN 2687-0711 (Online)
Condensed Matter and Interphases
Kondensirovannye Sredy i Mezhfaznye Granitsy
Original articles
Research article
Phase formation in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system
Yu. L. Tushinova12H, B. G. Bazarov12, E. V. Kovtunets1, J. G. Bazarova1
1Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 6 ul. Sakhyanovoy, Ulan-Ude 670047, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation
2 Banzarov Buryat State University,
24a ul. Smolina, Ulan-Ude 670000, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation Abstract
Systematic studies of the subsolidus structure of ternary molybdate systems allow expanding the representation of ternary molybdates. In this paper we studied the solid phase interaction in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system for the first time using X-ray phase analysis.
To determine the quasi-binary sections, we use the method of "intersecting cuts". It helped to reveal the formation of new Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 and Rb3AgHf2(MoO4)6 phases. We also determined their thermal characteristics using differential scanning calorimetry. The ternary molybdate Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 crystallised in the trigonal syngony with the following unit cell parameters: a = 10.7117(1), c = 38.5464(5) Á (space group R3c, Z = 6). The Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system is characterised by the existence of ten quasi-binary cross sections.
The experimental data obtained in this work complement the information on phase equilibria in condensed ternary systems containing molybdates of tetravalent elements and two different monovalent elements. This provides opportunities for the combination of the compositions of ternary molybdates due to cationic substitutions, which will allow controlling their properties.
Keywords: Phase diagram, Triangulation, Solid-state synthesis, Ternary molybdate, Silver molybdate, Rubidium molybdate, Hafnium molybdate, X-ray diffraction analysis
Acknowledgements: the work was conducted within the framework of project No. 0273-2021-0008 supported by the Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The research was conducted using the equipment of the Centre for Collective Use of the Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ulan-Ude, Russia).
For citation: Tushinova Yu. L., Bazarov B. G., Kovtunets E. V., Bazarova J. G. Phase formation in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system. Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases. 2021;23(4): 594-599.
Для цитирования: Тушинова Ю. Л., Базаров Б. Г., Ковтунец Е. В., Базарова Ж. Г. Фазообразование в системе Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2. Конденсированные среды и межфазные границы. 2021;23(4): 594-599. kcmf.2021.23/3679
И Yunna L. Tushinova, e-mail: [email protected] © Tushinova Yu. L., Bazarov B. G., Kovtunets E. V., Bazarova J. G., 2021
The content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Yu. L. Tushinova et al.
Phase formation in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system
1. Introduction
The study of phase equilibria in multicomponent systems is one of the methods of searching for new complex oxide compounds. In recent decades, molybdates with various combinations of cationic composition have been obtained as a result of the study of ternary molybdate systems [1-4]. This class of substances is still being actively expanded [5-9]. It should be noted that the studies of the properties of the identified ternary molybdates show that their application is promising. For example, the high values of ion conductivity of silver-bearing compounds obtained in [10, 11] allowed classifying them as superionic conductors.
A systematic study of phase equilibria allows obtaining more complete information on the interaction of components and the number of the formed phases, and identifying the general patterns of phase formation in the future. For instance, ternary molybdate systems containing molybdate of a tetravalent element, zirconium or hafnium, as one of the components, were studied in detail in [12-16]. The goal of this work was to study the phase formation in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system in the subsolidus region.
2. Experimental
We used the following industrial reagents: Rb2CO3 (extra pure grade), HfO2 (chemically pure grade), AgNO3 (analytical reagent grade), and MoO3 (analytical reagent grade).
To obtain the initial molybdates from stoichiometric mixtures of the corresponding reagents, we used the method of solid-phase synthesis. Stepped annealing of the samples was conducted in a muffle furnace, and the samples were repeatedly ground in an agate mortar in an ethyl alcohol medium. Silver molybdate was obtained with a synthesis temperature of 200-450 °C, the total duration of annealing was 150 hours. Medium rubidium and hafnium molybdates were synthesised in the range of 400550 °C (rubidium molybdate) and 400-750 °C (hafnium molybdate) for 80-100 hours.
Ternary molybdates with the compositions Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 and Rb3AgHf2(MoO4)6 were synthesised from stoichiometric amounts of the reaction mixtures of Ag2Mo04, Rb2MoO4, and
Hf(MoO4)2. The annealing was conducted in the temperature range 290-500 °C with an increase in temperature with steps of 30 °C and repeated grinding of the samples. The time of annealing was 60 hours.
The phase equilibria in the ternary system were studied using the method of "intersecting cuts" [17]. The interaction in the subsolidus area was studied using X-ray and had two stages. During the first stage, we determined the phase composition of the intersection points of all possible cuts connecting the compositions of the components and intermediate phases of the faceting elements. During the second stage, we also studied individual quasi-binary sections of the system and some compositions from the three-phase regions. The achievement of equilibrium was proved by the stabilisation of the phase composition of the samples after several sequential annealings and the mutual consistency of the phase composition allowing triangulating the systems.
X-ray phase analysis (XPA) was performed on a Bruker D8 Advance automatic powder diffractometer (CuKa radiation, scanning step 0.01°). The ICDD PDF-2 database was used to analyse the X-ray patterns.
We used the Le Bail method and the TOPAS 4.2 software to process the experimental data and specify the unit cell parameters of the Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 compound.
Thermal analysis was conducted on an STA449 F1 Jupiter synchronous thermal analyser manufactured by NETZSCH. The samples were scanned in platinum crucibles in an argon atmosphere with heating and cooling at a rate of 10 °C/min. The weight of the samples was 1720 mg.
3. Results and discussion
Phase equilibria in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system were studied taking into account the previous publications on binary faceting systems.
One compound with the AgRb3(Mo04)2 composition which melts at 435 °C was formed in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4 binary system [19]. During crystallisation from a solution, single crystals were obtained in a melt, and their composition was determined when decoding the structure
Condensed Matter and Interphases / Конденсированные среды и межфазные границы 2021;23(4): 594-599 Yu. L. Tushinova et al. Phase formation in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system
as Ag119Rb281(MoO4)2 [20]. It should be noted a single-phase sample of this composition cannot be synthesised using the method of solid-phase reactions. And the discovered crystal composition is probably limited in terms of silver content and can only be obtained from melt. It was shown that the Ag1+xRb3-x(MoC4)2 samples with 0 < x < 0.10, which is about 2 mol. %, were single-phase only at limiting subsolidus temperatures [20].
The Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 binary system is characterised by the presence of two compounds with the Rb8Hf(MoO4)6 and Rb2Hf(MoC4)3 compositions with melting temperatures of 655 and 650 °C respectively [21, 22].
We established that one AgRb2(MoO4)2 compound was formed in the Ag2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 binary system and melted incongruently at 570 °C [23].
When synthesizing double molybdates, we focused on the conditions of their obtaining and melting temperatures mentioned in previous publications.
The formation of new Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoC4)6 -S1 and Rb3AgHf2(MoO4)6 - S2 phases was identified when studying phase equilibria in the subsolidus region. It should be noted that reflections of the new S1 phase were observed on the X-ray patterns of the samples of the supposed section of AgRb3(Mo04)2-Rb2Hf(Mo04)3.
The phase relationships at 430 °C in the triple silver-rubidium-hafnium molybdate system are characterised by the following quasi-binary sections: AgRb3(Mo04)2-
Rb8Hf(MoO4)6, Ag2MoO4-Rb8Hf(MoC>4)6, Ag2MoO4-Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6, Ag2MoC4-
Rb3AgHf2(MoC4)6, Hf(MoC4)2-Rb3AgHf2(MoO4)6,
Ag2Hf(MoC4)3-Rb3AgHf2(MoO4)6, H^MoC^-^g^W^^ Rb2Hf(Mo°4)3-Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6, Rb8Hf(MoO^6-
^g^^o0^ Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(Mo°4)6-
Rb3AgHf2(MoC4)6 (Fig. 1). As for the studied conditions, there were no sections radiating from the apex of the triangle where rubidium molybdate was located. Thus, the studied system was divided into nine secondary triangles by ten quasi-binary sections.
Comparing the results with those obtained previously in [24], we should mention some similarity with the phase diagram of the Li2MoC4-Rb2MoC4-Hf(MoC4)2 system despite significant
differences in the faceting elements. For example, a RbLiMoO4 composition was observed in the Li2MoO4-Rb2MoO4 binary system, while an intermediate phase in the Li2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system has a rather extended homogeneity range. The similarity was found during the triangulation of the Li2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system when a part of the stable sections was radiating from the apex of the concentration triangle where lithium molybdates were located. In our case, the sections with the participation of silver molybdate were stable. And in both phase diagrams, there were no stable sections radiating from the apex of the triangle, where rubidium molybdate was located. The differences were observed in the amount of triple molybdates. Triple molybdates with the Rb5Me1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 and Rb3MeHf2(MoO4)6 (Me = Li, Ag) compositions were found in both systems. However, unlike the lithium system, there was no compound similar to the RbLiHf(MoO4)3 composition formed in the system with silver molybdate.
The compounds with the similar composition Me3Me'Hf2(MoO4)6 were obtained with Me = Na, K, Tl, Rb, and Me' = Li [16]. They were classified using three structure types of binary molybdates. Triple molybdates Me3LiHf2(MoO4)6 (Me = K, Rb) are isostructural to KAl(MoO4)2, while Na3LiHf2(MoO4)6 molybdate is isostructural to NaIn(MoO4)2. The diffraction pattern of Tl3LiHf2(MoO4)6 was indexed with the assumption of the formation of a superstructure of the rhombic KIn(MoO4)2 with a tripling of the
Fig. 1. Phase equilibria in the Ag2MoC4-Rb2MoC4-Hf(MoC4)2 system in the subsolidus region (400430 °C): S} - Rb5Ag/3HfV3(Mo04)6, S2 ^Ag^^oC^
Condensed Matter and Interphases / Конденсированные среды и межфазные границы 2021;23(4): 594-599 Yu. L. Tushinova et aL Phase formation in the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system
smallest parameter c. In our case, we still have not found a structural analogue for the phase. Apparently, the change of the cationic composition leads to the formation of a different structure. One endothermic effect corresponding to melting was observed on the DSC curve for the Rb3AgHf2(MoO4)6 sample (Fig. 2). However, the results of X-ray phase analysis of the cooled melt allowed making the assumption that melting has an incongruent nature.
According to X-ray phase analysis, the synthesised Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 ternary molybdate was isostructural to the previously studied Rb5Li1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 which crystallised in the trigonal syngony (space group R3c, Z = 6), and its structure was determined in [24]. The base of the crystal structure is a skeletal mixed plane of (Hf, Li)O6 octahedrons and MoO4 tetrahedrons. The atoms of rubidium are located in large voids of this plane. All the reflections of the Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 compound on an X-ray pattern were satisfactorily indexed based on the assumption of the isostructurality of Rb5Li1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 [24]. The results of the specification using the Le-Baile method are presented in Table 1, and calculated and experimental X-ray diffraction patterns with difference curves are shown in Figure 3. According to the results of differential scanning calorimetry, the compound melted at 597 °С. Table 1. Crystallographic characteristics and parameters of unit cell specification of the Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(MoO4)6 compound using Le-Baile method
Fig. 2. DSC curve for the Rb3AgHf2(MoO 4)6 sample
Compound Rb5Agv3Hf5/3(Mo°4)6
Space group R3c
a, Â 10.7117 (1)
c, Â 38.5464 (5)
V, Â3 3830.27 (9)
20-interval, ° 8-100
R , % 4.10
R , % p' 3.26
R , % exp1 2.15
c2 1.90
RB, % 0.46
Therefore, a new compound was added to the series of the compounds with the Me5(Li1/3Hf5/3) (MoO4)6 (Me = K, Rb, Tl) composition [1(3]. All
40 60
20, Degrees
Fig. 3. Experimental (circles), calculated (line), difference, and dashed X-ray diffraction patterns of Rb5Ag1/3Hf5/3(Mo°4)6
these triple molybdates have already been included in a rather large group of isostructural compounds whose structure was first solved for the K5(Mg05Zr15)(MoO4)6 compound [25]. All the above-mentioned compounds have cage
structures built from isolated MO octahedrons
and XO4 tetrahedrons which differ in the nature of the mutual arrangement of the polyhedrons. As a result, various numbers of cavities of different shapes and isomorphic substitutions were formed.
4. Conclusion
Thus, the phase equilibria in the subsolidus region of the Ag2MoO4-Rb2MoO4-Hf(MoO4)2 system were studied for the first time, the formation of new triple molybdates was identified, and the system was triangulated.
Yu. L. Tushinova et al. Phase formation in the Ag2MoO-Rb2MoO-Hf(MoOJ2 system
Author contributions
All authors made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have influenced the work reported in this paper.
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Information about the authors
Yunna L. Tushinova, PhD in Chemistry, Researcher Fellow, Laboratory of Oxide Systems, Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BINM SB RAS), Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation; e-mail: [email protected]. ORCID iD:
Bair G. Bazarov, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Oxide Systems Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BINM SB RAS), Associate Professor at the Department of Inorganic and Organic chemistry, Banzarov Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation; e-mail: [email protected]. ORCID iD: https://orcid. org/0000-0003-1712-6964.
Evgeniy V. Kovtunets, Postgraduate Student, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Oxide Systems, Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation; e-mail: [email protected]. ORCID iD:
Jibzema G. Bazarova, DSc in Chemistry, Chief Scientist Laboratory of Oxide Systems, Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation; e-mail [email protected]. ORCID iD: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-1231-0116.
Received September 17, 2021; approved after reviewing October 7,2021; accepted November 15,2021; published online December 25, 2021.
Translated by Marina Strepetova
Edited and proofread by Simon Cox