Научная статья на тему 'Multicultural education of the students in the European pedagogical science and practice'

Multicultural education of the students in the European pedagogical science and practice Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
multiculturalism / participative / ethnonational factor / multicultural educational environment / the European dimension in higher education / the national characteristics of the education system / полікультурність / партисипативність / етнонаціональний фактор / полікультурний освітній простір / Європейський вимір у вищій освіті / національні особливості системи освіти

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yaksa N. V.

The article examines the influence of globalization and integration on the system of education, which are targeting at the record of the cultural and ethnic characteristics of subjects of educational space; it is noted that the development of multicultural education in Ukraine should take into account the latest trends of European educational thoughts; this in turn requires a comprehensive study of the problems of multiculturalism of education in the European Union; the models of multicultural education of Great Britain, France, Germany and Poland are examined in the article as well.

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Полікультурна освіта студентів у європейській педагогічній науці та практиці

У статті розглядається вплив процесів глобалізації та інтеграції на освіту, які націлюють на врахування культурних та етнічних особливостей суб'єктів освітнього простору; відзначається, що становлення полікультурної освіти в Україні має здійснюватися з урахуванням останніх тенденцій європейської педагогічної думки, а це, в свою чергу передбачає всебічне вивчення проблем полікультурності в освіті країн Євросоюзу; в статті також розглянуті моделі полікультурної освіти Великобританії, Франції, Німеччини та Польщі.

Текст научной работы на тему «Multicultural education of the students in the European pedagogical science and practice»

Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В.И. Вернадского Серия «Проблемы педагогики средней и высшей школы». Том 26 (65). 2013 г. №2. С. 3-13.


УДК 37.014.5/378


Yaksa N.V.

Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine

E-mail: [email protected]

The article examines the influence of globalization and integration on the system of education, which are targeting at the record of the cultural and ethnic characteristics of subjects of educational space; it is noted that the development of multicultural education in Ukraine should take into account the latest trends of European educational thoughts; this in turn requires a comprehensive study of the problems of multiculturalism of education in the European Union; the models of multicultural education of Great Britain, France, Germany and Poland are examined in the article as well.

Keywords: multiculturalism, participative, ethnonational factor, multicultural educational environment, the European dimension in higher education, the national characteristics of the education system


The problems of education at the present stage of development of a society are increasingly at the centre of the public attention all over the world. Economic, social and ideological importance of education sharply increases in the conditions of modern scientific and technological revolution. The problems of increasing of the economic competitiveness of the country are in dependence from efficiency of the educational system of the country. This makes the Ukrainian education to make serious reforms in this area for studying the experiences of different countries on the most urgent ranges. The purpose of article is review of the problem of multiculturalism in European educational space, particularly its basic elements in the educational space of the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Poland.

One of the most important problems of modern education is the problem of multiculturalism which becomes more and more important for the modern system of education. The importance of culturogical teachers" training is examined in the works of such scientists as: Hesse S., Zagashev I., Zaire - Beck S., Kutyrev V., Lotman, Y., Maximova S., Shevnyuk O., Essinger H.; ethnopedagogical aspect of future teachers" training is highlighted in the works of Tysiachna S.; teachers" training in multicultural educational space is described in the works of Avksentyeva O., Bolotov V., Isaev E., Slobodchikova V., Shaidenko N.; the training of the teachers in Western Europe is examined in the works of Pukhovskaya L; the main parts of the multicultural teachers" training in the UK, Germany, France and Poland are reflected in the works of Avksentyeva O., Andreeva G., Vorobiev N, Nowacka S., Savina A., Shirin A.


The concept of "multicultural education" has come to the academic community in the 1970s - years of the 20th century in a situation of cultural convergence and the formation of a multi ethnic states [17; c.81].In 1923 Hesse S. wrote: "Few would dispute that the purposes of education is closely related to the purposes of the life of society. Life determines education the and vice versa _ education influences on life".

The solution of modern problems in all spheres of public life, including education and professional training, is impossible without reference to international experience. And this experience must be appreciated to avoid some mistakes meaning that the only positive findings should be accounted for.

Reformation and improvement of education in Ukraine to the demands of the new society presupposes the address to both the positive and negative experiences of other countries to avoid mistakes, and to take into account only the positive findings.

The researchers of the global educational space pay attention to the characteristic features of the modern world such as: the internationalization of the social life, the development of integration processes, covering the economy, social relations, science, culture and education.

At the same time, the centuries-old traditions of different cultural-historical types of society, of different civilizations are saved as well. Therefore, absolutely natural is the fact that the integration is carried out most intensively in those geopolitical regions which are in the relatively similar conditions of historical development and with a more or less the same socio-political structure.

The role and influence of different countries in the world and in the geopolitical regions, according to Wolfson BL, do not remain unchanged. During the last decades the specific weight of Western European countries in the world economic system is reduced. At the same time, the intensive developing of distinctive cultures of the nations of the regions which had certain limitations in interaction with European cultural traditions is clearly observed today [5; p.71].

As the history has shown, during many centuries Western Europe has been the scene of many bloody wars, violent religious conflicts, ethnic animosity. It can be stated today that the contradictions of economic and political nature are waning, and the centripetal tendencies, of course, predominate over centrifugal.

After the Second World War, there was no inter-state armed conflict in Europe and not accidental is the fact that this region became the region in which the new forms and methods not only economic and political, but also social and cultural integration are implemented. The process of convergence of European countries generally is developing quite successfully; however, the problem of the relationship among peoples of these countries, among peoples of different ethnic groups is much more complicated because the historical memory of European nations retains the stereotypes of mutual resentment, lack of confidence, hostility and preconceptions against their neighbours [5; p. 73].

All of this is creating serious barriers to the development of the integration processes.

That is why the problem of "European education" becomes very important nowadays; exactly it may promote the process of closer partnership of European nations [5, p. 75]. Indubitable is the fact that independent Ukraine has all the facilities and opportunities for active participation in this process.

The substantial aspect of integration is the formation of the "European consciousness" that means that the inhabitant of a particular region must realize himself not only as a German, a Frenchman, an Englishman or Ukrainian, but most of all as a European who is bound with a community of Western European civilization, with its unique features that emerged as a result of the joint of cultural development and interaction between the peoples [5; p.73].

That means that the young generation should be brought up taking into account the principle of "dual loyalty" [6, c. 98], according to which, it is necessary to relate positively not only to cultural, national, historical peculiarities of theown country, the state, the people (monoculturalism), but also to take a position of tolerance, respect and mutual understanding of the members of "other" cultural tradition (multiculturalism).

The realization of these purposes requires a certain objective convergence of national systems of education and the development of some general principles. It is impossible to do without reference to their multicultural educational experience. At the same timesome Western scientists approve that in the predictable future some national states will wither awayandtheofthe public-national sovereignty will only be a part of the history.

For example, a German professor of Bulle W. argues that even now in Western Europe " for the first time in world history on site of dying national states transnational society is been created for the citizens of which the problems of preservation of national statehood and ethnic identity are totally sidelined " [6; p 103]

A similar position is occupied by the French explorer RougemontJ., according to which the West Europeans are not interested in the preservation of national states [6, p.87]

It becomes obvious that needs of finding of the "middle way" are maturing now, which can bring up respect of the history and culture to the country as well as other countries and peoples, eliminating xenophobia, aggressive nationalism and cosmopolitanism.

Thus, a member of created in 1993 the International Commission on Education for the XXI Century (Delores Commission) Slovenian scholar A. Kornhauser, bitterly saidthat the basic responsibility for the dramatic ethnic and religious conflicts plaguing in that region, which includes his country, lays on education.

"The educationis fault to all. If it was not manipulated for dubious values and political objectives if it was more objective in assessments of the past and if it united the personal and national values with world ones, then people would not became the victims of propaganda so easily.. .If the described events were setting out more reliably and their explanation was given to a less nationalistic and hegemonic position ... it would be much harder to mislead public opinion "[6, p.239]

One more important social and political determinant of the development of multicultural education isan intensive development of integration processes which are the part of the contemporary world, as well as the intention of the countries to integrate into

the world and European socio-cultural and educational space, while maintaining national identity.

Integration processes help to transform Europe into a multilingual space where the national languages have equal rights. In virtue of the opening of borders between the countries, mobility of people is on increase in many times, as well as their motivation of learning foreign languages and cultures, as well as to establish and maintain contacts within the country and abroad.

Along with this, as it was noted above, the problem of preservation of national and cultural identity is saved which and most clearly manifestedin understanding of multicultural education in developing countries.

Since the onset of the world market which brings not only the economic dependence, but also the spread of alien culture the problems of formation of cultural identity in these countriesare in the foreground.Many of people see the close relationship between the preservation of the cultural identity of the people and the country's economic independence.

When developing the problems of multicultural education in pedagogy of developing countries it is noted the desire for a new way of understand of their lifestyle, especially national thinking, educational tradition etcetera.

The efforts of the pedagogues are aimed at achieving of the synthesis of culture-specific cognitive styles of the social behaviours and communication codes in order to achieve unity abstract, independent of the environment,intellection. Such kind of intellection is prevailing in developed countries and based on direct experience and perceptionwhich is characteristic for developed countries.In such context, we can talk not only about the multicultural, but also trans-cultural education.

Recognizing the importance of multicultural education at all levels of the educational ladder, however, it must be emphasized that the problem of multicultural education of the students in the science and practice of teaching is one of the poorly developed. We believe that it can be considered in line with the cultural education, which is studying the "way of life of society", the meaning and value of life, offers a triad of " The West -Eurasia - The East" [15, p.26]

Euro-American version of development is one of the possible, though it is repeatedly subjected to criticism, cultural-historical types. It has a certain specific type of thinking. First of all it is rationality in the Western European sense that means the "linear perspective" logic, linearity, monologism, scientism and formalization of culture, replacing it with technology. Hence, there we have «one-dimensional man" [9 p. 16]

Western socio-cultural system, including the education, is defined in different ways, as a consumer society, democracy, noise, etc. [15, p.26]

Evolution of total rationality has led to even more serious consequences s such as the change of culture, and of the man himself. And connection with it the special attention should be paid to the argument of Kutyrev V.A., which, in turn, referring to the argument of Spengler O., who had drawn our attention to the fact that the update is required, in particular, changes in understanding of the event which had been associated with the transformation of culture into a civilization, and then - in texture, marking the disappearance of the "death" of culture as such [19, c.26].

"In superindustrial socio-technical system the interpersonal relationships cease to be regulated by the non-rational ways: feelings , customs, faith, love, hate , ideals ... In other words, spirituality reduces to reason, values are replaced with information ... With the growth of opportunities of technological manipulation, culture as a mechanism of maintaining of the nature social becomes useless if it misses such things as the spirit, the soul, and it is based only on the mind, reason , intellect, soon it becomes a texture" [19 , 26 - 30 ].

This statement is directly connected, from our point of view, with clearly marked in last decade in Ukrainian education trend to enhance the knowledge aspect through " training" schematization of knowledge through constant refinement of tests as the main criteria of training.

This is into contradiction with the mentality of the Ukrainian people, which is characterized with a high level of a spirituality culture as a complex system. This system is characterized by the relationships between people, values, which are the basis of ideology of any person.

That is why, considering the formation of the European education, the question of the place and role of the individual in such a system arises. The fact that a person which is deprived of natural impulses becomes dead or" active-dead ", losing his activities, his emotional justification, he does not live - just functions" [19, p.30]. If you translate this situation into the formation of ethics, you can see the person without any valuable.

It is clear, that not by a chance in sociology concept the word "a person" is being gradually replaced such an intention as "an identity".

This is because of "blurreding» of such a phenomena as "subjectivity"which is decentred. The initiative and the final decision of questions of its interaction with the environment, with other people, as suggested by KutyrevV.A., transferred to the technique [9, p.10-12]

That's why the process of education regarded as technology, as disciplinary system of assimilation of knowledge and skills, specially organized for receiving - transmitting information. The guiding principles on which is based the interaction between the participants of the educational process, according to Maximova S.L.are:

- subordination (disparity and subordination)

- monologue(the content of the interaction is transmitted only one direction)

- arbitrariness (imposing their laws)

- thecontrol, consistency and gradualness

- rationalism [11 p.68]

Another drawback of the modern model of education is that it monologic style. Sometimes instead of comprehensive communication, open dialogue between people, we can see only the one side of this process - as a communicative method of transmitting information. Spiritual, emotional interaction is gone away.

Therefore, there are reasonable questions about the alternatives. One of them, in our opinion, is obvious, and it is referring to the spiritual and cultural foundations of education, its saturation cultures and traditions of different peoples living in a specific region and the construction of a multicultural educational environment.

However, in varying country the need of multicultural education arises, as a rule, due to other pressing problems of the education system. It is therefore essential, in our view, to study the problems of multicultural education from the perspective of cross-cultural approach.


Education system in the UK is highly selective and the higher education israther the privilege than the right. The main criterion for admission to any educational institution, starting with the middle school and up to the university, is the determination of the levels of abilities and aptitudes of students. Here we should note the following: the indigenous Brits are much easier to go to prestigious educational institutions, rather than non-indigenous population. This is due to the fact that all educational institutions are clearly focused on the three social groups.

The first of them, the elite one, which includes the children from socially -secured families, is focusedon the high level of knowledge which they will need in management or in public communications. The second group is professionally - oriented, it is formed on the basis of interest to applied knowledge, and that is, it is focused on the acquisition of a specialty of the service sector. And finally, the least prestigious group is focused on the education of future workers and highly skilled employees. It is quite clear that this group consists of people from immigrant environment.

One of the problems of university education in the UK is an immigration of the most qualified faculty members. According to recent statistics, every year up to 20% of the research-oriented professors leave England. As a result, the proportion of professors at British universities represented 9.4% and junior faculty - 60.4%. And among them, the proportion of women and minorities is decreasing as well [8 p.233]

Last years the higher pedagogical education in England significant changes were underwent.First of all, a new purpose of professional and pedagogical training of teachers was changed: to form a teacher-researcher, who has a high skill and competence. That's why a revision of the content of teacher education is happening now.

The British Parliament raises the problem of reforming of the education and formulates his attitude to it as the highest priority. In this regard, the National curriculumwas developed and numerous amendments were adopted, an effective management system was established, closer contacts with parents were imposed.

National school curriculum has been structured on the basic steps of learning. It includes state and non-state elements. The curriculum includes: "core" subjects - English, mathematics, the natural cycle of things, the technology, the "foundation" subjects -history, geography, music, fine arts, physical education, a modern foreign language secondary school students, religious education.

The special attention in light of the problem being studied, must be turned to the general cultural unit which is worldview characterand which is intended to provide humanitarian focus of the learning process and "penetrating" all the disciplines of the curriculum (cross - curricular subjects) [2, p.97]

Due to the reforms the requirements to a teacher are changing. "In the hands of the teacher - the key to the success of his students," the English teachersnoted, in this

connection the training of the future teachers must be paid a great attention. The main thing of it is a focus on development of the ability to interact with prospective students, maintaining a positive and friendly tone, to keep the children confidence in their abilities and talents, to create a "situation of Success".

The teacher must realize how the subject must be taught so that the children's developmentmoves: social, moral, intellectual, emotional, general cultural. This thesis, according to researcher of the challenges of the pedagogical education the in England Andreeva G.A., is the base for all-round development of the individual of the student, creating the conditions for the manifestation of his abilities and talents of its expectations and goals [2, p. 101]

It must be noted that one of the factors which has an influence to the creation of the educational process in a supportive atmosphere, comfort and understanding of each individual student is the eternal principle of inclusiveness and age characteristics of the pupils to which contemporary theorists and practitioners tag two important criteria: support for the social experience of the child and its ethnic and cultural peculiarities.

However, obligatory condition is the ability of organization of the interaction with the family of the student or his guardians, to establish communication in the "teacher - a family - a child" [2, p. 102]

In addition to the intellectual development and professional competence, future teacher, is intended to demonstrate a high level of spirituality, expressed in his personal moral qualities. A necessary conditions for this, as noted by Andreeva G.A., is a friendship, respect for students' and touch [2, p. 100].


Multiculturalism of the French high education is differing from the British one. The main reference is to ensure its mass character. French universities are democratically oriented, open both in management and in the possible schemes of construction of the educational process. This does not apply to private universities, the number of which is much less than that of prestigious state ones.

The universities in France are at the top of the educational pyramid and support the practice of non-selective recruitment of applicants. Recent years some questions regarding the education in France related to the exaggeration of their national identity, both teachers and students are arising. The desire to preserve the democratic spirit of the open universities, accessibility and equality have been adopted well-known laws banning the wearing of national dress in universities, in particular the hijab and niqab. This does not mean, as some have considered the representatives of national communities, lack of respect for their national and cultural traditions. Rather, it was a law reinforcing the secular nature of education that does not allow extremists to bring the national idea of national exclusivity within the university.

A number of researchers analyse the features of the development of multicultural education in France. Thus, Avksenteva E.I. notes democratic, pluralistic and multicultural traditions of French public life in all spheres of life, such as: culture, politics, education [1, p.108 _109 ] Pukhovska L.P., analysing the specific training of future teachers in France, notes that an important place in the content of multicultural training given to

special courses, among which are the courses such as: " The European Dimension ", " Education of children of emigrants ," " Socio economic and cultural problems of the region and their pedagogical implications " [13 , p.99 _ 101]


Modern education in Germany is a unique system, a pedagogical space, within which there is not so much territorial reintegration as a spiritual, philosophical development of the German nation.

At the same time, a priority of today is to become a "single European school ", but the unconditional preservation of the best national traditions [4, p.96].

In this regard, Germany is not only a review of the goals and objectives, but also the modernization of the curriculum in accordance with the new socio-cultural situation.

The nascence of this problem has primarily political roots. It is the result of combining of two nations in the recent past of the independent German states - West Germany and East Germany. It's not just a single territorial reunification of Germany has undoubtedly had a positive effect on its development, but also the moments that are the echoes of the past. This refers to the unification into one of two different mentalities and ways of life - the "Soviet" and "capitalist ", which is reflected in particular, (and not last) on the educational situation in Germany.

As priorities have been put forward: "to support the spiritual, mental and physical development of students, self- nurturing person able to take decisions in the light of social and political responsibility, organization of training with regard to their social and cultural experiences» [4 p.97].

The relevance of accounting multicultural aspect of the education system in Germany due to the migration process , namely the increase in the number of students with significant language problems and 50 - 60 % by mid- 2000, compared with 20 % in 1979 [4, p.99 ]

Among the key competencies, which are banking, for example, German universities, along with the subject, activity efficient, isolated and competence of ownership of cultural norms, foreign languages, and social competence or ability to go to the contact, communication skills, and ability to work in a collaborative.

Thus, we see that the interaction is seen as an essential component of the educational process, which is significant for us to study the problem from the perspective of multicultural education.

If we turn to the analysis of the content of the educational programs of education, it should be noted obligatory accent in them the following: realities of cultural and historical images of the country, the global universal phenomena with common human nature, free from ethnic, cultural and linguistic specificity, and the realities of cultural and historical patterns of their own country in the context of the global educational experience [18, p.45]

It is also noteworthy that, as noted by Vorobyov N.E., Ivanov N.V., students are sure to be attached to the comparative analysis of cultural traditions, to reflect the realities of their own country from the standpoint of its European neighbours, overcoming

stereotypes in understanding and interacting with people of different cultures and nations [18, p.107].

The modern system of university education in Germany, historically formed in principles which, to varying degrees, but significantly influenced the formation of university education in various regions of the world, she miraculously brought together many of the traditions, accumulating the most significant achievements to their own national needs.

The problem of multicultural education in Germany is extremely important for the country. German scientists such as Essinger G., Heinrichs G., Thamm H., Pachel D. believe that the reconstruction of schools, universities must be based on multi-cultural education, and must include: an educational orientation and education work at the "life situation" of students; the transition to the "open plan "; tested technology education in view of their diverse needs and opportunities, the introduction of bilingualism, etc.

The basic meaning of multicultural education students in Germany is that everyone wants to be seriously apprehended in their willingness and desire to live in peace and harmony with other people and to realize their intentions in need of support.

Studying the experience of Germany in the adaptation of migrants and indigenous support, and help to highlight the base allows solving this problem in a country assistance and support to migrant students realized on the basis of certain principles that serve to maintain function of social assistance within the general system of services, providing assistance should always correspond to the specific case, assistance to forced migrants can be provided even if they do not seek it, and to act, as a rule, as a last resort, when the migrant is unable to help themselves, adaptation of migrant students by entering the German language as a mother tongue and German as a second language training.


In Education Policy of Poland also had undergone significant changes. Today it is developed taking into account the outstanding problems in the past, current, and with a focus on the Western European trends in the development of education [12, p.21].

The main problem of the past was monoideology and politicization. That is why in the early stages of political and socio economic transformation Polish government announced a policy of reform of the introduction of alternative education programs, weapons students skills necessary for life in a modern society and others assumed the preservation and treatment for positive traditions, including the interaction team, training team, etc.

Adopted in 1994 by the Ministry of Education document "The main directions of improving the educational system in Poland" an important reference point defined "... respect for children's rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for the child's parents, his cultural identity , language and national values of the country in which he lives or descendant of which is ; preparation of the child to public life in a free society , which is characterized by the atmosphere of mutual understanding and peace, tolerance, equality of equivalence , and friendship towards other peoples, ethnic and religious groups [3 , p. 81]

This fact fully applies to the student audience and shows that Poland is reforming the education system in accordance with the multi-cultural traditions that were formed in the concepts of many developed countries.

Realizing the need for a multicultural approach to the construction of the educational process, safeguard the national language and culture of small nations in terms of educational institutions Polish state today, for example, creates a minority schools, which is, according to the law guarantees the preservation of national, ethnic, linguistic and religious identity, the possibility of studying native language, national history and culture.

An analysis of studies on the reform of the educational system in Poland shows that it is in terms of the harmonization of "mono" and "poly" cultures can be arranged at the request of parents, group training, classes or schools in the language of a minority, or with an additional study of the mother tongue, history and culture.

State show respect for the rights of parents to raise their children in conformity with their own religious and philosophical views and beliefs, and provided the legal basis for the operation of alternative schools [14, p.87]


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Thus, the problem of multicultural education is of a particular relevance in the polyethnic society, as a popular and relevant than in Europe in general, and in Ukraine in particular according the purpose of its formation and the formation of the man which is capable to live the effective life in a multi-functional environment, which has a strong sense of understanding and respect for other cultures. The most important task of multicultural education is adeveloping of the students' understanding of the diversity of cultures in the world, to bring about positive perception of national and ethnic and religious characteristics. The development of this trend, beyond doubt, must take into account the main development trends in the European states, which will create an effective model of multicultural education in Ukrainian state.


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19. Essinger H. Interkulturelle Erziehung in multikulturellen Gesellschaften / H Essinger// Schule Inder multikulturellen Gesellschaft: Ziele, Aufgaben und Wege interkultureller Erziehung / H. Magdeburger. -Frankfurt / M : Verlad für Interkultureller Kommunikation (1991)

Якса Н.В. Пол^льтурна освгга студенлв у европейськш педагопчнш наущ та практищ / Н. В.

Якса // Вчеш записки Тавршського нацюнального ушверситету iMem В.1. Вернадського. Сeрiя: Проблеми педагопки середньо! i вищо!' школи. - 2013. - Т.26 (65), №2 . - С. 3-13.

У статп розглядаеться вплив процеав глобалiзацii та штеграци на освиу, яю нацшюють на врахування культурних та етшчних особливостей суб'еклв освинього простору; вщзначаеться, що становлення полiкультурноi' освгги в Укра!ш мае здшснюватися з урахуванням останшх тенденцш европейсько!' педагопчно! думки, а це, в свою чергу передбачае всeбiчнe вивчення проблем полжультурносл в освт кра'н Свросоюзу; в статп також розглянул модeлi полжультурно!' освии Великобритании Франци, Шмеччини та Польщь

Ключовi слова: полжультуршсть, партисипатившсть, етнонацюнальний фактор, полжультурний освинш прослр, Свропейський вимiр у вищiй освт, нацюнальш особливостi системи освiти

Якса Н.В. Поликультурное образование студентов в европейской педагогической науке и практике / Н.В. Якса // Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В. И. Вернадского. Серия: Проблемы педагогики средней и высшей школы. - 2013. - Т.26 (65), №2 . - С. 313.

В статье рассматривается влияние процессов глобализации и интеграции на образование, которые нацеливают на учет культурных и этнических особенностей субъектов образовательного пространства; отмечается, что становление поликультурного образования в Украине должно осуществляться с учетом последних тенденций европейской педагогической мысли, а это, в свою очередь, предполагает всестороннее изучение проблем поликультурности в образовании стран Евросоюза. В статье также рассмотрены модели поликультурного образования Великобритании, Франции, Германии и Польши.

Ключевые слова: поликультурность, партисипативность, этнонациональный фактор, поликультурное образовательное пространство, европейское измерение в высшем образовании, национальные особенности системы образования

Поступила в редакцию 28.10.2013 г.

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