PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kaxxarova T.A.

The goal of modernizing education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system.

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UDK 37.02

Kaxxarova T.A.

Karshi State University Uzbekistan



Annotation: The goal of modernizing education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system.

Key words: innovation, pedagogical innovative technologies, higher education system, modernization education.

In our society, there are and probably will be changes in all aspects of life in the state, both political and socio-economic. All these progressive changes have affected the natural process of vocational education, which should be brought into line with the needs of society for highly qualified personnel, with solid and deep knowledge, capable of self-development and self-realization.

The Law on Education states that a student has the right to receive the entire range of educational knowledge. A university teacher should form a highly qualified specialist-a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, capable of an active life position, correctly oriented in the modern system of values of our society.

Modern trends require changes in the strategy of education and training of the younger generation. It is not functional competencies that come to the fore during training, but the education of such personal abilities of the student that subsequently allow him to take an active position in life circumstances and determine the educational trajectory, career growth, understanding of other people and cooperation. That is why recently there has been such a great interest in those educational models, pedagogical innovations, technologies and methods that are most effective for this purpose.

In accordance with the concept of modernization of education, the main goals of vocational education are: training of a qualified employee of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in his profession and orienting in related fields of activity, capable of effective work in the specialty at the level of world standards, ready for constant professional growth, social and professional mobility. At different stages of its development, the society imposed new standards and requirements for the workforce. This made it necessary to develop the education system.

Education as a process and result can be effective and of high quality if there are clearly formulated concretized educational ideas, and they are accepted as personally significant by all participants in the educational process.

One of the means of such development is innovative technologies, that is, these are fundamentally new ways, methods of interaction between teachers and students, ensuring the effective achievement of the results of pedagogical activity.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a purposeful progressive change that introduces stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment that improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the educational system itself as a whole. Pedagogical innovations can exist both at the expense of the educational system's own resources (an intensive path of development) and by attracting additional capacities (investments) - new funds, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (an extensive development path). The main directions and objects of innovative transformations in pedagogy are:

- designing new models of the educational process;

- development of concepts of strategies for the development of education and educational institutions;

- updating the content of education, changing and developing new technologies for teaching and upbringing;

- improving the training of teaching staff;

- ensuring the psychological and environmental safety of students, the development of health-saving learning technologies;

- ensuring the success of education and upbringing, monitoring the educational process and the development of students;

- development of textbooks and teaching aids of a new generation.

Progressive innovations arise on a scientific basis and contribute to the

advancement of practice forward. A fundamentally new and important direction has emerged in pedagogical science - the theory of innovations and innovative processes. Reforms in education are a system of innovations aimed at radically transforming and improving the functioning, development and self-development of educational institutions and their management system.

Innovative learning technologies include: interactive learning technologies and computer technologies The main purpose of lectures on interactive learning technologies is the acquisition of knowledge by students with their direct effective participation. Among the simulated problems can be scientific, social, professional, related to the specific content of the educational material. The statement of the problem encourages students to active mental activity, to try to answer the question independently, arouses interest in the material being presented, activates the attention of students.

The seminar-dispute involves a collective discussion of a problem in order to establish ways of its reliable solution. The seminar-dispute is held in the form of dialogical communication of its participants. It assumes high mental activity, instills the ability to conduct polemics, discuss a problem, defend one's own

views and beliefs, express thoughts concisely and clearly. The functions of the actors in the seminar-debate may be different.

Educational discussion is one of the methods of problem-based learning. It is used in the analysis of problem situations when it is necessary to give a simple and unambiguous answer to a question, while alternative answers are assumed. In order to include all those present in the discussion, it is advisable to use the methodology of cooperative learning (educational cooperation). This method is based on mutual learning when students work together in small groups. The basic idea of educational cooperation is simple: students combine their intellectual efforts and energy in order to perform a common task or achieve a common goal (for example, to find solutions to a problem).

The technology of project-based learning contributes to the creation of pedagogical conditions for the creative abilities and personality qualities of the student that he needs for creative activity, regardless of the future specific profession.

Computer learning technologies are the processes of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information to the learner through a computer. The use of computer technologies in the system of vocational education contributes to the implementation of many pedagogical tasks. Innovative learning technologies that reflect the essence of the future profession, form the professional qualities of a specialist, are a kind of testing ground where students can work out professional skills in conditions close to real ones.

A case is a technology that allows you to combine theory and practice, learn knowledge, acquire skills and abilities for the practical solution of complex problems. The inclusion of students in creative work with case technology requires compliance with a number of conditions:

- systematic assistance from the teacher;

- preliminary consideration of what kind of productive task can ensure the development of basic skills and abilities. In classes using case technology, it is important to warn students' questions, not to let them reduce the discussion to a dispute about certain facts. To do this, it is useful to provide the case technologies with the necessary tables and graphs in addition to the figures set out in the text.

It should be noted that managing the work of students using the method of situation analysis has several goals: developing skills of analysis and critical thinking; combining theory and practice; presenting examples of management decisions made; presenting examples of the consequences of decisions made; demonstrating various positions and points of view; forming skills for evaluating alternative options in conditions of uncertainty.


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