UDK 81-13
Xayitova D.B. senior teacher Tashkent Architecture Construction Institute
Annotation:This article highlights the importance of communication and technology in the educational process, methods and means of communicating, formation students' communicative skills in teaching English in the higher education institutions.
Key words: English, communicative competence, technology of teaching, pedagogical skills, education.
Communicative competence is the possession of complex communication skills and abilities, the formation of adequate skills in new social structures, knowledge of cultural norms and restrictions in communication, knowledge of customs, traditions, etiquette in the field of communication. Competence in translation from Latin means a range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable, has knowledge and experience.
During the entire period of learning a foreign language in children, communicative competence is formed, the components of which are:
•linguistic competence, knowledge of a specific vocabulary and syntax rules and the ability to use them to build coherent sentences;
•sociolinguistic competence, i.e. the ability to use and transform linguistic forms, based on the situation of communication (context of who communicates with whom, for what reason, where, for what purpose, etc.), which determines the choice of linguistic forms:
•discursive competence, the ability to perceive and generate a statement in communicative communication;
•strategic competency the ability to resort to communication strategies, verbal and non-verbal, in order to compensate for unfamiliar language material;
•sociocultural competence, the desire to communicate with others, self-confidence, suggesting to put oneself in the place of another, as well as knowledge of social relations in society and the ability to navigate in them.
As a result, students acquire the necessary minimum of speech skills, that is, competencies, in order to use a foreign language as a means of
communication in the framework of topics and educational material provided by the program and current textbooks.
The communicative method is intended primarily as a means of teaching speaking. Speaking, being one of the types of human activity, performs in life the function of a means of communication.
Communication can be carried out both orally and in writing.
Oral communication implies that a person must possess two means of communication - speaking and listening as types of speech activity. In writing, possession of writing and reading is necessary.
Speaking is the expression of your thoughts. This is the activity of one person, but at the same time, "communication is always interaction with other people". Therefore, it is impossible to teach speaking without teaching communication, without creating the conditions of speech communication in the classroom.
In general terms, the communicative approach is the implementation of such a way of learning, in which orderly, systematic and interrelated learning of the English language as a means of communication is carried out. The basic principles of the organization of the content of education using the communicative method are:
1. Speech orientation. Learning foreign languages through communication. This means a practical lesson orientation. Only language lessons are legitimate, not language. You can teach to speak only by speaking, listening - listening, reading - reading. First of all, it concerns exercises: the more an exercise is like real communication, the more effective it is. In speech exercises there is a smooth, dosed and at the same time a rapid accumulation of a large amount of vocabulary and grammar with immediate implementation; not a single phrase is allowed that could not be used in real-life communication.
2. Functionality. Speech activity has three sides: lexical, grammatical, phonetic. They are inextricably linked in the process of speaking. From this it follows that words cannot be assimilated in isolation from their forms of existence (use). Functionality assumes that both words and grammatical forms are absorbed immediately in the activity: the student performs a speech task - confirms the idea, doubts what he heard, asks about something, encourages the interlocutor to act, in the process of which he learns the necessary words or grammatical forms.
3. Situation. Fundamentally important is the selection and organization of material based on situations and communication problems that interest students of each age.
4. Novelty. It manifests itself in various components of the lesson. First of all, this is a novelty of speech situations (change of the subject of communication, problems of discussion, speech partner, conditions of communication, etc.). This is the novelty of the material used (its information content), and the novelty of the organization of the lesson (its types, forms), and the variety of working methods.
5. Personal orientation of communication. Faceless speech does not happen, it is always individual. Any person differs from the other with his natural properties (abilities), and the ability to carry out educational and speech activities, and his characteristics as individuals: experience (each has his own), context of activity (each student has his own set of activities that he does and which are the basis of his relationship with other people), a set of certain feelings and emotions (one is proud of his city, the other is not), his interests, his status (position) in the team (class).
6. Collective interaction is a way of organizing a process in which students actively communicate with each other, and the success of each is a prerequisite for the success of each.
7. Modeling. The volume of cross-cultural and linguistic knowledge is very large and cannot be learned in the school course. Therefore, it is necessary to select the amount of knowledge that will be necessary to present the country's culture and language system in a concentrated, model form[4].
Teaching a foreign language as a practical means of intercultural communication requires the widespread introduction of progressive technologies that allow changing the paradigm of foreign language education by engaging students in active cognitive activity in the target language. As can be seen from the above, the technology of communicative teaching of the English language seems to be the most effective. At the school level, it is necessary to lay the foundation for proficiency in English as a means of communication, which makes it possible to move from considering English as an object of study to using it in practice as a useful tool.
The choice of educational technologies to achieve the goals and objectives set in the framework of the discipline "Foreign Language" is due to the need to form students' complex of general cultural competencies necessary for interpersonal interaction and cooperation in the context of intercultural communication, as well as to ensure the required quality of education at all stages.
The forms and technologies used for teaching English, implement competency-based and personality-activity approaches, which, in turn,
contribute to the formation and development of a multicultural language personality capable of carrying out productive communication with carriers of other cultures; the ability of students to carry out various activities using English; students' readiness for self-development and self-education, and also contribute to enhancing the creative potential of the individual to carry out their professional duties. Thus, the integrated use of all the above-mentioned technologies in the educational process stimulates personal, intellectual activity, develops cognitive processes, and promotes the formation of competencies that the future specialist should possess.
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