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Essence of such notions as «tolerance» and «pedagogical conditions» are discovered, having analyzed the literature sources devoted to the investigation of tolerance and current problems of translation and interpreting studies, author's definition of the notion «future interpreters' / translators' tolerance» was provided, necessity of development of future interpreters' / translators' tolerance as an integral part of interpreter's / translator's competence is grounded, the peculiarities of interpreter's / translator's profession are described and pedagogical conditions of future interpreters' / translators' tolerance development are investigated in this article.
Keywords: tolerance, future interpreters'/translators' tolerance, pedagogical conditions, future translators / interpreters, motivation, pedagogical communication, professional training
Розкрито суттсть понять «толеранттсть» i «педaгогiчнi умови» на ocHoei aHani3y лтературних джерел, присвячених вивченню толерaнтностi та актуальних проблем перекладознавства. Запропоновано власне авторське визначення поняття «толеранттсть майбуттх переклaдaчiв». Обгрунтовано необхiднiсть формування толерaнтностi майбуттх переклaдaчiв як складовог перекладацьког профестноЧ компетентностi. Висвтлено особливостi професп перекладача. Дослiджено педaгогiчнi умови формування толерaнтностi майбуттх переклaдaчiв в процеЫ профестноi тдготовки.
Ключовi слова: толеранттсть, толеранттсть майбуттх переклaдaчiв, педaгогiчнi умови, майбутт переклaдaчi, мотива^я, педaгогiчне стлкування, професшна тдготовка.
Раскрыта сущность понятий «толерантность» и «педагогические условия» на основе анализа литературных источников, посвященным изучению толерантности и актуальных проблем переводоведения. Предложена собственная авторская дефиниция понятия «толерантность будущих переводчиков». Обоснована необходимость формирования толерантности будущих переводчиков как составляющей переводческой профессиональной компетентности. Освещены особенности профессии переводчика. Исследованы педагогические условия формирования толерантности будущих переводчиков в процессе профессиональной подготовки.
Ключевые слова: толерантность, толерантность будущих переводчиков, педагогические условия, будущие переводчики, мотивация, педагогическое общение, профессиональная подготовка.
The Way the Problem Is Formulated in General. For future specialists tolerance is a regulator of his or her professional and nonprofessional activity and contributes to his or her formation as a top-quality professional. Speaking about interpreters and translators we may say that moral and ethical aspects (with tolerance as an important component) of professional competence aren't studied enough.
Some aspects of professional training of future interpreters'/translators' we may find in the works of L. Chernovatyi, Ye. Dolynslyi, D. Gile, V. Komisarov, P. W. Krawutschke, Ch. Nord, Z. Pidruchna, A. Pym, M. Tennent etc. Phenomenon of tolerance was studied by P. Nicholson, Betty A. Reardon, G. Soldatova, O. Stoliarenko, O. Zarivna, L. Zwicker and others. The notion of «pedagogical conditions» was investigated by I. Bekh, S. Brunova, N. Ippolitova, N. Sterkhova, I. Sobko etc.
The aim of the article is to investigate the main pedagogical conditions of future interpreters' / translators' tolerance development in the process of their professional training.
To achieve the aim the following tasks were put:
- to reveal the essence of such notions as «tolerance», «future interpreters''/translators' tolerance» and «pedagogical conditions»;
- to describe the peculiarities of interpreters'/translators' profession;
- to determine and characterize the main pedagogical conditions of future interpreters' / translators' tolerance development.
The Subject of our investigation is the main pedagogical conditions in the process of future interpreters' / translators' professional training.
The Object of our research is future interpreters'/translators' tolerance.
The Scientific novelty of our investigation in that for the first time the definition of the notion «future interpreters'/translators' tolerance» was provided and the main pedagogical conditions of future interpreters'/translators' tolerance development were determined and described.
Everything mentioned above determined the actuality of our research.
Toleration is studied by many different branches of science. It means that this notion is very complex and many-sided. So, first we suggest to clarify the meaning of the investigated phenomenon.
It should be admitted that on 16 November 1995, the Declaration of the Principles of Tolerance was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO. According to this Declaration, tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance is not concession, condescension or indulgence. Tolerance is, above all, an active attitude prompted by recognition of the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. Tolerance is the responsibility that upholds human rights, pluralism (including cultural pluralism), democracy and the rule of law. It involves the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism and affirms the standards set out in international human rights instruments [13].
Nowadays there are also other definitions of the notion «tolerance», such as:
tolerance is sympathy and indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own [18, p. 1315];
tolerance is the art of coexistence in the world of different people and ideas, the ability to have tights and freedoms, do not infringe the rights and freedoms of other people. Tolerance may be characterized as a way of cooperation which is oriented on self-cognition, self-development, defining the borders of self-identification that will promote humanization of the society, cooperation among people with different appearance, language, beliefs, customs and religion [10, c. 112];
tolerance is a defined quality of cooperation between the subject and the object of tolerance which is characterized by the readiness of the subject to accept socio-cultural differences of the object, including appearance, utterances, peculiarities of behavior and others [7, c. 86].
Thus we define future interpreters '/translators' tolerance as an integral part of interpreters'/translators' competence which manifests itself in readiness and willingness to accept and also interpret or translate accurately, adequately and equivalently from the source language into the target language the utterances of other people regardless their complexion, origin, sex, orientation, age, level of education, mentality, social status, political views, religious and culture even in the situations when something which was said by them doesn't coincide or even confronts with interpreters'/translators' views.
In order to understand the importance of tolerance revelation by future interpreters' / translators' let's pay attention to the peculiarities of their profession [11; 12; 14; 16]:
- undertaking only work which they are competent to perform;
- taking all reasonable care to be accurate;
- maintaining professional detachment, impartiality and objectivity;
- being «secondary» authors, the translators are required to accept special obligations with respect to the author of the original work;
- not exercising power or influence over their clients;
- not voicing or writing an opinion, solicited or unsolicited, on any matter or person in relation to an assignment;
- being aware of social and political issues of the target language country;
- being familiar with realia and cultural notions of the target language;
- continuing to develop their professional knowledge and skills and others.
So, in order to fulfill all the requirements interpreters and translators should develop and reveal tolerance.
The most effective means of training tolerance and preventing intolerance is education.
Tolerance development is not only the aim of education but also its necessary component. It's an organic part of students training in higher educational establishments, elements of which must be present both in the content of teaching and in the process of defining the forms, methods and techniques of educational and cognitive activities of students [4, p. 6].
Even more tolerance as an integral display of a personality is one of the most important priorities in the system of values of education in the XXI century, an indicator of spiritual culture of a personality and spiritual wealth of a person with humanistic ideals. Today tolerance is a practical condition of survival and a new problem of our global world.
Determining pedagogical conditions will help to understand better the essence of tolerance development and will lead to its effectiveness.
Pedagogical conditions are:
the integrity of the content, methods and forms of educational process [2, p. 79];
one of the components of pedagogical system which reflects the whole of opportunities of educational, material and areal surroundings influencing on personal and procedural aspects of the mentioned system and providing its effective functioning and development [3, p. 11].
Having analyzed national and foreign resources we defined the main pedagogical conditions of future interpreters'/translators' tolerance development (see pic. 1).
Pic. 1. Pedagogical Conditions of Future Interpreters' / Translators' Tolerance Development Let's consider the mentioned above pedagogical conditions more deeply.
Studying basic notions, concepts and terms (i.e. introduction of the cognitive component of tolerance development). In order to develop something it's necessary to have some theoretical knowledge. Thus, notion is an individual's concept or impression of something known, experienced, or imagined; it's an inclusive general concept [18, p. 848]. Students should be aware what exactly the notion, they are studying, is and what the main components of it are. Concept is something conceived in the mind; an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances [18 p. 257], and terms are words or expressions that have precise meanings in some uses or are peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject [18, p. 1289]. Knowing these basic elements, students will be able to train themselves in order to show tolerance in all spheres of their lives.
Development of positive attitude to the forming quality. Future interpreters' and translators are to realize that being tolerant, they will have more advantages both in the working place among coworkers and in everyday life. Tolerance is not a required quality now; it's a need and an imperative of our society.
Awareness of necessity of tolerance revelation in different situations. It's not enough to have theoretical knowledge about something. Much more important is to have a deep understanding why it's inevitable to develop and show it. It's proved that different specialists face difficulties while meeting representatives of other countries and cultures which may negatively affect the quality of their work. Interpreters and translators always deal with foreigners and being aware of necessity of tolerance revelation will be so to say a key to their success.
Motivation and driving force. Motivation is hardly a unitary phenomenon. To be motivated means to be moved to do something. A person who feels no impetus or inspiration to act is thus characterized as unmotivated whereas someone who is energized or activated toward an end is considered motivated. The strength of motivation depends on how much value the individual places on the outcome he or she wishes to achieve. There are types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is the result of any number of outside factors. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual. We must admit that extrinsic motivation becomes an essential strategy for successful teaching whereas intrinsic motivation results in high-quality learning and creativity [19, p. 54, 55; 15, p. 98]. That's why the teachers should remember that the higher the goal the better the result.
Teacher's personal example. A teacher which shows good qualities including tolerance will be a good example for the students to follow because teachers are like actors all the time on the stage, orchestral conductors (direct conversation and set the pace and tone) and gardeners (plant the seeds and then watch them grow). The teachers also perform several roles such as: controllers, prompters, participants, recourses, tutors and performers [15, p. 107-113].
Pedagogical communication. Pedagogical communication is a professional communication between a teacher and a student during the lessons and beyond them (in the process of teaching and educating) which has some pedagogical functions and directions (in case it's full and appropriate) in order create favorable climate and other psychological optimizations of educational process and relationship between a teacher and a student. Effective pedagogical communication will help to develop confidence in him- or herself, his or her own strengths and potential [8, p. 28].
Organizing the meeting for the students with the representatives of other countries and cultures. Meeting native speakers and the representatives of other countries and cultures will help students to become familiar with different accents, national realia and cultural peculiarities. In the future this will become a useful tool for overcoming different obstacles in the linguistic and psychological levels in terms of cross-cultural communication.
Introduction of a new special course called «Pedagogical conditions offuture interpreters' / translators' tolerance development». Starting from the fall semester of 2013/2014 academic year it's planned to introduce a new special course «Pedagogical conditions of future interpreters' / translators' tolerance development» for the 3rd year students of Foreign Languages Department (specialization «Translation and Interpreting from English into Ukrainian») of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. This course consists of lectures and seminars which will help future interpreters and translators to become familiar with such phenomena as tolerance and future interpreters'/translators' tolerance, their basic components, kinds, levels and functions. Students will be able to develop tolerance by means of modern interactive technologies and test their level of
tolerance. In our opinion one of the effective ways to develop tolerance is a business game. It's nice to have a special equipment for the interpreting (e.g. laboratory of simultaneous interpreting) which will help to create conditions similar to real ones.
Atmosphere in a higher educational establishment. As we know most of the time during their academic years students spend in their higher educational establishments. So we may state that tolerant and friendly atmosphere in the educational institution will only be favorable to tolerance development.
We may state that development of tolerance as a condition and form of adapting to deciduous and changeable world if very important to modern specialists and in particular to interpreters and translators. That's why professional training of young people in higher educational establishments should contribute to effective functioning in the society, educate culture of patience and agreement, form the social experience of productive solution of conflicts, develop communicative competence, readiness and ability to cooperate in our modern world. We are to realize that the future of any country and the whole society depends on effective education, training and development of a young generation and their intellectual, spiritual and moral qualities.
Summing up everything mentioned above me must admit that nowadays among the high priorities of modern education there is development of tolerance. It's got a special value for future interpreters and translators training. That's why the mentioned and described pedagogical conditions will help to train and educate tolerant and marketable specialists in the spheres of translations and interpreting.
Perspectives of further researches we consider in working out the model of future interpreters'/translators' tolerance development in the process of their professional training.
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