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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sergeeva Bella, Krivovyazova Marina

Relevance of research consists in need of elementary school teachers for development of the conditions directed on formation of information literacy of younger school students. The problem of research consists in a contradiction between requirements of FSES to formation of information literacy and insufficient attention in practical work of elementary school on formation of information literacy of younger school students in the course of training. The purpose of article consists in theoretical justification and experimental check of efficiency of the conditions promoting formation of information literacy of younger school students. The leading methods to research of this problem are theoretical and empirical. Process of formation of information literacy of younger school students will be successful if in the course of training purposefully to create the following conditions: use of nonconventional forms of the organization of lessons of a graphic intersubject course «Reading. Work with the text», creation the information and education environment of elementary school. Materials of article can be useful to bachelors, masters, graduate students to the teachers of primary education who are trained according to the Primary education program, also.

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7. Jensen, Michael C. (2001). Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function. Harvard Business School Working Paper #00-058, revised 10/2001. s.l. : Monitor Company,

8. Kaplan, R.S. (1992), The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action : Harvard Business Review,71 -79.

9. Stermberg, E. (2000) Just Business: Business Ethics in Action (Second edition), : Oxford University Press.

10. Sternberg, E. (1999) The Stakeholder Concept: A Mistaken Doctrine.UK : Centre for Business and Professional Ethics University of Leeds and Analytical Solutions.



Relevance of research consists in need of elementary school teachers for development of the conditions directed on formation of information literacy of younger school students. The problem of research consists in a contradiction between requirements of FSES to formation of information literacy and insufficient attention in practical work of elementary school on formation of information literacy of younger school students in the course of training. The purpose of article consists in theoretical justification and experimental check of efficiency of the conditions promoting formation of information literacy of younger school students. The leading methods to research of this problem are theoretical and empirical. Process of formation of information literacy of younger school students will be successful if in the course of training purposefully to create the following conditions: use of nonconventional forms of the organization of lessons of a graphic intersubject course «Reading. Work with the text», creation the information and education environment of elementary school. Materials of article can be useful to bachelors, masters, graduate students to the teachers of primary education who are trained according to the Primary education program, also.


information literacy, pedagogical conditions of formation of information literacy,

younger school students


Bella Sergeeva Marina Krivovyazova

PhD in Education, Associate Professor Undergraduate student

Department of Pedagogics and Technique Department of Pedagogics and Technique

of Primary Education of Primary Education

Kuban State University Kuban State University

Krasnodar, Russia Krasnodar, Russia

[email protected]

Introduction. At design of formation of the XXI century it is important to consider the modern paradigm of formation of information society demanding formation of new type of intelligence, other image and a way of the thinking adapted for very quickly

changing information realities of world around. In the circumstances significant is an existence at the identity of due level of information literacy who, on the one hand, is formed as a result of daily activity under the influence of assimilation of household knowledge and abilities, of information, mass media, and on the other hand, this process has to be structured, organized and go systems of training and education and, therefore, has to be continuous.

The younger school age represents special importance for formation of information literacy as the making information culture of the personality as during this period there is an activization of development of informative abilities, formation of substantial generalizations and concepts, world outlook belief.

This problem puts forward as a priority problem of training of younger school students in aspect of requirements of the federal state educational standard of the primary general education - formation of information literacy. Now in our country there is no complete concept of formation of information literacy. Often it is associated with technical and technological aspects of information, mastering skills of work with the personal computer. But it not so. Information literacy includes first of all development of skills of work with information. S. A. Beshenkova, A. V. Goryacheva, V.V.Dubininoy, A. A. Duvanov, N.L.Koroleva, A. L. Matveeva, M. A. Plaksin, Yu.A.Pervina, A. L. Semenova, S.N.Tur, E.N.Chelak dealt with issues of formation of information literacy of the younger school student.

Modern information society sets a task of training of the pupils capable for school:

-flexibly to adapt in the changing life situations, independently acquiring necessary knowledge;

-competently to work with information;

-independently critically to think, accurately to realize, where and how the knowledge acquired by them can be applied in the reality surrounding them; to be capable to generate new ideas, creatively to think;

-to be sociable, contact in various social groups, to be able to work together in various areas.

In FSES of the PGE the concrete areas of work among which it is called are specified: strengthening of a role of the disciplines providing successful socialization of pupils. Creation of information society became one of priority activities in recent years. Entry of mankind into an era of information society caused change of the «education for the rest of life» model by new approach «education during all life». An important component began to form ability to study, get information, to draw from it necessary knowledge. For this purpose the teacher has to form special type of literacy - information.

In the course of the general development of younger school students formation of information literacy especially isn't allocated, but at all lessons at elementary school for the elementary school teacher formation of information literacy studying has to become a most important task (Sergeeva B.V.).

Material and methods. A basis of research is philosophical, psychological, pedagogical researches about formation of information literacy, modern psychology and pedagogical theories of the personality, the psychology and pedagogical theory of educational activity, conceptual ideas of the theory of complete pedagogical process, the theory of activity approach, the concept of the personal focused education.

For the purpose of achievement of reliability in consideration set problems the following methods were used: studying and the theoretical analysis of philosophical and psychology and pedagogical literature on a research subject; studying of pedagogical experience; theoretical generalization, synthesis of data, the analysis of the available programs of training of children of younger school age.

Results and their discussion. Formation of information literacy at younger school students - one of the most actual problems of today's school not only in Russia, but also

in the international community. Information literacy is not only ability to look for information in library, but also in principle one of the most important components of ability to study. Information literacy is confused often to computer literacy or to bases of library and bibliographic knowledge that not so same. The representative of the International association of school libraries (IASL), Gerald Brown in the report at The Crimea — 2005 conference so defined the main components of information literacy. "Information literacy is "technology" of study. It consists of ability of the person: to realize a personal need in information for the solution of this or that problem; to develop search strategy, raising significant questions; to find information corresponding to this subject; to estimate relevance of the found information, to sort, organize, analyse it; to estimate quality of information, accuracy, authoritativeness and reliability; to create own relation to this information; to imagine audiences or most the point of view, new knowledge and understanding or a solution; to estimate efficiency of the done work on the following criteria: the studied material, the acquired skills and the solution of an objective; to prove that the gained knowledge had impact on its personal positions and behavior; to realize that use of skills of information literacy in the course of a solution (or an educational task) can be extended to all spheres of human life. It is the tool for transformation of individuals into active members of society» (Goryachev, A.V.).

The term "information literacy" at elementary school is understood as set of abilities to work with information. These abilities are formed at lessons of subjects, on open classrooms, in circles and are applied when performing the tasks assuming active actions for search, processing, the organization of information and for creation of the information objects. In "Approximate programs" abilities which have to be created at pupils of elementary school as a result of development of the general skills of work with information are defined: to estimate need for additional information; to define possible sources of information and ways of its search; to carry out information search in dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, libraries, the Internet.

Speaking about «it is information the competent pupil», it is possible to note his such characteristics: the pupil has to understand need for accurate and significant information, be able to formulate questions, to define sources of information and to use successful strategy of information search; having found suitable information, the pupil has to understand, where the facts, and where opinions and to reject unnecessary information; for an exchange of the found information the pupil has to organize this information and integrate it with the knowledge. For this purpose it has to attract skills of critical thinking and skills of the solution of problems; after the pupil gained information literacy, he needs to start applying to what he learned, for the personal interests, continuing to study independently during all life; the pupil not only has to become the assured and interested reader, but also to be able to appreciate the provided information and to be able most to submit it by means of various means.

1. The pupil has to estimate process of use of information, the reached results, find ways for revision, improvements or updatings of the work.

2. The pupil has to be the responsible consumer of information, has to respect the principles of intellectual freedom and the rights for intellectual property, giving correct references on ideas of others. He has to understand that democratic society is based on respect of ideas and opinions of other people.

3. The pupil has to be able to cooperate with others in search and use of information, and then to be able to share results of the activity (Goryachev, A.V.).

Opening and specifying formulations, it is possible to receive the following definition of the maintenance of information literacy.

Information literacy is: ability to define possible sources of information and strategy of its search, to receive it; ability to analyze the received information, using different schemes, tables, etc. for fixing of results; ability to estimate information from the point

of view of its reliability, accuracy, sufficiency for a solution (task); ability to feel need for additional information, to receive it if it is possible; ability to use results of processes of search, receiving, the analysis and an assessment of information for decision-making; ability to create new (for this case) information models of objects and processes, including with use of schemes, tables, etc.; ability to increase own bank of knowledge at the expense of personally significant information necessary for the activity in the most different areas; ability to create the sources of information; ability to use modern technologies during the work with information; ability to work with information individually and in group.

The major abilities which need to teach children in development of information literacy - formation of own opinion, a self-assessment and understanding of that information literacy is not simply next lesson among others, and the ability necessary for life. In other words, development of information literacy has to be directed first of all on ability to consider, interpret and apply information, but it isn't simple on receiving any set of data. These purposes - in general any training - are very often missed at us, in the traditional - transmitting system of training. For this reason competent teachers and librarians say that development of information literacy is a development of ability to study.

So, the term «information literacy» is understood as set of abilities of work with information (data).

Structure and maintenance of information literacy of the younger school student:

The psychophysiological - Ability to carry out elementary cogitative operations (the analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), to allocate essential in the phenomena. The activity and relaxedness of thinking which are shown in a producing several varianty solutions.

The cognitive - Understanding process of world around from the point of view of the basic information concepts and construction on a basis and the analysis of the arriving information of the picture of the world. Knowledge of the main devices of the computer (the system unit, the monitor, the keyboard, a mouse) and missions of additional devices of the computer (the printer, the scanner I other), safety measures and rules of command in a computer class; appointments of text and graphic editors. Ability to explain how dictionaries and encyclopedias are organized to make short reviews of subjects on materials the skripochnykh of editions, real subjects

The operational and technological - Ability to reproduce the necessary information on audio-and videorecorders; to be guided and an operational environment of the computer and to start applications on performance; to receive information from images; to choose audio-, video. CD resources for performance of an objective. Use of graphic and text editors for creation of images, input I editing texts, dictionaries for information search; creation of lists of keywords to the text and information search in the text on keywords; implementation of the simple plans of action and drawing up the by analogy. Use of the computer as universal processing device of information and activity, with application thus text, graphic editors, the program of presentations, the Internet.

The communicative - Participation in cool discussions and in collective answers. Ability to sadden opinion concerning seen and heard, to conduct dialogue of "people person" (justification, a reasoning), "person computer" (effective management of the computer), "the person - the computer - the person" (collective and group communication); to ask questions for clarification of value of unclear information. Possession of rules of communication, logically, expressively, clearly, precisely. consistently to tell about the found information.

The emotional and valuable - Ability to realize the semantic information containing to the text; to estimate information from the point of view of completeness, reliability and solidity of a source: to analyze distinctions between information transferred in oral

and written language; to distinguish the world around facts, to compare, analyze, draw conclusions. Acquisition of experience of the creative activity which is highly appreciated by people around, and experience creation of own creative projects. Planning of the actions with the subsequent correcting depending on an objective.

Identification of level of formation of information literacy was provided in experimental part of our research;

We allocated indicators of formation of information literacy of younger school students: 1. Ability to work with the text with the excess/missing contents; 2. Abilities to define possible sources of information and ways of its search. To carry out information search in dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, libraries, the Internet. To receive information from supervision, at communication; 3. Abilities of understanding of information as a result of answers, explanations of the teacher, pupils; 4. Abilities to receive information from drawings, pictograms, hieroglyphs; 5. To Umeniyarabotat with dictionaries for the purpose of obtaining information; 6. Abilities to be guided in various styles of texts; 7. Abilities to make creative works: stories, the impressions, compositions, letters, greeting cards. Levels of formation of information literacy of younger school students were determined.

At the forming stage of our experiment we structured conditions of formation of information literacy of younger school students.

We will stop on the content of the concept "condition" from the point of view of philosophy, logic and pedagogics. In the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary this concept is defined as "on what something depends other (caused); the essential component of a complex of objects (things, their states, interaction) from which existence with need existence of this phenomenon follows" N. I. Kondakov as a condition calls Wednesday in which stay and without which there can't be subjects, the phenomena; «on what another depends». Thus, the concept "condition" characterizes the circumstances of environment which are specially organized, created for achievement of definite purposes.

In pedagogics pedagogical conditions are understood "as circumstances of process of training which are result of purposeful selection, of designing and application of elements of the contents, ways, methods (receptions), and also organizational forms of education for achievement of definite pedagogical purposes" This definition of the concept «pedagogical conditions» is the basic and our research.

According to FSES of the PGE interdisciplinary program "Reading. Work with the text" consists of several sections: «Receiving, search and fixing of information», «Understanding and transformation of information», «Application and submission of information» and «An assessment of reliability of the received information».

Thus, the main planned results of development of the program "Reading. Work with the text" at elementary school are:

1. Younger school students will gain primary skills of work with information. 2. Pupils will learn to supplement ready information objects (tables, schemes, charts, texts) and to create own (messages, small compositions, graphic works). Younger school students will have an opportunity to learn to build conclusions and to make decisions on the basis of independently received information, and also to gain primary experience of the critical relation to the received information, comparing it with information from other sources and the available life experience. Interdisciplinary course «Reading. Work with the text» finds the reflection in the planned results of all subjects, in particular: "Russian", "Mathematics", "World around" and "Literary reading". Thus, the thought-over and purposeful work with the text is one of conditions of formation of information literacy, allows to take out to the younger school student from large volume of information necessary and useful, and also to get socially - moral experience and forces to think, learning world around.


_high level_

1. Is able to work with the text with the excess/missing contents

2. Is able to define possible sources of information and ways of its search. To carry out information search in dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, libraries, the Internet. To receive information from supervision, at communication

3. Is able to understand information as a result of answers, explanations of the teacher, pupils

4. Is able to receive information from drawings, pictograms, hieroglyphs

5. Is able to work with dictionaries for the purpose of obtaining information

6. Is able to be guided in various styles of texts

7. Is able to make creative works: stories, the impressions, compositions, letters, greeting cards.

_average level_

1. Works with the text with the excess/missing contents, but makes mistakes

2. Is able to define some possible sources of information and ways of its search. To carry out information search in dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, libraries, the Internet. To receive information from supervision, at communication

3. Is able to understand information as a result of answers, explanations of the teacher, pupils, but doesn't enter dialogue

4. Is able to receive information from drawings, pictograms, hieroglyphs, but makes mistakes

5. Is able to work partially with dictionaries for the purpose of obtaining information

6. At orientation in various styles of texts makes mistakes

7. Is able to make creative works: stories, the impressions, compositions, letters, greeting cards, but with the organizing and directing help of the adult

_low level_

1. Isn't able to work with the text with the excess/missing contents

2. Isn't able to define possible sources of information and ways of its search. To carry out information search in dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, libraries, the Internet. To receive information from supervision, at communication

3. Doesn't understand information as a result of answers, explanations of the teacher, pupils

4. Isn't able to receive information from drawings, pictograms, hieroglyphs

5. Isn't able to work with dictionaries for the purpose of obtaining information

6. Isn't able to be guided in various styles of texts

7. Isn't able to make creative works: stories, the impressions, compositions, letters, greeting cards.

Design of the information and education environment in the conditions of elementary school is dictated by need: strengthenings of a role of the pupil as full-fledged subject of educational activity and own life; developments in the child of qualities of the self-organizing subject of information activities: independence in a tseleobrazovaniye,

planning, implementation and estimation of own activity; abilities to a choice of means, ways, forms (individual, group or collective) this activity; updatings of subject experience of the child n educational activity; legalizations of subject experience of the pupil, I predstavlennoit as result of purposeful training, and conjoint interaction with the world of people, for the purpose of assistance in its judgment; overcomings of excessive theorization of training.


Environment component Purpose of a component of the environment Influence on formation of information literacy of the younger school student

Task-target - understanding of the leading purposes and tasks of the organization of the environment; - realization of the personal focused approach - formation of information picture of the world; - acquaintance to basic concepts at the propaedeutic level; - formation of the valuable relations to information

The organizational and methodical - performance of systematic independent work; - implementation of work in the Internet; - implementation of a collective kind of activity (training in cooperation) - mastering by methods and means of work, available on age, with information; - ability independently I carried out information activities; - development of internal motivation; - transition from motives of achievement to motives of self-realization; - concentration of attention; ability to allocate essential in the Internet

informational - formation of invariant and variable knowledge, skills; - providing access to the structured information (Internet) - increase of adaptability, ability to transfer of knowledge, skills; - understanding is more whole than the information activities; ability independently to process information received from the Internet.

communication - communication between training - environment - the trainee - increase of culture of communication; - activization of cognitive activity; - assignment of group ways activity in the environment to the participant interactions; - initiative manifestation

technological - use of opportunities of ICT and Internet - ability to organize cognitive activity in the conditions of Wednesday: - ability to carry out in the environment: (registration, dispute, accumulation, storage, information processing; interactive dialogue; - management of display on the screen of various objects).

In general it is information - the educational environment younger the school student it is focused:

- on creation of conditions for development by pupils of such ways interactions with Wednesday which correspond to the main ways of an exchange of the individual with natural information environments;

- on selection and organized presentation to trainees socially significant information meanings corresponding to the main spheres of cultural development of the world;

- on support (it is material - technical and intellectual) processes of consumption of information and its subsequent logical processing by the individual (accumulation by the subject of fund of secondary information meanings);

- on providing conditions of active interaction of the trainee with the artificial information environment, formations of its information activity and procedural readiness for information exchange;

- on realization of attributive regularity of process training, namely development of psychological functions of the subject and formation in it socially significant personal qualities, i.e. education of the individual;

- on definition of «lines» of contact educational and natural information environments, providing the gradual transition of the pupil to the natural information environment - the main environment of his dwelling in adulthood.

Thus, the information and education environment, being one of the conditions promoting formation of information literacy of the younger school student it was created on a basis: modeling of essential signs of the natural information environment; close interrelation of components of the environment and components of information literacy of the younger school student. As a result creation is information the educational environment promoted the activization of the subject position of the younger school student providing knowledge of world around through unity of school subjects and aimed at preparation.

We realized the conditions structured by us at lessons at elementary school. As a result of the made experiment with use of the same techniques which were at the stating stage, we revealed positive dynamics of formation of younger school students.

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The conducted pilot study showed that purposeful systematic work with pupils of elementary grades in the course of training positively affects the level of all components of information literacy that is confirmed with percentage indicators of dynamics of formation of information literacy of pupils experimental 4 "And" a class (decrease in low level to 0% and increase in high level by 15%).

Conclusion. Thus, process of formation of information literacy of younger school students will be successful if in the course of training purposefully to create the following conditions: use of nonconventional forms of the organization of lessons of a graphic intersubject course «Reading. Work with the text», creation the information and education environment of elementary school.

Recommendations. Materials of article are of value to the bachelors, masters, graduate students who are trained in the direction pedagogical education according to the program primary education, and also to teachers of primary education, and also a wide range of experts in the field of education.


1. Goryachev, A.V. (2006) Formation of information literacy in educational system. Moscow, M.

2. Kondakov, N. I. (2005). Lessons of information literacy at school: methodical recommendations. Moscow, M: Pure ponds.

3. Sergeeva, B. V. (2015). Bases of professional and informative activity of future teacher of primary education: manual. Krasnodar. K: Kuban state university.

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