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Elyor Abdulvohidov,
Doctor of Philosophy for Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer of NamSU
This article is dedicated to the study of the pedagogical possibilities of using pedagogical ideas and the concept of writers in the pedagogical process. As an example, the pedagogical concept of the Great Classic of Chingiza Aitmatov is given.
Keywords: pedagogical concept, integration of fiction and pedagogy, a system of pedagogical ideas, artistic perception, spiritual and moral education, pedagogical skills, pedagogical interaction.
Статья посвящена изучению педагогических возможностей использования педагогических идей и концепции писателя в педагогическом процессе. В качестве примера приводится педагогическая концепция Великого классика Чингизы Айтматова.
Ключевые слова: педагогическая концепция, интеграция художественной литературы и педагогики, система педагогических идей, художественное восприятие, духовно-нравственное воспитание, педагогическое мастерство, педагогическое взаимодействие.
The close connection of pedagogy and fiction is recognized since a long time, and this is due to the fact that their functions are close. Pedagogy picks up scientific knowledge of education and education, while one of the functions of literature is its didacticity, an instructive character. Pedagogy and artistic literature always interact, complement each other. This is reflected in the important tendency of the human being - universal interest in the knowledge of pedagogical reality, the desire to understand a person from a pedagogical point of view. From the history of pedagogy, it is known that in the VII-V centuries. BC e. In ancient Greece, we widespread the cognitive-pedagogical function of the works of literature, and in training and education reading was held in the lead. The study of the pedagogical concept of Chingiza Aitmatov again confirms that in the creation and education of young people, fiction is of paramount importance.
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The systematization of pedagogical ideas of a writer expressed in artistic works showed that the pedagogy of the works of Chingiza Aitmatov considered by us manifests itself in the fact that in them the child is a living center, around which current moral, socio-political tasks and problems concerning this and future society are concentrated Overall. The writer gives them a peculiar decision, which grows into the pedagogical idea and turns into an integral part of its pedagogical concept.
Humanism and the deep philosophicity of the ideas of Chingiza Aitmatov makes his pedagogical concept of a universal, understandable and relevant for every people. The rod of the pedagogical concept of Chingiza Aitmatov is concentrated in the idea of the continuity of generations and historical memory. The works of Chingiza Aitmatov helps readers not only in comprehending the foundations of folk pedagogy, but also in the search and acquiring self-consciousness through the comprehension of knowledge about their roots, about the ancestors and their rich spiritual and moral heritage.
Studying journalism and artwork works of the Kyrgyz writer, it is confidently assumed that his pedagogical views of them were ripe under the influence of the great thinkers of the East (Farabi, A.Navai, A. Avloni, A. Kinalbaev, Ch.Vikhanov, I. Altynsaryn, etc.).
The study of the pedagogical ideas of the writer, reflected in its possessions, serves to determine the pedagogical capabilities and receptions for the inclusion of artistic and figurative knowledge in the educational material. Chingiz Aitmatov in the peings of the 1970s comprehensively affected the theme of childhood. The writer showed special care to the child, the peculiarities of his psychology and behavior, the difficulties that teen and the reasons for these problems. For Chingiza Aitmatova, childhood is a kind of formation and development of a person's personality. It is not difficult here to notice that his ideas come closer to the views of philosophers and teachers of the twentieth century, which in their writings began to pay more attention to the formation and development of the personality of a child and a teenager.
Of great importance in the education of the child's personality has the continuity of generations. An image of representatives of the older generation on the pages of books ("White Steamer" [1], "Pegii Dog, Running Sea Edge" [2], "Early cranes" [3], "First Teacher" [4]) can be explained by the desire of the author to comprehend and To keep their spiritual experience in memory, that moral strength that did not allow to die during the greater tests. The writer shakes attention to typical, sometimes cruel household situations requiring a certain choice.
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The theme of childhood is comprehensively affected by the Aitmatov in the peings of the 1970s, where the author is especially attentive to adolescent age, to his psychological and behavioral features, difficulties. There were questions before the teacher-teacher: how to survive among themselves like? How can a person become a person? Around these two questions and all works of C. Aitmatov are built.
The study of the story of Ch. Aitmatova "White Steamer" shows that the work most fully reveals, justifies the leading pedagogical ideas of the author. In the story, we find the further evolution of the important concepts that we investigated in the previous chapter, but in the context of journalistic articles: 1. From early childhood, a child must be attached to the people's ideas about good and justice, about the ever wonderful principles of life so that he himself also from the young age He possessed a bright dream, observed national customs, family and related relations. 2. The upbringing and education of children should be started with the fact that they know the true origins, because without the knowledge of their past it is impossible to come to a happy future, it is impossible to become morally rich. 3. Know your ancestors to the seventh knee and be worthy of their glorious cases, so that your descendants prior to the seventh knee proud of memory of you. The one who does not read the past will not get sources in the present. 4. Children's conscience - the core of the moral formation of the person.
A distinctive feature of the ideas of Ch. Aitmatova according to these issues is that he considers the process of raising a child as something complex and public, uniting and synthesizing various approaches and knowledge of the child in a coupe with the laws of the development of social relations. Of great importance in the education of the child's personality has the continuity of generations. An image of representatives of the older generation on the pages of books ("White Steamer", "Early Cranes", "Pegii Dog, Running Sea Edge", "First Teacher") can be explained by the desire of the author to comprehend and keep their spiritual experience in memory, which is the moral force that did not give to die during the greater tests. The writer sharpens attention on typical, sometimes cruel, household situations that require a certain choice.
Among the works of Ch. Aitmatov, saturated with pedagogical views of the author, the story "First Teacher" highlighted. In it, we allocate the following concepts: 1. To resist the lifestyle and misunderstanding the likes and go to the end, to submit our work at the completed form and with the result, to forget about success and take for a new thing. 2. The new knowledge of the teacher is mined with a support for the child congenital for the child. The moral approach to upbringing and education is a
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fundamental criterion along with rich experience and knowledge, teacher skills. 3. Pedagogical knowledge is the knowledge you need absolutely to all people. Not everyone is building at home, not everyone teach, not all academicians, but all people are people. So, there is knowledge needed to all people.
According to Aitmatov, in the pedagogical process, the child's personality, its originality, self-relief, should be put in the head of the corner. It is necessary to first reveal the subject's experience of each student, and then coordinate with the content of education, which from a pedagogical point of view is the right approach.
As we found out during the study, in their writings, Ch. Aitmatov himself does not seek straight tortactics, because for him as a master of an artistic word is more important to upbringing the reader through analytical and aesthetic perception. The writer expresses its pedagogical ideas through the artistic fabric of the work. We found and systematized his pedagogical ideas in the reconciliation of the relationship between the characters of the works, in the formation of character characters, in the peculiarities of conflicts, in the spiritual experiences of the narrator. The pedagogicality of the works of Ch. Aitmatova is also due to the fact that the child is a living center (Fig.), Around which current tasks and problems relating to this and future society as a whole. The writer gives them a peculiar decision, which grows into the pedagogical idea and turns into an integral part of its pedagogical concept.
Starting from the 70s of the twentieth century, Ch. Aitmatov, being a writer with a world name, in his interview, conversations, meetings more about the future through the prism of the present and the future. In his concepts, thoughts about the future are intersecting with the idea that the fate of all mankind depends on the fate of all mankind from her moral appearance. Ch. Atmatov strengthens the mature conclusions those fundamental pedagogical criteria that he settled in early journalistic performances. The content of the chapter determines the following concept: the younger generation must be educated and the word and the case on its example. Then it will become a worthy successor of his fathers.
These leading thoughts of the pedagogical concept of Ch.Aitmatov find their development and brighter reflection in the analysis of the topic, which the Kyrgyz writer carried through all his creativity - the theme of the continuity of generations. Acquaintance with the publicistic collection "In co-authorship with earth and water", his television and audio recordings of conversations have shown that this problem is highlighted by a special layer.
The idea of the continuity of generations and historical memory was evident from the publicist Aitmatov against the background of the influence of the factors
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around him since childhood. From his judgments, it can be concluded that the folklore, including oral prose, is not passively in society, but is creatively mastered for the purposes of ideological and aesthetic, international and patriotic education of people, in order to further develop culture.
The systematization of pedagogical ideas of a writer, expressed in artistic works, showed that the pedagogy of the works of Chingiza Aitmatov considered by us manifests itself in the fact that in them the child is a living center, around which the current moral, socio-political tasks and problems concerning this and future society are concentrated in Overall. The writer gives them a peculiar decision, which grows into the pedagogical idea and turns into an integral part of its pedagogical concept.
The Pedagogical Concept of Chingiza Aitmatov includes such pedagogical phenomena as development, education, education, training, pedagogical activities and pedagogical effects. The author approved and substantiated the main pedagogical principle concluded in the unity of training, education and development at the level of artistic thinking.
The model of the pedagogical process of development in students of analytical reading skills, identifying and applying the author's system of pedagogical ideas, developed on the basis of the pedagogical concept of Chingiza Aitmatov, includes the following steps:
1st stage. Formation of students of analytical reading skills. Introduction to the pedagogical process aimed at developing self-thinking and analysis skills.
The goal is to improve the analytical skills of future teachers through the reading of fiction.
2nd stage. Formation of students of practical and pedagogical qualities of art perception. Development of art perception of students.
The purpose of the development of artistic perception of students is the development of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquired at the first stage.
3rd stage. The formation of students in the ability to apply in practice the pedagogical concept of a specific writer. At the third stage, primary knowledge and skills formed at the first and second stages are implemented. The goal is to apply and improve knowledge, skills and worldview in the process of practice and professional activities for the development of analytical reading of literature.
At the same time, students must have the following qualities to be able to apply knowledge and skills obtained on the basis of reading and analyzing works of literature and articles in professional activities:
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 11
educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
- knowledge of pedagogy;
- spiritual and moral maturity;
- the skills of deep analysis of the work on the subject of detention in it of pedagogical ideas;
- identification and systematization of pedagogical ideas reflected in the artistic work;
- The ability of the practical application of identified ideas.
From the work carried out on this basis, it turned out that the knowledge of students was noticeably enriched, the skills of analytical reading of artworks and systematize pedagogical ideas expressed in them were emerged, the ability to determine the pedagogical ideas of the author of the studied material, to identify pedagogical situations in the artistic text and the conditions for the formation of the moral appearance of the hero image , use skills in the pedagogical process of pedagogical ideas of writers and thinkers.
Exploring the evolution of the views of Chingiza Aitmatov, we found the following pedagogical categories that can contribute to the improvement of the process of upbringing and education of young people:
- ensuring the quality of education (state of textbooks, translation of fiction);
- spiritual and moral education based on personal example;
- a focus on the principle of the continuity of generations;
- historical memory and knowledge of a kind of seventh knee;
- Pedagogical skills and the moral appearance of the teacher.
The Pedagogical Concept of Chingiza Aitmatova also affects the solution of such psychological tasks as knowledge of the world around the world, his response to the external impressions of being, the prerequisites and the process of forming a growing person of good, justice, joy, knowledge of peace and himself in it.
Based on all this, we have a reason to say that the use of the pedagogical concept of Chingiza Aitmatov on extracurricular activities in higher educational institutions will give the opportunity to deepen knowledge and improve the skills of future teachers about the nature of the formation of the child's personality. Such a complex of knowledge will contribute to the further improvement of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students, the growth of pedagogical skills of student youth. As a result of the study, it was established that such training disciplines, as a "propaedeutic course of Russian literature", "Workshop on Russian literature", "Theory and practice of translating", "Introduction to literary criticism",
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"Theory and Pedagogy History" contain large pedagogical capabilities for Forming students of the skills of effective use of ideas from artistic works in their further activities in educational institutions. First, the teaching of these disciplines and their subjects already contain features of analytical reading. Secondly, these disciplines are included in the educational process of all higher educational institutions.
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