Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №6. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/67
UDC 37.02. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/67/66
©Muratov A., Dr. habil., Arabaev Kyrgyz State University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan ©Sherbaeva Zh., Osh State Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute named after A. Myrsabekov,
Osh, Kyrgyzstan
©Муратов А. Ж., д-р пед. наук, Киргизский государственный университет им. И Арабаева, г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан ©Шербаева Ж. Р., Ошский гуманитарно-педагогический институт им. А. Мырсабекова,
г. Ош, Кыргызстан
Abstract. The main task of a modern teacher is using new pedagogical technologies to teach primary school students to enrich their vocabulary. The article talks about the importance in the era of globalization of works written for children. The works of Kyrgyz children's writers are rich in ideas of folk pedagogy.
Аннотация. Основная задача современного учителя — используя новые педагогические технологии, научить учащихся начальных классов обогащать словарный запас. В статье говорится о значении эпохи глобализации произведений, написанных для детей. Произведения кыргызских детских писателей богаты идеями народной педагогики.
Keywords: personal quality, upbringing, education, ability, elaboration, activity, development, systemic, character, vocabulary.
Ключевые слова: личностное качество, воспитание, образование, способность, разработка, деятельность, развитие, системное, персонаж, словарный запас.
Improving the quality of education, training citizens who contribute to the development of our country is one of the most important issues in the country today. The primary school plays an important role in educating citizens.
The quality of education received in primary school contributes to the further learning of the student and directly affects his academic performance. Primary education is characterized by teaching the child reading skills. Reading skills are one of the most important qualities for lifelong learning. In elementary school, a person's character, intellect and moral qualities, abilities and qualities that determine behavior in society are formed. In accordance with the cognitive characteristics of primary school students, integrated subjects are taught in primary school, teaching reading, writing, developing numeracy skills, scientific knowledge about the environment, art, physical education, music. At the same time, the emphasis is on the development and education of junior students on the basis of the formation of personal qualities, educational activities. The effectiveness of training does not depend on the amount of provided information, but on the qualitative changes in the spiritual world of the student under the influence of educational activities.
In this case, the vocabulary will increase to seven thousand. There is a personal active position on this word. Pronounces words easily. The child pays attention to pronunciation. Need for interaction between junior students determines the development of the language. Contextual speech
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №6. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/67
is an indicator of a child's development. He begins to master spelling (correct spelling), grammar (word structure, morphological forms) and punctuation (punctuation) [1]. In elementary school, the content of the book "Literary Reading" consists of fairy tales, poems, rhymes, tongue-twisters, riddles, proverbs and much more. These works must be introduced to children, be able to use teaching methods creatively, and understand them taking into account their age and educational level.
For students, such works have a great impact on the growth of vocabulary, figurative rhetoric, systematic and accurate expression of ideas. Fiction expands students' understanding, develops their intelligence, and awakens curiosity. The presentation of each work of art should be carried out in a planned, systematic manner in accordance with the purpose. Therefore, the primary responsibility for working with works of art lies with teachers and parents.
They need to know how to introduce children to the work of art. Poems, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs arise in children's minds simultaneously with the knowledge of the environment in life. That is why, it is important to select and teach effective works of art that affect the minds of children, clear in content and sound. Whatever work is taught, it requires adult help to fully understand its content. With the help of the teacher, children become familiar with their favorite works of art both in and outside the classroom and understand the content in such a way that they can use incomprehensible words and vocabulary. The literary plot describes verbal phenomena, events, human relations, human nature, artistic images. The more carefully children's writers depict life and phenomena in simple language in their works, the clearer it will be for children, and will stimulate their thinking and emotions. Teaching children to see and appreciate the beauty of nature under the influence of fairy tales stimulates the development of aesthetic sense in children. Folklore also reflects the wisdom, traditions, native language and calories of the Kyrgyz people that have been preserved for centuries. Through folklore, children can be introduced to the culture and customs of their people. This expands the inner world of children, teaches them to respect elders and know their traditions. The Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy emphasized the educational value of the book in the moral education of children and the formation of vocabulary. For children's works of art, a characteristic image of people, objects, animals, plants, written in simple language, gives children an example of clear and accurate self-expression and logical development [2, p. 180]. Children's works should be taught from simple to complex based on didactic principles. The authors of these works should be sensitive, dreamy writers who deeply understand children's hearts. N. G. Chernyshevsky, the successor of children's literature, who considers children's works to be an artistic tool in education, the best educator and textbook of life.
It encourages children to be creative, sensitive and intelligent, and encourages them to speak fluently in simple language. It just indicates that they are inexperienced. It is very important what famous writers and educators say about works written for children.
Kyrgyz scientists S. K. Rysbaev, B. A. Abdukhamidova, K. Ibraimov also widely used folklore in a literary textbook for grade 3 and based it on a number of good works for children. Examples include Two Best Friends, Birthplace, Mother and Fruit of Paradise, and Lazy Ant. These works masterfully portray the behavior, play and interests of children. Various games play an important role in teaching children to think, observe, understand and distinguish each of them according to their characteristics and to handle them. At the same time, it has a great impact on the development of students' vocabulary [3, p. 25].
Hence, vocabulary is one of the foundations of learning to read, and it is not limited to vocabulary acquisition. It is very important to use vocabulary in everyday communication, reading and learning about the environment. Knowing the meaning of words and using vocabulary while
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №6. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/67
reading can be compared to musical literacy, which allows you to create pieces of music or a mixture of colors used to create a picture.
Numerous reading studies have shown that vocabulary development in elementary school plays a very important role in helping to develop both reading comprehension and reading comprehension skills. On the one hand, it is difficult for students to read words that they do not understand. On the other hand, if most people do not know the meaning of words, they will not understand what they are reading. Practice shows that if students significantly improve their understanding of the keywords they read, their reading comprehension will improve, as will their overall reading comprehension.
The exercises to increase the vocabulary of students should be carried out regularly and consistently. Not always in the classroom there is a special stage for lexical work, but all activities are closely related to it. The teacher cannot give specific instructions for all the words that the students do not know. In a human-centered learning environment, these students can be taught to work on enriching their feelings. Let's take a look at the following basic ways to increase student vocabulary. The meaning of the word is explained in the following cases:
-Learn the meaning of a familiar word.
-The student uses this word orally and while reading, however with the help of the teacher, he learns the new meaning of the word. For example, if a student knows the word "bank" meaning groove, "pit" or "chopping wood with an ax", he may learn the meaning of the word "friend, supporter, spouse, message" while attending school.
-Get to know the meaning of a new word for a familiar concept.
-The student is familiar with this concept but does not know any specific word that describes this concept. For example, you can understand what a student ball and a globe are.
-Get to know the meaning of a new word for an unfamiliar concept.
-The student is not familiar with the word or the meaning of the word. For example, a student has never experienced the sensation of "photosynthesis" and has no idea what it is.
Clarify and expand the meaning of a familiar word. The student identifies the most important differences between the words he uses. For example, the student follows the words, he begins to understand the difference between: "the sun rises", "the sun is shining", "the sun disappeared - turns into rain. Students must learn to use links, dictionaries and reference books to understand the meaning of words. Dictionaries use a variety of techniques to explain the lexical meaning of words. The meaning of words is illustrated by contextual examples. For example, a teacher reads a text in class and admits that most children do not understand the meaning of an important word: "He really liked this name". Here the teacher gives several meanings of this word in the dictionary: a horse is a horse and to shoot a gun, an archer and is the name of a person. Children choose the option that best describes the meaning of the text. To determine the correctness of the choice, the option chosen by the children is placed in a sentence and reads: "He really liked this horse".
More information about this method can be found in the section "Using links to build vocabulary". Words are made up of important parts called morphemes: root and ending. The most important part of the word is the root. Endings: word-builders (komuzist, city, doctor, Kyrgyzstan, etc.), endings changing the word (komuzist, city, doctor, Kyrgyz, etc.).
For example, a teacher asks students to look at the meaning of the word "beautiful" and asks them to name the words associated with the word: beauty, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. After all the words spoken by the children are written on the board, the teacher asks them to explain the meaning / concept of each word and its relationship to the word "beautiful".
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №6. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/67
The context of the text helps determine the meaning of an unknown feeling, phrase or sentence. Keywords in context include definitions, examples, and descriptions. It is important that learners learn to use contextual guidance effectively as they often learn to identify the meaning of feelings indirectly or in context [4, p. 18].
For example, a large plane tree grows on the outskirts of the village (not all children know this). It is said that travelers who have been tired for years rest in its shadow (what a guidebook helps to determine if it is a plane tree is the presence of its shadow). An effective way to develop vocabulary is to use exercises to categorize/group words according to similar lexical meaning. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of a word, a broader understanding of the relationship between words with similar meanings, the ability to distinguish between complementary meanings, and the use of imagination and imagination. In conclusion, we note that the educational value of art and folklore for children in primary school textbooks is very high. As mentioned above, they can help children develop vocabulary by developing their aesthetic and moral senses, helping them to express themselves freely and think in a variety of ways.
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4. Kenchieva, Ch. Zh., & Sarylbekova, Z. S. (2013). Kyrgyz tili zhana okuu. (orus mektepteri uchun) (2 klass). Bishkek.
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4. Кенчиева Ч. Ж., Сарылбекова З. С. Кыргыз тили жана окуу. (орус мектептери учун) (2 класс). Бишкек. 2013.
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Ссылка для цитирования:
Muratov A., Sherbaeva Zh. Methodology for the Development of Vocabulary of Students When Teaching Fairy Tales in a Literary Class // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2021. Т. 7. №6. С. 505-508. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/67/66
Cite as (APA):
Muratov, A., & Sherbaeva, Zh. (2021). Methodology for the Development of Vocabulary of Students When Teaching Fairy Tales in a Literary Class. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 7(6), 505508. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/67/66