UDC: 796.894 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-33-38
Peculiarities of loads planning in the leading-in microcycle of powerlifters, who specialize in "bench press" competitive exercise
Lubov I. Kostyunina*, Vladimir I. Stepanov, Suren M. Mardanyan
IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-1551-6838, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0003-3636-4773, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3132-3067, [email protected]
Abstract: This article considers modern approaches to load planning in the leading-in microcycle of powerlifters. They specialize in the competitive exercise "bench press". Materials and research methods. We presented the analysis of native and foreign specialists' methodical approaches to the training process planning in the leading-in microcycle taking into account special scientific-methodical sources of native and foreign specialists study and systematization, a long-term experience of coaches summarizing. Results. We revealed the peculiarities of planning the leading-in microcycle of powerlifters. They specialize in "bench press" competitive discipline. We also considered the regularities of training load volume distribution, the principle of load cycling to leading-in microcycles of pre-competitive mesocycle. The authors studied the content of short-term training plans realized on the basis of linear periodization principle, various forms of daily wave periodization. Conclusion. When working with powerlifters, who specialize in bench press, specialists should take into account the current trends in approaches to competitions transformation, all aspects of training activities, the experience of leading coaches and the presented practical recommendations for planning the load in leading-in microcycles in order to achieve peak indices in bench press.
Keywords: sports training, powerlifting, bench press, planning, mesocycle, microcycle, training load, volume, intensity.
For citation: Lubov I. Kostyunina*, Vladimir I. Stepanov, Suren M. Mardanyan. Peculiarities of loads planning in the leading-in microcycle of powerlifters, who specialize in "bench press" competitive exercise. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 31-35. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-174-33-38.
The questions of the training loads rational planning in pre-competitive mesocycle are urgent for the representatives of all kinds of sport. Native and foreign specialists study the problem of the training loads planning and optimization in the structure of a yearly macrocycle, a long-term sports training both among the beginners and qualified athletes in different kinds of sport, including powerlifting [2-6, 8-10]. However, taking into consideration modern tendencies of scientific knowledge renewal it is necessary to combine both traditional approaches to the training process planning and modern approaches based on the research results of Russian and foreign specialists.
Materials and methods
Analysis and summarizing special scientific-methodical sources connected with the problem of the training process planning in powerlifting among native and foreign specialists.
The aim of the research: to present the analysis of theoretical-methodical approaches to the training
process planning in a leading-in miocrocyle of pre-competitive mesocycle of athletes-powerlifters. They specialize in "bench press" exercise.
Results and discussion
In the widest sense powerlifting is a kind of sport. It includes such sport disciplines as triathlon (squatting, bench press, deadlift) or the separate exercises from the presented list. Bench press is a separate competitive discipline.
The main kinematic characteristics of "bench press" exercise are the following: center of the barbell (further CG) gravity, coordinate of the barbell CG, barbell CG moving, the way of barbell CG, the duration of barbell CG moving and the speed of barbell CG [10]. The research results of G.A. Samsonov (2016) prove that from the point of view of biomechanics the specificity of bench press, both as a part of triathlon and in a form of the separate discipline, is conditioned by anatomical characteristics of muscles. They take part in the exercise fulfillment [7]. However, the effectiveness of biomechanical component achievement is
provided not only by the set target characteristics of a competitive exercise fulfillment, but also by an optimal level of special readiness achievement (technical, tactical, psychological). It is conditioned by a rational planning of pre-competitive mesocycle, the training means, its volume and intensity concretization, taking into account an athlete's individuality. As special scientific-methodical sources analysis shows nowadays specialists in powerlifting don't have the unity of approaches to powerlifters' training load planning in pre-competitive mesocycle and their specification in leading-in microcycle.
Taking into account the problem of our research work concerning the questions of the leading-in microcycles planning we would consider bench press not only as the part of powerlifting, but also as the separate competitive discipline of "Powerlifting". The guide of a single bench press fulfillment is defined by the attempt of an athlete to fulfill maximal weight lifting.
The leading-in microcycle includes two or more lessons. They provide a complex realization of the set objectives connected with athletes training for the competitions. In powerlifting, as well as in other kinds of sport, we suppose the following structuring of the training microcycles in pre-competitive mesocycle on the basis of a wave-like dynamics of the loads variation: involving, striking, leading-in, competitive and rehabilitation [3, 6].
During the research we pay attention to the peculiarities of powerlifters' leading-in microcycle planning. It completes the process of training an athlete for the competitions and should provide athlete's physical abilities peak, high competitive results achievement. Leading-in microcycle should provide an athletes' readiness to realize competitive activity on the basis of the accumulated motor, intellectual, psycho-physical potential actualization during the training activity and their realization in terms of competitions [2, 4].
In spite of the fact that the question of the leading-in microcycle planning is very important many scientists don't give sufficient recommendations for their use in practice. When working with powerlifters, who specialize in bench press, specialists should take into account the current trends in approaches to competitions transformation, all aspects of training activities, the experience of leading coaches. The content of the leading-in microcycles can vary and depends not only on the system of involving an athlete into competitions, personal characteristics, but also on the aims and objectives of the final stage of pre-competitive training. The problem of planning the training load at the stage of leading into the competitions is complicated by the differences in bench press training as a part of
triathlon and as a separate discipline, including the peculiarities of training athletes for competitions in equipped and raw division.
In triathlon the size of the training volume of pressing exercises is limited by the influence of squats, deadlift and accompanying general-developing exercises of recovering orientation. Taking this peculiarity into consideration M.A. Aksenov (2006) recommends defining the volume of pressing exercises for a triathlonist 40±1,5% from general amount of barbell lifting in squat position, pressing and tractive exercises [1].
It is obvious that for the athletes, who take part only in bench press, the volume of pressing exercises would be bigger. The peculiarities of leading into bench press competitions in an equipment division can be classified according to the kinds of the supporting equipment. It is the main characteristic feature in comparison with classical press:
1. Peculiarities connected with one-layer equipment use.
2. Peculiarities connected with two-layer equipment use.
3. Peculiarities connected with Sling Shots use.
Taking into consideration all mentioned above it should be noted that scientists should specify the kind of a press. For example, the results presented in monograph "Bench press for the athletes of all levels of training and physical abilities" by B.I. Sheyko (2016) cause questions and need specification. We mean the research work "Kinematic factors influencing performance and injury risk in the bench press exercise" [13]. The research says that 36 men took part in the experiment. They were divided into two groups. The group of beginners included amateur weight-lifters. Their behavior in a modeled competitive situation was recorded. Video clips with the athletes from the second group were selected from the library of clips recorded during powerlifting competitions of the national and world level. The article doesn't mention exactly which competitions were selected and what equipment was used during them.
This work was published in August, 1984. The earliest IPF World Championship, the results of which could be taken into account by the research workers, was in November, 1983. Allpowerlifting. com has the protocols of IPF World Championship in 1983 among men. It is mentioned there that the competitions were in the equipment.
Further we would pay attention to the research work carried out in 2022 "Agreement Between Kinovea Video Analysis and The Open Barbell System for Resistance Training Movement" [15]. The trajectory in bench press at a horizontal bench, registered by the scientists, differs from
the trajectory of powerlifters in the research works by N. Madsena (1984) [13]. Mentioned above can also prove difference of the trajectories of a competitive exercise fulfillment among beginners and professionals. Nowadays raw bench press competitions are more popular. In spite of the differences in competitive results of athletes in equipment and raw variant, this condition is not a leading factor in the peculiarities of planning loads of leading-in microcycles in bench press.
M.O. Aksenov (2006) considers, that at the beginning of the microcycle, regardless of the period and the stage of the training process, it is necessary to fulfill large trainings with low intensity and in the end of the microcycle it is necessary to fulfill intensive trainings with not great volume [1]. Taking into consideration the logic of the statement, we can use mentioned above principle of load cycling in terms of leading-in microcycles of the pre-competitive mesocycle.
B.I. Sheyko (2018), A.I. Surovetskiy (2019) underline that the first application weight is defined at the training lessons 10-17 days before the competitions the weight should be registered at the first attempt during the competitions. After "pyramid sets", the rest leading-in microcycles are planned with the average and small load [8, 10].
B.I. Sheyko underlines that for the athletes, who compete only in bench press, small volume of the load during the training lesson would be the load till 15 lifts, from 16 till 30 lifts - the average and 31 and more- great volume of the load [10].
It should be noted that not all scientists support the idea of pyramid sets. For example, L.V. Eremina, S.S. Rykov (2014) call to reject the pyramid sets. Such sets can cause injuries and "are harmful from the point of view of trainings" [5]. Anyway, pyramid sets have their advantages and disadvantages, in the aspect of leading-into the competitions. There's no denying that pyramid sets can become a useful instrument in hands of competent specialist and help to reveal an athlete's weak points at submaximal weight, prepare an athlete morally to cope with big weight during the competitions.
P.I. Rybalskiy (2000) revealed the regularity of the training load volume distribution. It helped him to create the ratio algorithm of the number of barbell lifts (NBL) and the average weight (Av.W) for each weekly microcycle [6]. The total amplitude (min.-max.) for the mentioned load characteristics depending on weight category was the following: for offseason stage - in NBL 355±25-663±45, in Av.W 79,8-98,2%, for pre-competitive stage - in NBL 329±34-831±33, in Av.W 81,9-97,0%; for the direct training stage- in NBL 145±28-475±31, in Av.W 55,4-107,0%. Such dynamics is directly connected with the leading-in microcycles planning: the stage of direct training for the competitions
is characterized by high volumes of the training load and the part of additional exercises decrease. Honored coach of Russia V.F. Chernyshev had his point of view concerning additional exercises. He calls to reject completely additional exercises and focus only on bench press fulfillment. In our opinion, this statement is debatable, if we speak about involving, basic or control-preparatory microcycles. However, in terms of leading-in microcycles of pre-competitive mesocycle such principle is close to many native scientists.
All mentioned above statements correlate with the principle of the load decrease in volume and intensity from the beginning of the leading-in microcycles. This principle is reflected in the greatest part of the training programs. It is considered that this way it is possible to achieve supercompensation for the athletes. It would help to achieve high results. Even in the training plans of especially gifted athletes, training whom we have an opportunity to preserve high intensity for a long time, in order to achieve greater cumulative effect, at the final stages of the leading-in microcycle we would see considerable loads decrease.
Thus, the main principle of planning leading-in microcycles in bench press, in the opinion of native researchers, would be the loads decrease in volume and intensity (small loads). The duration of the small loads stage would differ depending on rehabilitation abilities of an athlete. It is possible to improve such abilities with the help of pharmaceutical substances. The set of the acceptable means would depend on anti-dote rules of the definite sport federation, the choice of the exercises would differ depending on the definite discipline.
Moving aside the periodization, offered by L.P. Matveev (2008), during general structure of a long-term training process division, we consider foreign research works and meet the term "Taper". It means gradual volume of the trainings decrease at the final stage of the training for the competition.
Joseph P Carzoli and other authors underline that nowadays special literature, connected with powerlifters training, includes short-term (1-4 months) plans. They realize the principle of linear periodization, different forms of everyday wave-like periodization" [16]. On the basis of the considered data the scientists claim that during the final stage planning in order to improve the results in powerlifting athletes should do the following:
1) to decrease the training volume for about 3070%;
2) to support the intensity of the trainings >85% from 1 repetition with maximal weight (RM) or decrease the intensity using either exponential model, or the model of a gradual load decrease during 1-2 weeks;
3) to stop the trainings for a short time several
(from 2 till 7) days before the competitions [13].
Travis S. and other authors (2020) underline that their recommendations correspond with the conclusions of Pritchard and other authors (2015) with slight differences [14, 16]. In particular, in order to increase maximal power Pritchard and other authors give the following recommendations:
1) step by step or progressive taper;
2) duration of the taper from 1 till 4 weeks;
3) the volume of the loads decreases by 3070%;
4) intensity is supported or slightly increases;
5) the frequency of the trainings is supported or decreases, in order to decrease the volume of the loads.
The scientists mention that the suspended trainings for a week is an optimal variant for productivity support and the suspended trainings for 2-4 days is an optimal variant for maximal power increase [14].
Travis S. and other authors (2020) acknowledge that some athletes need planning modification. It is beyond the limits of the recommended ranges in order to achieve the desired results. The authors also think that the future research works should include thorough information concerning taper construction and use; the effectiveness of its models (for example, step-like taper against exponential taper) comparison; the effects revelation in comparison with only trainings suspension use (for example, one-week gradual loads decrease against one-week trainings suspension ). The authors underline that the restriction of their research is the following: they can't take into account the use of anabolic steroids or other preparations. They increase working capacity. They are usually used in strength sports. The researchers suppose that athletes, who use such preparations, demand different periods of rehabilitation and different parameters of the load decrease before the competitions [16].
Tudor Bompa (2005) considers that an optimal duration of the leading-in microcycles is from 8 to 14 days and demands 40-60% load decrease [12]. The research by Evans Jonathan V. (2019) proves the profit of the programs with periodization for maximal muscle power [11]. In the research work by Huff G. Gregory (2004) it is said that it would be reasonable to increase the volume of the loads for 2-3 weeks during taper period, after which the loads would decrease till the normal level for adaptation and productivity improvement in 2-5 weeks owing to the supercompensation effect [9].
Thus, the realized theoretical analysis of special scientific-methodical literature according to the studied problem suggests the following practical recommendations connected with the load planning
in the leading-in microcycles for the peak indices achievement in bench press:
1. 10-17 days before the competitions it is recommended to define the weight of the first attempt. The weight of the first attempt is defined according to the objectives of the performance and physical abilities of an athlete. Most often this weight is 90-100% of 1RM.
2. In common leading-in microcycles can last from 1 till 4 weeks depending on rehabilitation abilities of an athlete and loads distribution at the preceding stages of training.
After "pyramid sets" or without them the training volume can be decreased for 30-70%, NBL during the training- no more than 30.
3. In triathlon it is recommended to calculate the volume of press exercises within 40% from general amount of barbell lifts in all squat position, pressing and tractive exercises.
4. The intensity should be at the level. It is not higher than 85% of 1RM.
5. The part of the additional exercises can be decreased till complete refusal of general-preparatory exercises.
6. It is recommended to stop trainings several (from 2 to 7) days before the competitions.
7. The load distribution in terms of leading-in microcycles can follow different principles of periodization (wave-like, linear) and the types of taper (step taper, linear taper, exponential decay, exponential taper).
During the leading-in microcycle planning it is necessary to detail the peculiarities of a bench press fulfillment taking into account the conditions (equipped and raw formats) and the peculiarities of pharmacological support means influence on rehabilitation of athletes and have an opportunity to correct the training loads of the leading-in microcycles.
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Submitted: 01.09.2022 Author's information:
Lubov I. Kostyunina - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, 100-years of V.I. Lenin's birth, square, House 4, e-mail: likost@ mail.ru
Vladimir I. Stepanov - Undergraduate, IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, 100-years of V.I. Lenin's birth, square, House 4, e-mail: vkatarin@gmail. com
Suren M. Mardanyan - Director, Krasnodar branch of physical development "'Athlete" Association Center, 35090, Russia, Krasnodar, Vesennaya str., House 21 b/lock 28, e-mail: mardanyansuren@gmail. com