SYSTEMATIC PLANNING OF SPECIAL POWER TRAINING OF SAMBO IN THE YEAR ROUND Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gaziev Sh.Sh.

In this article, the problem of using the block system for planning special strength training of sambo fighters is considered. During one mesocycle in the pre-competitive period of preparation for the main competitions of the year, a training process was carried out using intensive weights (at least two lessons in one microcycle). The features of the influence of the block system of special speed-strength training of small and medium weight fighters on the annual dynamics of changes in maximum results when testing explosive strength are revealed.

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Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки

нента необходимо соблюдение ряда организационно-методических рекомендаций. К моменту вылета следует подвести спортсменов к высокому уровню функционального состояния: провести мероприятия по коррекции слабых звеньев адаптации, профилактике хронических заболеваний и повышению иммунореактивности.


1. Гаврилова Е. А. Спорт, стресс, вариабельность: монография. - М.: Спорт, 2015. - 168 с.

2. Горская И.Ю., Харитонова Л.Г., Терещенко А.А., Криживецкая О.В. Анализ информативности тестов для оценки координационной подготовленности спортсменов // Современные проблемы науки и образования. - 2017. - № 2.

3. Давиденко Д.Н. Проблемы резервов адаптации организма спортсмена / Д.Н. Давиденко // Вестник Балтийской педагогической академии. Материалы научной сессии, посвященной памяти профессо-

ра А. С. Мозжухина. Вып. 40 / под ред. И.П. Волкова; Балт. Пед. Аккад.; Отд-ние валеологии и психофизиологии. - СПб., 2001. - С. 38-47.

4. Маткаримов Р.М., Толмачев Д.В., Хныкин Ю.Ю. Анализ соревновательной деятельности тяжелоатлетов. Олий укув юртлариаро илмий ишлар туплами. - Тошкент, ТДПУ, 2002. - С. 41-42.

5. Панфилов О.П., Райский Б.В. Изменение некоторых двигательных и вегетативных функций у тяжелоатлетов при выезде на соревнования в отдаленный район // Материалы научно-методической конференции «Функциональное состояние человека в условиях переезда в другие поясные зоны». Иркутск,- 1991- С.54-55.

6. Сивохин И.П., Скотников В.Ф., Маткаримов Р.М., Калашников А.П., Белегов А.Н. Биомеханические аспекты олимпийской подготовки тяжелоатлетов сборной Казахстана. Чирчик, «Фан Спортга», 2019.

7. Паков А.В. Оптимальные тренировочные нагрузки в полугодичном цикле у тяжелоатлетов-разрядников технической подготовленности: Автореф.дис.на соиск.учен.степ.канд.пед.наук.1978 г.

8. Маткаримов Р.М. Оммавий разрядли 0Fир атлетикачилар машру-лот нагрузкаларининг хажм ва шиддатининг оптимал нисбатларини тажрибада исботлаш: Автореф. дисс. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. пед. наук. - Ташкент, - 1999 г.

УУК(УДК, UDC) 796.015.52:2:814

scientific researcher Sh.Sh. GAZIEV1

'Uzbek state university of physical culture and sport,

Chirchik city, Uzbekistan


Аннотация Annotation

Information for links to the author:

[email protected]

В данной работе рассмотрена проблема применения блоковой системы планиро вания специальной силовой подготовки самбистов. В течение одного мезоцикла в предсоревновательном периоде подготовки к основным соревнованиям года осуществлялся тренировочный процесс с применением отягощений интенсивного характера (не менее двух занятий в одном микроцикле). Выявлены особенности влияния блоковой системы специальной скоростно-силовой подготовки борцов малых и средних весовых категорий на годовую динамику изменений максимальных результатов при тестировании взрывной силы.

Ключевые слова: Интенсивная силовая подготовка, тренировка, скорость, сила, макроцикл, самбо, планирование.

Ушбу маколада самбочилар учун махсус куч тайёргарлигини ривожлантиришдаги режалаштиришда блок тизимидан фойдаланиш муаммосини куриб чикамиз. Иилнинг асосий мусобакаларига тайёргарликдан олдинги битта мезоцикл давомида интенсив огирликлардан фойдаланган ^олда укув жараёни (битта микроциклда камида иккита дарс) утказилди. Кичик ва урта вазнли самбочиларнинг махсус тезкор куч тайёрлаш блокировка тизимининг портлаш кучини синовдан утказишда максимал натижаларнинг йиллик узгариш динамикасига таъсир килиш хусусиятлари аникланди.

Калит сузлар: Интенсив куч тайёргарлиги, машгулот, тезлик, куч, макроцикл, самбо, режалаштириш.


In this article, the problem of using the block system for planning special strength training of sambo fighters is considered. During one mesocycle in the pre-competitive period of preparation for the main competitions of the year, a training process was carried out using intensive weights (at least two lessons in one microcycle). The features of the influence of the block system of special speed-strength training of small and medium weight fighters on the annual dynamics of changes in maximum results when testing explosive strength are revealed.

Key words: Intensive strength training, training, speed, strength, macrocycle, sambo, plan-


In recent years, the non-traditional block system for organizing the training process in the annual cycle according to Yu.V. has gained wide recognition among leading trainers in endurance sports Verkhoshansky. The block system is an unconventional form of organizing the training process in the annual cycle, intended exclusively for athletes at the stage of preparing sports improvement in both amateur and professional sports (Yu. V. Verkhoshansky, 2005).

To study the practice of strength training for wrestlers at the stage of preparing for sports improvement, we got

acquainted with the content of the training process of the following leading centers in Uzbekistan in sambo wrestling: Samarkand (coach G. Togaev), Andijan (honored coach of Uzbekistan Zh. Karabaev), Tashkent (honored coach of Uzbekistan R.E.Shakirov.

It was found that little has changed in the content of the special strength training of wrestlers over the past 1015 years. This applies to both the means and the technique of training strength. The main place in the traditional strength training of wrestlers is still occupied by throws with monikenes of various weights (mainly from 50 and

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Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки











65 kg). Wrestlers are reluctant to perform squats with a barbell on their shoulders and lift the barbell to the chest at large and maximum weights.

More willingly they visit the gym. Block periodization involves several specific considerations regarding microcycle planning. They relate to the function and importance of key trainings, namely: their definition and compilation, organization of the load, control, etc. The recovery process is also very important, as it is very important, as it is part of the preparation for performing highly concentrated loads and subsequent recovery.

Purpose of the study. To reveal the peculiarities of the influence of the block system of special speed-strength training of small and medium weight fighters on the annual dynamics of changes in maximum results when testing explosive strength.

Methodology and organization of research. Two groups of wrestlers took part in the study: experimental (10 athletes of the weight category 57 and 62 kg and 12 - 68 and 74 kg - masters of sports and masters of sports of international class) and the control group (14 athletes of the weight category 57 and 62 kg and 16 - weight 68 and 74 kg categories are candidates for masters and masters of sports). The experimental group trained using the block system of special strength training, and the control in the traditional way.

In the annual cycle of the experimental group for the special strength training of highly qualified wrestlers, three blocks were allocated, one each of three macrocycles. In each block, a targeted training effect was carried out on the functional capabilities of the motor apparatus, respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the wrestlers when performing strength exercises, contributing to the improvement of mainly explosive power. Such training of wrestlers was planned for the first block - from January 21 to February 21, 2010, in the second block - from September 1 to September 30, 2010 and in the third block - from November 1 to November 30, 2010.

In the first block (the first microcycle - preparation for the championship of Uzbekistan), up to 70% of the total amount of training time allocated for the power load with weights of 50-70% of the maximum was spent on increasing the speed-power potential of the wrestler and 30% of the time on training explosive force with a rod weight of up to 80% of the maximum (Fig. 1).

In the second block (the second microcycle -preparation for the Asian Championships), strength training becomes more intense. At this stage of training wrestlers, up to 80% of the training time of special physical training was allocated to perform a power load of 70-80% of the maximum and 20% of the time to complete a load of 80-90% for the development of explosive strength. This power load fully met the requirements of training wrestlers not only for the Asian Championships, but also for other international competitions of European and world rank.

In the third block (the third microcycle - preparation for the World Cup), the training impact is increased due to the even greater intensification of special strength

training. In this block, the goal-oriented intensive speed-strength training of wrestlers is completed with an emphasis on achieving the maximum level of explosive strength development. For this, up to 60% of the total amount of strength training is assigned to weights 85100% of the maximum for the development of explosive force and 40% of the time to weights 70-80% for the development of static-dynamic force.

Fig. 1. Planning speed-strength training of wrestlers in the annual cycle. In each of the three blocks, one mesocycle is provided, aimed at the special strength training of the wrestler (8-10 training sessions)

Table 1 shows that in the annual training cycle of highly qualified wrestlers (members of the national team of the country), as a rule, at least five major competitions of the year are planned, namely: A. Kharlampiev international tournament in March, Uzbekistan championship in February, Asian championship in May, international competitions in September and the World Cup in November.

Taking into account these competitions, nine training camps (TCBs) with a duration of at least 14 days are planned during the annual cycle. Undoubtedly, the highest level of training of highly qualified athletes is carried out on time during the TCB, for which 126 training days are allocated for members of the national team of the country (18 microcycles with 15 training sessions in each of them). In total, 270 training sessions are planned for highly qualified fighters on time. 40 are allotted to participate in competitions, and 42 days a year for restoration.

Training at home in the annual cycle is planned in six mesocycles. If on time TCB fighters train in the amount of 15 training sessions in one microcycle, then at home - 10.

Table 1. Yearly planning of sports and training events in the preparation of highly qualified sambo wrestlers at the stage of sports development.

Number/month Name of competition or activity

05.01 World cup of memorial of A.Kharlampiev

29.01-12.02 Training camp

14-15.02 Uzbekistan championship

12.03-25.03 Training camp

27-28.03 International sambo tournament for the prizes of the president of the Republic of Belarus

30.03-8.04 Recovery period

18-20.04 International sambo tournament Y.Potapov memorial

22.04-04.05 Training camp

06-08.05 Paris sambo grand prix

10.05-20.05 Recovery period

26.05-10.06 Training camp

12-14.06 Asian sambo championship

16.06-25.06 Training camp

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Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки

28-30.09 International sambo tournament A.Chokheli memorial

5-9.10 World masters sambo championship

11.10-20.10 Recovery period

01.11-14.11 Training camp

16-18.11 World championship

Table 2. The results of the relative integral indicator according to testing at the end of each of the three blocks of special strength training of wrestlers

Weight category Mesocycle

first fourth eight twelve

M ±m M ±m M ±m M ±m

Experimental group

57-62 86,5 2,1 92,5 2,0 97,4 2,8 102,4 3,1

68-74 101,5 2,4 106,0 2,3 112,6 3,0 118,7 3,3

Control group

57-62 84,8 1,8 85,6 1,9 91,4 2,1 92,1 2,6

68-74 98,7 2,3 99,8 2,4 103,0 3,1 103,4 3,6

Thus, in order to achieve high sports results, it is necessary to create the highest level of wrestlers' training at the stage of preparing sports improvement. For this, during the training camp, it is planned to conduct at least three training sessions per day, and at home - at least two workouts per day.

The results of the study. A comparative analysis of the change in the magnitude of the relative integral indicator (IPR) of the special strength training of the fighter was carried out. The changes relate to the results of the IPR in relation to the previous block. From Figure 2 and Table 2 it can be seen that in the wrestlers of the experimental group of the weight category 57-62 kg, the IPR in the first block changed by 6.9% in relation to the initial result, by 5.2% in the second block in relation to the first block and in the third in relation to the second block - by 5.0%, respectively, in the control group - by 1.0; 6.7 and 0.6%.

Fig. 2. Relative integral indicators of explosive strength growth among wrestlers of different weight categories in each block (4 mesocycles in each) in relation to the previous one (the results of the first block were evaluated in relation to the initial result)

In the group of wrestlers of the weight category 6874 kg, the nature of the change in the IPR in the blocks generally corresponded to what was observed in wrestlers of lighter weight categories. So, in the experimental group, the IPR in the first block changed by 4.4% in relation to the initial level, in the second in relation to the first block - by 6.6% and in the third in relation to the second block - by 5.3%, respectively in the control group of wrestlers in the weight category 68-74 kg - by 10.1; 3.1 and 0%. Therefore, if the wrestling of experimental groups in the wrestlers of the experimental groups in each of the three blocks was moderate and was within the range

of wrestlers weighing 57-62 kg - 1.9-1.7%, and wrestlers weighing 68-74 kg - 1.3 -2.6%, then in the control group these fluctuations were significantly more pronounced, respectively - 5.7-6.1% and 7-10.1%.

Thus, we can state the fact that the experimental planning of special strength training of wrestlers in three blocks led to a significantly more pronounced increase in the relative integral growth of special strength training of wrestlers in different weight categories in relation to the control group of wrestlers (Table 2).

With each subsequent block, the magnitude of the intensity of the power load increased taking into account the increase in the level of speed-strength preparedness of the wrestlers. For example, if in the first block a power load of 90-100% was not planned at all, then in the second block it was 3-4, and in the third - in 6-10 training sessions.

The block planning of special strength training of highly qualified fighters in the annual cycle of the training process led to a significantly more pronounced increase in explosive strength in the experimental group compared to the control group. This can be seen from the fact that among the wrestlers of the experimental group of the weight category 57-62 kg, the increase in results when performing a special exercise of the wrestler for the year was 20.8%, among athletes 68-74 kg - 22.0%, and in the control group, respectively -5, 8 and 9%.

Conclusion. The block system of annual planning of speed-strength training of wrestlers at the stage of preparation for sports improvement, in contrast to the traditional approach, is aimed solely at solving the problem of increasing the level of development of the wrestler's explosive strength using intensive weights (from 70 to 100% of the maximum). During one mesocycle in the pre-competitive period of preparation for the main competitions of the year, the training process was carried out concentratedly using intensive weights (at least two lessons in one microcycle).


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