Professor, Shumen University, Shumen, Bulgaria; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Relevance. This report presents "Play with Fori"; an innovative educational program that develops emotional literacy in preschool children and their socio-emotional competence. "Play with Fori" has a clearly defined educational structure and a minimum number of activities and competencies that are expected to be acquired by preschool children. The program lasts 10 weeks, with one module presented each week. The first module begins with the story in which the main character, Fori the hedgehog, finds himself. It displays the emotion he feels and the related facial expressions, as well as his attempts to deal with the situation. Half of the content of the educational program is digitalized and as a result a mobile application was developed for use in a family or individual setting. Purpose of the study. The objectives of the study are to examine the level of emotional literacy in four different age groups and to examine the effectiveness of the educational program "Play with Fori" by comparing the results before and after the end of the educational program. Research methods and sample. Pre- and post-assessment of the emotional vocabulary of children was carried out using a special picture test. SPSS was used for statistical analysis of data. Teachers recorded changes in children's behavior after each educational module. The sample included 154 children aged from 3-7 years, from four preschool groups. Main results. "Play with Fori" not only improves children's vocabulary in terms of emotions, but also helps children manage various difficult emotional states and behaviors. Conclusion. Teachers reported improvement in language skills in relation to emotions, which corresponds to the data from the pilot study, as well as a reduced rate of aggressive behavior and improved social skills of children.
Keywords: socio-emotional competence, preschool, educational program DOI:
Assistant professor, Faculty of Educational Psychology, Senior Researcher of Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Contemporary Childhood, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Smirnova
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Researcher of Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Contemporary Childhood, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: In recent years, more and more digital devices have appeared that are designed specifically for children. These include toys connected to the internet called loToys (Internet of Toys). It is critical to understand how children interact with digital toys, and to assess the risks and opportunities they bring to children's development. This report focuses on some preliminary results of the research project "Toys connected to the Internet: studying the risks and opportunities for child development", conducted by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Contemporary Childhood of MSUPE in 2021-2022. The task of the first stage of the study was to analyze the position of parents in relation to IoToys. The research group analyzed 300 reviews of parents who bought their children a toy connected to the internet (Smart Bear) on the sites of online stores. The data testified that, despite product recommendations, parents tended to buy the toy for children of younger ages. As positive characteristics, most parents identified the external signs of the toy (image, voice), rather than its digital characteristics. Of all the functions presented, entertainment content (listening to fairy tales, songs) and reminders were mainly used. The least popular was educational content. Half of the parents who spoke about the child's attitude toward the toy noted that the child perceived it as a friend. At the same time, a quarter reported that the child was afraid of the toy because it behaves like a living creature. The obtained data revealed parents' insufficient awareness about the internet toy, its functions, possibilities, and risks of use. Further research is needed to determine the role of the adult as a facilitator when playing with a digital toy
Keywords: digitalization of childhood, parents' attitude (parental position), preschool age, digital media (devices), gadgets, toys connected to the Internet (Internet of Toys)
Artem Kovalev
Associate professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:
Yulia Starostina
Psychologist, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Virtual reality technologies are increasingly being used in the education of school-age children. However, the effects using of these technologies have not yet been studied. The aim of this research was to study the link between spatial abilities, verbal intelligence, and the level of immersion in virtual reality. 13 schoolchildren aged 12 to 15 years took part in the experiment. The stimulation was a virtual reality environment which replicated the task of spatial rotation of figures in 3D. There was a room with a neutral environment. Participant saw 5 pedestals in front of them, on each of which 6 multi-colored three-dimensional geometric shapes were arranged in different orders. One pedestal was in front and four were in a row behind it. The first pedestal was an etalon that needed to be rotated by a given number of degrees (180, 90 to the left or 90 to the right). The number and arrow were located at the top. Having turned the object on the front pedestal, participants were required to point to the pedestal on which the objects corresponded to the specified rotation. Each participant solved 50 tasks. The environment was presented in an HMD system HTC Vive. Before immersion in virtual reality, the subject performed two-dimensional tasks on spatial abilities and verbal intelligence. Thus, there were several dependent variables: the percentage of correct answers in 2D and 3D tasks, intelligence coefficient. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between spatial abilities and the level of immersion in virtual reality.
Keywords: spatial abilities, virtual reality DOI:
Svetlana Krylova
Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia; e-mail:
Yuliya Vodyakha
Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: This research aims to find objective correlatives of mental image characteristics of a virtual object in preschoolers using computer applications. It addresses the caveats of a common approach