Keywords: digitalization of childhood, parents' attitude (parental position), preschool age, digital media (devices), gadgets, toys connected to the Internet (Internet of Toys)
Artem Kovalev
Associate professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:
Yulia Starostina
Psychologist, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Virtual reality technologies are increasingly being used in the education of school-age children. However, the effects using of these technologies have not yet been studied. The aim of this research was to study the link between spatial abilities, verbal intelligence, and the level of immersion in virtual reality. 13 schoolchildren aged 12 to 15 years took part in the experiment. The stimulation was a virtual reality environment which replicated the task of spatial rotation of figures in 3D. There was a room with a neutral environment. Participant saw 5 pedestals in front of them, on each of which 6 multi-colored three-dimensional geometric shapes were arranged in different orders. One pedestal was in front and four were in a row behind it. The first pedestal was an etalon that needed to be rotated by a given number of degrees (180, 90 to the left or 90 to the right). The number and arrow were located at the top. Having turned the object on the front pedestal, participants were required to point to the pedestal on which the objects corresponded to the specified rotation. Each participant solved 50 tasks. The environment was presented in an HMD system HTC Vive. Before immersion in virtual reality, the subject performed two-dimensional tasks on spatial abilities and verbal intelligence. Thus, there were several dependent variables: the percentage of correct answers in 2D and 3D tasks, intelligence coefficient. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between spatial abilities and the level of immersion in virtual reality.
Keywords: spatial abilities, virtual reality DOI:
Svetlana Krylova
Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia; e-mail:
Yuliya Vodyakha
Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: This research aims to find objective correlatives of mental image characteristics of a virtual object in preschoolers using computer applications. It addresses the caveats of a common approach
utilized to study children's perception. Our study relies on Leontiev's activity theory framework regarding the active role of the mental image in the regulation of actions, and on the "mental image - action -more developed mental image" scheme, according to which task execution is modulated by the mental image of the context (Smirnov S.D., 1994). 18 children (9 boys, 9 girls) from 3.58 to 4.58 years old (Mage = 4,16 years, SD = 0,38) participated. They executed the virtual task "place a cube on a shelf" using a touchscreen. The linear coordinates of the cube's center of gravity were recorded every 0.01 seconds. Each participant completed three trials: the first two trials served as a basis for the formation of a mental image of the moving object, expected to regulate the execution of the task during the third trial. Additionally, we assessed the children's perception of a virtual cube's weight with a nonverbal weight task (Kloos H., Amazeen E.L., 2002). The virtual cube's weight was identified as "light" by 14 participants, and as "heavy" by 4 participants. Cube kinematic characteristics from the third trial were compared between the "light" and the "heavy" groups. Median value of the initial acceleration was 205.9 mm/s2 and 22.7 mm/s2 in the "heavy" and "light" group, respectively. Acceleration peaked at 0.15 s and 0.25 s in the "heavy" and "light" group, respectively. The collected data has significant inter-individual variability. To validate the attribution of the results to the difference in anticipation of participants of the virtual object's "weight", the control of an additional variable "maturation of motor control" is necessary.
Keywords: virtual object, touchscreen, mental image, kinematic characteristics
Nadezhda Melnikova
Associate Professor Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "M. K.
Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University", Yakutsk, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Relevance. The rapid spread of modern information technologies and the transition to distance learning during the COVID 19 pandemic has led to an increase in parents' anxiety about adolescents' low communication skills in real life. At the same time, parents fail to see the positive aspects of the virtual world. Accordingly, virtual reality has become an object of conflict and subject of family counseling. The purpose of this study is to highlight the strategy of the counselor when dealing with families with adolescents. Research methods and sample. Case-study analysis of 14 families with adolescents 14 -16 years old during the pandemic (2020-2022), a survey of parents of adolescents (43 people in total). Main results. Adolescents were characterized as introverts, sensitive, quick to get tired, experience difficulties in communicating with peers, and intellectually developed. For this category of teenagers, the transition to distance learning was a positive that allowed them to study at their own pace and improve academic performance, which was also noted by parents. This circumstance was used by the counselor as a starting point for changing the attitude of parents to the internet. The content of the consultation also included relationships, behavior in conflict situations, attitudes towards success and failure. Interest in computer games and virtual life is most often unexpected for teenagers. It helps to establish contact with a psychologist, opens a new world for parents, and promotes an open discussion of the dangers of the internet. Conclusion. Accordingly, the task of the counselor was to expand the parents' understanding of the possibilities of modern technology, reduce their anxiety and, ultimately, promote acceptance of their children. It is this position that contributes to the differentiation between virtual and real life by adolescents, the growth of their self-control.
Keywords: family counseling, adolescents, attitude to the Internet, virtual world