Научная статья на тему 'Parameters of power readiness among qualified female athletes at futsal'

Parameters of power readiness among qualified female athletes at futsal Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
futsal / female athletes / indices / power / readiness

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Renat R. Batyrkaev, Evgeniy V. Kudryashov

A high level of physical qualities development among female football-players is accompanied by more successful mastering the technique of the game. First of all, important are physical qualities, which are demanded by the specificity of futsal. In case of insufficient development level of physical qualities there will be less effective use of the other sides of readiness. That is why the information about the level of physical readiness is one of the most important parts of successful training and competitive process organization. Power readiness as the important part of the training process at futsal demands attention. Material. In order to achieve the set aim the test was held among female football players with the qualification of the masters of sport and candidate masters. In order to estimate the development level of power polydynamometry of the following groups of muscles was held: hip flexor and extensor, shin flexor and extensor, plantar foot extensor, total index of 5 muscular groups of a leg, shoulder flexor and extensor, forearm and arm muscles flexor and extensor, total index of 5 muscular groups of a hand, body flexor, total index of 11 studied muscular groups. Research methods: scientific-methodical and special literature analysis, progressive experience summarizing of the specialists-practicians in the sphere of football and futsal, pedagogical observations over competitive and training activity, testing, methods of mathematical statistic. Results. During the held research works the indices of power readiness among female football players were revealed, on the basis of which training process can be corrected at different stages of a long-term process of sports improvement. Conclusion. The received results help to note, that with the qualification improvement of female football players increases the level of power indices and they can be the guiding lines in the process of control over the level of power readiness of young female volleyball players.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Parameters of power readiness among qualified female athletes at futsal»

DOI 10.14526/01_1111_145



Renat R. Batyrkaev — senior teacher, Evgeniy V. Kudryashov - candidate of physical upbringing and sport, associate professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomol prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

E-mail: kudryashov-e-v@mail. ru

Annotation. A high level of physical qualities development among female football-players is accompanied by more successful mastering the technique of the game. First of all, important are physical qualities, which are demanded by the specificity of futsal. In case of insufficient development level of physical qualities there will be less effective use of the other sides of readiness. That is why the information about the level ofphysical readiness is one of the most important parts of successful training and competitive process organization. Power readiness as the important part of the training process at futsal demands attention. Material. In order to achieve the set aim the test was held among female football players with the qualification of the masters of sport and candidate masters. In order to estimate the development level ofpower polydynamometry of the following groups of muscles was held: hip flexor and extensor, shin flexor and extensor, plantar foot extensor, total index of 5 muscular groups of a leg, shoulder flexor and extensor, forearm and arm muscles flexor and extensor, total index of 5 muscular groups of a hand, body flexor, total index of 11 studied muscular groups. Research methods: scientific-methodical and special literature analysis, progressive experience summarizing of the specialists-practicians in the sphere of football and futsal, pedagogical observations over competitive and training activity, testing, methods of mathematical statistic. Results. During the held research works the indices of power readiness among female football players were revealed, on the basis of which training process can be corrected at different stages of a long-term process of sports improvement. Conclusion. The received results help to note, that with the qualification improvement of female football players increases the level of power indices and they can be the guiding lines in the process of control over the level ofpower readiness of young female volleyball players.

Keywords: futsal, female athletes, indices, power, readiness.

Urgency. One of the most important factors of an effective management and control organization in sports training is the system of modeling different sides of athletes' readiness use, which gives an opportunity to predict and plan the indices of development level increase of physical qualities, technical mastery and other criteria, which are necessary for success achievement during competitions [2;7].

Great changes in approaches to the training process organization nowadays are connected with the reforms in the system of physical culture and sport, changes in economic and political situation and with

many other factors, which directly influence the strategy of activity organization sphere.

Nowadays great demands are made on the level of achievements in sports games, on physical readiness indices, on the work of morphological and functional systems of an organism. Competitive activity is very tense and demands maximum muscular efforts from female athletes, ability to demonstrate them in quickly changing situation during a long time period and a high level of technical-tactical mastery. All this can be achieved only in case of correspondence with the mentioned above demands, in case of sufficient level of players'

general and special qualities parameters in a long-term process of sports improvement [5; 6;


A high level of competition at an international sports arena conditions a wide use of different training means, among which great attention is paid to the means of power qualities development. During recent years the problem of many-sided athletic training of sportsmen in different games became one of the most urgent problems in the training process [3].

All mentioned above proves that there is the necessity to get the definite recommendations concerning training process organization and the guiding lines determination for the separate qualities or sides of readiness development. It can be achieved by means of the modeling system.

A model is some object of material character, which is used in practice for replacement of the original. This replacement gives an opportunity to get new knowledge of the original. The method of modeling use provides the necessity to characterize the indices of the studied object, when there is no any opportunity to fulfill these research works in practice [1; 2; 6].

The sphere of physical culture and sport is not an exception. Its object of the research includes the following: different sides of athletes' readiness, the structure of the training process and many other aspects [6].

The problem of modeling is intensively studied nowadays. There is a considerable amount of experimental material, which concerns the questions of model characteristics creation. In practice different ways of these models creation are used. Modeling as a method of a scientific research helps to reveal the features and characteristics of female athletes' readiness level the range of significant parameters [1; 2; 6].

The system of training and the strongest athletes' of the World results estimation and analysis in many kinds of sport shows that sports records are set as a result of a long-term training, and the necessary for it base is created when a sportsman is a child and a teenager [6].

The effectiveness of a long-term training in sports games is determined by the following regularities and methodical aspects:

- optimal age for specialized trainings in a definite kind of sport;

- structure and content of the training process;

- regularities of different sides of sportsmanship increase and formation;

- the principle of a sportsman's training individualization use together with collective work, taking into consideration the following criteria: gender differences, age-related peculiarities, physical development, specific sports specialization or game role, personal qualities;

- medical-biological support of the training process [6].

It is obvious, that a long-term training from a beginner to a high class sportsman is a process, which takes into account the regularities of abilities upbringing, this kind of sport technique mastering, sports motor activity and intellectual and psychic abilities and qualities of a sportsman. Scientific substantiation of these regularities will provide an opportunity of an effective training high class sportsman during a long term training process [7].

Thus, the scientists support the opinion, that the main factors determination of physical qualities development, together with other sides of readiness, considerably influences high sports result achievement. It is especially important in sports games and in particular at futsal, as here success depends on the range of many factors and their place in the system of a long-term training [1; 4].

It should be noted that power training is an important part of female football players' readiness, which limits sportsmanship formation. That is why for practitioners are interesting the questions of the model determination of power qualities development level, which gives trainers an opportunity to correct the training process and effectively manage the increase of the characterized parameters [7].

In connection with the mentioned above, the direction for scientific research works was chosen.

The aim of the research: to determine the indices of power readiness among qualified female athletes at futsal.

Objectives of the research:

1. To reveal the indices of the development level of power qualities among qualified female athletes at futsal.

2. Give recommendations concerning power readiness of qualified female athletes at futsal.

Research methods: scientific-methodical and special literature analysis, progressive experience summarizing of the specialists-practicians in the sphere of football and futsal, pedagogical observations over competitive and training activity, testing, polydynamometry, methods of mathematical statistics.

Table 1 - The indices of power development

Research organization. 30 female athletes, specializing in futsal, with the qualification candidate master and master of sport took part in the research. On the basis of the methodology by Rybalko B.M. and dynamometer by Abalakov V.M. system athletes' power indices of hip flexor and extensor, shin flexor and extensor, plantar foot extensor were studied. The received results were converted to the values of a relative power according to the formula:


C — CA

C o ,


where C0 - a relative power, C A - an absolute power, M - a sportsman's weight.

Research results and their discussion.

As a result of the held research works total index of 5 muscular groups of a leg was determined (table 1, picture 1).

among female athletes, who specialize in futsal

Kinds of control tasks (tests) Master of sport Candidate master

X ± mx X ± mx

Relative power of 5 Muscular groups of a leg 5,05 ± 0,08 4,99 ± 0,04

master of sport

□ Power of 5 muscular groups of a leg

Picture 1 - Dynamics of power indices change of different muscular groups among female athletes

at futsal

Total index of a relative power of 5 muscular groups of a leg was 4,99 among candidate masters and it was lower to 0,06, than among masters of sport (5,05).


1. Among female athletes, specializing in futsal, the increase of sportsmanship is accompanied by statistically considerable increase of power abilities.

2. The received results can be used as the guiding lines of power qualities development level among female football players with the qualification candidate master and the master of sport.

3. The presented methodology of power readiness level study can be successfully used in other kinds of games.

The prospects of further research works. Further research works are planned in the direction of power readiness model characteristics study and creation in table tennis and basketball.


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Evgeniy V. Kudryashov - candidate of physical upbringing and sport, associate professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University,29, Komsomol prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Renat R. Batyrkaev - senior teacher Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomol prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

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