Научная статья на тему 'Особенности преподавания основ последовательного перевода и переводческой скорописи'

Особенности преподавания основ последовательного перевода и переводческой скорописи Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Куцая О. И.

Обосновано необходимость подготовки высококвалифицированных последовательных переводчиков, учитывая современные потребности переводческого рынка. Раскрыты особенности последовательного перевода в современном коммуникационном пространстве. Выяснены преимущества и недостатки последовательного перевода в сравнении с синхронным. Отражено смысловое наполнение теоретического материала курса. Представлены требования к отбору видеоматериалов для формирования умений и навыков последовательного перевода в условиях, приближенных к реальным. Указаны, охарактеризованы и приведены примеры подсистем упражнений для развития умений и навыков последовательного перевода (подготовительных, для формирования навыков и развития умений).

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.


Necessity of highly experienced consecutive interpreters training is grounded taking into account the modern needs of interpretation market. Advantages of consecutive interpreting in modern communicational space are revealed. Advantages and disadvantages of consecutive interpreting in comparison with simultaneous one are found out. Theoretical framework of the course is featured. Video materials selection requirements for practical work for consecutive interpreting skills and habits development in close to the real conditions are presented. Subsystems of exercises for developing consecutive interpreting skills and habits (preparatory; for developing habits and for developing skills) are indicated, characterized and instanced.

Текст научной работы на тему «Особенности преподавания основ последовательного перевода и переводческой скорописи»

2. Грушевицкая Т. Г. Основы межкультурной коммуникации: учебник для вузов / Т. Г. Грушевицкая, В. Д. Попков, А. П. Садохин. - М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2003. - 352 с.

3. Дороз В. Крос-культурне навчання украшсько! мови як дидактична система / В. Дороз // Украшська мова i лггература в школi. - 2009. - № 1. - С. 12 - 17.

4. Крылова Н. Б. Культурология образования / Н. Б. Крылова. - М.: Народное образование, 2000. - 272 с.

5. Тен Ю. П. Культурная и межкультурная коммуникация: учебник / Ю. П. Тен. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2007. - 328 с.

6. Яковлева Е. С. К описанию русской языковой картины мира / Е. С. Яковлева // Русский язык за рубежом. - 1996. - № 1-2-3. - С. 47 - 56.

7. Coste D. Delaclassebilingue a I'educationplurilingue / D. Coste // Lefrancaisdanslemonde, mai-juin 2006, n.°345 [consultele 27 fevrier 2008]. - Disponiblesurlesite: http://www.fdlm.org/fle/article/345/bilingue.php.

8. Oberg K. Culture shock: adjustment do new cultural environments / K. Oberg // Practical Anthropology. -1960. - № 7. - Р. 177-182.


1. Gorchakova O. A. Kross-kulturnyiy menedzhment v obrazovanii: Teksty lektsiy. - Odessa: Favorit, 2013. - 114 s.

2. Grushevitskaya T. G. Osnovy mezhkulturnoy kommunikatsii: uchebnik dlia vuzov / T. G. Grushevitskaya, V. D. Popkov, A. P. Sadohin. - M.: YUNITI-DANA, 2003. - 234 s.

3. Doroz V. Kros-kulturne navchannia ukrainskoi movy yak dydaktychna systema / Viktoriia Doroz // Ukrainska mova i literatura v shkoli. - 2009. - № 1. - S. 12 - 17.

4. Krylova N. B. Kulturologiya obrazovaniya / N. B. Kryilova. - M.: Narodnoe obrazovanie, 2000. - 272 s.

5. Ten Yu. P. Kulturnaya i mezhkulturnaya komunikatsiya: uchebnik / Yu. P. Ten. - Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2007. - 328 s.

6. Yakovleva E. Y. K opisaniyu russkoy yazykovoy kartiny mira / E. Y. Yakovlev // Russkiy yazyk za rubezhom. - 1996. - № 1-2-3. - S. 47.

7. Coste D. Delaclassebilingue a I'educationplurilingue / D. Coste // Lefrancaisdanslemonde, mai-juin 2006, n.°345 [consultele 27 fevrier 2008]. - Disponiblesurlesite : http://www.fdlm.org/fle/article/345/bilingue.php.

8. Oberg K. Culture shock : adjustment do new cultural environments / K. Oberg // Practical Anthropology. - 1960. - № 7. - Р. 177-182.

УДК [378+81'25](477)




Обтрунтовано необхiднiсть пiдготовки висококвалiфiкованих по^довних перекладачiв з огляду на сучаст потреби перекладацького ринку. Розкрито особливостi по^довного перекладу в сучасному комунтацтному просторi. З'ясовано переваги та недолки по^довного перекладу у порiвняннi з синхронним. Висвiтлено змiстове наповнення теоретичного матерiалу курсу. Представлено вимоги до вiдбору вiдеоматерiалiв для формування умiнь та навичок послiдовного перекладу в умовах, наближених до реальних. Вказано, охарактеризовано та наведено приклади пiдсистем вправ для розвитку умть та навичок по^довного перекладу (тдготовчих, для формування навичок та розвитку умть).

Ключовi слова: по^довний переклад, вiдеоматерiали, тексти, техтка нотування, вертикальний запис, скорочення, символи.



Обосновано необходимость подготовки высококвалифицированных последовательных переводчиков, учитывая современные потребности переводческого рынка. Раскрыты особенности последовательного перевода в современном коммуникационном пространстве. Выяснены преимущества и недостатки последовательного перевода в сравнении с синхронным. Отражено смысловое наполнение теоретического материала курса. Представлены требования к отбору видеоматериалов для

формирования умений и навыков последовательного перевода в условиях, приближенных к реальным. Указаны, охарактеризованы и приведены примеры подсистем упражнений для развития умений и навыков последовательного перевода (подготовительных, для формирования навыков и развития умений).

Ключевые слова: последовательный перевод, видеоматериалы, тексты, техника нотирования, вертикальная запись, сокращение, символы.



Necessity of highly experienced consecutive interpreters training is grounded taking into account the modern needs of interpretation market. Advantages of consecutive interpreting in modern communicational space are revealed. Advantages and disadvantages of consecutive interpreting in comparison with simultaneous one are found out. Theoretical framework of the course is featured. Video materials selection requirements for practical work for consecutive interpreting skills and habits development in close to the real conditions are presented. Subsystems of exercises for developing consecutive interpreting skills and habits (preparatory; for developing habits and for developing skills) are indicated, characterized and instanced.

Keywords: consecutive interpreting, video materials, texts, note-taking technique, vertical notes, shortenings, symbols.

Despite the fact that in the modern world consecutive interpreting (CI) has been largely replaced by simultaneous interpreting (SI), it still remains relevant for certain kinds of meetings (e.g. highly technical meetings, working lunches, small groups, field trips) [23]. Moreover, CI is very portable, i. e. doesn't require any special equipment, and convenient. It demands, however, good interpreter's note-taking technique. So there is a need in investigating different aspects of CI and methods of training good consecutive interpreters.

CI has been a subject matter of studies carried by numerous scholars, such as: Ye. Alikina, S. Burliai, Y. Cheng, A. Chuzhakin, A. Gillies, S. Maksimov, R. Miniar-Bieloruchiev, O. Rebrii, L. Wei and others.

For training good specialists in this sphere, universities all over the world offer degrees and various courses. For example, MA in Conference Interpretation is offered in Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (the USA) [18]; MA Interpreting is available at University of Surrey (Great Britain) [21]; Peculiarities of Consecutive Interpreting and Interpreter's Note-taking course is taught for the 4th year students in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU) (Ukraine) and other universities of Ukraine [19].

The aim of our research is to analyse the main aspects of consecutive interpreting skills and habits development in the process of teaching Consecutive Interpreting and Interpreter's Notetaking course in TNPU.

It should be stated that CI is "a kind of interpreting, performed by an interpreter consecutively, i. e. messages of the SL speaker are interpreted one after another in pauses (these messages may be sentences or paragraphs long enough to convey a complete meaning and short enough for an interpreter to remember or/and take notes of them)" [6, p. 92].

Moreover, CI has its peculiarities:

• CI is performed anywhere where the speaker makes his / her speech.

• CI starts after the speaker completes thoughts and is performed consecutively; messages of the SL speaker are interpreted in pauses.

• An interpreter relies on his / her memory and special notes.

• Special technique of interpreter's note-taking is used (an ability to put down the vertical notes of oral messages using short forms and symbols).

• Special ability of an interpreter to create focuses of information for further subsequent "extraction" or "unpacking".

• A consecutive interpreter should be able to listen to the speaker, make notes and decipher them rendering the speaker's message [6, p. 98].

Comparing CI with SI, advantages and disadvantages of CI use may be distinguished. Let's pay attention to some of them [7]:


• no special equipment is needed;

• it may be done on the move, i.e. on the factories, while accompanying delegations;

• participants of some meeting have more time to think over the questions of the speakers;

• one interpreter is usually enough for CI, while at least two interpreters are needed for SI;


• it's more time assuming;

• the interpretation is done only into one language;

• the limited number of the participants of the meeting;

• the speech tempo is reduced such as time is needed to recall the information.

Thus, everything mentioned above testifies that only well-trained consecutive interpreters (CIs) can ensure CI of the highest quality.

The aim of Consecutive Interpreting and Interpreter's Note-taking course is to develop students' skills and habits of interpreting consecutively.

Let's consider how practically the set aim has been achieved.

The theory is combined with the practice: while rendering some information flow, attention is paid to some specific aspects (e.g., subject group, predicate group, compound sentences and so on):

Table 1

Theoretical framework of the course

Module l. Consecutive Interpreting and Interpreter's Note-taking Technique

Topic 1 Peculiarities of Consecutive Interpreting and Interpreter's Note-taking Technique

Module 2. Main Aspects of Interpreter's Note-taking Technique

Topic 1 Principles and Main Components of Note-taking Technique in Interpreting

Topic 2 Relations in Vertical Notes

Topic 3 Syntax in Universal Interpreter's Note-taking

Module З. Symbols in Vertical Notes

Topic 1 Types of Symbols and Their Usage in Interpreter's Note-taking

In order to use theoretical knowledge practically the students interpret consecutively either authentic video materials (including recordings of speakers of different backgrounds with various accents, etc.) or prepared reports on various topics by their groupmates (e.g., Environmental protection, Economic Stagnation and so on).

The used videomaterials should meet at least 3 criteria:

• be up-to-date;

• be authentic;

• be sutable to the theoretical topic (so the students should listen to them and identify for instance, the subject groups, find ways for noting them; then the students work with these videos and then students are ready to interpret consecutively).

During the classes videos from YouTube, CNN and BBC are used (where one can easily find speeches, records of different meetings, summits, interviews, etc.).

E-learning tool Speech Repository II [20] is also found very helpful and interesting due to it contains video materials chosen just for the CI. While selecting the video, attention should be paid to:

• language;

• use (consecutive);

• type (conference, press conference, debate, hearing, interview, or pedagogical material);

• keywords;

• level (basic, beginner, intermediate, advanced / test-type, very advanced);

• domain (general, agriculture, audiovisual and media, budget, climate, competition, consumers, culture, customs, development, economic and monetary affairs, education, training, youth, employment and social policy, energy, enlargement, enterprise, environment, external relations, external trade, fight agains fraud, fisheries and maritime affairs, food safety, foreign and

security policy, humanitarian aid, human rights, information society, institutional affairs, internal market, justice, freedom and security, public health, regional policy, research and innovation, taxation, transport);

• speech #;

• duration.

When the video is chosen, one gets information about place and and date of the record. And one more key aspect of this project is the provision of terminology list for each video.

Whereas during the practical class the students have to talk a lot and their vocal cords are vibrating, each class is started with warming-up activities (for developing students' voice).

For warming-up activities we use sayings and tongue twisters both in English and Ukrainian, e.g.:

A twister of twists once twisted a twist.

and the twist that he twisted was a three-twisted twist.

now in twisting this twist,

if a twist should untwist,

would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists? [14].

During the practical classes various exercises for developing CI skills and habits are used [1; 4, p. 107-109; 8; 10, p. 268-286, 291-299; 16].

According to L. Chernovatyi, exercises for developing CI skills may be divided into: 1) preparatory; 2) for developing habits and 3) for developing skills [10, p. 291-299].

The aim of preparatory exercises is to introduce note-taking technique.

It should be mentioned that note-taking in very important in the process of CI such as (1) an interpreter never knows how long the speaker will talk before he or she allows the interpreter to go on; (2) a professional interpreter cannot interrupt the speaker [13, p. 12].

Interpreter's Note-taking Technique consists of 1) sense analysis; 2) shortenings; 3) vertical notes; 4) symbols [8, p. 6].

All the components of Interpreter's Note-taking Technique are of great importance but only symbols make it possible to denote a big group of similar objects and processes. According to the denotation, there are such types of symbols as:

1) literal (e.g., P [= politics, political]);

2) associative (e.g., ? [= question]);

3) composite (e.g., ?2 [= questions]).

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

All these types of symbols have been gradually included and used in the exercises described further.

Thus preparatory exercises include:

• exercises for developing sense orientation (lexical converses, syntactic converses, antonymous converses. For example, transform the word combinations into words or word combinations with fewer amounts of lexical units: give help, to keep under control, etc.);

• exercises for developing vertical note skills (notes of different types of sentences based on the principles of verticalism. For example, analyze the compound sentence semantically and note it vertically: Colleges are good at tracking down rich alumni to hit up for donations, but people who make little or no money are harder and less lucrative to find (The New York Times).);

• exercises for providing notes density (shortenings, using symbols, etc. For example, note the sentences using symbols as much as possible.).

The goal of the exercises for developing habits is to develop CI habits using interpreter's note-taking technique. They are the following:

• exercises on transforming lexical units of the ST and their interpreting (For instance, rewrite the following phrases, using minimum words: keep under control, provide help, open fire on);

• exercises on transforming syntactic structures of the ST and their interpreting (it's very useful in Ukrainian-English interpreting. For example, а) Учора до Киева з одноденним в!зитом зав!тав пом!чник державного секретаря США у справах центрально! та Схщно! Свропи. b) Перебування федерального президента Шмеччини в Укра!ш будуть висвгглювати бшьше 80 укра!нських журналюив i стшьки ж представниюв захщних ЗМ1 [8].);

• exercises on using translation equivalents (For instance, translate the following text, paying attention to the italicized words and word-combinations and provide the translation equivalents which preserve the communicative effect of the message);

• exercises on anticipation in the process of CI (For example, listen to the beginning of the sentence and try to anticipate the ending. Then listen to the whole message and compare it with your anticipation).

The aim of the exercises for developing skills is to develop CI skills using interpreter's notetaking technique. They consist of:

• exercises on qualitative perception and understanding of the ST;

• exercises on synchronization of acoustical perception of the ST and its noting its content;

• exercises on synchronization of visual perception of the ST and speaking.

At the end of each class all the consecutive interpretations are analyzed in order to avoid made mistakes in the future. Everything done during the class is summed up and new goals are set for the next class.

To conclude, it may be stated that CI skills and habits development is a lengthy process and consists of working on memory capacity increase, language skills, note-taking technique, interpreting practice and speaking skills. In order to develop the mentioned above skills preparatory exercises and exercises for developing habits and skills have been used. Thus combination of the mentioned above methodic aspects contribute to developing skills and habits of CI. In perspective innovative teaching techniques of CI are to be studied.


1. Аликина Е. В. Переводческая семантография. Запись при устном переводе / Е. В. Аликина. -Восток-Запад, АСТ, 2006. - 160 с.

2. Аликина Е. В. Приоритетные направления организации обучения устному переводу / Е. В. Аликина // Теория и практика перевода: материалы междунарной конференции. - Пермь, 2000. - С. 5-9.

3. Бурляй С. А. Последовательный перевод = переводческая запись? / С. А. Бурляй // Тетради переводчика. Вып. 24. - М., 1999. - С. 91-96.

4. Макамов С. £. Усний двостороннш переклад (англшська та украшська мови) : теорiя та практика усного двостороннього перекладу для студ. фак. переклaдaчiв та фак. заочного та вечiрнього навч. : навчальний поабник. - 2-е вид., випр. та доп. / С. £. Макамов. - К.: Ленвгг, 2007. - 416 с.

5. Миньяр-Белоручев Р. К. Пособие по устному переводу / Р. К. Миньяр-Белоручев. - М.: Высшая школа, 1969. - 187 с.

6. Науменко Л. Практичний курс перекладу з англшсько! мови на украшську = Practical Course of Translation from English into Ukrainian: навч. поабник / Л. Науменко, А. Гордеева. - Вшниця: Нова Книга, 2011. - 136 с.

7. Последовательный перевод [Электронный ресурс] - Режым доступа: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Последовaтельный_перевод.

8. Ребрш О. В. Основи перекладацького скоропису: навч. поабник / за ред. Л. М. Черноватого i В. I. Карабана. - Вшниця: Нова Книга, 2006. - 152 с.

9. Сапришн С. С. Свгт усного перекладу: навч. поабник / С. С. Сапришн, А. П. Чужашн. - Вшниця: Нова книга, 2011. - 224 с.

10. Черноватий Л. М. Методика викладання перекладу як спещальносп: щдручник для студ. вищих зaклaдiв освгга за спещальшсю «Переклад» / Л. М. Черноватий. - Вшниця: Нова Книга, 2013. - 376 с.

11.Чужакин А. П. Устный перевод XXI: теория + практика, переводческая скоропись: Учебник для студентов курса переводческих факультетов (including English - American and English - Australian glossaries) / А. П. Чужакин. - М., 2002. - 256 c.

12.Cay Dollerup Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Training Talent and Experience / Cay Dollerup, Anne Loddegaard (eds). - Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V., 1991. - 344 p.

13.Cheng Y. P. Consecutive Interpretation : How to Use Your Symbols Intelligently / Y. P. Cheng // Translation and Interpreting: Bridging East and West / edit. by R. K. Seymour, C. C. Liu. - Vol. 8. -1994. - P. 11-17.

14.English Tongue Twister [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/en.htm.

15.Gillies A. Note-taking for consecutive interpreting. A Short Course / Andrew Gillies. - Manchester, St. Jerome Publishing, 2005. - 239 p.

16.Interpreter Training Resources [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://interpreters.free.fr/.

17.Kriston Andrea The Importance of Memory Training in Interpretation / Andrea Kriston // Professional Communication and Translation Studies. - 5(1-2). -2012. - P. 79-86.

18.Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey [Electronic resource]. - Accessmode: http://www.miis.edu/academics/programs/conferenceinterpretation.

19.Peculiarities of Consecutive Interpretating and Interpreter's Note-taking Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://elr.tnpu.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=361.

20.Speech Repository II [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/scic/cooperation-with-universities/speech_repository.htm.

21.University of Surrey [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/postgraduate/interpreting.

22.Wei L. Developing note-taking skills in consecutive interpreting / L. Wei. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.scik.org.

23.What Is Consecutive Interpreting? [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/scic/what-is-conference-interpreting/consecutive/index_en.htm.


1. Alikina Ye. V. Perevodcheskaya semantografiya. Zapis pri ustnom perevode / Ye. V. Alikina. - Vostok-Zapad, AST, 2006, 160 s.

2. Alikina Ye. V. Prioritetnyie napravlieniia organizatsii obucheniia ustnomu perevodu. Teoriya i paktika perevoda: mater. mezhdunar. konfer. - Perm, 2000, S. 5-9.

3. Burliay S. A. Posledovatelnyi perevod = perevodcheskaya zapis? /S. A. Burliay // Tetradi perevodchika. Vyp. 24. - M., 1999, - S. 91-96.

4. Maksimov S. Ye. Usnyi dvostoronnii pereklad (anhliiska ta ukrainska movy): teoriia ta praktyka usnoho dvostoronnoho perekladu dlia stud. fak. perekladachiv ta fak. zaochnoho ta vechirnoho navch. : navchalnyi posibnyk. - 2-e vyd., vypr. ta dop. / S. Ye. Maksimov. - K.: Lenvit, 2007, 416 s.

5. Miniar-Beloruchiev R. K. Posobiie po ustnomu perevodu / R. K. Miniar-Beloruchiev. - M.: Vysshaia shkola, 1969 - 187 s.

6. Naumenko L. P. Praktychnyi kurs perekladu z anhliiskoi movy na ukrainsku: navch. posib. / L. P. Naumenko. - Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2011 - 136 s.

7. Posledovatelnyi perevod. Available at: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/nocnegoBaTenbHHH_nepeBog

8. Rebrii O. V. Osnovy perekladatskoho skoropysu: navchalnyi posibnyk / za red. L. M. Chernovatoho, V. I. Karabana. - Vinnytsia, Nova Knyha, 2006, 152 s.

9. Saprykin S. S. Svit usnoho perekladu: navchalnyi posibnyk / S. S. Saprykin, A. P. Chuzhakin - Vinnytsia, Nova Knyha, 2011, - 224 s.

10.Chernovatyi L. M. Metodyka vykladannia perekladu yak spetsialnosti: pidruchnyk dlia stud. vyshchykh zakl. osvity za spetsialnisiu «Pereklad» / L. M. Chernovatyi. - Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2013. - 376 s.

11.Chuzhakin A. P. Ustnyi perevos XXI: teoriia + praktyka, pedevodcheskaia skoropis: uchebnik dlia studentov kursa perevodcheckikh fakultetov / A. P. Chuzhakin. - M., 2002 - 256 s.

12.Cay Dollerup Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Training Talent and Experience / Cay Dollerup, Anne Loddegaard (eds). - Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V., 1991. - 344 p.

13.Cheng Y. P. Consecutive Interpretation: How to Use Your Symbols Intelligently / Y. P. Cheng // Translation and Interpreting : Bridging East and West / edit. by R. K. Seymour, C. C. Liu. - Vol. 8. -1994. - P. 11-17.

14.English Tongue Twister [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/en.htm.

15.Gillies A. Note-taking for consecutive interpreting. A Short Course / Andrew Gillies. - Manchester, St. Jerome Publishing, 2005. - 239 p.

16.Interpreter Training Resources [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://interpreters.free.fr/.

17.Kriston Andrea The Importance of Memory Training in Interpretation / Andrea Kriston // Professional Communication and Translation Studies. -2012. - 5 (1-2).- P. 79-86.

18.Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.miis.edu/academics/programs/conferenceinterpretation.

19.Peculiarities of Consecutive Interpretating and Interpreter's Note-taking [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://elr.tnpu.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=361.

20.Speech Repository II [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/scic/cooperation-with-universities/speech_repository.htm.

21.University of Surrey Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/postgraduate/interpreting.

22.Wei L. Developing note-taking skills in consecutive interpreting / L. Wei. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.scik.org.

23.What Is Consecutive Interpreting? [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/scic/what-is-conference-interpreting/consecutive/index_en.htm.

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