Научная статья на тему 'Опыт специальной подготовки будущих синхронных переводчиков в современном мультикультурном пространстве университета'

Опыт специальной подготовки будущих синхронных переводчиков в современном мультикультурном пространстве университета Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Куца Оксана Игоровна

Обоснована необходимость подготовки высококвалифицированных синхронных переводчиков. Раскрыты преимущества синхронного перевода в современном мультикультурном коммуникационном пространстве. Описаны технические характеристики лаборатории синхронного перевода в ТНПУ им. В. Гнатюка и раскрыто их соответствие международным стандартам. Освещено содержательное наполнение теоретического материала курса. Представлены требования к отбору видеоматериала для практической работы в лаборатории синхронного перевода. Изучено мнение студентов по тематике и типа видеоматериалов курса. Предложены упражнения для развития навыков устного синхронного перевода. Рассмотрено содержательное наполнение практического курса в платформе MOODLE.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
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Experience in professional simultaneous interpreters’ training in modern multicultural environment of a university

Necessity of development of highly experienced simultaneous interpreters training is grounded. Advantages of simultaneous interpreting in modern multicultural communicational space are revealed. Technical specifications of simultaneous interpreting laboratory at TNPU are described and their compliance with international standards is presented. Theoretical framework of the course is featured. Video materials selection requirements for practical work in the laboratory of simultaneous translation are presented. Students’ opinion on the domain and type of the course video materials is studied. The content of the practical course in MOODLE platform is considered.

Текст научной работы на тему «Опыт специальной подготовки будущих синхронных переводчиков в современном мультикультурном пространстве университета»


2. Вiльчковський Е. С. Професiйна спрямованiсть тдготовки фахiвцiв з фiзичного виховання / Е. С. В^чковський // Розвиток педагопчно1 i психолопчно1 наук в Украш (1992-2002): зб. наук. праць до 10-рiччя АПН Украши. - Харк1в: ОВС, 2002. - С. 301-309.

3. Карпюк Р. П. Загальний стан пвдготовленосп майбутнiх учителiв фiзичноl культури до професшно1 дiяльностi / Р. П. Карпюк // Педагопка, психологiя та медико-бiологiчнi проблеми фiзичного виховання i спорту: зб. наук. праць. - Харшв, 2003. - Вип. 13. - С. 33-41.

4. Тимошенко О. В. Деяш аспекти професшно1 пвдготовки вчителiв фiзичноl культури в контекстi приеднання до Болонського процесу / О. В. Тимошенко // Педагопка i психолопя формування творчо! особистостi: проблеми i пошуки: зб. наук. праць / редкол.: Т. I. Сущенко (ввдп. ред.) та iн. -К.; Запор1жжя, 2004. - Вип. 33. - С. 371-377.

5. Сущенко Л. П. Професшна тдготовка майбутнiх фахiвцiв фiзичного виховання та спорту (теоретико-методолопчний аспект): монографiя / Л. П. Сущенко. - Запор1жжя: ЗДУ, 2003. - 442 с.

6. Теория и методика обучения предмета «Физическая культура»: учеб. пособие для студ. высш. учеб. заведений. - 2-е изд., стереотип. / Ю. Д. Железняк, В. М. Минбулатов. - М.: ИЦ «Академия», 2006. - 272 с.

7. Теор1я i методика фiзичного виховання. Загальт основи теори i методики фiзичного виховання: пдручник / за ред. проф. Т. Ю. Круцевич. - К.: Вид-во НУФВСУ «Отмпшська лггература», 2012. - 392 с.

8. Теория и методика физической культуры: учебник / под ред. проф. Ю. Ф. Курамшина. - 4-е изд., стереотип. - М., 2010. - 464 с.

9. Шмелев В. Е. Оптимизация процесса подготовки студентов институтов физической культуры к профессиональной деятельности на основе модели специалиста: дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.04 / В. Е. Шмелев. - СПб., 2002. - 171 с.

УДК [378+81'25](477)




Обтрунтовано необхiднiсть пiдготовки висококвалiфiкованих синхронних перекладачiв. Розкрито переваги синхронного перекладу в сучасному мультикультурному комунiкацiйному просторi. Описано технiчнi характеристики лабораторИ синхронного перекладу в ТНПУ ш. В. Гнатюка i розкрито гх вiдnовiднiсть мiжнародним стандартам. Висвiтлено змктове наповнення теоретичного матерiалу курсу. Представлено вимоги до вiдбору вiдеоматерiалу для практичног роботи у лабораторИ синхронного перекладу. Вивчено думку студентiв щодо тематики та типу вiдеоматерiалiв курсу. Запропоновано вправи для розвитку навичок усного синхронного перекладу. Розглянуто змiстове наповнення практичного курсу у платформi МООБЬЕ.

Ключовi слова: синхронний переклад, лабораторiя синхронного перекладу, кабiнка, вiдеоматерiали, вебiнар.



Обоснована необходимость подготовки высококвалифицированных синхронных переводчиков. Раскрыты преимущества синхронного перевода в современном мультикультурном коммуникационном пространстве. Описаны технические характеристики лаборатории синхронного перевода в ТНПУ им. В. Гнатюка и раскрыто их соответствие международным стандартам. Освещено содержательное наполнение теоретического материала курса. Представлены требования к отбору видеоматериала для практической работы в лаборатории синхронного перевода. Изучено мнение студентов по тематике и типе видеоматериалов курса. Предложены упражнения для развития навыков устного синхронного перевода. Рассмотрено содержательное наполнение практического курса в платформе МООБЬЕ.

Ключевые слова: синхронный перевод, лаборатория синхронного перевода, кабина, видеоматериал, вебинар.


Науков1 записки. Сер1я: педагопка. —

2014. —

№ 4.





Necessity of development of highly experienced simultaneous interpreters training is grounded. Advantages of simultaneous interpreting in modern multicultural communicational space are revealed. Technical specifications of simultaneous interpreting laboratory at TNPU are described and their compliance with international standards is presented. Theoretical framework of the course is featured. Video materials selection requirements for practical work in the laboratory of simultaneous translation are presented. Students' opinion on the domain and type of the course video materials is studied. The content of the practical course in MOODLE platform is considered.

Keywords: simultaneous interpreting, laboratory of simultaneous interpreting, booth, video material, webinar.

In terms of globalization such modes of communication as international conferences, seminars, symposiums etc. have become widespread. In most cases participants of these events have only basic knowledge of foreign languages. That's why there's a need in simultaneous interpretation (SI) because this type of interpretation has a lot of advantages:

1) a speaker delivers his speech without pauses and in such a way holds audience's attention;

2) it allows to increase quantity and quality of information flow;

3) it's convenient for the participants;

4) it enables rendering into several foreign languages in one go [1: p. 66].

SI is studied by numerous scholars, such as: G. Chernov, A. Chuzhakin, A. Shyriaiev, S. Maksimov, A. Riccardi, J. Roderick, S. Shvachko, A. Shveitser, M. Tsvilling, L. Visson and others.

Only well-trained simultaneous interpreters (SIs) can ensure SI of the highest quality. For training good specialists in this sphere Practical Course of Simultaneous Interpretation is taught for the 5th year (MA degree) students in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU). This course is compulsory and has 2,5 credits.

The aim of our research is to analyse advantages and disadvantages of SI Teaching in TNPU.

For successful training of SIs we:

Use specially-equipped laboratory of SI for the classes. It allows to create authentic environment and interpret into up to 5 languages at a time or into 1 language for 5 students.

Talking about booths, ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) standards should be mentioned. Let's consider how our specially-equipped laboratory for SI meets the main requirements of ISO 2603 "Fixed booths for SI" [4].

Interpreters' booths are designed to meet three requirements:

• acoustic separation between different languages spoken simeltaneously, without mutual interfierence between languages interpreted or with the speaker in the hall;

• efficient two-way communication between the booths and the conference hall;

• a comfortable working environment enabling interpreters to maintain the intense effort of concentration required by their work [4].

Our laboratory meets the 1st requirement. But it partly meets the 2nd and the 3rd ones. The problem is the there isn'n any consoles in the booths, except for earphones and microphone which on the one hand, unables interpreters to do a rely interpreting, for example, or press a mute button while caughing, etc. But on the other hand, students are more concentrated on interpreting rather than the console. As for the 3rd requirement, there ins't enough room for 2 simultaneous interpreters. As we all know 2 interpreters should work in turns every 20 or 30 minutes.

But despide these inconveniences students can practice in near-real conditions and get the feel of the booth.

Watch webinars with simultaneous interpreters-ptactitioners.

We encourage students to register for webinars with simultaneous interpreters, listen and ask questions. For example, on November, 29 2014 at 5 p.m. there was a webinar with a famous simultaneous interpreter Elena Chudnovskaya organised by Vox Tranlatorum group [11]. She told about her fears at different stages of her carrier and shared the recipes which helped her to master her

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fear. It's interesting that before the webinar Elena asked all participants to evaluate her three "the deadliest" simultaneous interpretings and decide how "fearful" they are for them.

We are also going to organise a webinar with American simultaneous interpreter Elena Bell who's got MA in Translation and Interpretation. That will give our student an opportunity to study her experience and aks questions.

Combine theory and practice: while rendering some information flow, attention is paid to some specific aspects (e.g., lexical, semantic and so on):

Table 1

Theoretical ^ framework of the course (I term)

Module 1. Simultaneous interpreting: historic aspect

Topic l History of simultaneous interpreting

Topic 2 Prominent simultaneous interpreters

Module 2. Basic approaches to simultaneous interpreting

Topic l Basic notions and principles of simultaneous interpreting

Topic 2 Interpreting as interlingual and cross-cultural communication

Module 3. Audio-textual aspect of simultaneous interpreting

Topic l Perception and understanding of messages in interpreting

Topic 2 Types of contexts and contextual relationships in oral discourse

Table 2

Theoretical framework of the course (II term)

Module 1. Simultaneous interpreting: semantic aspect

Topic l Semantic aspects of interpretation

Topic 2 Semantic redundancy of oral messages

Module 2. Simultaneous interpreting: lexical aspect

Topic l Lexical aspects of interpretation

Topic 2 "Gaps" in perception of oral discourse and ways of "filling them in" in interpreting

Module 3. Functional system and anticipation in simultaneous interpreting

Topic l Functional system of simultaneous interpretation

Topic 2 Anticipation in simultaneous interpretation

Module 4. Simultaneous interpreting: grammatical aspect

Topic l Grammatical difficulties typical of simultaneous interpretation

Topic 2 Compression and expansion in simultaneous interpretation

During our classes we use videos from YouTube (where one can easily find speeches, records of different meetings, summits, interviews, etc.). Very useful are official websites of CNN [6], BBC [3]. And we must admit students also like these sites very much, especially while preparing individual research projects.

We find e-learning tool Speech Repository II [9] very helpful and interesting. While choosing the video, one can select:

- language;

- use (simultaneous or consecutive);

- type (conference, press conference, debate, hearing, interview, or pedagogical material);

- keywords;

- level (basic, beginner, intermediate, advanced / test-type, very advanced);

- domain (general, agriculture, audiovisual and media, budget, climate, competition, consumers, culture, customs, development, economic and monetary affairs, education, training, youth, employment and social policy, energy, enlargement, enterprise, environment, external relations, external trade, fight agains fraud, fisheries and maritime affairs, food safety, foreign and security policy, humanitarian aid, human rights, information society, institutional affairs, internal market, justice, freedom and security, public health, regional policy, research and innovation, taxation, transport);

- speech #;

- duration.

96 HayKOBi записки. Серiя: педагопка. — 2014. — № 4.

When you've chosen the video, one also get information about place and date of the record. And one more key aspects of this project is provision of terminology list for each video.

It's interesing to know students' opinions about video material used in our classes. That's why we asked last year and this year MA students the following questions:

What types of video materials do you prefer interpreting simultaneously? What domains do you like interpreting simultaneously? What should be changed to make our classes more successful?

Fig. 1. What types of video materials do you prefer interpreting simultaneously? Conference - 2 (reasons: "speakers talk for apoximately 20 mins, so you deal with 1 topic and the same terminology, you can learn something new"),

press conference - 3 ("you may know people and subjects, speakers take some time to think what to answer, so you have time to think"),

debate - 3 ("you may perform a high pressurebalancung act, you become more professional and self-confident"),

hearing - 1 ("my second major is law, so I can do high quality interpreting in this domain"), interview - 9 ("it's not boring, beacuse you switch from one speaker to the other, and you have time to think"),

news - 7 ("you are up-to-date with the things going on in the world"),

speech - 5 ("the speech tempo allows you to think how to render a passage and interpreting the same people tp become familiar with their vocabulary").

Types of video materials


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Fig. 2. What domains do you like interpreting simultaneously?

Culture - 8, economic affairs - 2, education - 5, employment - 4, justice - 1, transport - 3, food safety - 5, public health - 2.

What should be changed to make our classes more successful?

It'll be good to increase the amount of credits for studying SI (1 year is not enough). Why? They will be able to practice more which will help them to develop professionally, cover more doamins and, as a result, learn more terms.

Each class is started with warming-up activities (for developing voice) and finished with the discussion (for critical analysis of the interpreting) and conclusions (to sum up everything done and set new goals).

Warming-up activities help to develop interpreter's voice because "voice is crucial to professional survival". For warming-up activities we use sayings and tongue twisters in English and Ukrainian, e.g.:

Mary Mac's mother's making Mary Mac marry me.

My mother's making me marry Mary Mac.

Will I always be so Merry when Mary's taking care of me?

Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac? [10].

At the end we analyze all the interpretations in order to avoid these mistakes in the future. We also sum up everything we've done and see either we've reached our goals or nor and set new goals for the next class.

Use variety of exercises for developing SI skills (general preparatory exercises and SI practice exercises) [2 : p. 259-301].

After certain amount of done exercises, interpreting solutions are on the level of habits and are controlled by fringe of consciousness [2 : p. 262].

According to prof. L. Chernovatyi, exercises for developing SI skills may be divided into: 1) general preparatory and 2) SI practice exercises.

General preparatory exercises are those without interpreting but are necessary for developing certain skills needed for interpreting [2 : p. 262]:

Sentence paraphrasing in the SL;

Key words finding;

Guessing from the given hints what the information is about;

Shorten the text;

Transform the information into newspaper headlines, etc.

SI practice exercises:


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Listen to the information, read by the teacher, once. Make notes. While listening to it for the second time count from 1 to 233 trying to be as attentive as possible. Retell the article in your mother tongue using notes;

Listen to the information, read by the teacher while simultaneously reciting the English alphabet in the direct and reverse orders. Retell the article in your mother tongue;

Guessing the words by means of 1 or 2 syllables;

Interpreting of people with different accents, articulation, etc.;

Simultaneous reading of translated at home video (Van Doren);

At sight simultaneous interpreting.

Work with MOODLE platform.

MOODLE platform provides students with all the necessary information, in particular: 1) The Aim and the Tasks; 2) Assessment criteria; 3) Literature; 4) Internet Sources; 5) Glossary; 6) Programme Overview; 7) Programme Structure; 8) Self-Directed Learning and Individual Research Work; 9) Books and Articles for Reading and Discussion; 10) Plans of practical classes and tasks; 11) News; 12) Marks [8].

To conclude we may say that work in a specially-equipped laboratory of SI and combination of the mentioned above methodic aspects help to train good SIs. In perspective improving teaching techniques of SI is to be studied.


10. Куцш Б. В. Особливосп синхронного перекладу як засобу подолання мовного та культурного 6ap'epiB: умови екстремальносп синхронного перекладу / Куцш Б. В. // Rozwoj nauk humanistycznych. Problemy i perspectywy. - 28.09. 2012-30.09. 2012, Katowice. - P. 65-70. [Електронний ресурс] - Режим доступу: http://xn--e1aajfpcds8ay4h.com.ua/files/image/konf%209/konf%209_5_16.pdf

11. Черноватий Л. М. Методика викладання перекладу як спещальностг тдручник для студенпв вищих закл. освгги за спещальшсю «Переклад» / Л. М. Черноватий. - Вшниця: Нова Книга, 2013. - 376 с.

12. BBC. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.bbc.com/

13. Booths for Simultaneous Interpretation. General Characteristics and Equipment. [Electronic resource] -Access mode: http://www.barinas.com/ISO%202603.pdf

14. Cay Dollerup. Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Training Talent and Experience / Cay Dollerup, Anne Loddegaard (eds). - Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V., 1991. - 344 p.

15. CNN. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://edition.cnn.com/

16. Kriston A. The Importance of Memory Training in Interpretation / A. Kriston // Professional Communication and Translation Studies. - 2012. - 5 (1-2). - P. 79-86.

17. Practice of Simultaneous Interpreting. [Electronic resource] -Access mode : http://elr.tnpu.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=2284

18. Speech Repository II. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/scic/cooperation-with-universities/speech_repository.htm

19. Tongue Twister. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://childhouse.net/html/Tongue-Twister/index.html

20. Vox Tranlatorum. [Electronic resource] - Access mode : http://voxtran.net/ua/o-proekte/o-voxtran

Науков1 записки. Сер1я: педагопка. - 2014. - № 4.


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