10.00.00. Филологические науки
О.В. Вахонина канд.филол.наук, доцент, зав.кафедрой педагогического и филологического образования, филиал ФГБОУ ВО «Кубанский государственный университет»
в г. Новороссийске OV.Vaknori\na
Head of the pedagogica\ and phi\o\ogica\ department Kuban State University. Subsidiary \n Novorossiysk
Annotation. The article deals with the problem of cognitive discord. The cognitive discord operates at different levels of the system of language. The analysis of the cognitive discord in poetic structures.
Key words: cognitive discord, translational activity, system of knowledge, meaning and expression.
The basic function of speech is communicative, i.e., human speech appears in response to the need for entering the contact to report anything, through the speech the contact of that speaking and listening occurs. The interest in the communication aspect of speech is the interest in the speech as the form of the behavior of man, in which the manifestations of his nature are revealed, his relation with other people, its vital positions. In this sense it is possible to speak about the vocal behavior, which is understood as an action in the vocal sphere: it is possible to offend, to caress, to lead into error; it is possible to conduct verbal battle, to play by words, etc.
In the cognitive aspect the vocal action is considered as the totality of the procedures of ontology of knowledge. "The categories of the vocal action use such lingual expressions with which new knowledge is introduced into the world model of the carrier of language. Already existing knowledge is modified, i.e., the process of ontology of knowledgeoccurs". The cognitive approach considers the language as a tool of action on the cognitive structures of a recipient and means of discovering the world, since "the speech itself is the only tip of the iceberg of the current vocal interaction with its cognitive and social measurements". "The immense network of the cognitive processes connected with it remains under the water".
From the middle of the 70th of the last century the terms the cognitive science, cognitivismcame into use for the designation of the field within the framework of which the processes of mastering, accumulation and the usage of information by a man are investigated. Earlier than in other disciplines the cognitive trend appeared in psychology (cognitive theory of personality). The spectrum of views on the tasks of cognitive science is wide:
- the construction of the theory of processing of the natural language;
- the explanation of how the man's thinking process works;
- accumulation of knowledge concerning the process of thinking in different disciplines.
Естественно-гуманитарные исследования №12(2), 2016
Today the cognitive linguistics is the forming trend which is occupied "with the discovery of ways by which the language uses general cognitive mechanisms". The cognitive model of the natural language is nothing else but the complex of procedures on the working, the mastering and the creation of knowledge. The categories of knowledge, scenarios, frames, plans, which describe not only the special features of the lingual system but also the processes of the man's thinking are the conceptual basis of the cognitive model of the natural language.
The special features of vocal communication can determine the type of people - chatterer, grumbler, etc. Feedback is the most important structural component of any communicative situation. The absence of reaction of the speaker's statement leads to the destruction of the communication: without getting answer to the assigned question a man feels a bit humiliated and usually either he gets the answer or ceases conversation.
The formation of the discords in the complete cognitive space is typical. For the translators of the personal discourse the formula "discourse (text ((system)) of the original language - (discourse (text ((system)) of the translated language is real. In the sense of the dialectical complexity the work of the highly professional translator with the personal discourse - especially with the poetic text - is outlined considerably more difficult.
It is necessary to examine the poetic text in three aspects: semantic (what is said), stylistic (how is said) pragmatic (what reaction the said has on the reader).
It is not difficult to see the proximity of these three aspects with three sides of the discourse in M.A.K. Khellidey. Therefore discourse is the beginning and the end of the translational activity connected with intension "to correspond to purpose".
From one additional observation of many scientists it is possible to conclude how the cognitive discord operates at the level of system: "The poetic context in contrast to the prosaic is arranged in such a way that by no means it removes the lexical polisemantics of each vocabule as it is in prose, and on the contrary, it strengthens it, so that any word in the verse simultaneously indicates everything which is fixed in the vocabulary".
The cognitive discord has a very great significance in theory and practice of translation. Each translator unavoidably encounters with certain discords in his work. The cognitive discord is the nonconformity in the system of knowledge. It leads to the appearance of psychological discomfort, and it in its turn impels to actions. In the theory of translation the cognitive discord is defined as the realization of limitations in the selection of the means of the translated language, necessary for the adequate reproduction of the original.
The translator realizes that he cannot translate the important elements of text but he must and he searches for the output from the situation decreasing or removing the cognitive discord. The cognitive discord is dynamic. It exists at all levels of translation competence.
It is obvious that it is not possible to become a professional translator without the cognitive discord. The theory of the cognitive discord makes it necessary to glance at the concept of what is untranslatable. In order to translate the translator must find the method of leveling off the cognitive discord in the space
"(discourse (text)) system))" for the original and translated languages. A poetic text with its entire special features such as metric, phonic, phonetic, syntactic, melodic forms is the basis for the cognitive discord which should be decreased in the translation.
The cognitive discord appears when the translator must connect meaning and expression, and in the personal discourse which includes the poetic text, expression determines meaning. The predominating role belongs to the expression of an entire text, and the individual words and the parts of the text are penetrated by the spirit of whole. Poetic translation superimposes many limitations which not all translators are capable of carrying out.
It is assumed that the theory of the cognitive discord will be used together with other theories of translation. It is considered as one of those which will make it possible to increase the level of the qualification of translators. Источники:
1. Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты). - М.: «Высшая школа», 1990.
2. Мартыненко Л.В. В сборнике: ТЕНДЕНЦИИ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ НАУКИ НОВОГО ВРЕМЕНИ Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции: в 4 частях.2014.
3. Степина И.В. Экспрессия в языке и способы ее выражения. Казанская наука. 2010. № 9.
Ж.С. Ракыш к.филол.н., с.н.с.,
Институт литературы и искусства им. М.О. Ауэзова
Zh.S. Rakysh
Science supervisor, Candidate of Phi\o\ogica\ Sciences M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art (zhumasha^9@ma\\xu, 8 HI 010 08 32)
Annotation. The author of the article considers the variant peculiarities of epos «Marguba» which was created on the base of the Arabian tale «Thousand and one Nights».
Key words: dastan, epos, an Arabian fairy tale, plot, text.
The worldwide unique project - 100 volume Collection "Babalar sozi" within the State program "Cultural heritage" - include the Kazakh folklore heritages and scientific revolutions of their editions that were collected and preserved in manuscript collections for a long time, published in XIX-XX centuries just in old Turkic, Arabic and Persian languages and were unknown to the wide audience all these years. One of those Kazakh folklore heritages is the dastan about Marghuba.
The plot content of the "narration about woman Marghuba" runs as following: a man named Murat Salyk was living in Turkistan city and his wife Marghuba was very honest and had an enchanting beauty. Once he decided to take pilgrim's journey to Mecca, which is the fifth sanctity in Islam religion. Murat Salyk has given to his younger brother the power with his most precious possession, his wife. His younger brother came to visit her every day and helped with