Научная статья на тему 'Levels of the cognitive discord'

Levels of the cognitive discord Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Вахонина О. В.

The predominating role belongs to the expression of an entire text, and the individual words and the parts of the text are penetrated by the spirit of whole. Poetic translation superimposes many limitations which not all translators are capable of carrying out.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Levels of the cognitive discord»



ISSN 2410-6070

За окном XXI век, но в последнее время все больше вспоминают и читают С. Есенина, А. Блока, В. Маяковского, а не современных авторов. Поэтов Серебряного века все чаще читают молодые люди или подростки, нежели старшее поколение.

Еще не все потеряно, мы не потеряны, раз возвращаемся к истокам - к настоящей, хорошей, проверенной временем русской литературе. Ничего не может затмить классику - эту неповторимость, легкость, романтичность, местами жесткость, и в тоже время лиричность и неповторимую первозданную красоту слога.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Большакова А., Давыдова Т. Есениноведение сегодня: ключи к пониманию // Литературная учеба. 2002. №1. С. 192-194.

2. Волков А.А. Художественные искания Есенина. М.,1976.

3. Есенин С.А. Собр. соч.: в 6 т. / Под ред. В.Г.Базанова. М., 1967. 192 с.

4. Захаров А.Н. Художественно-философский мир Сергея Есенина: автореф.докт...филол.наук. Москва, 2002. 44 с.

5. Кочнова К.А Языковая картина мира писателя: аспекты и методы исследования // Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: Филология, журналистика. 2015. № 3. С. 53-57.

6. Кочнова К.А. О многообразии терминологии в вопросе изучения языковой картины мира писателя // Гуманитарные научные исследования. 2015. № 4-1. С. 56-59.

7. Куняев С. Жизнь Есенина. Снова выплыли годы из мрака. М., 2001.

8. Марченко А. Поэтический мир Есенина. М.: Советский писатель,1972.

9. Чанчина А.В. Слова с уникальными корнями в синхронии и диахронии // Русское слово: синхронический и диахронический аспекты. Орехово-Зуево: ОЗГПИ, 2003. С. 285-288.

© Ваховский С.С., Гаранин А.А., 2015

УДК 81

О. В. Вахонина

канд.филол.наук, доцент, зав.кафедрой педагогического и филологического образования филиала ФГБОУ ВПО «Кубанский государственный университет» в г. Новороссийске

г. Новороссийск, Российская федерация


The predominating role belongs to the expression of an entire text, and the individual words and the parts of the text are penetrated by the spirit of whole. Poetic translation superimposes many limitations which not all translators are capable of carrying out.

Key words

Cognitive discord, dissonant relations, interaction, translation.

Today many scientists allot the variety of the cognitive discord. These are the axiological discord, information-psychological, the personal attitude of a translator toward a man, to the idea, self-appraisal of the translator of his own professional activity, the discord of probabilistic expectations - these is the no coincidence of thesauruses, «special» cognitive discord.


All dissonant relations have different force and intensity. The factor which determines the degree of the discord is the characteristic of those elements between which dissonant relations appear. The more the elements for the individual mean, the greater the degree of the dissonant relation between them is. Some scholars consider the varieties of the cognitive discord as the dialectical interaction of three sides of the verbal communication: system (language), text (speech) and vocal activity (discourse). They distinguishe several levels of the cognitive discord.

The first level of the cognitive discord. If the text of the language belongs to a personal discourse, i.e. it orients towards the intension "to correspond to purpose" then with the translation of a poetic text at the first level of the cognitive discord the text of translation is far from the original. But the mood (spirit), the tone (atmosphere) and the emotional state are transferred during the translation.

At the first level of translation competence the discords appear in the cognitive space "discourse of the original language - discourse of the translated language". The possession of the analysis of the discourse for the purposes of the professional translation is a dialectical cognitive process which follows the laws of the expansion of the initial context of the interpretation.

The idea about the integrity at the level of conceptual metaphor "text is a living organism" that is not combined with the study of its individual parts is fraught with errors of the interpretation.

The intension "to correspond to purpose" orients the translator towards the perfection of the interpretation since the purpose of this personal discourse as the poetic text is personified in the uniform substance in view of the singleness of the uniqueness of the author. That is the typical situation of the cognitive discord of the first level. It specifies the free nature of translation since it forces a «naive» translator in no way but realizing «the spirit» and «the atmosphere».

The second the level of cognitive discord. Here the attempt of the translator to correlate a part and a whole appears. At this level the translators can make the decision to, for example, to consult the author of original text. This is the variety of a work with the discourse not with the text since the context of the interpretation of the content is enlarged. There is more complex and more labor-consuming way to the leveling off of the cognitive discord if the author is not accessible.

A highly professional translator would connect the text with the realias and reading the specialized literature would make it possible to learn about these realias. The most significant difference between the first and second level of the cognitive discord consists in the fact that the translator does not have a naive understanding of the conceptual metaphor "text is a living organism".

The scientists note that the results of the work with the personal discourse show how the latter seems more complex to the translators who reached the second level. A key question for the translators of this level is question about the final sense of the text. They search for the perfection of a part and a whole. This work with the text includes the elements of analysis which testify the alternative intension "to correspond to structure".

The discord of the second level is formed predominantly in the cognitive space «(discourse (text)) of the original language - (discourse (text)) of the translated language»[2]. However, with the translation of the personal discourse they turn to the concepts of the spirit and atmosphere at the higher, more realized level of the cognitive discord.

The third level of cognitive discord. The formation of the discords in the complete cognitive space is typical. For the translators of the personal discourse the formula «discourse (text ((system)) of the original language -(discourse (text ((system)) of the translated language» is real. In the sense of the dialectical complexity the work of the highly professional translator with the personal discourse - especially with the poetic text - is outlined considerably more difficult. It is necessary to examine the poetic text in three aspects: semantic (what is said), stylistic (how is said) pragmatic (what reaction the said has on the reader). It is not difficult to see the proximity of these three aspects with three sides of the discourse. Therefore discourse is the beginning and the end of the translational activity connected with intension «to correspond to purpose»[2].

Список использованной литературы:

1. Гончаренко С.Ф Поэтический перевод и перевод поэзии: константы и вариативность// Тетради переводчика,-М.: 1999. - вып.24.

2. Рецкер Я.И. Теория перевода и переводческая практика. - М.: «Международные отношения», 1974.

© Вахонина О. В., 2015

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