Section 1. Clinical medicine
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Tillabaeva Akida Aripovna, Tashkent pediatric medical Institute, Master of the Department of Public health, organization and management of health care Mamedova Guzalya Bakirovna, Tashkent pediatric medical Institute, Assistant of the Department of Public health, organization and management of health care Sobirdjanova Charos Kahramonovna, Student of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute
Optimization of nurses to provide medical assistance to persons with disabilities
Zaidova Asaloy Husanovna, Student of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute E-mail: [email protected]
Optimization of nurses to provide medical assistance to persons with disabilities
Abstract: Social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is an important tool for the integration of persons with disabilities in society as a mechanism for the creation of equal opportunities for persons with disabilities, in order to be socially popular. The aim of social rehabilitation is to restore the social status of an individual, the provision of social adaptation in society, achieving financial independence. Basic principles of social rehabilitation are: as early as possible to implement rehabilitation measures, continuity and stages of their implementation, consistency and complexity, individual approach.
Keywords: disability, social adaptation, nurse, organization, educational institution.
In the third Millennium, the population of the planet should be aware of the presence of persons with disabilities and the need to create normal living conditions. According to the UN, every tenth person on the planet has a disability, one in 10 suffers from a physical, mental or sensory impairment and at least 25 % of the total population suffers from health problems [7].
The problem of social-psychological adaptation of persons with disabilities to the conditions of life in society is one of the most important facets of the overall integration problems [2]. Recently, this question takes on added importance and urgency due to large changes in attitudes towards people who are disabled. Despite this, the process of adaptation of this category of citizens to the basics of social life remains virtually unexplored, and it determines all the effectiveness of those corrective actions taken by the professionals working with persons with disabilities. The time has come to present disability as a problem of a certain range of “inferior people”, and as a problem of society as a whole. Its essence is defined legal, economic, productive, communicative, psychological features of the interaction of disability with the surrounding reality.
The most serious disability associated with the occurrence of numerous social barriers that prevent persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases, to actively engage in society. This situation is related to social policies, which mainly focuses on the healthy part of the population and expresses the interests of this category of citizens. Therefore,
the structure of production and life, culture and leisure, social services are still not fully adapted to the needs of sick people. The relationship of people with disabilities and healthy is a powerful factor in the adaptation process. As the experience of many countries, people with disabilities are often even with all the potential to participate actively in social and productive activities, are unable to implement them because the rest of the citizens do not want to communicate with them, entrepreneurs are afraid to employ a disabled person often simply in virtue of the well-established negative stereotypes [3].
The problem of social adaptation relevant for children with severe or multiple disabilities. Students’ lack of experience of interaction with others. 80 % of them his whole life was in a narrow circle of the family or in a boarding school. Social adaptation is one of the stages of integration in society. Thus, the problem of social adaptation and integration into society of persons with peculiar psychophysical development is a priority in special education [4].
Social adaptation — the process of active adaptation of the individual to the demands of society [6].
Currently, in many countries one of the main means of social integration is the socialization, i. e., “the development of the human person, in coordination with and under the influence of the environment, due to specific social factors” [5].
About one family of four is composed of a person with disabilities. According to official statistics, China has more than 60 million people with disabilities, which is 5 % of the population in the U. S. —
Section 1. Clinical medicine
54 million (19 %), in Russia there are 10 million disabled people (about 7 % of the population). According to the Agency for social information, not less than 15 million. Among current disabled a lot of young people and children in the General population of disabled men make up more than 50 % of women over 44 %, 65-80 % of the elderly [4].
Data from the world health organization (who) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13 % (3 % of children are born with defects in the intelligence and 10 % of children with other mental and physical disabilities) only in the world, about 200 million children with disabilities [6]. Currently, the problem of social adaptation of children with disabilities, in view of its relevance, is widely developed not only abroad, but also in CIS countries. A lot of work in this direction in Uzbekistan held a joint Development Program United Nations and the Ministry of labour and social protection of population of the Republic of Uzbekistan — ACCESS (accessibility, civic consciousness, employment and social support for people with disabilities). The aim of the project is the empowerment of social integration and employment for people with disabilities.
In Uzbekistan the rights of children with disabilities is enshrined in many laws, such as: the law “On social protection of invalids in the Republic of Uzbekistan” article 9, “On guarantees of the rights of the child” article 29, 24, and other policy documents [1]. As functions of the Interagency coordinating Council (ICC) ACCESS project, which brings together representatives of ministries, agencies, public and international organizations. Approved by the provincial authorities and successfully implementing joint plans of the regional working groups of the ISS to ensure the rights ofpeople with disabilities to work, affordable living environment and social protection. For successful social adaptation of children with disabilities it is necessary to pay attention not only to the child and his family, but also to change the settings of society as a whole [7]. For this greater use of the experience of parent-teacher Associations, international NGOs, health workers, nurses and doctors, pre-school and school institutions. After all, medical social work has a lot to do inherently with medical care and activities of health authorities in General. But it does not exceed the limits of its competence,
does not claim to perform therapeutic functions, and provides for close interaction with medical staff and a clear division of responsibilities.
To perform all these tasks in the Republic adopted the law “On social protection of invalids in the Republic of Uzbekistan” and the Cabinet ofMin-isters of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of normative legal acts on state specialized institutions of education for children with disabilities”, “on measures for further development of the Republican center for social adaptation of children”. 18 June 2008 adopted and successfully implemented, and to this day the state program of early detection of congenital and hereditary diseases to prevent the birth of disabled children [1].
Therefore, the organizational measures of social adaptation, not trained in psychological terms, may be ineffective. And here must play the main role of health workers in conjunction with other state and public organizations. This is not a small place should be allocated to the activities of nurses in educational institutions, where first of all you psychologically prepare healthy and children with disabilities to joint active participation in society.
The purpose of the work. To analyze the existing problems in the field of social adaptation of children with disabilities in educational institutions and to define the role of nurses for their elimination.
Materials and methods study. In the course of the study used statistical, mathematical and analytical research methods. For analysis of the role of nurses in the social adaptation of children with disabilities in educational institutions in foreign countries, analysis of literary and Internet data. For analysis of interventions nurses in social adaptation of children with disabilities in educational and specialized institutions, the method used was a questionnaire among nurses, specialists and parents of children with disabilities. Were interviewed 69 parents 3 specialized and 29 secondary schools, 27 nurses, educational institutions and 4 nurses specialized boarding schools, as well as 30 professionals, including teachers, heads of institutions and other.
The results of the study. Designed and conducted the study revealed that the activity of nurses in the social adaptation of children opfr is small and the main problem lies mainly in low-skilled and the
Evaluation of preventive measures’ effectiveness in the children of school age with the aim to prevent basic stomatological...
level of professional education of nurses, frequency of courses to improve the skills of low-only 20 % of the total number ofrespondents, according to nurses, many parents did not want to be active and cooperation in social adaptation of their children, as one of the reasons is the lack of an integrated approach by
all specialists working with violence. Assistants and nurses believe that social inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational process of educational institutions is possible, provided that the approach to such children is complex and individual, and it will create the proper conditions in the learning process.
1. The legislation ofthe Republic ofUzbekistan.//[Electronic resource]. - Available from:
2. Maller A. R. New in assisting children with disabilities.//Defectology. - 2006. - No. 1.
3. Kurbanov D. U., Kurbanov W. M. Guidelines for specialized care and home rehabilitation. - Tashkent, 2005.
4. Makhmudov N., Mamedov B., Askarov R. I., Khaidarova B. A. The Problem of social adaptation of children with disabilities./The article.//Bulletin of the Association of physicians of Uzbekistan. -№ 1. - 2013. - Р. 54-57.
5. Iskandarova W. T., Mamedov B., Askarov R. I., Khaidarova B. A. The Role of nurses in promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population./The article.//Bulletin of the Association of physicians of Uzbekistan. - № 1, - 2013. - Р. 81-83.
6. Rasulova N. F., Khaidarova B. A. The Role of nurses in the social adaptation of children with disabilities in educational institutions. Thesis, abstracts of scientific-practical conference.
7. Official site of the Development Programme United Nations in the Republic of Uzbekistan.//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: %D0 %B8 %D0 %BD %D0 %B2 %D0 %B0 %D0 %BB %D0 %B8 %D0 %B4 %D1 %8B.
Shostenko Alla Anatolievna, Bukovyna State Medical University, assastant of the Children’s Dental Surgery department,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected]
Evaluation of preventive measures’ effectiveness in the children of school age with the aim to prevent basic stomatological diseases on the basis of the prophilactico-educational program
Abstract: High prevalence of the stomatological diseases presupposes an urgency of their preventive measures. Pediatric dental service requires a preventive tendency — only this requirement can decrease the tooth diseases level. Successful primary preventive measures mainly depends on it organization. Very important here is the competent planning of the system and individual measures on preventing the most spread stomatological diseases. To achieve this aim we have developed and implemented an educational program of the children’s stomatological health formation.
Keywords: preventive stomatological program, healthy lifestyle, exogenic and endogenic prevention, caries, professional oral hygiene.
High prevalence of the stomatological diseases presupposes an urgency of their preventive measures. Pediatric dental service requires a preventive tendency — only this requirement can decrease
the tooth diseases level [3, 113-124] (Khomenko). One of the most important sections of the stomatological prophylaxis is the endogenic prevention of the teeth caries directed on formation of the caries