OPERATIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH A SYSTEM OF PRIORITIES AT STATIONS WITHOUT CENTRALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
operational control / shunting train / station without electrical interlocking.

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Islom Khasan Ugli Adizov

At stations without electrical interlocking, turnouts (arrows) are manually translated. To move the arrow to the desired position, the shunting train stops and stands for a certain time. For the purpose of rational choice of shunting routes at stations without electrical interlocking, it is proposed to organize the movement of shunting trains with a system of priorities. The order of the choice of the route and the time of passage of its elements has been developed.

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Islom Khasan ugli Adizov

Master's student, Tashkent State Transport University


At stations without electrical interlocking, turnouts (arrows) are manually translated. To move the arrow to the desired position, the shunting train stops and stands for a certain time. For the purpose of rational choice of shunting routes at stations without electrical interlocking, it is proposed to organize the movement of shunting trains with a system of priorities. The order of the choice of the route and the time of passage of its elements has been developed.

Keywords: operational control, shunting train, station without electrical interlocking.


In recent years, large-scale measures have been carried out on the CIS railways aimed at the transition to the formation of trains on fixed lines of the schedule [1-6]. In this transitional stage, the operating costs associated with the processing of cars at stations, the organization of shunting operations, etc., increase.

Today, scientists and specialists of railway transport are carrying out a lot of work to improve methods for performing various types of shunting work and to develop such a technology of shunting, which would take into account the potential capabilities of shunting means and devices, as well as the achievements of modern theory and practice of science. However, all these works are mainly aimed at the efficient operation of one shunting locomotive, replacing shunting locomotives with locomotives, reducing the time for performing shunting operations due to the development of stations, improving their track development schemes and equipment with modern means of automation and telemechanics [7-18]. But,


The problem under consideration arises in the operational control of shunting traffic at stations without centralization of turnouts.

The problem is formulated as follows. Determine the route of a given train from the starting point to the destination and the moments of the occupation and release of all elements of the route development included in the route, provided that the "influencing" trains are allowed to pass freely.

Initial data:

a) the location at the time of calculation of all the trains participating in the work, their points of destination, the moments of readiness for departure and the location of the locomotive relative to the wagons ("orientation" of the train);

b) a system of priority compositions, the numerical expression of which is the "value indicator" assigned to each composition. In the process of solving the problem of controlling shunting movement, the value indicators change based on the requirements of the train situation.

The composition for which the route is determined is called the main compositions, the value indicators of which are higher than the main ones are called influencing, the compositions with lower values than the main ones, the value indicators are called subordinate.

c) the routes of all the "influencing" trains and the moments of occupation and release of route elements.

The employment of elements is determined from the ratio,

fij _ fij — f] I fij n\

Losn Lnz Lx~ Lz (1)

where tl0Jsnand, t^ respectively, the moment of release and the moment of the beginning of the occupation of the j-th element of the track diagram by the -th train;

tlz} i - the duration of the delay of the -th composition on the j-th element;

t]x - is the duration of the stroke for the j-th element.

Complete information about the routes of the trains should be stored in the computer memory, from where you can get data on the "influencing" trains. If such data are not available, then before choosing a route for the main train, it is necessary to solve the same problem for all influencing trains in descending order of their value indicators,

g) the required orientation (conditions of arrival) to the destinations of the "main" train. The design graph is constructed in such a way that for each design element of the track development, movement is allowed only in one direction. In this regard, each element corresponds to two orientations of the train: positive (locomotive moving forward) and negative (cars forward);

d) standards (duration of movement of a train of each type in the forward and reverse directions along each element of the track).


The track diagram is presented in the form of a computational graph, the arcs of which are isolated sections of the track. In the course of the calculation, the elements of the track scheme are indexed - the ends of the arcs of the computational graph, i.e. assigning to each element a numerical score (index) equal to the time of arrival of the

train at this element or departure from this element. The original idea of indexing arcs is borrowed from the fund algorithm. However, the whole computational procedure differs significantly from the named algorithm, since the purpose of the solution is composite in choosing a route for a specific train and real moments of passage by this train of all elements of the route, taking into account all influencing factors.

At the beginning of the calculation (the current moment Ttek), the initial indices of the ends of the element on which the composition under consideration is located are formed. The end of the arc, coinciding with the direction of movement of the train, is called the direct element, the opposite end - the reverse element. A direct element is assigned an index

Inach Ty.Qtp T^ek (2)

Inverse - index

^nach = Tvotp — Ttek — ^x (3)

whereT£o£p - the moment of readiness of the composition in question for poisoning;

tx- travel time along the element on which the train under consideration is located.

The resulting indices are fixed and the array of indices (MI) whose elements are the initial for the further formation of route options. The central block of the algorithm performs indexing of the elements.

The initial information for indexing is the number of the element with the minimum index Эteкand the corresponding index Itek. After a series of checks, an element adjacent Эpr to is Эtek assigned an index

Ipr = he к + t:x (4)

where is the travel time over the elementt£r Эрг.

Then the elements are ordered in ascending order of indices, and at the next step of indexing, the element Э1ек with the minimum index is taken as.

At separate stages of the calculation, it becomes necessary to restore the sequence of the elements of the route along which it was obtained Itek, and the time of occupation of each of them. To provide this possibility, after calculating Itek the corresponding route from the source element to Эрг is fixed by adding to Эрг the previously fixed sequence of elements from the source to Э1ек. At the same time, the information stored in the machine's random-access memory (RAM) about the number of route elements and expected train delays is corrected. Route information is stored in a dedicated array of RAM in a compressed form, but can be expanded if necessary.

For each element of the track development, two types of indices are provided, corresponding to the positive I + and negative I- orientations of the trains. Similarly, there are two types of labels for indexed items.

In case Эpr it received the mark earlier, the development of the route variant along the way Эtek — Эpr should be stopped, as required by the basic idea of the Ford algorithm. However, taking into account the occupation of the path by routes of influencing trains, in the future it may be advisable to continue the development of the previously found "dead-end" branches of the tree of variants. To reduce the amount of computation, these "dead-end" options are fixed in an additional array of indices n Эd.

At points where corner races are possible, it is conventionally assumed that an element opposite in sign is adjacent to it. Эpr

The travel time for a fictitious element is equal to the duration of the corner race. This item is indexed after Эpr all checks have been performed.

The checks pursue the goal of accounting for the employment of elements of the track development by "influencing" trains. In case the element Эpr busy in the time interval when the "main" train is planned to pass through it, the train will be delayed at the element. Эtek

The duration of the delay is determined

tz = tn — hek (5)

where tn - is the lower bound of the Itek time interval closest to (tn, tk}, satisfying the following conditions

a) the EPR element is free during the interval (,};tH tK

b) tn > Itek ;

v) .tk — tn> tXJ

The new value Itek increased by the amount tz is fixed in the index array. At the same time, the duration of the delay is memorized.

Implementation of a delay on an element Эtek is impossib^tefc if it is busy in the interval {. tnz, \[ek} ,. This situation arises when the "influencing" train that caused the delay moves towards the "main" train, or after the "influencing" train it is supposed to skip another one with a shortertz interval. In these cases, control is transferred to the block "Return"

Purpose of the "Return" function:

a) determine the boundary of the coinciding section of the considered variant of the route of the "main" train and the route of the "influencing" one;

b) at the "branching" element of these two routes, provide for a delay of the "main" train in order to let the "influencing" train pass;

v) find in the array Эd "dead-end" options, the development of which was previously suspended on the elements included in the coinciding section of the two routes. The development of these options is resumed.

When the "Return" block is working, the value is T0SVmtek determined - the time of the possible entry of the "main" composition to the element. Эi+1

At the first step of the calculation Эi = Э1ек and Tosvteki = Itek (where Itek it is determined taking into account the waiting for the element to be released). It then checks to see if the element is free in the interval Э; .

I {{T0SV.tek.i t^, Tosv^ekj] (6)

If ^Э; interval I*is busy, the "main" composition can join only Э; later.

f _ fi

1 osv.tek.i Lx

The new value is Tosvtek

Tosv .tek.i-l~,Tosv .tek.i ^xi + ^zi (7)

Where t zi is determined similarly tz, but instead of the calculation, the value is

used ItekT = TosvXek.i — ^x

The calculation is repeated until the problem is solved.

If Э^ it is free in I* the interval, the value Tosv tek i is equal to the moment of release Эt by the last of the trains passing through this element in the interval Trasch,T0sv.tek, Here Trasch - the moment of the beginning of the calculation, correspond to the moment when the signal arrives at the control point.

In this case, Эt an equal part is realized on the element TlosvXek — To-ltek . The algorithm reflects the desire to tighten the trains along their route, performing forced downtime at least partially on the elements closest to the destination of the train.

With the end of the "Return" block, the indexing of adjacent elements is terminated and the main cycle of the computational process is repeated.

The calculation graph is indexed until the destination receives an index, meet the required arrival condition (if there are no restrictions on the arrival conditions, indexing is carried out up to the first destination index).


1. For a rational choice of shunting routes at stations without electrical interlocking, it is proposed to organize the movement of a shunting train with a system of priorities.

2. The order of the choice of the route and the time of passage of its elements has been developed. The resulting solution determines the route of the train, as well as the most advantageous time and stopping points for passing oncoming and passing trains.

2. The developed route selection procedure can be used to solve problems of operational traffic control on an extensive transport network of any enterprise, when, for technological, transport or any other considerations, it is possible to rank trains in accordance with a system of priorities.


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