METHOD FOR CHOOSING A RATIONAL TYPE OF SHUNTING LOCOMOTIVE AT SORTING STATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Shinpolat Mansuraliyevich Suyunbayev, Muslima Djalalovna Akhmedova, Bekhzod Alisher Ugli Sadullaev, Nozimjon Nodirjon Ugli Nazirov

Shunting work on sorting cars is carried out on steeper profiles and requires the operation of shunting diesel locomotives of higher power. In the conditions of a very outdated fleet of shunting diesel locomotives at many sorting works, shunting locomotives are not able to push an entire train up a hill. The article proposes to perform shunting work on sorting cars on a non-mechanized low-power hill of station "X" with a TEM-7 locomotive instead of a TEM-2 locomotive. The proposal is due to the fact that the existing capacity of the TEM-2 locomotive does not allow handling a train of 57 cars at a time. The train is divided into two parts; it moves in succession and disbands on a hill. Study of the technology for dismantling trains from the hump in two ways: the first is the existing technology (work on disbanding the trains is carried out with the help of a shunting diesel locomotive of the TEM-2 series), the second is that for the disbanding of trains it is proposed to introduce a more powerful shunting diesel locomotive of the TEM-7 series. It has been determined that in the existing technology the required processing capacity of the hill approaches its maximum value, and when using the TEM-7 diesel locomotive, the maximum processing capacity of the hill increases more than 2 times. Thus, the primary object of renewal of the fleet of shunting locomotives of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC as a marshalling yard has been substantiated. that in the existing technology the required processing capacity of the slide approaches its maximum value, and when using the TEM-7 diesel locomotive, the maximum processing capacity of the slide increases more than 2 times. Thus, the primary object of renewal of the fleet of shunting locomotives of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC as a marshalling yard has been substantiated. that in the existing technology the required processing capacity of the slide approaches its maximum value, and when using the TEM-7 diesel locomotive, the maximum processing capacity of the slide increases more than 2 times. Thus, the primary object of renewal of the fleet of shunting locomotives of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC as a marshalling yard has been substantiated.

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Shinpolat Mansuraliyevich Suyunbayev

Muslima Bekhzod Alisher

Djalalovna ugli Sadullaev


Tashkent State Transport University

Nozimjon Nodirjon ugli Nazirov


Shunting work on sorting cars is carried out on steeper profiles and requires the operation of shunting diesel locomotives of higher power. In the conditions of a very outdated fleet of shunting diesel locomotives at many sorting works, shunting locomotives are not able to push an entire train up a hill. The article proposes to perform shunting work on sorting cars on a non-mechanized low-power hill of station "X" with a TEM-7 locomotive instead of a TEM-2 locomotive. The proposal is due to the fact that the existing capacity of the TEM-2 locomotive does not allow handling a train of 57 cars at a time. The train is divided into two parts; it moves in succession and disbands on a hill. Study of the technology for dismantling trains from the hump in two ways: the first is the existing technology (work on disbanding the trains is carried out with the help of a shunting diesel locomotive of the TEM-2 series), the second is that for the disbanding of trains it is proposed to introduce a more powerful shunting diesel locomotive of the TEM-7 series. It has been determined that in the existing technology the required processing capacity of the hill approaches its maximum value, and when using the TEM-7 diesel locomotive, the maximum processing capacity of the hill increases more than 2 times. Thus, the primary object of renewal of the fleet of shunting locomotives of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC as a marshalling yard has been substantiated. that in the existing technology the required processing capacity of the slide approaches its maximum value, and when using the TEM-7 diesel locomotive, the maximum processing capacity of the slide increases more than 2 times. Thus, the primary object of renewal of the fleet of shunting locomotives of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC as a marshalling yard has been substantiated. that in the existing technology the required processing capacity of the slide approaches its maximum value, and when using the TEM-7 diesel locomotive, the maximum processing capacity of the slide increases more than 2 times. Thus, the primary object of renewal of the fleet of shunting locomotives of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC as a marshalling yard has been substantiated.


In the structure of the fleet of shunting diesel locomotives of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC, about 55% falls on diesel locomotives of the ChME3 series of various modifications and about 45% on diesel locomotives TEM2. To date, most of the shunting diesel locomotives have exhausted their standard service life. The technical

condition of the locomotives that have exhausted this period in most cases allows them to remain in operation, provided that the serviceability of the rolling stock is maintained by an appropriate repair system.

To bring the size of the fleet and its operating parameters in line with the projected traffic volume, traffic safety and energy efficiency requirements, it is necessary to take urgent measures to rehabilitate the park and renew it. With the implementation of large construction projects of «Uzbekistan Railways» JSC and limited investment opportunities, the complete replacement of the existing fleet with locomotives of a new generation in the near future is unrealistic.

Analysis of world experience in this area of optimal use of the power of a shunting diesel locomotive shows [1-12] that one of the options with limited investment opportunities is the gradual renewal of the fleet through the supply of new locomotives. The renewal of the locomotive fleet should begin with those locomotives in which the work is related to the disbandment of trains at marshalling yards, since the hump has a large profile and, therefore, a shunting locomotive with greater power is required to sort the wagons.

At present, at station "X", the shunting work at the station to dismantle trains on the marshalling hill is carried out by a TEM-2 locomotive. Instead, it is proposed to use a TEM-7 series locomotive. The proposal is due to the fact that due to the outdated fleet of shunting locomotives, the power of the TEM-2 locomotive is slightly lower than the power of the TEM-7 locomotive. This does not allow the TEM-2 locomotive to process a train in the amount of 57 cars at a time, so the train is divided into 2 parts. Consequently, the time for the disbandment of the train increases, and hence the time for occupying the receiving-departure track, the idle time of the transit car with processing, the idle time of the local car.

The use of a locomotive of the TEM-7 series will make it possible to process the train in one go, without breaking it into parts. Accordingly, the time for the disbandment of the train will be reduced, which means the release of the receiving and departure track, a simple transit surge with processing, and a simple local carriage. The processing capacity of the slide will also increase. High tractive qualities of the TEM-7 series locomotive are especially necessary when pushing trains on a hill. The calculations of the existing technology were made according to option I, and the proposed one -according to option II.

Determination of the recycling capacity of the hump

The maximum processing capacity of the hump depends on the technological cycle of time for the dismantling of one train from the hump, which consists of separate shunting operations and is determined by the formula [13]

7rf= Tz + Tsn + Tnad + Tros + Tos, min. (1)

where Tz - time of arrival of the shunting locomotive to the fleet of arrival at the train, min;

Tsn - time of removal of means of fastening and coupling of the locomotive, min


Tnad - time of thrust of the train up to the hump of the hill, min; Tros - time of dissolution of the train from the hump, min; Tos - time for settling wagons on sorting tracks, min.

The technological time of arrival of a shunting locomotive to the reception park behind the train is determined by the formula

n = S=itc + ^=i itd, min. (2)

where tc - the duration of the i-th semi-flight of the check in operation, min;

ttd - time to change the direction of movement of a shunting locomotive, the values are taken for shunting locomotives - tpd = 0.15 min; n - the number of half-flights;

k - the number of changes in the direction of movement of the shunting locomotive.

The tc values are determined by the formula

tc = (apT + ^ + 0,06 min. (3)

where apT- coefficient that takes into account the time required to change the speed of the locomotive on 1 km / h when accelerating and the time required to change the speed of the locomotive by 1 km / h when braking, apT = 0.0407 min / (km / h);

^pT - coefficient that takes into account additional changes in the speed of movement per one car in a shunting train for1 km / h during acceleration and additional changes in the speed of movement per one car in a shunting train, by 1 km / h when braking, p = 0.0017 min / (km / h);

m - the number of cars in the shunting train (for TEM-2 m = 28 cars, for TEM-7 m = 57 cars);

v - permissible speed of movement during shuntings, (according to [14] v = 15 km / h);

^ - half-flight length, m.

The arrival of a shunting locomotive into the receiving park behind the train consists of two half-flights (with the sequential position of the receiving and sorting park): 1. Following the locomotive from the hump (top) of the hill to the end of the receiving park after the M37 traffic light (^ = 1250 m). 2. From the M37 traffic light

to the appropriate path of the reception park for the train (= 350 m). Therefore, n = 2

and k = 1. Then, for the first half-flight tp / p = 6.03 minutes, and for the second - tp / p = 2.43 minutes. Hence, according to the formula (2) Tz = 8.61 min. For both variants (TEM-2 and TEM-7) this time is the same.

The time for removing the means of securing and coupling the locomotive according to [15] is taken equal to 4.5 minutes for both options. 7CH

The technological time of advancing the train onto the hump is determined by the formula

т O-06'11 • гл\

ТНад = , min. (4)

where li - thrust half-flight length, li = 230 m; Vs - thrust speed, km / h.

The speed of advancing and breaking up depends on the average number of cars in one cut.

The average number of cars in one cut is determined by the following formula:

отц = ш/д0, (5)

where g0 is the number of cuts, wag.

Technological time for breaking up the train from the hump

Трос = £рос + ^рос, min. (6)

where trot is the time for the dismantling of the train from the hill, excluding the additional time for shuntings with wagons prohibited for dismantling from the hill without a locomotive, min .;

Atrosh is the increase in the time of dissolution for shuntings with SGI wagons per one train to be dismantled, we take equal to the dissolution time, min.

The time for dismantling trains from the hill, excluding additional time for SGI wagons, is determined by the formula

Трос = —-—, mm. (7)


where lw - length of the car, m; Vp - dissolution rate.

Technological time for upsetting cars from the side of the hill to eliminate "windows" between groups of cars on the tracks of the sorting yard is determined by the formula

Тос = 0,06 • m, min. (8)

The maximum processing capacity of the slide is the most important indicator and is determined by the formula [16]:

В max авр'(144°-Ц Тпост)

™ = -(1+я) ' m , vag. (9)

Lr Мповт (1+рг)

where авр- coefficient that takes into account possible interruptions in the operation of

the slide due to hostile routes. When transit parks are located parallel to the departure park for one-way stations,« = 0,95;

^£тпост - the time of the slide during the day by performing constant operations,

180 minutes;

vnoem - coefficient taking into account the re-sorting of some part of the cars due to the lack of the number and length of sorting tracks during the periods of condensed arrival of trains, according to [16] дп0вт = 1.03;

рг- coefficient taking into account failures of technical equipment and nondisengagement of cars, according to [16] р = 0.03.

The required processing capacity of the slide depends on the amount of processed compounds (Nper) and is determined by the formula [16]:

Br = k^p • Wnep • m , vag. (10)

where is the coefficient of annual unevenness of car traffic. kHep

The calculation results show that at the present time the required processing capacity of the station "X" with the intensive flow of car traffic is approaching the maximum, i.e. any technical failure of sorting devices requires the use of measures to enhance the processing capacity of the station. When a more powerful TEM-7 hump locomotive is used, the maximum processing capacity of the slide is more than doubled.

Results and Discussions

The results of calculations to substantiate the scope of application of shunting diesel locomotives at the marshalling yard showed that today the required processing capacity of the hill at station "X" is 752 cars, and the maximum processing capacity of the hill is 756 cars (fig. 1).





c o

M eö




O <+-

O i—










Cash processing capacity during TEM-2 operation

Cash processing capacity during TEM-7 operation

The required processing capacity of the hump

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Number of disbanded trains, train / day

Fig. 1. The results of calculating the processing capacity of the hump at station "X". When using the TEM-7 diesel locomotive, the maximum processing capacity of the hill increases by 207% and will amount to 1,569 cars. According to [17], the annual growth in the traffic volume is 8%. Consequently, in a year, the technology of disbanding by the shunting locomotive TEM-2 will not master the volume of the processed car traffic.Thus, when determining the stages of renewal of the fleet of

shunting locomotives, the first object of replacing the TEM-2 diesel locomotive with a new type of TEM-7 diesel locomotive is the marshalling yard. The presented method of choosing the type of rolling stock for servicing the hump operation of the station makes it possible to determine an economically feasible option for organizing shunting operations, taking into account the characteristics of possible types of rolling stock.


1. A method has been developed for choosing a rational type of a shunting locomotive at a marshalling yard, depending on the volume and type of work.

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2. This method makes it possible to determine the priority stations with the priority of renewing the fleet of shunting locomotives.


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