№ 6 (87)
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технические науки
июнь, 2021 г.
Sarvar Imomnazarov
Namangaт Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan, Namangan E-mail: [email protected]
Abdujalil Polvonov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Namangaт Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan, Namangan
Temurmalik Ahmadjonov
Namangaт Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan, Namangan
Jahongir Kimanov
Namangaт Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan, Namangan
Имомназаров Сарвар Ковилжонович
Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт, Республика Узбекистан г. Наманган
Полвонов Абдужалил Сатторович
канд. техн. наук,
Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт, Республика Узбекистан г. Наманган
Ахмаджанов Темурмалик Аъзамжон угли
Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт, Республика Узбекистан г. Наманган
Киманов Жахонгир Саидахмад угли
Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт, Республика Узбекистан г. Наманган
Safety security measures during the transportation of goods are an important condition for successful transportation. Failure to comply with special requirements can result in damage to the load, vehicle and personal injury. In this regard, taking into account all the factors that determine the safety of the transport process remains one of the main tasks in planning and organizing the transportation of goods by road. The article presents a study of the main factors affecting flight safety.
Меры безопасности при транспортировке грузов - важное условие успешной перевозки. Несоблюдение специальных требований может привести к повреждению груза, автомобиля и травмам. В связи с этим учет всех факторов, определяющих безопасность транспортного процесса, остается одной из основных задач при планировании и организации перевозки грузов автомобильным транспортом. В статье представлено исследование основных факторов, влияющих на безопасность полетов.
Bibliographic description: Operating conditions of trucks and the safety of the transport process // Universum: технические науки: электрон. научн. журн. Imomnazarov S. [и др.]. 2021. 6(87). URL: https://7univer-sum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/11920
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технические науки
июнь, 2021 г.
Keywords: safety, transport process, cargo, truck, operating conditions, material, traffic intensity. Ключевые слова: безопасность, транспортный процесс, груз, грузовой автомобиль, условия эксплуатации, материал, интенсивность движения.
Introduction. Transportation of goods is not only their delivery on a certain route in accordance with the contract, but also the fulfillment of a number of organizational and technical requirements, the fulfillment of which should ensure the reliability and safety of the transport process.
The organization of cargo transportation and ensuring safety in road transport is regulated by regulatory legal acts. Here are a number of documents.
The Republican law "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Land Electric Transport" regulates relations between participants in the transport process and forms legal conditions and mechanisms that protect the interests of consumers of transport services, improve the quality and safety of cargo transportation by road.
The Decree of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the Rules for the transportation of goods by road" defines the procedure for organizing transportation, starting from the moment of conclusion of the contract, determining the weight of the cargo and ending with the rules for drawing up acts and claims in case of violation of the terms of the contract.
The requirements for ensuring the safety of cargo transportation by road are defined by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Approval of the Rules for ensuring the safety of passenger and Cargo transportation by Road and Urban land electric transport", which are developed in accordance with Article 20 of the Republican Law " On Road Safety movements".
In order to perform the safe transportation of goods, it is important:
• ensure that the vehicles used in operation comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on technical regulation; - ensure that the vehicles correspond to the type of cargo;
• provide safe conditions associated with the performance of loading and unloading operations and cargo transportation;
• provide the driver with complete and reliable information about the upcoming transportation.
A truck (road train) must be allowed to operate in accordance with the established procedure, be fully serviceable, i.e. it is prohibited to release vehicles on the
line that have not passed the pre-trip technical condition control. Information about the pre-trip control of the technical condition of vehicles is necessarily recorded in the waybills.
The safety of a truck (road train) should be considered as one of the most important operational qualities of the rolling stock, since it directly affects the life and health of people, the safety of vehicles, cargo and other material values [1].
The main indicators of truck safety are:
• stability of the truck. Provides vehicle movement without side-sliding, tipping over, or deviating from the desired direction;
• braking properties of a truck;
• visibility, i.e. the space clearly visible from the driver's seat;
• alarm system. It is determined by the effectiveness of the alarm equipment (turn indicators, stop lights, parking lights, sound signal, reverse signal).
A truck (road train) must match the parameters of the cargo to be transported. Therefore, when organizing cargo transportation, it is essential to choose the rolling stock (PS), the use of which would ensure maximum efficiency and safety of transportation. The choice of the PS is influenced by the operating conditions in which the cargo will be transported. The operating conditions of the PS include [1]:
• transport (type of cargo, properties of cargo, volume of transportation, distance of transportation, type of route, loading and unloading operations( PRR), modes of operation of the car);
• road conditions (road surface strength, terrain, road profile, road surface evenness, traffic intensity, roadway stability);
• natural and climatic conditions (climate zones, air temperature and humidity, fog, blizzard, visibility, etc.).
In practice, a significant number of different technical requirements and limitations have to be taken into account when choosing the type of PS [2]. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the influence of external factors on the choice of a PS for cargo transportation.
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технические науки
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Figure 1. The scheme of influence of external factors on the choice of rolling stock for transportation of goods
To ensure safety, it is important to fulfill a number of requirements on the runtime loading and unloading:
• when loading cargo requires that the maximum mass of the truck (articulated lorry), and axial load does not exceed the limit values specified in the passport of the vehicle;
• when placing the cargo on a cargo platform or in the body of a car (road train), the values of weight and overall parameters, the values of which are established by the Rules of Cargo Transportation by Road, must be observed. Conditions for the uniform distribution of the mass of the cargo over the entire area of the platform or body, methods of securing and hiding the cargo must also be provided.
The safety of transportation also depends on how the cargo is prepared for transportation [2]. For example, when transporting container cargo, the shipper must meet the following requirements:
• present the cargo in a transport container that meets the requirements of the standards;
• goods accepted for carriage in containers must have transport markings. The rules for marking are defined by GOST 14192-96 "Marking of goods". The marking includes manipulative signs, basic, additional and informational inscriptions. Manipulation signs must comply with GOST R 51474-99 " Packaging. Marking indicating the way in which the goods are handled." To ensure safety when performing PRR, it is important to pay attention to the manipulation signs, examples of which are shown in Fig. 2;
• placement and fastening of goods, to make according to the scheme applied to the specific type (model) of the vehicle, taking into account the technical conditions of transportation of products. The scheme includes a graphic representation of the cargo placement on a cargo platform or in the body of a car (road train) and a graphic representation of the cargo attachment points, indicating the types of cargo attachment means and their workloads.
? Jf-f &
a) b) c) d) e)
Figure 2. Examples of handling signs indicating cargo handling and safety of loading and unloading operations: a) do not take hooks; b) the place of the
sling; c) it is forbidden to lift the trolley here;
d) the center of gravity; e) do not use forklifts
An important requirement for safe transportation is to conduct a pre-flight briefing of drivers. The briefing should include the following information:
• the length of the route, road conditions, the presence of dangerous areas and places of concentration of road accidents, features of the organization of road traffic;
• final, intermediate points of the route, places of rest, eating, changing drivers (if necessary), parking of vehicles; - location of medical and technical assistance points, traffic police posts on the route;
• working conditions of the driver with an increase in the intensity of traffic and pedestrian flows;
• precautions for overcoming long descents and ascents.
Road operating conditions have a significant impact on both the indicators of the transport process and on the safety of vehicles when performing cargo transportation. Therefore, when organizing transportation, at the stage of route design, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the roads on which the route will be laid. According to operational indicators, highways are characterized by the estimated speed and degree of safety of vehicles, the permissible axial load, the maximum capacity, the coupling of wheels with the road surface, the longitudinal profile and the profile in the plan [3].
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технические науки
During operation, the technical condition of highways changes. Under the influence of climatic and meteorological conditions, as well as the destructive effects of vehicles, the operational condition of the road deteriorates. Indicators that affect the efficiency of work and traffic safety are: slippery, roughness of the road surface, flatness of the road surface, visibility parameters on the road, etc.
Changes in the evenness of the road surface significantly affect the speed of trucks, as well as their wear and service life [3].
A car moving on an uneven road makes vibrations that affect the vehicle and the cargo being transported, as a result, more energy is consumed, the load increases, which leads to an increase in the wear of parts and components of the car units. In addition, the vibrations are transmitted to the driver, create discomfort, i.e. they interfere with the work, which reduces productivity and creates a threat to the safety of all road users.
Speed, and therefore traffic safety, depends on such factors as visibility on the road, the width of the roadway, the radii of rounding, inclines, etc. Conditions the movement of a truck on flat terrain is much better than conditions with hilly or mountainous terrain, since visibility is not limited to fractures of the longitudinal profile. The rounding of the road with a large radius creates good conditions for traffic in terms of lateral stability.
Also, traffic safety is affected by such an indicator as the capacity of highways, which combines a large number of factors: road conditions, the composition of
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the flow of cars, the availability of regulatory means, weather and climatic conditions, the ability to maneuver cars along the width of the roadway, the psychophysiological characteristics of drivers; the design of cars; the design of cars.
With frequent interference on the road, significant speed fluctuations occur, leading to the appearance of a large number of cars moving in groups, and as a result, to the likelihood of a road accident (accident). Statistics show that the majority of road accidents (75-80 %) are caused by drivers [4].
Ensuring traffic safety is impossible without taking into account the psychology and physiology of drivers ' work. The driver's inability to perceive the situation leads to violations of Traffic Rules, then to an emergency situation and an accident. Therefore, to ensure the professional competence and professional fitness of drivers involved in the transportation process, it is necessary:
• conduct professional selection and professional training of drivers;
• to carry out constant monitoring of the health status of the driver's staff;
• observe the work and rest regime of drivers;
• conduct regular training on transportation safety.
Thus, in the course of the study of factors, it was
established that all participants in the transport process should take a responsible approach to the performance of their duties in order to minimize the negative consequences of poor-quality transportation.
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2. Gorev A.E. Organization of automobile transportation and traffic safety: a textbook for higher educational institutions / A.E. Gorev, E.M. Oleshchenko. - Moscow: Publishing center "Academy", 2016. - 256 p. - Text: direct.
3. Trucks / M.S. Vysotsky, Yu. Yu. Belenky, L.H. Gileles [et al.]. - Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 2019. - 374 p. - Text: direct.
4. Kasatkin F.P. Organization of transportation services and safety of the transport process: a textbook for higher education. studies. institutions / F.P. Kosatkin, S.I. Konovalov, E.F. Kasatkina. - Moscow: Publishing center "Academy", 2014. - 352 p. - Text: direct.