Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 5. №12. 2019
https://www.bulletennauki.com DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/49
UDC 616.83/.85:616.89 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/49/36
©Gaffarov M., Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Andijan, Uzbekistan,
©Гаффаров М. Т., Андижанский машиностроительный институт, г. Андижан, Узбекистан, [email protected]
Abstract. Problems in the freight transportation market are considered: low solvency of customers, increase in the vehicle fleet and increased competition in the market, determination of tariffs for the transportation of goods based on the state of customers on idle cars, setting bonus tariffs in the same direction. The calculations and the sequence of actions for creating transport logistics are presented.
Аннотация. Рассматриваются проблемы на рынке грузовых перевозок: низкая платежеспособность клиентов, увеличение автопарка и усиление конкуренции на рынке, определение тарифов на перевозку грузов исходя из состояния клиентов на простаивающих автомобилях, установление бонусных тарифов в том же направлении. Представлены расчеты и последовательность действий для создания логистики транспорта.
Keywords: transportation tariff, cost, solvency, bonus tariff, idle time.
Ключевые слова: транспортный тариф, стоимость, платежеспособность, бонусный тариф, простой.
Currently, there are a number of problems in the market: insufficient customer pay, increased car shed, idle hours waiting for the customer to increase the cost of transportation, and increasing the cost of transportation by self-service [1].
Developing a model for ensuring the freight and passenger suitability on the basis of these factors in the marketplace, developing carriers' activities, differentiating tariffs based on the solvency of the customer, prompt payment for the carriage, fixing tariffs for carriage, reducing car wait times. Increase the volume of freight, reduce the cost of transportation, and require the integration of each customer and carriers together. o enough. Implementation of these measures will ensure long-term development [2].
The low demand of the customer is the provision of the truck of any brand at any time. The demand of the auto company is to achieve a salary of 15-30%, while upgrading their cars, to raise the salaries of the employees above the salaries of the budgeted businesses [3].
To achieve these two objectives, firstly, a contracted freight route will be established, a daily operating capacity of the route, a coefficient of road use is calculated, and transportation costs are calculated with the customer taking into account road conditions [4].
For example, on a contract basis: leg = 10, Vt = 24 km/h, ln1 = 10 km, ln2 = 10 km, Q = 3066 t, to-t = 0.5 hours Dkun = 30 days Ре = 0,52 or = ? count.
For backbone traffic with a revolving probe on this pendulum route, there is no back-to-back vehicles (Figure).
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 5. №12. 2019
https://www.bulletennauki.com DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/49
Figure. Route to the pendulum with no return.
To calculate the work account, we calculate the following. Cargo distance I 10 = 10 km-, zero flights £hi= 10 km, £h2 = 10 km, Cargo class 1 class grain (ycr = 1). Total cargo load Q = 3066 t.
For 30 days the ZIL-130-76 car will be operated with the following parameters: Vt = 24 km/h, to-t = 0.7 hours, running time Tn = 14 hours, Ae, Lkun and Pe it is necessary to identify the. Find the time when cars are on the route. In the same example, since bm = 0.5: m = Tn - to = Tn - (ln1 + tn2) / W = 14 - (4+ 8) / 24 = 13.5 hours.
2. Number of daily flights:
Zge = Tn * b * W / £eg + be * W * to-t = 13.5 * 0.5 * 24/10 + 0.5 * 24 * 0.7 = 8.8 ~ 9 (fold). Number of flights Zge = 9 recalculate Tm1 as a whole:
Tm1 = Zge (£eg + be * W * to-t) / be * W = 9 (10+ 0.5 * 24) / 0.5 * 24 = 13.8 hours Working time Tn1 = Tm1 + to = 13, 8 + 0.5 = 14.3 hours.
3. Determine the daily labor productivity of the car: in tons Qkun = qn * gst * Zge = 6 * 1 * 9 = 54 tonna.
Rkun = qn * gst * £eg * Zge = 6 * 1 * 9 * 10 = 540 tkm Number of vehicles required to complete the transportation plan: Ae = Green/Dick * Kkun = 30660/30 * 54 = 19 units.
4. Vehicle parking.
Lkun = £eg * Zge / be - £x + (ln1 + £n2) = 10 * 9/0.5 - 10 + (4 + 8) = 182 km
Daily distance coefficient:
be = £eg * Zge / Lsut = 10 * 9/182 = 0.495
x denotes the path per car to the unit of work x = Lum/Pkun = 182/540 = 0.337 This deviation coefficient will be determined and based on which a specific rate will be determined and presented to the customer.
D1 = m1 + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X8 + X9 m1 - month - monthly social expenditures X1 - fuel consumption X - May costs
Preparation costs for the X equipment. X - Spending
Expenditure on X-upgrade. X Period Expenses. X - gross profit.
X - Road Fund and various contributions.
Xu = m1 + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5; Xm = Xy + X6 + X9;
Hm - full cost.
Find the weight of incomplete cost in income. exu = 1- (e6 + e8 + e9)
e6 = 0.18-0.25 - the proportion of economic expenses in income.
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 5. №12. 2019
https://www.bulletennauki.com DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/49
e8 = 0.3-0.1 Gross Profit Income
e9 = 0.04 + 0.02 = 0.06 Percentage of deductions to road fund.
8) Find the price D1 in the account.
D1 = Xu/uxu;
9) Find the selling price Ds.
D = D1 * e7
e7 = 1.2 Coefficient for VAT on freight.
Taking into account all of the above-mentioned costs and other parameters, the thresholds are calculated, and each car company will develop a contract plan based on its own transportation capacity. If you make a quick payment, you can offer bonus discounts [5-14]. This will integrate both carrier and customer requirements.
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в редакцию 14.11.2019 г. 19.11.2019 г.
Ссылка для цитирования:
Gaffarov M. Ways of Logistics Improvement of the Freight Market // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2019. Т. 5. №12. С. 312-315. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/49/36
Cite as (APA):
Gaffarov, M. (2019). Ways of Logistics Improvement of the Freight Market. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 5(12), 312-315. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/49/36