Khalikov T.L. assistant
«Other in networks Bugalteriya account and audit» department
Samarkand economy and service Institute
Abstract. The theoretical issues and principles of the formation of agroclusters and the development trends of this system in the cotton-textile industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its features and advantages are considered in the article.
Key words: market economy, competitiveness, economic relations, material interest, cotton-textile industry.
Recently, the concept of business clusters has become the most widely used term in economic and legal practice. The emergence of the need for business clusters in the post-Soviet region is mainly due to the movement of inefficient market relations between economic sectors. In order to effectively use and exist business clusters, it is necessary to consider them within the framework of aspects such as structural, functional, purposeful, evolutionary, on the platform of a categorical-systemic methodology. Here, their main issues are to reveal the nature of clusters of an economic nature, to explain them as a category and definition, to summarize the characteristics of economic entities in comparison with other forms of integration associations. From the point of view of substantiating the effectiveness of their formation and existence, studying the structural-element composition, structure, mechanisms of setting goals and functioning, evolutionary aspects of business clusters are the most urgent problems.
In the conditions of the development of market economy, globalization and competition between market entities, the need to increase the competitiveness of the country and individual regions is increasing, as well as the goals and tasks of a network-economic complex interconnected along the technological and economic chain. incoming enterprises and organizations.
Currently, the development of clusters is a recognized tool for sustainable innovative development and increasing the competitiveness of regional agriculture and the agro-industrial complex as a whole. The use of the cluster form of organizing agricultural activities is provided for in a number of legislative, regulatory and programmatic documents, the most important of which is: "Strategy for the development of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2030"., where one of the strategic priorities is to create a favorable agribusiness environment and value chain.
A cluster has effects that are not characteristic of other forms of spatial organization of production, including synergistic effect, social capital, public-
private partnership, etc., which together give it additional competitiveness. The cluster approach is an integral part of the theory of spatial organization of production. The cluster phenomenon is becoming the main component of the economic development of countries and regions. In the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and other developed countries, more than half of industrial products are produced and exported through clusters.
PF-4947 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" Strategy of actions in five priority directions" modernization and rapid development of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deepening of structural changes and rapid development of agricultural production, further strengthening of food security of our country, environmentally friendly products It is intended to expand production, significantly increase the volume of exports, increase the potential of the agricultural sector, grow and process, prepare, store, and sell agricultural products, engage in construction works and provide services, first of all, to create favorable conditions for the promotion and development of multi-sectoral farms, to implement investment projects for the production of agricultural products; Construction of new processing plants equipped with state-of-the-art high-tech equipment for deeper processing of agricultural products, semi-finished and finished food products, as well as packaging products, reconstruction and modernization of existing ones, further expansion of production infrastructure; expansion of scientific research work on storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products, provision of agrochemical, financial and other modern market services, creation and introduction into production of new breeding varieties of agricultural crops resistant to diseases and pests; local soil-climate and ecological conditions and animal breeds with high productivity.
In recent years, in the practice of many countries, including regionally, one of the main resources for increasing competitiveness in the post-Soviet space is the creation of clusters connected by close economic ties and complementing each other. Various forms of territorial organization have been developed in the process of locating production and developing the regional economy. Traditionally, free economic industrial regions, agglomerations, regional production complexes are distinguished. Clusters are a modern, rapidly expanding form of territorial organization of the regional economy. Taking into account their local advantages and specific characteristics, the problems of forming clusters and realizing regional competitive advantages are usually considered at the regional level.
In some cases, the cluster is considered as a governing body or superstructure over the entities included in the cluster for economic reasons. Western practice proves the opposite, that is, a cluster is a set of competing enterprises that cooperate, but are also connected by horizontal and vertical ties, formed on the basis of an institutional factor and unite economic institutions
together through contractual mechanisms. The main focus of the search for competitive advantages in the cluster is on external factors at the institutional level, such as public-private partnerships, social capital, synergy, cooperation between the state, business, science and education, which creates an additional competitive effect.
Studying the approaches and views of scientists shows that there are different approaches to clustering problems. A regional cluster is a group of interconnected enterprises and organizations localized in an area, which interact in the process of production and sale of goods and services within a chain, and value to achieve a certain economic effect. creates and implements competitive advantages. Unlike other forms of territorial organization of the economy, a cluster is characterized by market relations based on competition and cooperation between the participants of the cluster association, and the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Clusters are formed in a market economy, when enterprises are interested in strengthening their competitive advantages and getting more benefits from joint activities in a certain area. At the same time, the regional cluster as a form of territorial organization of the economy is consistently developing not only in the industry, but also in the service sector. The cluster method of territorial organization of the regional economy is aimed at studying the operating conditions of specific enterprises and organizations.
The analysis of cluster theories showed that the selected principles of cluster formation (geographical, qualitative, horizontal, vertical, focal and lateral) do not always adequately reflect the modern requirements of the organization of cluster associations. The principles of the organization and operation of regional clusters include regional specificity, zonal specialization, regional localization, intra-cluster competition and cooperation, interdependence, innovation, dynamism, large number of participants, generality of joint activities of companies, unity of information space., corporate culture, the generality of the regional cluster structure.
The study of existing approaches to classification of clusters allows us to conclude that there is currently no generally accepted ordered system of criteria and indicators for classification of clusters in science and practice. The development of a methodology for classifying and evaluating the effectiveness of clustering activities will allow, without hesitation, to develop a scheme for the formation and operation of regional industrial clusters, which will ultimately get rid of the unprofitability of agriculture, as well as significantly increase the export potential of the country and regions. allows.
The cluster strategy of economic development, in its most general form, involves obtaining benefits associated with the geographical concentration of enterprises. The economic mechanism of obtaining such advantages, as a rule, is related to increasing the specialization of enterprises, increasing the volume of
sales and expanding the sales market, maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs.
The concept of cluster refers to a geographically limited concentration of interrelated firms and can be used as a keyword for older concepts such as industrial districts, specialized industrial agglomerations, and local production systems.
Despite the large number of definitions of the concept of "cluster", there are a number of common features, the mention of which makes it possible to distinguish this phenomenon of the economy:
- geographical localization of enterprises;
- interdependence of market subjects on the final product;
- inability to achieve ideal or expected production, social and economic results without clustering;
- the objective necessity of close economic relations between enterprises;
- general institutional and market of infrastructure existence _
The successful implementation of these principles is observed in agroclusters organized on the basis of regional concentration of specialized suppliers and producers connected by a common technological chain using economic methods without administrative intervention of state authorities.
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