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human resources / industry / personnel / labor productivity / professional personnel / quality.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Adilov B., Muratov J.

The article deals with theoretical and practical issues of human resource development in industry. The role of labor productivity in reducing costs in industries and the role of professional personnel are presented. The analysis of the factors in ensuring the development of personnel, as well as the main aspects of cost reduction and the development of personnel potential.

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Киева та обласп, Харкова, Миколаева та Вшнищ. Опублшоваш уже першi вагомi результаты в 2020 рощ, а саме ршення Киева та Вшнищ щодо запуску сво!х кластерiв промислових хайтек. На рiвнi фор-мування державних стратегiй не менш важливим е розробка детально! методики тдприемницького вiдкриття (EDP), яке позищонуеться як укра!нська версiя EDP европейсько! методики смарт-спещатзацц. Потребують вдосконалення при цьому меморандум кластеру, функцд запропонова-ного регiонального iнституту кластерно! стратеги, технологiчнi платформи, рiзновиди ДПП.

Список лiтератури

1. PPP - Партнерство между государственным и частным секторами. Опыт Великобритании - для международных рынков. - Лондон: Международные финансовые службы, 2003. Джерело шформаци: http://vestnik-

samgu.samsu.ru/gum/2008web7/econ/2/GladovIsupov .pdf.

2. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: www.worldbank.org.kz.

3. Закон Украши «Про державно-приватне партнерство» № 2404-VI ввд 01.07.10 р. - Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada. gov.ua/laws/ show/2404-17.

4. Концепция реформування самоврядування та територ1ально! оргашзацп влади в Украшг Схва-лено розпорядженням Кабшету Мш1стр1в Украши ввд 1 квггня 2014 р., № 333 .

5. World Bank and PPIAF, PPP in developing countries. - Режим доступу: http://ppi.worldbank.org/explore/ppi_exploreCoun-try.aspx?countryId=97.

6. Мехович С.А. Репони Украши: стратегiя i полiтика розвитку: монографiя. Харкiв: Тов «Планета - принт», 2016. 436 с.



Adilov B.

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Management National University of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Muratov J.

Master of the National University of Uzbekistan


The article deals with theoretical and practical issues of human resource development in industry. The role of labor productivity in reducing costs in industries and the role of professional personnel are presented. The analysis of the factors in ensuring the development of personnel, as well as the main aspects of cost reduction and the development of personnel potential.

Keywords: human resources, industry, personnel, labor productivity, professional personnel, quality.

Identifying development trends in various sectors of the country's economy is very important in a rapidly changing external and internal environment. The aim of the study is to study the state and identify the main trends in identifying the problems of human resources in the development of the food industry in Uzbekistan. The development of the industrial sector, which is one of the locomotive industries, is important for ensuring the socio-economic development of our country. Reducing costs and developing human resources at industrial enterprises is one of the challenges that all manufacturers focus on.

Labor productivity and personnel qualifications are one of the main indicators of the efficiency of social production. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev in the Strategy of Action for the Five Priority Areas of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 "Reducing the energy intensity and resource intensity of the economy, widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies in production, expanding the use of renewable energy sources,

1Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.

PF-4947 dated February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy of Actions

for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

based on new technologies and personnel development Ml_. Because the development of industrial sectors is shaped by a number of factors at a time when the digital economy is rapidly developing in the global world economy.

The role and importance of human resources in the development of industry in sectors of the economy is widely analyzed by such foreign scientists as R.S. Porter, D. Deveryuk. Among local scientists A. Artykov2, E. Makhmudov3, M. Isakov and a number of other local scientists. At present, the contribution of the industrial sector to ensuring the dynamic development of the country is increasing. In the conditions of economic management and development of the economy, human resources are defined as the main resource that provides the opportunity for the development and increase of the competitiveness of enterprises. On the other hand, the information society and the new economy, characterized by high rates of technology development, narrowing of space, including competitive space, cause a rapid degradation of the quality of human resources and human capital in the

2Artikov A. Sanoatitisodiyoti. -T.: "Sano - standart", 2014. -B.- 40

3Makhmudov E.Kh., Industry of Uzbekistan. - T.: " I^tisodiet ", 2013. - B.- 26-30.

event of their ineffective use or stagnation. Due to the action of these macro-level factors, the employer, as the main subject interacting with the employee during the working life of the latter, is interested in constantly improving the quality of the enterprise's human resources, even if not from the point of view of social responsibility, then from the point of view of ensuring its own competitiveness and achieving certain goals: economic, individual, social.

The goals of the enterprise and the strategy of its development largely determine the relevance of certain areas of personnel policy in the field of quality management of human resources, in view of which the most significant elements of personnel work, of course, should be reflected in the relevant documents of organizations. However, in the course of a survey of enterprises in the food and processing industry of the Chuvash Republic, it was revealed that among the priority goals, not all business entities single out the problems of personnel development and its qualitative characteristics. Understanding the need to modernize equipment and technologies, taking into account macroe-conomic risks and industry risks, enterprises develop hierarchies of goals and rather effective development programs, but, paradoxically, do not reflect in them the implementation of a set of measures to maintain and develop the quality of human resources that determine the possibility of achieving almost all the set goals and objectives, among the surveyed enterprises, only 12% of economic entities consider the risks associated with the dismissal of qualified workers as one of the most significant, especially in the context of the need to implement modernization changes; and only 18% of enterprises in the documents mention the improvement of the qualifications of employees among the priority areas of development. At the same time, many large employers in the industry in question do not provide for the corresponding additional investments in the development of human resources at all.

Given the desire of the vast majority of enterprises in the food and processing industry in Uzbekistan to differentiate products, modernize technologies and increase competitiveness, business entities of the industry should pay more attention to personnel training programs that affect the maximum number of parties and indicators of employee qualifications. Scientific substantiation and practical evidence of the effectiveness of training systems that contribute not only to the development of professional knowledge, skills and competencies, but also to increase the loyalty of employees, their cohesion (in the case of implementation of group training programs) do not find, however, proper implementation in the management practice of the enterprises in question, on which the costs of raising the qualifications and educational level of employees in most cases occupy an insignificant part.

In the modern economy of the country, industry includes more than 10 complex sectors, including separate and technologically interconnected processing of raw materials and production of finished products.

In line with the development perspective just explained, modern industrial policy aims to create new and skilled jobs and anticipate and facilitate change by removing barriers and correcting market failures. In

practice, modern industrial policy includes restructuring policies that facilitate the transfer of human and other resources to more dynamic areas of economic activity, be it agriculture, industry or the service sector. Modern industrial policy is very diverse if Germany's experience in the development and implementation of industrial policy is associated with state regulation of business processes.

A relatively new phenomenon in this century was the process of Clustering German standards. The regional cluster is geographically grouped companies connected with each other by cooperation and division of labor, based on human capital, which gives them the opportunity to strengthen their own and gain additional competitive advantages. The better the preconditions for obtaining and realizing such advantages, the higher the attractiveness of the regional cluster. On the basis of such clusters in German regions, so-called networks and centers of competence began to be created, which represent attempts by business communities to obtain additional benefits from clustering specific c standards. This primarily relates to the field of human resource innovation, which gives impetus to the production of high-tech products. Their most important difference is the interregional nature of the cooperative associations of several main partners that are formed on the basis of regional clusters, which pay special attention to the effective management of the technological chain of creating the final product and, accordingly, the growth of the competitiveness of their members. Such networks contribute to the transformation of regional clusters into innovation centers of national, European and even global significance and, accordingly, to the growth of the competitiveness of the regions in which they are located4.

Currently, there are more than 10 thousand food industry enterprises operating in the country, which produce products for 3.5-4 trillion. soums per year. We can observe a sharp post in sphere of production personnel potential in the agricultural sector. If in the early 2000s, Uzbek products were exported to only 5 countries, then in 2020 their number exceeds 80. Among them are Russia, Brazil, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Korea, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. Over the past 10 years, the export of fruit juices has doubled, while the export of other food products has increased by an average of 1.5 times. One of the most important development factors - the creation of employment opportunities in enterprises that are economically viable, sustainable and contribute to the growth of income as well as competitive products and improve the structure of its assortment - is the implementation of a wide range of development of hundreds of enterprises of different capacities. According to the results of the analysis, the annual growth of production due to the development of human resources where an innovative approach to the training of qualified personnel for the industry is required. Insufficient attention is paid to the training of specialists in the field of processing, storage, capable of working on modern equipment with advanced experience.

4Germany. Challenges of the XXI century / P od ed. V.B. Be-lova. M., 2009.S. 622-643

The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan has taken specific financial and economic measures to support enterprises in the real sector of the economy.5

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is also production that plays a key role in the development of production, a positive balance of payments of the country, not raw materials, but finished products. Therefore, structural changes in the industrial sector are carried out through the modernization and diversification of products. Labor productivity also plays a central role in this direction. An increase in labor productivity can be viewed as a factor in saving social labor. If by the general efficiency of production we mean the general economic efficiency in comparison with certain types of costs and resources, then labor productivity is the ability of human labor to produce more or less product over a certain period of time. The overall production efficiency is used to determine and assess the level of use of certain types of costs and resources and is usually calculated for the national economy, industries, enterprises, capital construction facilities. To achieve the main production goal, it is necessary to correctly use all resources, to reduce costs per unit of production. Labor productivity indicators also play a special role in reducing production costs. Ensuring the excess of the growth rate of labor productivity over the growth rate of average wages (or the excess of the growth rate of production over the growth rate of consumer funds). The essence of this principle is to maximize labor income based on the development of production and increase its efficiency. Compliance with this principle requires the continuity of the accumulation process, production and is a necessary condition for the development and prosperity of the enterprise. The improvement of the qualitative characteristics of employees, especially in such aspects as motivation, creative initiative and creativity, communication skills, etc., is facilitated by high-quality personnel planning. The personnel strategy of enterprises is reflected, among other things, in the specifics of the functioning of the corporate culture, which largely determines changes in the value attitudes of employees, contributing to an increase in their loyalty not only to the profession, but also to the enterprise, development positive dynamics of labor productivity motives. Determination of the essential characteristics of organizational culture and consideration of its role and importance in improving employee performance found reflection in the works of many researchers, starting in the 80s. XX century.

In general, all the variety of modern approaches can be combined into two groups: the first is understanding corporate culture through the prism of an analytical approach, in which corporate culture is what the organization possesses; the second is the consideration of corporate culture through a synthetic approach, according to which corporate culture characterizes what the organization is.

It should be noted that in modern conditions on the studied by us enterprises, a tendency has developed towards the dominance of a weak corporate culture, ra-

ther fragmented from structure to structure, characterized by an increase in the number of disappointed, poorly motivated employees, which cannot but affect the quality of the staff itself, and on the quality of the results of labor.

If we understand by quality planning the compliance of the characteristics of individual employees with the requirements of the organization and workplaces, then it becomes obvious that this factor is one of the key factors in building a quality management system for human resources at the micro level. The most common practices used in this area are traditionally the preparation of requirements for employees on the basis of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS), Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades, Tariff and Qualification Characteristics of Industry-Wide Positions of Employees and Industrywide professions of workers, job descriptions, to which have recently been added methods of drawing up qualification cards (characterize the "ideal" employee), Munro Fisher's grading system , drawing up personal specifications based on A. Roger's system, drawing up competency maps.

The latter methods seem to be very effective, since they involve taking into account not only the qualification characteristics, but also the personality traits of the employee, the compliance with which greatly facilitates the planning and successful implementation of training programs, development, improvement of communication skills, motivation (including innovation), etc., which directly affects the dynamics of quality indicators of human resources in the labor period of activity.

In modern conditions, high-quality planning at enterprises is not given due attention (especially in the aspect of taking into account the personal and motivational parameters of the employee), in particular, the preparation of job descriptions is often formal in nature. So, at the enterprises we studied, methods of drawing up personal specifications and competency maps are practically not used, which largely explains the final dissatisfaction of employers with the level of initiative, responsibility and motivation of employees.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4947 dated February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

2. Germany. Challenges of the XXI century / P od ed. V.B. Belova. M., 2009.S. 622-643

3. Modern trends in personnel management. Tutorial. Deineka A.V., Zhukov B.M., 2019 325 pp.

4. Improving the human resources of the organization. Textbook. T: 2018 214 pp.

5. The concept of human resources and the strategy of its development. Study guide. M: 2018. 148 pp.

6. Makhmudov E.Kh., Industry of Uzbekistan. -T .: " ITISODIET ", 2013. - B.- 26-30.

5Mukhamedov D.D., Shipkova O.T. Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan: the concept of development and structural

transformation // Advances in chemistry and chemical technology. Volume XXXI. 2017. No 7, page 60

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