шение задачи на формирование боеспособного коллектива с ориентацией подготовки на следующий олимпийский турнир 2024 года.
Аналогичный эксперимент с омоложением состава игроков проводила сборная Дании на Чемпионате мира 2015 года, возрастной состав которой в среднем составлял 25 лет. Команда заняла на данном турнире 6-е место. Лучший результат этой сборной показан в 2021 году - 3-е место на Чемпионате мира 2021 г. в Испании. При этом в следующем олимпийском цикле следует ожидать омоложения состава команд на многих игровых позициях гандболисток сборных Испании и Норвегии.
Данная информация может быть полезна тренерам сборных команд не только как отдельные количественные характеристики состава команд, характеризующие частично систему подготовки ближайшего резерва национальных сборных, но и весьма важной для выстраивания стратегии подготовки сборных в очередном олимпийском цикле, определения целевых показателей на каждый из крупных турниров.
Список литературы
1. Жийяр М.В., Чигарев Н.Н. Тенденции развития мирового и российского мужского гандбола /М.В. Жийяр, НН. Чигарев // Высшая школа: научные исследования. Материалы Межвуз. научного конгресса. Т.2. - М.: Издательство Инфинити, 2020.
- С. 34-39.
2. Кругличенко А., Жийяр М.В. Эффективность соревновательной деятельности женской сборной команды России по гандболу на Чемпионате мира 2019 г. //Научно-методические аспекты подготовки спортсменов: Материалы I Всеросс. научно-практической конференции. - Омск, 2021. -С.160-166.
3. Жийяр М.В., Чигарев Н.Н., Кругличенко А. Эффективность атакующих действий женской сборной команды России на Чемпионате Европы 2020 г. //The Scientific Heritage. - 2021. - №66-4(66).
- P.11-14.
4. Погребной А.И. Информационные модели соревновательной деятельности квалифицированных гандболистов различных игровых амплуа / Погребной А.И., Тхорев В.И. // Моделирование спортивной деятельности в искусственно созданной среде (стенды, тренажеры, имитаторы): Материалы конф. - М., 1999. - С. 333-335.
Куклина А.И.
старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков для технических специальностей факультета социального инжиниринга СибГУ науки и технологий им. М.Ф. Решетнева
Kuklina A.
senior teacher of the Department offoreign languages
for technical specialties Faculty of social engineering
Siberian state university of science and technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev
В статье описан метод использования мультимедийных презентаций при обучении иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе. Представлена методика обучения студентов созданию и эффективному применению мультимедийных учебных презентаций, даются практические рекомендации по подготовке презентаций. Делаются выводы о преимуществах и недостатках использования презентаций, указаны пути исправления этих недостатков и намечены пути повышения эффективности такой интерактивной деятельности студентов.
The paper describes the method of using multimedia presentations when teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. A methodology for teaching students to create and effectively use multimedia educational presentations is presented; practical recommendations are given for preparing presentations. Conclusions are drawn about the advantages and disadvantages of using presentations, ways to correct these shortcomings are indicated, and ways to increase the effectiveness of such interactive activities of students are outlined.
Ключевые слова: мультимедийная презентация, коммуникативные навыки, интерактивная деятельность, самостоятельная работа, средства наглядности, языковая компетенция.
Keywords: multimedia presentation, communication skills, interactive activity, independent work, visual aids, language competence.
Communication skills are considered to be an important condition for professionalism. In the globalized community where English has been used as a means of communication among people of multicultural backgrounds in the 21st century there is a need for communicative competence in a foreign language, especially in English [1]. The improvement of this competence is facilitated by active creative tasks aimed at the development of cognitive activity, independence, and productive thinking of a student. These individual traits are in high demand in today's advanced industrial society.
The use of modern information technologies in teaching foreign languages in the field of professional communication makes it possible to increase the efficiency and motivation of learning, in particular, with the help of multimedia presentations as one of the techniques of the project method. Since the main component of the project method is the research work of students, this method can be recognized as the most promising pedagogical technology that allows students to reveal their creative abilities, form the ability to navigate information in their specialty, take responsibility and make decisions. The presentation method, which is very popular today in higher education institutions, is a method of developing and improving foreign language communication skills. The presentation as one of the forms of preparation and presentation of professionally oriented material in a foreign language increases the level of both the language and professional competence of the student. The presentation is considered to be a prepared professionally oriented monologue statement with a specific task and situational conditions. It is based on the results of an analytical study of the problem, has a clear logical and compositional design and is aimed at effectively informing, motivating and (re)per-suading the audience.
Preparing for a presentation as a form of independent productive work of students develops the skills of speech activity, reading, listening and writing, logical thinking, information competence, creativity, leadership potential, teamwork, and innovative approaches. During the stage of preparation students must do a lot of research, study various sources of information, which helps to develop creativeness and individual approach to learning. Preparation stage includes choice of the topic, search of information, data processing and arranging the material into presentation [2]. The use of presentations in the classroom allows drawing attention to certain facts, highlighting the most significant information using color and font size, adding pictures, charts or graphs, which further enhances the impact effect. This technique is based on the visualization of the material, which leads to better assimilation, since most of the receptors are involved.
As any other teaching method, the use of presentations in the educational process has both pros and cons. Cons are fewer, but still they are worth mentioning. First, fatigue is possible, caused by the monotony of educational activities. It is necessary not only to alternate the types of training tasks, but also to manage the emotional background of the lesson. Secondly, multimedia teaching aids can lead to a glut of information
at the lesson, which also contributes to increased fatigue and distraction. The simultaneous use of visual objects, on-screen text description along with verbal explanation can cause redundant information transfer. Having the keywords or phrases and the visual object in one slide is considered to be effective because the human brain is capable to process the information through more than one mode. However, when the input is too much, the human brain can not optimally process the information due to the brain limited capacity. The multimedia objects assisted by verbal explanation will facilitate the audience to activate their background knowledge to support the process of information transfer [3]. Only a reasonable complex combination of all available methodological techniques and technical means can give the desired result. Thirdly, students often take presentations very seriously, and to some extent preparing and giving their first presentation might damage their desire to learn, at least temporarily [4]. To avoid these adverse moments the teacher is to accurately identify the task, give clear guidance on the preparation "algorithm", and require commenting by students at the class instead of reading from the screen. "Rules of the game" should be distinctly marked: maximum amount of slides, time limit of presentation, lack of spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes, limit of text on the screen. The main rule is non-coincidence of visual image (presentation) with the speech. In such a case the use of multimedia presentations in teaching foreign languages will be rewarding [5].
The advantages of a multimedia presentation include facilitating the work of the teacher, ordering and preserving the visual material necessary for a particular lesson. A multimedia presentation cannot completely replace the teacher's work with a blackboard, but it will greatly simplify the work of providing visibility. Presentations provide an opportunity to present carefully prepared information in an attractive way.
A multimedia presentation helps to build the material following the logic of delivering the material. The process of preparing a presentation involves making careful decisions at different steps. Although these steps may follow a sequence, because of their interdependences, the presenter may sometimes need to go back to a previous step and make some change [6]. The safety of visual materials and the possibility of their correction is also an important point. Another indisputable advantage of introducing information in the form of a presentation over information in the form of speech is that, if necessary, it is possible to return to any part of the information, for example: the information was deleted from the blackboard, and if the student did not have time to write it down, then the presenter will have to interrupt the story and return to this information, which, of course, will disrupt the presentation of the material and distract the rest of the students from work. And vice versa, commenting on the material that is on the slides, the presenter can dwell on certain points in more detail.
All this information should be given to students before they prepare their first presentations. For example, the students of the "Information Security" profile
of our University in the first year are offered presentation topics related to general information security problems in the enterprise, their causes and ways to eliminate them. Topics for presentations in the first semester are suggested by the teacher himself. In the next semester, the teacher can offer a generalized topic, and the students themselves specify the topic of their presentation. Practice shows that the more the topics of presentations are intertwined with the future profession of students, the more actively they take part in the discussion, ask specific questions to the speaker, and want to get the same specific answers to them. It often happens that the "listeners" supplement the information that the speaker has prepared. Such cooperation, sometimes even rivalry, requires students to carefully prepare for the presentation: first, they need to get a good understanding of the essence of what they have to tell the audience. Secondly, they need to find the appropriate material, arrange it both technically and linguistically. After all, the quality of a presentation is determined by different parameters: the correspondence between the topic and content, the level of language proficiency, the ability to interest the listener, and also, and this is important, the technical side of preparing a presentation. Also, the speaker should be ready for additional questions (in a foreign language) on the topic of the presentation, be able to navigate the answer and arrange it according to the rules of foreign language speech.
To raise the motivation of students, the teacher can also use different methodological methods of presenting and evaluating this form of independent work of students. For example, the teacher might suggest that the group (rather than a teacher) evaluate the presentation of their colleagues; the teacher can also arrange a kind of "competition" between groups of students of the same profile.
However, teachers in their work often omit such an activity as evaluation and analysis of the presentation made by the students who listen to it. This means that the presentation should be analyzed and evaluated first of all by the students present, and only then the teacher gives his opinion on the work done. This omission is due to the fact that students do not know how and what to analyze, and also they do not want to criticize their group mates, experiencing a false sense of solidarity. The whole analysis comes down to one or two words - interesting, beautiful, and informative. In this regard, teachers need to "arm" students with an analysis scheme (the so-called Peer Assessment Sheet), teach them to objectively approach the assessment of the work of their comrades. This form can be obtained freely from the Internet. In it, students need to note the quality of the presentation of the work, the presence and validity of the speaker's arguments, the adequacy of visual aids, the value of information, and express their opinion about the presentation. Using the proposed table, students will evaluate both the presentation itself and the proposed material, characterizing the positive features and possible shortcomings. A thorough analysis of the presentation helps all students to pay attention to weaknesses and correct the mistakes made, learn how to avoid them and prevent them in the future.
Thus, in general, the use of modern technologies in the educational process creates favorable conditions for learning and meets the requirements of modern society. Moreover, the introduction of the use of multimedia programs into the educational process does not exclude traditional teaching methods, but harmoniously combines with them at all its stages: familiarization, training, application, control. The use of a computer allows not only increasing the effectiveness of learning many times over, but also encouraging students to further independent study of the English language. In addition, multimedia presentations allow training various types of speech activity and combining them in different ways, understanding language phenomena, contributing to the formation of linguistic abilities, creating communicative situations, automating language and speech actions, and also ensuring the implementation of an individual approach and the intensification of independent work of students at foreign language lessons.
At the final stage of studying a foreign language at the university (usually this is the second year of study), students are offered to prepare and present to the audience a presentation on a topic related to their future professional activities. Their own observations or practical experiments done by the student in their field are welcome, but ready-made data can also be used. This is a preparatory stage for the defense of graduation projects in a foreign language and for the preparation of presentations in a foreign language in the master's program, where students present the results of their own research activities.
It is well known that the task of a teacher is to educate a person capable of communication and self-education. It is necessary for the modern process of teaching foreign languages to create optimal conditions in order to make this process meaningful, effective and interesting for students. Taking into account the advantages of the presentation indicated above, this method is widely used in the course of teaching professional English at the faculties of the technical profile of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev.
1. Tran, T. Q., Pham, T. T. (2017). The importance of intercultural communicative competence in English language teaching and learning. Conference: Innovation and creativity in teaching and learning foreign languages at: HCMC Open University. Pp.629 -641
2. Gorbanyova, O. (2016). Interactive technologies in teaching a foreign language at higher educational establishment. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Volume 71, pp. 54-59. https://doi.org/10.18052/www.scipress.com/ ILSHS.71.54
3. Sukma, D., Nurkamto, J., Drajati, M. (2018) Multimedia-based Presentation: Exploring Interactivity Emergence in Academic Speaking Classroom. Science, Engineering, Education, and Development Studies (SEEDS): Conference Series. Volume 2. DOI -10.20961/seeds.v2i1.24250 pp.29-40.
4. Race, P. (2014) Making Learning Happen: A guide for post-compulsory education (3rd Edition). Pp. 304 (Pub) London: Sage, 2014. ISBN 9781446285961.
5. Bochina, T., Ageeva, J., Vlasicheva, V. (2014) Multimedia presentation as a strategy of teaching
speaking. Proceedings of INTED2014 Conference 10th-12th March 2014, Valencia, Spain. Pp. 7661-7669.
6. Hosseini, S., Kamal, A. (2013) How to design effective multimedia presentations. In 7th International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology (7th SASTech 2013) Pp. 7-8.
Rudometova L.
Candidate of Pedagogics, Docent Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology,
North-Eastern State University Magadan, Russian Federation
This article presents the results of research work obtained in the framework of the scientific topic "Criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of education: experience, problems, prospects." The concept of the educational environment and its content are considered. The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the quality of higher education have been determined. The conditions for the successful implementation of the educational environment in the educational process of a modern university, which will improve the quality of both training and self-education of students and the effectiveness of the formation of professional competencies of future specialists, are indicated.
Keywords: educational environment, quality of education, performance criteria, structure, educational process, quality component, self-examination, self-assessment, system of internal and external assessment.
In 2019-2020 the Department of Foreign Philology at North-Eastern State University carried out research work within the framework of the scientific topic "Criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of education: experience, problems, prospects." This article presents the main results obtained in the course of the study.
The study itself took place in three stages, lasting one year each. In 2019, an analysis was made of the concept and content of the educational environment. In 2020, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the quality of higher education were determined. In 2021, a system of external and internal assessment of the quality of higher education was structured. Next, we turn to the consideration of the main results obtained for each stage.
During the first stage of the study, it was determined that the effectiveness of the student's personal and professional development is mainly determined by the environment in which the educational process is carried out. Consequently, the social environment is one of the leading factors in the development of the individual and an independent factor in the regulation of human behavior.
The term "educational environment" has long entered the minds of Russian teachers, and is widely used. This is directly related to the fact that education is understood as a process of action of heterogeneous factors, and emphasizes the understanding that the upbringing, training and development of the individual takes place in the educational environment.
Among the basic directions in the development strategy of higher education in the Russian Federation, the creation of an environment favorable for the student, ensuring his comfort, is in the first place. As part of the study, the characteristics that the environment
should have (technical equipment, library stock, condition of buildings, aesthetics, comfort, adaptability) and its focus (preservation and promotion of health, provision of quality education for all, development of gifted-ness, individual educational routes) .
Consequently, the educational environment performs a developing and compensatory function, contributes to the development of students' skills to adequately respond to learning difficulties.
The educational environment is a subsystem of the socio-cultural environment. From this point of view, the socio-cultural environment acts as a complex structure of social, material and spiritual conditions, a set of historical factors, circumstances, situations, the integrity of specially organized pedagogical conditions for the development of students.
The concept of "educational environment" is often used, but its interpretation remains ambiguous. Let us present the analysis of the interpretations of this concept:
Scientist S.D. Deryaba understands the educational environment as the totality of all opportunities for learning, upbringing and personal development, both positive and negative opportunities [4].
V. I. Panov speaks about the structure that allows to respond flexibly to the changing educational needs of the subject, to meet his individual psychological characteristics, to contribute to the construction of an individual educational trajectory.
V. I. Slobodchikov argues that this is a kind of dynamic education, which is a systemic product of the interaction of the educational space, education management, the place of education and the student himself [6].
V. A. Yasvin understands such an environment as a system of influences and conditions for the formation