УДК 378
DOI 10.24411/2409-3203-2019-11048
Маркова Гульфия Альмянсуровна
к.п.н., доцент кафедры английского языка ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный аграрный университет»
Россия, Оренбург
Аннотация: В статье, написанной Марковой Г.А., рассматриваются актуальные вопросы использования онлайн-курсов в процессе обучения. Автор раскрывает историю создания массовых открытых онлайн-курсов за рубежом, цели и особенности преподавания в формате дистанционного образования, приводит статистические данные по этой проблеме. Выявлены отличительные особенности онлайн-курсов в области обучения иностранным языкам. Проанализированы преимущества и недостатки дистанционных технологий, применяемых на занятиях по иностранному языку в вузе. Раскрыты особенности дистанционного обучения с применением мультимедийных презентаций. Интегрированные занятия в сопровождении мультимедийных презентаций, online-тестов и программных продуктов позволяют студентам получать знания в более продуктивной форме.
Ключевые слова: массовые открытые онлайн-курсы, дистанционные технологии, мультимедийная презентация, дистанционное обучение.
Markova Gulfiya Almyansurovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "The Orenburg State Agrarian University" Russia, Orenburg
Abstract: The article written by Markova G.A. discusses current issues of using online courses in the learning process. The author reveals the history of creating massive open online courses abroad, the goals and features of teaching in the format of distance education, provides statistical data on this problem. The distinctive features of online courses in the field of teaching foreign languages are revealed. The advantages and disadvantages of distance technologies used in classes in a foreign language at a university are analyzed. The features of distance learning using multimedia presentations are disclosed. Integrated classes accompanied by multimedia presentations, online tests and software products allow students to gain knowledge in a more productive form.
Key words: massive open online courses, distance technologies, multimedia presentation, distance learning.
One of the currently widely discussed online education tools is massive open online courses. The first attempts to create them were made several years ago, and now these courses attract considerable interest from higher education institutions.
The term "Massive Open Online Course" was proposed by researchers Brian Alexander and Dave Cormier as a result of work on the course "Connective knowledge" in 2008. [1] The general name of the courses of this type is formed from four separate terms:
- massive: this course usually requires a large number of participants;
- open: the course is free and anyone can join it at any time;
- online: course materials and collaboration results are available on the Internet for participants;
- course: it is understood that it has an appropriate structure, rules of work and general goals, which can subsequently be transformed for each participant.
With the launch of commercial and non-commercial online projects, massive open e-courses have evolved from a modest experiment into one of the educational areas. Now these are classes consisting of short lectures that allow open, often free registration and assessing students' knowledge through periodic reviews and interactive forums. They are able to change the structure of the educational process, making it generally accessible and independent of geographical, social and financial constraints.
The format of an open online course has its advantages, such as multimedia, flexibility, integration, maximum accessibility and the convenience of acquiring knowledge. But one cannot but take into account the existing shortcomings, among which one can note the lack of official recognition (academic credit) of taking a particular course; excessive mass, making it impossible to individualize the learning process, a high percentage of incomplete courses (according to statistics, only 10% of those registered on the courses pass it to the end).
The common goal of all mass online courses is to make education accessible to everyone on a global scale. Unlike traditional university online courses, mass open courses have two distinctive features: open access - anyone can participate in the online course for free, scale - an infinite number of people can participate in the course.
For example, the Coursera course, which won the best educational course, was created on the basis of four universities: Stanford, Princeton, the universities of Michigan and Pennsylvania and offers 213 courses in 18 subjects, including English. About 38% of students enrolled in the courses live in the United States. Brazil, China and India lead the list of international students. The top 20 also includes students from Russia, Germany, Spain, the UK, Canada and Australia.
In the field of teaching foreign languages, these may be courses providing for:
-Training at the basic level of the first foreign language;
- training in the framework of the basic level of the second / third foreign languages;
- in-depth study of a foreign language;
-Training for certain types of speech activity and even aspects of the language (speaking, reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics);
- specialized training in a foreign language (business language, spoken language, language of scientific conferences, slang, etc.);
-cultural aspects of the studied foreign language (regional studies, speech etiquette, cultural heritage, history, etc.). [2]
Undoubtedly, the availability of online courses and distance learning technologies enhances the image and prestige of the educational institution, this is a kind of demonstration that the content of the training complies with international requirements. The main contradiction of traditional teaching is that, on the one hand, there is a real need for the development of creativity, and on the other hand, there is no didactic support for teachers, the forms and methods of using adapted teaching material for the development of creative specialists have not been studied. [3]
The Orenburg State Agrarian University has launched an online course "Contractual procurement system for state and municipal needs." The program is aimed at managers and employees of customer organizations engaged in procurement in accordance with the requirements of the law on the contract system. In case of successful completion of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued. The course was developed by a teacher - a practicing contract service manager who has more than 10 years of experience in the field of procurement, qualification of a
lawyer, an economist in accounting and audit, who is an accredited expert on anti-corruption expertise of legal acts of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Supported browsers and operating systems for working with the course (as a student): Windows operating systems (7, 8, 10), Mac OS; Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox browsers. In order to start training, you need to register on the courses.orensau.ru platform, enter the site and choose the course you like. You can sign up for the course without passing the exam and without submitting documents on basic education. However, it should be borne in mind that in terms of complexity, most courses are designed for the undergraduate program. In addition, the student receives only a certificate of education. All lectures can be viewed in the recording at any time of the day by going to the portal.
Orenburg State Agrarian University also conducts training using distance learning technologies in the areas of training "Law", "Economics of Enterprises", "Land Management and Cadastres", "Forestry". Distance learning has several advantages: it is distance learning, which is organized using modern information technologies; it is an opportunity to work independently with educational computer training materials; it is the prospect of getting a higher education on the job and at a time convenient for the student; it is an opportunity to take exams and tests, participate in online seminars, trainings, receive individual consultations without leaving your home. For students studying remotely, electronic educational and methodological complexes have been developed, which include educational video lectures, texts, exercises, questions for self-control, a glossary of terms on the discipline being studied, and also a pointer to links to Internet resources where you can get additional knowledge on all disciplines of the curriculum chosen by the student of the specialty. Practical classes are conducted on the basis of systems similar to the Prometheus distance learning system and Internet technologies. All that is necessary for a student studying remotely is a computer with the Windows operating system and Internet access. When learning using distance educational technologies, there are no age, professional, or educational restrictions. Students can get higher education without leaving their place of residence, study disciplines, passing tests and exams on the Internet. After successful training, a state diploma of higher education is issued.
Classical and integrated classes accompanied by multimedia presentations, online tests and software products allow students to gain knowledge in a more productive form.
A computer lesson developed by Power Point tools is a thematically and logically connected sequence of information objects displayed on a screen or monitor. During the lesson, various information objects are used: images (slides), sound and video clips. The effectiveness of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if supplemented by showing diagrams, tables. After such classes, the studied material remains in students' memory as a vivid image and helps the teacher to stimulate their motivation.
Most often, a non-linguistic university conducts classes of a combined type, where there is a survey of homework and an explanation of new material. The Power Point presentation development program allows you to combine various visual aids, maximizing the advantages of each and leveling out the shortcomings.
Creating and using multimedia presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint is an effective way of learning, which helps the student to realize himself as an active subject of knowledge. Using a computer presentation in class allows you to:
1. apply a large number of illustrative material, creating visual spectacular patterns in the form of diagrams, diagrams, graphic compositions, etc .;
2. intensify the lesson, excluding time for writing material on the board;
3. to involve students in an independent learning process, which is especially important for the development of their general educational skills;
4. to focus students on significant aspects of the information presented;
5. affect several types of memory at once: visual, auditory, emotional, and in some cases
You can use the presentation in the educational process at various stages of the lesson, while its essence as a visual means remains unchanged, only its forms change, depending on the purpose of its use.
It must be emphasized that the introduction of distance technologies and online courses in the educational process does not at all preclude traditional teaching methods, but is harmoniously combined with them at all stages of training. The use of new technologies allows not only many times to increase the effectiveness of training, but also to stimulate students to further study a foreign language.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Cormier, Dave. "The CCK08 MOOC - Connectivism course, 1/4 way". Dave's Educational Blog. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://davecormier.com/edblog/2008/10/02/the-cck08-mooc-connectivism-course-14-way/
2. Антонова Н.В., Шмелева Ж.Н. Формирование коммуникативной компетенции при изучении английского языка студентами неязыкового вуза // Вестн. КрасГАУ. - 2014. - № 2. - С. 240-244.
3. Маркова Г.А., Халюшева Г.Р. К вопросу о развитии лингвистической креативности студентов университета в процессе изучения иностранного языка // Труды Оренбургского института (филиала) МГЮА (выпуск двадцать пятый). Оренбург, 2015. - С. 182 - 186.