5. As the general condition improves, dry it increases. Replacement of clothing cloths.
If the temperature drops for several days, it will be said to be a lysical decline, which will slowly improve the patient's condition. 15 table diet is recommended.
1.Ahmedova D. Principles of the work of the Khamshirali, -T.2015.
2.Khujamberdiyev M.A., Mamasoliyev N.S., Muhitdinov R.U. Nursing Work - T., 2015.
UDK 611.1
Tillayeva Shoxista Zokirovna
Tojiboyeva Musharraf Madamin qizi
Rishton region medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city NURSE CARE IN THE MISCELLANEOUS DISEASES IN OLD PERSON
Annotation: In this article described nurse care in the miscellaneous diseases in old person.
Key words: atherosclerosis, antisclerotic agents, ischemic heart disease, stenocardia, myocardial infarction , arrhythmias.
Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic changes are the cornerstones of aging heart disease, which is one of the major problems of the geriatrics.
Atherosclerosis begins at age 45-59 and accelerates the aging of the body. Factors that develop the atherosclerosis include:
- The age and sex of the patient.
- Excessive cholesterol and lipoproteids in the blood.
- Increased arterial pressure.
- Smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Nutritional factors, obesity.
- It's a nervousness, a lot of excitement.
- Hereditary factors.
- Low traffic.
- Disorder of blood enthusiasm.
- Hyperlipoproteinemia is the main factor in the development of atherosclerosis. The most common symptoms of atherosclerosis include: aortic sclerosis, cardiosclerosis, sclerosis of the brain.
In order to prevent the atherosclerosis, it is necessary to deal with the factors causing it. In all patients over 40, cholesterol, triglyceride and lipoproteids are examined and atherosclerosis is detected. Patients are advised to change their eating habits and lifestyles that are not cholesterol.
Antisclerotic agents. These substances are divided into 3 groups:
1. Contraindications to cholesterol absorption from the intestine: dioponin, polisponine, marine carbohydrates.
2. Cholesterol-containing ingredients: linetol, arachid, cholesterol.
3. Contraindications to cholesterol formation: clofibride, miskleron, atromia. In addition, gallstones, lipotropic substances (choline, methionine, lecithin), iodine preparations and ascorbic acid reduce the amount of cholesterol. Nicotine Acid, B12, B6, E, and P are used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis.
Ischemic heart disease. Older ischemic heart disease is due to atherosclerosis, which may cause cardiac artery stenosis and myocardial ischemia. Adaptochemical factors and specific changes in the elderly cause an increase in heart disease. The most common ischemic heart disease: stenocardia, myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic heart disease and coronary insufficiency.
Stenocardia. Stenocardia is a lack of adequate blood supply to myocardium and occurs in patients over 60 years of age due to atherosclerosis and organic changes in cardiovascular system. Cardiac pain is typically present in such patients and may be attributable to atypical appearance, for example gastralgic, asthma, painless.
Painless stenocardia accounts for 25% for patients aged 60-69 and 45% for 80-89 years. Stenocardia affects 2-3% of the 25-64 year olds. Old-age stenocardia attacks are different. The autonomic symptoms of the attack are poor. Pain is not strong, but weight, stubborn, slowly develops and only irradiates the jaw to the neck. There are more neurological symptoms. In such patients, the cause of hypersensitivity can often be weather changes, excessive eating. Stenocardia prophylaxis and treatment depends on the circumstances under which the pain attack occurs. If an attack involves excessive stress, it is advisable for the patient to have a comfortable life and work habits, to have enough rest, and to take calming treatments. Oat salt, fats and carbohydrates are restricted. Nitroglycerin or validol helps during an attack. If the patient is unable to remove nitrates, 5 mg. nifedipine and B-adrenoblocators under the tongue.
Myocardial infarction is the thrombus coronary heart artery and necrosis of the myocardium. An older person is more likely to have myocardial infarction. This is because of age-related biochemical changes in blood.
1. Age-related sclerosis of blood vessels.
2. Age related changes of hemodynamics.
There are specific differences in the myocardial infarction clinic. The pain may not be strong, the irradiation and the location may vary. By age, adiposity is atypical, for example, abdominal, gastralgic, asthma, arrhythmic, cerebral forms. 35% of the elderly and 40% of the elderly have a painless form of infarct. In these patients, the outcome of the disease is poor and the brain can become a recurrent infarction. Heart failure and cardiac shock can occur only on the first day, but on the next few days, which can lead to ischemic stroke when there is a lack of renal insufficiency.
Disease complications include cardiac rhythm disorder, myocardial splitting, and rupture of the left ventricle and the right ventricle, thromboembolic complications, and heart aneurysms.
60% of patients who die from myocardial infarction die within 2 hours of hospitalization. One of the features of myocardial infarction in older patients is small bowel infarction, more frequent than a large ovarian infarction, and may occur in 20-22% after 60 years of age. Because of myocardial infarction in the elderly, atypical diagnosis can be made by electrocardiography. T-stenosis is negative, the pathological Q-tumor appears, the ST crosses the isoelectric line up or down. Treatment and care of myocardial infarction. First of all, it is necessary to stop the pain. Subcutaneously, 1-2 ml of morphine and 0.5 ml of atropine sulfate are injected. Caffeine, algae, and cordia are administered to increase arterial pressure. In order to prevent thrombus formation in the coronary heart vessels, heparin is routinely dispensed between 5000 to 10000 TB every 6 hours for 2-3 days.
Treatment with fibrinolytic medication helps the elderly to benefit from the infarct, but it is not recommended to use this method after 70 years. The patient is placed on a functional bed and is regularly monitored, attaches great importance to the skin hygiene, and bed sores are prevented. A lightweight and easily digestible meal is assigned. In the first 24-48 hours, it is recommended that you go to a nonstop sleep mode and then go slowly in 7-12 days.
It is possible to answer the house at 5-8 weeks of the disease. Continuous physical activity, walking, and smoking are recommended after leaving the hospital, smoking and drinking alcohol, nervousness, heavy physical work, running is prohibited. The patient is advised to electrocardiography in outpatient conditions, B-andenoblocators, and aspirin. Novocaineamide, obzine, alumina, potassium salts, and cocarboxylase are administered against the disorder of the heart rhythm.
Patients with myocardial infarction are at the dispensary and are in constant care of the doctors and nurses. The nurse and the physician should go to the home of the patients and advise the patient's relatives about the care, nutrition and lifestyle they need.
Arrhythmias. One of the signs of cardiac sclerosis in the elderly is arrhythmia. This is because of a lack of blood circulation in the heart and myocardial ischemia. Often patients over the age of 50 are exposed to extrinsic disorders due to the heart's organic changes, which implies their premature depression. The patient feels as if the heart is stopped.
In the treatment of extrasystrocya there are also instruments that extend coronary arteries, provide myocardial infarction, and eliminate heart failure. For this purpose, digitalis preparations, strontium, sedatives and tranquilizers are ordered. Novocaine amide muscle is 5-10 ml, lidocaine is 10 ml. In order to suppress extrasystrolia 3-4 times a day, 20-30 ml of 10% solution of potassium chloride is fed with fruit juices.
Paroxysmal tachycardia - atherosclerotic cardiac sclerosis, myocardial infarction, hypertension, sudden acceleration of heart rhythm, and a heart rate
reduction of up to 180-250 minutes per minute and suddenly falling into the origin. Disease is accompanied by heart attack attacks.
Old people suffer from these arrhythmias very hard. In these cases, sthphanthin, aymalin, novocaineamide, potassium chloride and xinide are administered in hospital. Flying pirates, fibrillation, are clinical deaths, leaving the heart bleeding. In retarded patients, electrical defibrillation may also occur.In geriatric patients, cardiac and coronary artery sclerotic changes are due to cardiac impairment, blockade. Abrasions, caffeine, belladonna and atropine are used in the treatment of blockades. When the rhythm of the abdomen is sharply reduced (less than 30), Adam-Stox-Morgan's syndrome begins, due to sharp bradycardia can cause blood circulation in the brain. Under the subcutaneous isadrin or ephedrine, acetate and corticosteroids, electrocardiostimulation.
The nurse should pay great attention to such patients and calm them.
1. Rajabova G. "Gerontology". -Tashkent, 2015
2. Ziyayeva M.F. Practice in Nursing Specialty standards". -T.,2001
6. Zalikina L. S. "General care of patients". "Abu Ali ibn al-Khattaab Sino". 1996.
UDK 61.614
Ubaydullayeva Dilfuza Djurabayevna
Ibragimova Xanifa Matkarimovna
Ferghana 1-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city FEATURES OF NURSING PATIENTS WITH INFECTIOUS DISEASES
Annotation: In this article described features of nursing patients with infectious
diseases and following periods.
Key words: nurse, patient, infectious diseases.
The concept of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases have been known since antiquity, they were called "fad", "plague diseases". This indicated their massive distribution.
The Latin word "infection" means "pollution." As a result of penetration of the pathogen into the human body, reproduction in it, as well as the release of exo-or endotoxins, the constancy of the internal environment is disturbed. The degree of violation determines the form of a specific infection detection, that is, its clinical manifestation.
Infectious diseases are a group of diseases that develop after pathogens enter the human body. With most of them, our immune system successfully deals on its own. But there are those for the victory over which the body's defenses need help. The place of penetration of microorganisms into the body is called the entrance gate of the infection. For each type of disease has its own entrance gate, for example,