UDK 611.08
Shodiyeva Dilnoza Mashrabovna
Yusupova Sevara Uktamovna
Ferghana 2-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city BODY TEMPERATURE AND ITS MEASURING
Annotation: In this article highlights of notion body temperature, forms, causes and
its measuring in help thermometer and features.
Key words: body temperature, thermometer, forms of temperature.
To quickly absorb the body temperature in the children's team now at the moment thermometer "Termotest" polymer plate, covered emulsion fluid crystals "N" will light up, if the temperature drops above 37 0C, the "F" will light up. In most patients, body temperature is measured by medical thermometers.
In patients over 2 times a day (7-9 hours) and before the last meal (17-19). It is not recommended to measure the temperature after eating. When measuring the body temperature, the thermometer is scattered under the culinary tissue, and if the patient is ill, it is scattered under both cults. In children, it is sometimes scarred in the area of the chin. Follow-up movements:
1. Thermometer is dried
2. It is believed that mercury is below the 35 0 C scale
3. Dry the sole of the skin with a dry cloth (the wet skin thermometer indicates inaccurate)
4. It is impossible to measure body temperature during local inflammation if undercooked hypertension is observed
5. Place the thermometer mercury tip on the bottom of the cortex, let it touch the skin (the patient should hold the thermometer in the shoulder with his shoulder)
6. Detach the thermometer after 10 minutes, and point it out
7. Strengthen the result of the individual and total temperature sheet
8. After thinning, wrap the thermometer (thermometer mercury column down) into the thermometer disinfectant solution.
Occasionally, body temperature is normal in the oral cavity or in the intestine. In the first case, the thermometer is bent under the tongue and the body is held lips. When exchanged by the colon, vaseline is removed and the articular joints are inserted into the urethra, which improves both lungs for fixation.
Fever is said to be adapted to the adaptation process in the body. This reaction is caused by increased body temperature in response to severe effects such as groin or tissue decomposition products, microbes and microbial pyrogen in their products, while on the other hand it stimulates bowel cells (neutrophils), in turn, produces their own pyrogen. These pyrogenes are actively fighting infection. Similarly, in response to a similar virus infection interferon is developed in the body, the production process requires a lot of power and does not warm up, and
when the body temperature is normal, the process ends. Pyrogenic substances are important in the fight against pathogens and germs of organisms, pulse, fever.
In severe cases fever falls in the function of neurogenic activity and functional and organic changes in the nervous system, and the functional irritation of the thermostat.
High fever cannot be effective for all organisms in a single disease, but may also have a bad effect. For fever-induced causes, fever and fever are noticeable. Tumors after fever are formed when the substance is exposed to droppings, when the substance falling into the body is deteriorated, when the central nervous system is damaged.
Fever can be detected by changing the shape .
Sub-normal (36-36 0C) normal (36 0C) and subfebrile (380C) temperatures, as well as febrile temperatures of up to 390S in 380S, exceeding 390C to 420C, and over 420C to 42.50C are considered as high fever, the temperature variation of the temperature during the day is different from the following types of fever.
1. Continuous fever is high over a long period of time, with a temperature less than 10 °C. Tetanus and sweating are characteristic of pneumonia.
2. Removable fever, for a long period of time, high temperature fluctuates at 1-1.500C.
3. Gectious-tinnitus fever is tempered at about 35 0C and characterized by a sharp decline. Repeatedly 2-3 times a day.
4. Temperature, which comes out at a time of overheating fever, is the high temperature during normal day, with moderate or low temperatures.
5. Frostbite fever is a fertile growth and gradually decelerates.
Recoverable fever - the normal temperature in a given period. Rhesidative
fever - the normalized temperature is raised for several days, up to the highest level.
Noteworthy fever - No explanation of temperature fluctuations.
Notorious fever is a temperature that is unusual for a particular illness. Undoubtedly, fever is higher than the morning sun temperature.
Caring for fever patients. The development of fever is characterized by three cycles: cooling, high temperatures and depression. Each of these periods has its own clinical course, and the specific features of care for the patients.
1. Temperature during pre-heating period prevails over warming. This period can last up to one hour, several days and even weeks. Patients are particularly vulnerable to rapid temperature burns, such as heating, warming, heating, drinking hot drinks (tea, coffee).
2. The increase in temperature when the temperature is higher than the concentration of heat in the upstream period is relative to the equilibrium. This period lasts from several hours to several weeks.
Occasionally, there is a risk of heat shedding. First of all, the metabolism is broken, fever increases, on the other hand due to diarrhea and diminished appetite decreases the nutritional value of the organism. The patient is so depressed that the temperature is high, how long it will be and how much it will change. Due to a
considerable downturn in the production of food, it often happens to give food 6-7 times a day, which means that the temperature drops significantly and even if the night is to be used. For every 20-30 minutes, the patient should be given little flu. It is recommended that vitamins S and A be added to the fluid as the need arises in the fever. For this reason, it is beneficial to drink juices from vegetables, fruits or vegetables, morsels, fruit smells, primarily tincture, milk, tea, and mineral water. Incomplete oxidation of the nervous system and microbial contamination usually result in dizziness, insomnia, rapid fatigue, and so on. But it is possible that it will go out of the mood, to the point of total disappearance, leave it empty, and even leave the window. It is important that staff be more attentive in caring for the patient. The patient should be separated from the other person as much as possible and should be cared for. The patient's bed is covered with a curtain on the side.
The healing of cardiovascular system and respiratory disturbances depends on temperature rise (proportionally decreasing arterial pressure, pulse and respiration acceleration). The increase in temperature by 1 degree causes the pulse to accelerate 8-10 times per minute (except for sweating and meningitis). The medical nurse should be able to identify the condition of the patient with his pulse and breath, and pay attention to it.
At the time of fever, the nurses first of all take care of the patient, physicochemical factors (chemicals such as ice bags, cold water, ventilator, etc.), chemicals (sprinkle with water, aracho water, cologne-water, etc.) and use fever-fighting drugs as a linoleum, to reduce fever.
3. During the decline of temperatures, the heat is reduced, and the heat loss decreases. Falling rapidly in just a few hours is called the lysis of the crisis, gradually decreasing for several days. Because of the acute deficit of most cardiovascular vessels, the patient is in a very serious condition when there is a decline in temperatures, especially when there is no help available. It may also be possible for a patient who is unable to sleep due to drop in temperature, with pulse or pulsating acceleration, if he or she does not sleep, and if the sleeping condition improves, the risk may be different. Falling rapidly and falling normally may lead to deterioration of the patient's condition. Patients complain about dysfunction, thirst, cold, and diarrhea. His skin reads, swells, sweats, sweat, and sweat.
Arterial pressure decreases, the pulse is fast and the small "abscess" breathing is fast and superficial. Protectors are expanding. Acute vascular deficiency - may cause collapse and may cause ulceration.
If the arterial pressure drops suddenly, it is the sequence of actions that should be taken, especially when the sharp body temperature drops.
1. Putting the patient's foot on the bed for 30-40 cm, removing the cushion from the head
2. Call the doctor promptly
3. Heat the burner on the heater, burn it down, give it a warm hot sweet tea.
4. At the doctor's recommendation, prepare the patient with the necessary drugs, give him 10% sulfokamforam, 10% caffeine benzoate
5. As the general condition improves, dry it increases. Replacement of clothing cloths.
If the temperature drops for several days, it will be said to be a lysical decline, which will slowly improve the patient's condition. 15 table diet is recommended.
1.Ahmedova D. Principles of the work of the Khamshirali, -T.2015.
2.Khujamberdiyev M.A., Mamasoliyev N.S., Muhitdinov R.U. Nursing Work - T., 2015.
UDK 611.1
Tillayeva Shoxista Zokirovna
Tojiboyeva Musharraf Madamin qizi
Rishton region medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city NURSE CARE IN THE MISCELLANEOUS DISEASES IN OLD PERSON
Annotation: In this article described nurse care in the miscellaneous diseases in old person.
Key words: atherosclerosis, antisclerotic agents, ischemic heart disease, stenocardia, myocardial infarction , arrhythmias.
Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic changes are the cornerstones of aging heart disease, which is one of the major problems of the geriatrics.
Atherosclerosis begins at age 45-59 and accelerates the aging of the body. Factors that develop the atherosclerosis include:
- The age and sex of the patient.
- Excessive cholesterol and lipoproteids in the blood.
- Increased arterial pressure.
- Smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Nutritional factors, obesity.
- It's a nervousness, a lot of excitement.
- Hereditary factors.
- Low traffic.
- Disorder of blood enthusiasm.
- Hyperlipoproteinemia is the main factor in the development of atherosclerosis. The most common symptoms of atherosclerosis include: aortic sclerosis, cardiosclerosis, sclerosis of the brain.
In order to prevent the atherosclerosis, it is necessary to deal with the factors causing it. In all patients over 40, cholesterol, triglyceride and lipoproteids are examined and atherosclerosis is detected. Patients are advised to change their eating habits and lifestyles that are not cholesterol.